903 resultados para biomarkers of oxidative stress
The present study was designed to evaluate the time course changes in peripheral markers of oxidative stress in a chronic HgCl2 intoxication model. Twenty male adult Wistar rats were treated subcutaneously daily for 30 days and divided into two groups of 10 animals each: Hg, which received HgCl2 (0.16 mg kg-1 day-1), and control, receiving the same volume of saline solution. Blood was collected at the first, second and fourth weeks of Hg administration to evaluate lipid peroxidation (LPO), total radical trapping antioxidant potential (TRAP), and superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and catalase (CAT). HgCl2 administration induced a rise (by 26%) in LPO compared to control (143 ± 10 cps/mg hemoglobin) in the second week and no difference was found at the end of the treatment. At that time, GST and GPx were higher (14 and 24%, respectively) in the Hg group, and Cu,Zn-SOD was lower (54%) compared to control. At the end of the treatment, Cu,Zn-SOD and CAT were higher (43 and 10%, respectively) in the Hg group compared to control (4.6 ± 0.3 U/mg protein; 37 ± 0.9 pmol/mg protein, respectively). TRAP was lower (69%) in the first week compared to control (43.8 ± 1.9 mM Trolox). These data provide evidence that HgCl2 administration is accompanied by systemic oxidative damage in the initial phase of the process, which leads to adaptive changes in the antioxidant reserve, thus decreasing the oxidative injury at the end of 30 days of HgCl2 administration. These results suggest that a preventive treatment with antioxidants would help to avoid oxidative damage in subjects with chronic intoxication.
Des études antérieures ont démontré que le métabolisme de la rétine, son apport sanguin et sa consommation de l'oxygène sont plus élevés dans le noir (Riva C.E. et al. 1983, Wang L. et al. 1996, Tam B.M. and Moritz O.L. 2007). Les stimuli physiologiques jouent supposément un rôle important dans le développement des différents systèmes nerveux (Arthur W. Spira, David Parkinson 1991). La privation de la rétine de son stimulus physiologique, la lumière, est un moyen valable de démontrer la validité de ce concept. D'autres études ont affirmé que les injections de dichlorure de paraquat dans la cavité vitréenne causent une sévère rétinopathie (Rétinopathie induite par paraquat: RIP). Cette rétinopathie est provoquée par les dérivés réactifs de l'oxygène (DRO) générés par le paraquat (Cingolani C. et al. 2006, Lu L. et al. 2006). Le but de notre premier projet (''Dark rearing project'') était de déterminer si les conséquences nocives de l'hyperoxie postnatale chez les rats albinos SD pourraient être amoindries en élevant une portée de rats au noir. Nos résultats suggèrent qu'une augmentation du métabolisme de la rétine causée par la déprivation de lumière chez les ratons, pourrait protéger ou masquer certains effets néfastes de l'hyperoxie postnatale. Le but de notre deuxième étude (''Paraquat project'') était d'examiner les possibles points de similitude entre RIP et d'autres modèles de rétinopathies oxydatives étudiés présentement par notre équipe, à savoir: Rétinopathie induite par l'oxygène (RIO) et Rétinopathie induite par la lumière (RIL). Nos résultats suggèrent que l'injection de dichlorure de paraquat dans la cavité vitréenne cause des changements sévères de la fonction de la rétine, tandis que sa structure semble intacte. La sévérité de ces changements dépend inversement de la maturité de la rétine au moment de l'injection.
Glutamate excitotoxicity is implicated in the aetiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) with impairment of glutamate transport into astrocytes a possible cause of glutamate-induced injury to motor neurons. It is possible that mutations of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1), responsible for about 20% of familial ALS, down-regulates glutamate transporters via oxidative stress. We transfected primary mouse astrocytes to investigate the effect of the FALS-linked mutant hSOD1(G93A) and wild-type SOD1 (hSOD1(wt)) on the glutamate uptake system. Using western blotting, immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR it was shown that expression of either hSOD1(G93A) or hSOD1(wt) in astrocytes produced down-regulation of the levels of a glutamate transporter GLT-1, without alterations in its mRNA level. hSOD1(G93A) or hSOD1(wt) expression caused a decrease of the monomeric form of GLT-1 without increasing oxidative multimers of GLT-1. The effects were selective to GLT-1, since another glutamate transporter GLAST protein and mRNA levels were not altered. Reflecting the decrease in GLT-1 protein, [H-3]D-aspartate uptake was reduced in cultures expressing hSOD1(G93A) or hSOD1(wt). The hSOD1-induced decline in GLT-1 protein and [H-3]D-aspartate uptake was not blocked by the antioxidant Trolox nor potentiated by antioxidant depletion using catalase and glutathione peroxidase inhibitors. Measurement of 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein (DCF)-induced fluorescence revealed that expression of hSOD1(G93A) or hSOD1(wt) in astrocytes does not lead to detectable increase of intracellular reactive oxygen species. This study suggests that levels of GLT-1 protein in astrocytes are reduced rapidly by overexpression of hSOD1, and is due to a property shared between the wild-type and G93A mutant form, but does not involve the production of intracellular oxidative stress.
This study was aimed at determining whether an increase of 5 portions of fruits and vegetables in the form of soups and beverages has a beneficial effect on markers of oxidative stress and cardiovascular disease risk factors. The study was a single blind, randomized, controlled, crossover dietary intervention study. After a 2-wk run-in period with fish oil supplementation, which continued throughout the dietary intervention to increase oxidative stress, the volunteers consumed carotenoid-rich or control vegetable soups and beverages for 4 wk. After a 10-wk wash-out period, the volunteers repeated the above protocol, consuming the other intervention foods. Both test and control interventions significantly increased the % energy from carbohydrates and decreased dietary protein and vitamin B-12 intakes. Compared with the control treatment, consumption of the carotenoid-rich soups and beverages increased dietary carotenoids, vitamin C, alpha-tocopherol, potassium, and folate, and the plasma concentrations of alpha-carotene (362%), beta-carotene (250%) and lycopene (31%) (P < 0.01) and decreased the plasma homocysteine concentration by 8.8% (P < 0.01). The reduction in plasma homocysteine correlated weakly with the increase in dietary folate during the test intervention (r = -0.35, P = 0.04). The plasma antioxidant status and markers of oxidative stress were not affected by treatment. Consumption of fruit and vegetable soups and beverages makes a useful contribution to meeting dietary recommendations for fruit and vegetable consumption.
Iron is both an essential nutrient for the growth of microorganisms, as well as a dangerous metal due to its capacity to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) via the Fenton reaction. For these reasons, bacteria must tightly control the uptake and storage of iron in a manner that restricts the build-up of ROS. Therefore, it is not surprising to find that the control of iron homeostasis and responses to oxidative stress are coordinated. The mechanisms concerned with these processes, and the interactions involved, are the subject of this review.
Endogenous oxidative stress is a likely cause of cardiac myocyte death in vivo. We examined the early (0-2 h) changes in the proteome of isolated cardiac myocytes from neonatal rats exposed to H2O2 (0.1 mM), focussing on proteins with apparent molecular masses of between 20 and 30 kDa. Proteins were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DGE), located by silver-staining and identified by mass spectrometry. Incorporation of [35S]methionine or 32Pi was also studied. For selected proteins, transcript abundance was examined by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Of the 38 protein spots in the region, 23 were identified. Two families showed changes in 2DGE migration or abundance with H2O2 treatment: the peroxiredoxins and two small heat shock protein (Hsp) family members: heat shock 27 kDa protein 1 (Hsp25) and alphaB-crystallin. Peroxiredoxins shifted to lower pI values and this was probably attributable to 'over-oxidation' of active site Cys-residues. Hsp25 also shifted to lower pI values but this was attributable to phosphorylation. alphaB-crystallin migration was unchanged but its abundance decreased. Transcripts encoding peroxiredoxins 2 and 5 increased significantly. In addition, 10 further proteins were identified. For two (glutathione S-transferase pi, translationally-controlled tumour protein), we could not find any previous references indicating their occurrence in cardiac myocytes. We conclude that exposure of cardiac myocytes to oxidative stress causes post-translational modification in two protein families involved in cytoprotection. These changes may be potentially useful diagnostically. In the short term, oxidative stress causes few detectable changes in global protein abundance as assessed by silver-staining.
This study investigates the cardiac functioning in male Wistar rats after treatments with methionine and homocysteine thiolactone (HcyT). The rats were distributed into 3 groups and treated for 8 weeks. Group I was the control (CO) group, given water, group II was treated with methionine, and group III with HcyT (100 mg/kg). Morphometric and functional cardiac parameters were evaluated by echocardiography. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione S-transferase activities, chemiluminescence, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, and immunocontent were measured in the myocardium. Hyperhomocysteinemia was observed in rats submitted to the both treatments. The results showed diastolic function was compromised in HcyT group, seen by the increase of E/A (peak velocity of early (E) and late (A) diastolic filling) ratio, decrease in deceleration time of E wave and left ventricular isovolumic relaxation time. Myocardial performance index was increased in HcyT group and was found associated with increased SOD immunocontent. HcyT group demonstrated an increase in SOD, catalase, and glutatione S-transferase activity, and chemiluminescence and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. Overall, these results indicated that HcyT induces a cardiac dysfunction and could be associated with oxidative stress increase in the myocardium.
We imaged pores on the surface of the cell wall of three different industrial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using atomic force microscopy. The pores could be enlarged using 10 mM diamide, an SH residue oxidant that attacks surface proteins. We found that two strains showed signs of oxidative damage via changes in density and diameter of the surface pores. We found that the German strain was resistant to diamide induced oxidative damage, even when the concentration of the oxidant was increased to 50 mM. The normal pore size found on the cell walls of American strains had diameters of about 200nm. Under conditions of oxidative stress the diameters changed to 400nm.This method may prove to be a useful rapid screening process (45-60 min) to determine which strains are oxidative resistant, as well as being able to screen for groups of yeast that are sensitive to oxidative stress. This rapid screening tool may have direct applications in molecular biology (transference of the genes to inside of living cells) and biotechnology (biotransformations reactions to produce chiral synthons in organic chemistry.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the roles of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation in the ventricular remodeling that is induced by tobacco smoke exposure after myocardial infarction.METHODS: After induced myocardial infarction, rats were allocated into two groups: C (control, n=25) and ETS (exposed to tobacco smoke, n=24). After 6 months, survivors were submitted to echocardiogram and biochemical analyses.RESULTS: Rats in the ETS group showed higher diastolic (C = 1.52 +/- 0.4 mm(2), ETS = 1.95 +/- 0.4 mm(2); p=0.032) and systolic (C = 1.03 +/- 0.3, ETS = 1.36 +/- 0.4 mm(2)/g; p=0.049) ventricular areas, adjusted for body weight. The fractional area change was smaller in the ETS group (C = 30.3 +/- 10.1 %, ETS = 19.2 +/- 11.1 %; p=0.024) and E/A ratios were higher in ETS animals (C = 2.3 +/- 2.2, ETS = 5.1 +/- 2.5; p=0.037). ETS was also associated with a higher water percentage in the lung (C = 4.8 (4.3-4.8), ETS = 5.5 (5.3-5.6); p=0.013) as well as higher cardiac levels of reduced glutathione (C = 20.7 +/- 7.6 nmol/mg of protein, ETS = 40.7 +/- 12.7 nmol/mg of protein; p=0.037) and oxidized glutathione (C = 0.3 +/- 0.1 nmol/g of protein, ETS = 0.9 +/- 0.3 nmol/g of protein; p=0.008). No differences were observed in lipid hydroperoxide levels (C = 0.4 +/- 0.2 nmol/mg of tissue, ETS = 0.1 +/- 0.1 nmol/mg of tissue; p=0.08).CONCLUSION: In animals exposed to tobacco smoke, oxidative stress is associated with the intensification of ventricular re-remodeling after myocardial infarction.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Os distúrbios naturais nas florestas tropicais contribuem para heterogeneidade do habitat, alterando os padrões de distribuição das aves. Estas alterações no ambiente elevam o metabolismo, promovendo distúrbios no balanço redox, e em consequência o estresse oxidativo. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a abundância de Willisornis poecilinotus entre clareiras e sub-bosque de dossel intacto associando-a a altura da vegetação na Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã. A seguir, foi avaliado o estresse oxidativo e os fatores promotores de estresse foram determinados nos ambientes selecionados. Foram capturados 81 espécimes de W. poecilinotus. O número de capturas foi superior nas clareiras, quando comparado ao sub-bosque de dossel contínuo. Os espécimes capturados nas clareiras apresentaram índices de estresse oxidativo significativamente elevados. Foi observada correlação significativa entre os marcadores de estresse oxidativo nas clareiras. As variações do biomarcador de dano oxidativo e do estresse oxidativo foram explicadas somente pelo sítio de amostragem. Estes resultados sugerem que as clareiras são sítios de estímulos estressores para W. poecilinotus o que provavelmente resulta da maior demanda metabólica para novas estratégias de forrageio e para evitar a predação.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)