938 resultados para books - reception


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OBJECTIVES Identifying the socioeconomic and cultural profile of users/readers of educational pamphlets, characterizing the context of the reading material and people involved; describing the user/reader evaluation on language and style used, as well as content range or limitations, and its characterization as an educational material in assisting users for meeting homecare demands. METHOD A reception, cross-sectional, qualitative study. 27 respondents who had received five educational pamphlets were interviewed on Oncology signs and symptoms during primary care consultations. RESULTS Study participants were adults, with average schooling of more than 10 years and low income. Pamphlets were assessed as appropriate for consistent language, quantity and quality of content, and especially in relation to the capacity of helping in the homecare decision making process. The importance of receiving pamphlets at the initial stage of the disease was verified. CONCLUSION Users acceptance was positive and the study revealed aspects that should be reinforced in the creation of educational pamphlets.


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Report of expenditures for DOT legislative reception held Jan. 24, 2008.


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This paper reviews two recent books on Political Economy by Allan Drazen and Torsten Persson and Guido Tabellini. It discusses some problems of the recent Political Economy literature.


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Form required by Iowa Code section 68B.22(4)(r) and submitted to the Secretary of the Senate and Chief Clerk of the House following the General Assembly Reception Jan. 28, 2009.


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Within the emerging policy debate on interculturalism we critically review two recent books in 2012: Bouchard’s L’interculturalisme: un point de vue quebecois, and Cantle’s Interculturalism: The New Era of Cohesion and Diversity. In my view, both contribute very directly to open a foundational debate on interculturalism. In addressing the point of convergence and the dividing lines of these two contributions, I will claim that in spite of having one core concept of interculturalism, there are, however, at least two basic conceptions that have to be interpreted in complementary ways: Bouchard’s essay represents the contractual strand, Cantle’s book the cohesion strand. At the end I would also suggest that these two strands do not manage to express explicitly that diversity can also be seen as a resource of innovation and creativity, and so can drive individual and social development. This view is based on the diversity advantage literature already informing most of the diversity debate in Europe and elsewhere. This is what I will call the constructivist strand. My ultimate purpose is to defend a comprehensive view, grounded on the argument that no one can have the sole authority to define intercultural policy, since the three strands can be applied at different moments, according to different purposes and policy needs. The challenge now is that policy managers be able to achieve a balance between these three policy drivers.


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Objectiu. Descriure el projecte Google books i analitzar-lo des de la perspectiva legal, tenint en compte els tres agents principals implicats: Google, els titulars de drets de propietat intel·lectual i les biblioteques. Metodologia. Anàlisi legal comparada (legislacions dels Estats Units, de França i d'Espanya) de les implicacions del projecte Google books sobre els drets de propietat intel·lectual i el dret de la competència. Estudi de les demandes plantejades contra Google als Estats Units i a Europa, aixícom les possibles conseqüències de l'acord de conciliació adoptat per Google i les associacionsd'autors i editors als Estats Units. Resultats. Google books ha suposat una infracció massiva de drets de propietat intel·lectual. Per determinar si els llibres d'una biblioteca han entrat en el domini públic o no, cal determinar prèviament quina llei nacional resulta aplicable a cada llibre. La posada a disposició a Google books d'obres descatalogades i tan sols fragments de llibres que es troben a la venda no pot dursea terme sense l'autorització dels titulars. En el cas de les obres òrfenes, l'explotació exigeixl'adopció de certes mesures prèvies per garantir els drets dels titulars, en cas que aquests arribina conèixer-se. L'acord de conciliació adoptat als Estats Units entre Google i les associacionsd'autors i editors pot implicar una posició de monopoli per part de Google en relació amb la venda dels llibres descatalogats i les obres òrfenes.


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Objetivos: Describir el proyecto Google books y analizarlo desde la perspectiva legal, teniendo en cuenta los tres agentes principales implicados en el mismo: Google, los titulares de derechos de propiedad intelectual y las bibliotecas. Metodología: Análisis legal comparado (legislaciones de Estados Unidos, Francia y España) de las implicaciones del proyecto Google books sobre los derechos de propiedad intelectual y el derecho de la competencia. Estudio de las demandas planteadas contra Google en Estados Unidos y en Europa, así como las posibles consecuencias del acuerdo de conciliación adoptado por Google y las asociaciones de autores y editores en Estados Unidos. Resultados: Google books ha supuesto una infracción masiva de derechos de propiedad intelectual. Para determinar si los libros que se encuentran en una biblioteca han entrado o no el dominio público, es preciso determinar previamente qué ley nacional resulta aplicable a cada libro. La puesta a disposición en Google books de obras descatalogadas y únicamente de fragmentos de libros que se encuentran a la venta no puede llevarse a cabo sin laautorización de los titulares. En el caso de las obras huérfanas, su explotación exige la adopción de ciertas medidas previas para garantizar los derechos de los titulares, en el caso de que estos lleguen a conocerse. El acuerdo de conciliación adoptado en Estados Unidos entre Google y las asociaciones de autores y editores puede implicar una posición de monopolio por parte de Google en relación a la venta de los libros descatalogados y de las obras huérfanas.


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To translate the Kinder- und Hausmärchen into French is to confront the spectre of Charles Perrault and his Histoires ou contes du temps passé. Avec des moralités, which have haunted the fairy-tale genre in France since the end of the 17th century. Celebrated for their alleged simplicity and naivety by literary critics and folklorists, Perrault's "contes" have become the paragon of a genre against which fairytales translated into French are implicitly? measured. On the one hand, Perrault has come to play an integrating role, linking foreign texts to the French literary heritage and thereby facilitating their reception. On the other hand, he is simultaneously used as a contrast, to emphasise the originality of foreign authors and emphasise cultural differences. Drawing on contemporary and 19th century examples emphasising the influence of the Histoires ou contes du temps passé on French translations of the KHM, I will show that the Grimms' fairy-tales are translated less in the "tongue of Molière" than in the "tongue of Perrault".