998 resultados para branching process


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnol[ogico (CNPq)


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In dieser Arbeit wird eine Klasse von stochastischen Prozessen untersucht, die eine abstrakte Verzweigungseigenschaft besitzen. Die betrachteten Prozesse sind homogene Markov-Prozesse in stetiger Zeit mit Zuständen im mehrdimensionalen reellen Raum und dessen Ein-Punkt-Kompaktifizierung. Ausgehend von Minimalforderungen an die zugehörige Übergangsfunktion wird eine vollständige Charakterisierung der endlichdimensionalen Verteilungen mehrdimensionaler kontinuierlicher Verzweigungsprozesse vorgenommen. Mit Hilfe eines erweiterten Laplace-Kalküls wird gezeigt, dass jeder solche Prozess durch eine bestimmte spektral positive unendlich teilbare Verteilung eindeutig bestimmt ist. Umgekehrt wird nachgewiesen, dass zu jeder solchen unendlich teilbaren Verteilung ein zugehöriger Verzweigungsprozess konstruiert werden kann. Mit Hilfe der allgemeinen Theorie Markovscher Operatorhalbgruppen wird sichergestellt, dass jeder mehrdimensionale kontinuierliche Verzweigungsprozess eine Version mit Pfaden im Raum der cadlag-Funktionen besitzt. Ferner kann die (funktionale) schwache Konvergenz der Prozesse auf die vage Konvergenz der zugehörigen Charakterisierungen zurückgeführt werden. Hieraus folgen allgemeine Approximations- und Konvergenzsätze für die betrachtete Klasse von Prozessen. Diese allgemeinen Resultate werden auf die Unterklasse der sich verzweigenden Diffusionen angewendet. Es wird gezeigt, dass für diese Prozesse stets eine Version mit stetigen Pfaden existiert. Schließlich wird die allgemeinste Form der Fellerschen Diffusionsapproximation für mehrtypige Galton-Watson-Prozesse bewiesen.


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Im Verzweigungsprozess mit Immigration werden Schätzer für die erwartete Nachkommenzahl m eines Individuums und die erwartete Immigration λ pro Generation konstruiert. Sie sind nur aufgrund der beobachteten Populationsgröße einer jeden Generation konsistent, ohne Vorkenntnis darüber, ob der Prozess subkritisch (m<1), kritisch (m=1) oder superkritisch (m>1) ist. Im superkritischen Fall ist der Schätzer für λ jedoch nicht konsistent. Dies ist aber keine Einschränkung, denn es wird gezeigt, dass in diesem Fall kein konsistenter Schätzer für λ existiert. Des Weiteren werden Konvergenzgeschwindigkeit der Schätzer und asymptotische Verteilungen der Schätzfehler untersucht. Dabei werden die Fälle (m<1), (m>1) und (m=1) unterschieden, was gänzlich verschiedene Vorgehensweisen erfordert (Ergodizität, Martingalmethoden, Diffusionsapproximationen). Diese hier vorliegende Diplomarbeit orientiert sich an den Ideen und Ergebnissen von Wei und Winnicki (1989/90).


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The observation of high frequencies of certain inherited disorders in the population of Saguenay–Lac Saint Jean can be explained in terms of the variance and the correlation of effective family size (EFS) from one generation to the next. We have shown this effect by using the branching process approach with real demographic data. When variance of EFS is included in the model, despite its profound effect on mutant allele frequency, any mutant introduced in the population never reaches the known carrier frequencies (between 0.035 and 0.05). It is only when the EFS correlation between generations is introduced into the model that we can explain the rise of the mutant alleles. This correlation is described by a c parameter that reflects the dependency of children’s EFS on their parents’ EFS. The c parameter can be considered to reflect social transmission of demographic behavior. We show that such social transmission dramatically reduces the effective population size. This could explain particular distributions in allele frequencies and unusually high frequency of certain inherited disorders in some human populations.


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For taxonomic levels higher than species, the abundance distributions of the number of subtaxa per taxon tend to approximate power laws but often show strong deviations from such laws. Previously, these deviations were attributed to finite-time effects in a continuous-time branching process at the generic level. Instead, we describe herein a simple discrete branching process that generates the observed distributions and find that the distribution's deviation from power law form is not caused by disequilibration, but rather that it is time independent and determined by the evolutionary properties of the taxa of interest. Our model predicts—with no free parameters—the rank-frequency distribution of the number of families in fossil marine animal orders obtained from the fossil record. We find that near power law distributions are statistically almost inevitable for taxa higher than species. The branching model also sheds light on species-abundance patterns, as well as on links between evolutionary processes, self-organized criticality, and fractals.


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Darwin observed that multiple, lowly organized, rudimentary, or exaggerated structures show increased relative variability. However, the cellular basis for these laws has never been investigated. Some animals, such as the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, are famous for having organs that possess the same number of cells in all individuals, a property known as eutely. But for most multicellular creatures, the extent of cell number variability is unknown. Here we estimate variability in organ cell number for a variety of animals, plants, slime moulds, and volvocine algae. We find that the mean and variance in cell number obey a power law with an exponent of 2, comparable to Taylor's law in ecological processes. Relative cell number variability, as measured by the coefficient of variation, differs widely across taxa and tissues, but is generally independent of mean cell number among homologous tissues of closely related species. We show that the power law for cell number variability can be explained by stochastic branching process models based on the properties of cell lineages. We also identify taxa in which the precision of developmental control appears to have evolved. We propose that the scale independence of relative cell number variability is maintained by natural selection.


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The phylogeny of 123 complete envelope gene sequences was reconstructed in order to understand the evolution of tick- and mosquito-borne flaviviruses. An analysis of phylogenetic tree structure reveals a continual and asymmetric branching process in the tick-borne flaviviruses, compared with an explosive radiation in the last 200 years in viruses transmitted by mosquitoes. The distinction between these two viral groups probably reflects differences in modes of dispersal, propagation, and changes in the size of host populations. The most serious implication of this work is that growing human populations are being exposed to an expanding range of increasingly diverse viral strains.


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We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of bounded or summable solutions to systems of linear equations associated with Markov chains. This substantially extends a famous result of G. E. H. Reuter, which provides a convenient means of checking various uniqueness criteria for birth-death processes. Our result allows chains with much more general transition structures to be accommodated. One application is to give a new proof of an important result of M. F. Chen concerning upwardly skip-free processes. We then use our generalization of Reuter's lemma to prove new results for downwardly skip-free chains, such as the Markov branching process and several of its many generalizations. This permits us to establish uniqueness criteria for several models, including the general birth, death, and catastrophe process, extended branching processes, and asymptotic birth-death processes, the latter being neither upwardly skip-free nor downwardly skip-free.


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This thesis includes analysis of disordered spin ensembles corresponding to Exact Cover, a multi-access channel problem, and composite models combining sparse and dense interactions. The satisfiability problem in Exact Cover is addressed using a statistical analysis of a simple branch and bound algorithm. The algorithm can be formulated in the large system limit as a branching process, for which critical properties can be analysed. Far from the critical point a set of differential equations may be used to model the process, and these are solved by numerical integration and exact bounding methods. The multi-access channel problem is formulated as an equilibrium statistical physics problem for the case of bit transmission on a channel with power control and synchronisation. A sparse code division multiple access method is considered and the optimal detection properties are examined in typical case by use of the replica method, and compared to detection performance achieved by interactive decoding methods. These codes are found to have phenomena closely resembling the well-understood dense codes. The composite model is introduced as an abstraction of canonical sparse and dense disordered spin models. The model includes couplings due to both dense and sparse topologies simultaneously. The new type of codes are shown to outperform sparse and dense codes in some regimes both in optimal performance, and in performance achieved by iterative detection methods in finite systems.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60K15, 60K20, 60G20,60J75, 60J80, 60J85, 60-08, 90B15.


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This paper considers a stochastic SIR (susceptible-infective-removed) epidemic model in which individuals may make infectious contacts in two ways, both within 'households' (which for ease of exposition are assumed to have equal size) and along the edges of a random graph describing additional social contacts. Heuristically-motivated branching process approximations are described, which lead to a threshold parameter for the model and methods for calculating the probability of a major outbreak, given few initial infectives, and the expected proportion of the population who are ultimately infected by such a major outbreak. These approximate results are shown to be exact as the number of households tends to infinity by proving associated limit theorems. Moreover, simulation studies indicate that these asymptotic results provide good approximations for modestly-sized finite populations. The extension to unequal sized households is discussed briefly.


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This practice-based exegesis examines the field of writing interactive branching dialogues within video games from the perspective of a professional game writer. Leanne analyses both existing critically-acclaimed titles and her own personal works to create a taxonomy for critique that expands upon the current understanding of games as a literary medium. The final project of the exegesis purposely applies the elements of her new taxonomy in an ineffective manner, making explicit the outcomes and pitfalls of writing multi-layered, tiered dialogues and how tacit assumptions made during the writing process can negatively impact player agency.


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We demonstrate the phenomenon of self-organized criticality (SOC) in a simple random walk model described by a random walk of a myopic ant, i.e., a walker who can see only nearest neighbors. The ant acts on the underlying lattice aiming at uniform digging, i.e., reduction of the height profile of the surface but is unaffected by the underlying lattice. In one, two, and three dimensions we have explored this model and have obtained power laws in the time intervals between consecutive events of "digging." Being a simple random walk, the power laws in space translate to power laws in time. We also study the finite size scaling of asymptotic scale invariant process as well as dynamic scaling in this system. This model differs qualitatively from the cascade models of SOC.