986 resultados para analisi numerica solai sezione mista


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In order to protect river water quality, highly affected in urban areas by continuos as intermittent immissions, it is necessary to adopt measures to intercept and treat these polluted flows. In particular during rain events, river water quality is affected by CSOs activation. Built in order to protect the sewer system and the WWTP by increased flows due to heavy rains, CSOs divert excess flows to the receiving water body. On the basis of several scientific papers, and of direct evidences as well, that demonstrate the detrimental effect of CSOs discharges, also the legislative framework moved towards a stream standard point of view. The WFD (EU/69/2000) sets new goals for receiving water quality, and groundwater as well, through an integrated immission/emissions phylosophy, in which emission limits are associated with effluent standards, based on the receiving water characteristics and their specific use. For surface waters the objective is that of a “good” ecological and chemical quality status. A surface water is defined as of good ecological quality if there is only slight departure from the biological community that would be expected in conditions of minimal anthropogenic impact. Each Member State authority is responsible for preparing and implementing a River Basin Management Plan to achieve the good ecological quality, and comply with WFD requirements. In order to cope with WFD targets, and thus to improve urban receiving water quality, a CSOs control strategy need to be implemented. Temporarily storing the overflow (or at least part of it) into tanks and treating it in the WWTP, after the end of the storm, showed good results in reducing total pollutant mass spilled into the receiving river. Italian State Authority, in order to comply with WFD statements, sets general framework, and each Region has to adopt a Water Remediation Plan (PTA, Piano Tutela Acque), setting goals, methods, and terms, to improve river water quality. Emilia Romagna PTA sets 25% reduction up to 2008, and 50% reduction up to 2015 fo total pollutants masses delivered by CSOs spills. In order to plan remediation actions, a deep insight into spills dynamics is thus of great importance. The present thesis tries to understand spills dynamics through a numerical and an experimental approach. A four months monitoring and sampling campaign was set on the Bologna sewer network, and on the Navile Channel, that is the WWTP receiving water , and that receives flows from up to 28 CSOs during rain events. On the other hand, the full model of the sewer network, was build with the commercial software InfoWorks CS. The model was either calibrated with the data from the monitoring and sampling campaign. Through further model simulations interdependencies among masses spilled, rain characteristics and basin characteristics are looked for. The thesis can be seen as a basis for further insighs and for planning remediation actions.


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Questa tesi si propone di indagare l'impatto di alcuni scenari di sviluppo aeroportuale legati alla prevista implementazione di un sistema di trasporto APM - People Mover, in termini di performance del terminal passeggeri dell'Aeroporto `G.Marconi' di Bologna, per fornire soluzioni efficaci alla mobilità. Il background teorico è rappresentato dai risultati ottenuti dalla ricerca sperimentale e ormai acquisiti dalla trattazione classica per code markoviane avanzate (bulk queus), mentre il metodo messo a punto, del tutto generale,parte dagli arrivi schedulati e attraverso una serie di considerazioni econometriche costruisce una serie di scenari differenti,implementati poi attraverso la simulazione dinamica con l'utilizzo del software ARENA. Le principali grandezze di stato descrittive dei processi modellizzati ottenute in output vengono confrontate e valutate nel complesso, fornendo in prima approssimazione previsioni sull'efficacia del sistema previsto. Da ultimo, vengono proposti e confrontati i due approcci forniti tanto dalla manualistica di settore quanto da contributi di ricerca per arrivare a definire un dimensionamento di massima di strutture per la mobilità (una passerella di collegamento del terminal alla stazione APM) e una verifica della piattaforma per l'attesa ad essa contigua.