992 resultados para biblioteca universitária


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O contexto hodierno caracteriza-se como um panorama de uso contínuo de informação nas mais variadas esferas da sociedade. A informação é usada em diversos contextos sob vários formatos e isso se torna possível com a evolução tecnológica realizada em ritmo acelerado, sobretudo nos últimos dois séculos. Essa evolução trouxe consigo a possibilidade ampliada de acesso à informação, mas por outro lado, impôs desafios circunstanciais no seu tratamento e difusão. Nos diversos tipos de unidades de informação, faz-se necessária a adoção de estratégias para a melhoria do gerenciamento e desenvolvimento das coleções, sobretudo as coleções digitais. De tal modo, o trabalho visa a traçar um panorama ligado às questões relacionadas à comunicação cientifica com a bibliotecas universitárias, com vistas a ampliar o debate sobre o desenvolvimento digital de coleções de periódicos em bibliotecas universitárias, bem como aspectos relacionados à adoção de critérios de seleção e avaliação destes itens de informação. Aborda os casos específicos, como o do Portal Capes e o SciELO como coleções digitais de periódicos sujeitos a estratégias de desenvolvimento das coleções. Aponta opções para a melhoria da gestão da coleção digital em bibliotecas universitárias. A metodologia empregada foi a de pesquisa bibliográfica em uso de fontes eletrônicas e convencionais, bem como análise de critérios utilizados na Avaliação e Coleções para Bibliotecas Universitárias e o Indicadores Qualis pela Condenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoa de Ensino Superior (CAPES).


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A competência informacional dos profissionais bibliotecários que atuam como gestores das bibliotecas que compõem o Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal do Pará foi o objeto de estudo que se analisa nesta dissertação. Quais são as competências em informação requeridas aos bibliotecários que atuam como diretores junto às bibliotecas do Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal do Pará? Quais dessas competências já fazem parte do cotidiano de trabalho e quais precisam ser desenvolvidas por esses gestores? Foram as questões que nortearam esta dissertação. A pesquisa foi alicerçada em procedimentos conjugando abordagens quantitativas e qualitativas, conduzidos, primeiramente, por um estudo exploratório, utilizando um questionário com perguntas dirigidas a esses profissionais – bibliotecários e gestores. Ouviu-se cinco desses bibliotecários, escolhidos de acordo com a representatividade e estágio de desenvolvimento dessas bibliotecas, utilizando nesse momento a metodologia da História de vida. Os dados obtidos e sua análise permitiram conhecer quem são esses bibliotecários gestores, as competências que assumem possuir, seu perfil, suas dificuldades mais recorrentes suas funções e trabalhos, que desenvolvem e quais os recursos ou práticas que utilizam para se capacitarem e se manterem atualizados no exercício do cargo e da profissão. Os resultados da pesquisa confirmam a ausência de uma preparação, por menor que seja para o exercício de funções gerenciais de bibliotecas e apontam para a necessidade de se criar programas de formação de competência informacional voltado para esses profissionais e dessa maneira suprir as lacunas hoje existentes.


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The indexing is a kind of description whose aim is to establish concepts expressed in a document and representing them according to a documentary language. There are elements that can contribute to a more complete selection of terms that will represent the document, like the observation of its textual structure and the context where the indexing professional acts. The analysis of the book textual structure can be carried out in a way that facilitates the indexing, as the professional can foresee the parts of the text where he localizes and identifies the more representative terms of the textual content. In such a way, it is intended to comprehend and inquire, with the applying of Verbal Protocol, the use that São Paulo libraries indexers do from the textual structure during the determination of subjects in such a way as to obtain the disclosure of their procedures, difficulties and restrictions through the externalization of thoughts during the recording of the indexing task. From the data analysis, it was possible to find out that the right hand page, the back of the title page, the chapters and other parts of the book s structure provided the greater number of terms, becoming the most important ones for the indexing task.


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In the context of university libraries, the optimization and streamlining of services and processes related to informational content indexing and retrieval are strongly influenced by the indexing policy adopted. This article is aimed at researching the indexing policy elements that are more suitable for medical university libraries. To achieve our objective, we applied three instruments: organizational culture analysis, individual verbal protocol and evaluation of indexing. Results emphasize the importance of developing an indexing policy to improve the processes and services offered by university libraries, as well as the retrieval of information by the user community. More studies are necessary in the medical area involvoving catalogers, experts, users and managers for the development of the indexing manual.


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It is assumed as a sociocultural approach to contemporary theories necessary to scientific Information Science, considering that information should be treated from the observance of its context of enunciation, situations and purposes, involving all social actors. In this sense, it is the prerogative of the individual knowledge is socially conditioned and therefore it becomes necessary to investigate the knowledge of professionals who directly or indirectly influence the products generated in the thematic treatment of information in context of university libraries. To do so, it explores the discursive community of thematic treatment information from the institutional and social interaction through structured interview. The results revealed the need of Information Science advance the establishment of studies that surround issues involving human action from the social reality in order to enhance the theoretical concepts and methodological thematic treatment of information in context of university libraries.


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The indexing policy must be represented by means of a philosophy that reflects the system's aims. One of the aspects concerning the indexing policy is relating to the data retrospective conversion. The general aim is to discuss and make a profound study on indexing policy guidelines and to analyze the elements to set up an indexing policy, that should direct the indexing procedures carried out in university libraries using the methodology of verbal protocol. The results demonstrate that the indexing policy serves as a support for the knowledge organization in the catalog, acting as a guide for the librarian when determining the subjects of the documents described in the records. It is concluded that the indexing only will be carried out in the university library during the documentary information treatment by means of a well determined policy.


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In relation to the changes that mark the trajectory of libraries catalogs, this paper aims to describe the challenges that go beyond the current status of librarians, in relation to use of the on-line catalog as the main tool storage and retrieval of documentary information. Using literature specialized is intended to contribute to the discussion of the topic, in order to understand the challenges and prospects of using this important tool for search and information retrieval.


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This study reports part of a broader research about information behavior of graduate students in Education. The research´s participants were nine masters and doctoral students from a graduate program in Education at a public university. The focus group technique was used to collect the data. The focus group sessions were observed and recorded. The recorded data were transcribed, categorized and then analyzed using the technique of content analysis. The main aspects achieved were: i) Identification’s forms of information resources for research; ii) Internet as source of information; iii) Academic Library’s services and resources use; iv) Training to use of electronic data base; v) Difficulties to perform the search; vi) Advisor’s influence on research development; and vii) Environmental factors that affect information seeking behavior. The main results reveal that the identification of information sources occurs, mainly, through references quoted on studies of the researched area; as well as the advisors’ influence in the information seeking behavior of the participants. The results, also, disclose some environmental aspects, as example, lack of time to search and discomfort caused by the libraries’ environment that influenced negatively the information behavior of the studied group.


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This study aimed to verify the partial information literacy of librarianship undergraduates with regard to ethical and legal issues related to the use of information and compare with the standards of ACRL (2000). To this end, we applied an electronic questionnaire with 230 students from fifteen schools of Library science in southeastern Brazil. From the results it was realized that the standardization of reference, participants showed a performance below expectations, possibly compromising the recovery of a document by others. In the other questions that addressed issues regarding copyright and intellectual property, the majority of participants have shown that knowledge, behaviors and attitudes appropriate in relation to this aspect.


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We evaluated the indexing process, to identify the conceptions of subject analysis used in the procedures adopted by catalogers in university libraries. It was concluded that more attention should be given to adoption of approaches content-oriented and requirementsoriented conceptions of subject analysis and use of indexing language compatible with the needs of representation and information of indexers and users of collective catalogues of academic libraries.


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The use of indexing language in university libraries collective catalogs and the socio-cognitive context of indexing and users were evaluated. The methodology consisted of a diagnostic study elaboration of the functioning and treatment procedures of the indexing information from nine libraries of the UNESP Network, representing the Civil Engineering, Pedagogy and Dentistry areas from a data collection using the Verbal Protocol introspective technique in the Individual and Group forms. The study conducted a reflection upon the statements issued by the seventy-two participating individuals whose the results revealed unsatisfactory results about the use of the Subject Headings List of the BIBLIODATA Network, indexing language utilizing by the UNESP Libraries Network, Brazil, in the representation and in the information retrieval process in the ATHENA catalog, about the sequent aspects of the language: lack of specialized vocabulary as well as updated; lack of remissives and of specific headings, and others. We have concluded that the adequate use of indexing languages of specialized scientific areas becomes by means of evaluation as to updating, specificity and compatibility in order to meet the needs of indexing and information retrieval.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Knowledge Management represents a new vision of management of organizations, since information and knowledge are the main factors of competitiveness, today, of individuals, organizations and nations. The university plays a key role alongside with government and industry in the generation of technological innovations that can help the society progress, and the University Library is an important disseminator of scientific information. The main challenges of organizations involved in Knowledge Management are concentrated in the management of cultural and behavioral changes of its human resources and in creating an environment conducive to create, use and share information and knowledge. Within this context the question arises: How do University Libraries in Brazil and Portugal employ people management and knowledge management in order to improve the quality of its services and the productivity of their institutions? To answer it we developed a descriptive-analytic research, using the method of comparative study, analyzing 69 organizations. According to the survey results, the people management issues were the worst assessed in relation to other aspects of Knowledge Management, showing a weak dissemination of these practices in the University Libraries of Brazil and Portugal and the great need for initiatives to help develop them.


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Sistemas de gestão desenvolvidos para a web, a partir de metadados, permitem manutenção eficiente de grandes quantidades de informação. Um vocabulário controlado como o utilizado pelo Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da USP (SIBi/USP) necessita de atualização contínua realizada através de uma rede colaborativa com a participação de bibliotecários indexadores de todas as áreas do conhecimento. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados obtidos com o sistema de gestão desenvolvido pelo Grupo de Gerenciamento para a manutenção do Vocabulário Controlado do SIBi/USP. O fluxo deste sistema consiste em filtros de validação realizados pelos componentes do Grupo de Gerenciamento do Vocabulário. A metodologia de gestão do Vocabulário possui além deste sistema, uma política de governança. Os resultados obtidos nos seis anos desde a ativação do sistema de gestão pela Base de Sugestões consistiram em: 1192 inclusões de descritores, 240 alterações, 61 exclusões, totalizando 1493 operações. A gestão e o controle de qualidade do Vocabulário permitiram o aprimoramento do tratamento e da recuperação da informação no Banco de Dados Bibliográficos da USP – DEDALUS.