976 resultados para algebraic lattice


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This is an update of an earlier paper, and is written for Excel 2007. A series of Excel 2007 models is described. The more advanced versions allow solution of f(x)=0 by examining change of sign of function values. The function is graphed and change of sign easily detected by a change of colour. Relevant features of Excel 2007 used are Names, Scatter Chart and Conditional Formatting. Several sample Excel 2007 models are available for download, and the paper is intended to be used as a lesson plan for students having some familiarity with derivatives. For comparison and reference purposes, the paper also presents a brief outline of several common equation-solving strategies as an Appendix.


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A newspaper numbers game based on simple arithmetic relationships is discussed. Its potential to give students of elementary algebra practice in semi-ad hoc reasoning and to build general arithmetic reasoning skills is explored.


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This paper presents algebraic attacks on SOBER-t32 and SOBER-t16 without stuttering. For unstuttered SOBER-t32, two different attacks are implemented. In the first attack, we obtain multivariate equations of degree 10. Then, an algebraic attack is developed using a collection of output bits whose relation to the initial state of the LFSR can be described by low-degree equations. The resulting system of equations contains 2^69 equations and monomials, which can be solved using the Gaussian elimination with the complexity of 2^196.5. For the second attack, we build a multivariate equation of degree 14. We focus on the property of the equation that the monomials which are combined with output bit are linear. By applying the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm, we can obtain a system of linear equations and the initial states of the LFSR can be recovered. The complexity of attack is around O(2^100) with 2^92 keystream observations. The second algebraic attack is applicable to SOBER-t16 without stuttering. The attack takes around O(2^85) CPU clocks with 2^78 keystream observations.


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We consider the problem of increasing the threshold parameter of a secret-sharing scheme after the setup (share distribution) phase, without further communication between the dealer and the shareholders. Previous solutions to this problem require one to start off with a non-standard scheme designed specifically for this purpose, or to have secure channels between shareholders. In contrast, we show how to increase the threshold parameter of the standard CRT secret-sharing scheme without secure channels between the shareholders. Our method can thus be applied to existing CRT schemes even if they were set up without consideration to future threshold increases. Our method is a positive cryptographic application for lattice reduction algorithms, and we also use techniques from lattice theory (geometry of numbers) to prove statements about the correctness and information-theoretic security of our constructions.


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We consider the problem of increasing the threshold parameter of a secret-sharing scheme after the setup (share distribution) phase, without further communication between the dealer and the shareholders. Previous solutions to this problem require one to start off with a non-standard scheme designed specifically for this purpose, or to have communication between shareholders. In contrast, we show how to increase the threshold parameter of the standard Shamir secret-sharing scheme without communication between the shareholders. Our technique can thus be applied to existing Shamir schemes even if they were set up without consideration to future threshold increases. Our method is a new positive cryptographic application for lattice reduction algorithms, inspired by recent work on lattice-based list decoding of Reed-Solomon codes with noise bounded in the Lee norm. We use fundamental results from the theory of lattices (Geometry of Numbers) to prove quantitative statements about the information-theoretic security of our construction. These lattice-based security proof techniques may be of independent interest.


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Algebraic immunity AI(f) defined for a boolean function f measures the resistance of the function against algebraic attacks. Currently known algorithms for computing the optimal annihilator of f and AI(f) are inefficient. This work consists of two parts. In the first part, we extend the concept of algebraic immunity. In particular, we argue that a function f may be replaced by another boolean function f^c called the algebraic complement of f. This motivates us to examine AI(f ^c ). We define the extended algebraic immunity of f as AI *(f)= min {AI(f), AI(f^c )}. We prove that 0≤AI(f)–AI *(f)≤1. Since AI(f)–AI *(f)= 1 holds for a large number of cases, the difference between AI(f) and AI *(f) cannot be ignored in algebraic attacks. In the second part, we link boolean functions to hypergraphs so that we can apply known results in hypergraph theory to boolean functions. This not only allows us to find annihilators in a fast and simple way but also provides a good estimation of the upper bound on AI *(f).


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Micrometre-sized MgB2 crystals of varying quality, synthesized at low temperature and autogeneous pressure, are compared using a combination of Raman and Infra-Red (IR) spectroscopy. These data, which include new peak positions in both spectroscopies for high quality MgB2, are interpreted using DFT calculations on phonon behaviour for symmetry-related structures. Raman and IR activity additional to that predicted by point group analyses of the P6/mmm symmetry are detected. These additional peaks, as well as the overall shapes of calculated phonon dispersion (PD) models are explained by assuming a double super-lattice, consistent with a lower symmetry structure for MgB2. A 2x super-lattice in the c-direction allows a simple correlation of the pair breaking energy and the superconducting gap by activation of corresponding acoustic frequencies. A consistent physical interpretation of these spectra is obtained when the position of a phonon anomaly defines a super-lattice modulation in the a-b plane.


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We investigate the terminating concept of BKZ reduction first introduced by Hanrot et al. [Crypto'11] and make extensive experiments to predict the number of tours necessary to obtain the best possible trade off between reduction time and quality. Then, we improve Buchmann and Lindner's result [Indocrypt'09] to find sub-lattice collision in SWIFFT. We illustrate that further improvement in time is possible through special setting of SWIFFT parameters and also through the combination of different reduction parameters adaptively. Our contribution also include a probabilistic simulation approach top-up deterministic simulation described by Chen and Nguyen [Asiacrypt'11] that can able to predict the Gram-Schmidt norms more accurately for large block sizes.


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In order to understand the role of translational modes in the orientational relaxation in dense dipolar liquids, we have carried out a computer ''experiment'' where a random dipolar lattice was generated by quenching only the translational motion of the molecules of an equilibrated dipolar liquid. The lattice so generated was orientationally disordered and positionally random. The detailed study of orientational relaxation in this random dipolar lattice revealed interesting differences from those of the corresponding dipolar liquid. In particular, we found that the relaxation of the collective orientational correlation functions at the intermediate wave numbers was markedly slower at the long times for the random lattice than that of the liquid. This verified the important role of the translational modes in this regime, as predicted recently by the molecular theories. The single-particle orientational correlation functions of the random lattice also decayed significantly slowly at long times, compared to those of the dipolar liquid.


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Computation of the dependency basis is the fundamental step in solving the implication problem for MVDs in relational database theory. We examine this problem from an algebraic perspective. We introduce the notion of the inference basis of a set M of MVDs and show that it contains the maximum information about the logical consequences of M. We propose the notion of an MVD-lattice and develop an algebraic characterization of the inference basis using simple notions from lattice theory. We also establish several properties of MVD-lattices related to the implication problem. Founded on our characterization, we synthesize efficient algorithms for (a) computing the inference basis of a given set M of MVDs; (b) computing the dependency basis of a given attribute set w.r.t. M; and (c) solving the implication problem for MVDs. Finally, we show that our results naturally extend to incorporate FDs also in a way that enables the solution of the implication problem for both FDs and MVDs put together.


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Lithium ammonium sulphate (LAS) undergoes a phase transition at TC1=459.5K from a paraelectric phase (phase I) to a ferroelectric phase (phase II) and again at TC2=283K to a polar ferroelastic phase (phase III). Proton spin lattice relaxation time measured at 10 MHz in powdered LAS in the temperature range 480 to 77K shows discontinuous changes at the two transitions.


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We show that the algebraic intersection number of Scott and Swarup for splittings of free groups Coincides With the geometric intersection number for the sphere complex of the connected sum of copies of S-2 x S-1. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An input-output, frequency-domain characterization of decentralized fixed modes is given in this paper, using only standard block-diagram algebra, well-known determinantal expansions and the Binet-Cauchy formula.


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A lattice-gas model of multilayer adsorption has been solved in the mean-field approximation by a different numerical method. Earlier workers obtained a single solution for all values of temperature and pressure. In the present work, multiple solutions have been obtained in certain regions of temperature and pressure which give rise to bysteresis in the adsorption isotherm. In addition, we have obtained a parameter which behaves like an order parameter for the transition. The potential-energy function shows a double minimum in the region of bysteresis and a single maximum elsewhere.


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In certain molecular models, and related one-dimensional field theories, localized objects appear with half-integral expectation values of charge. We consider whether these states are eigenstates of charge, with half-integral eigenvalue. We find that it is indeed so for a suitably diffuse definition of the charge operator in question. This diffuse charge operator has a spectrum which approaches a continuum. The analysis is made on a lattice, to avoid divergence ambiguities, and on a finite length, which is only subsequently made large. The half-integral charge phenomenon is not tied to solitons, but can also arise as an end effect.