862 resultados para aggression, moral disengagement, attitudes, group dynamics, collective sport


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As medical technology has advanced, so too have our attitudes towards the level of control we can expect to hold over our procreative capacities. This creates a multi-dimensional problem for the law in terms of access to services which prevent conception, access to services which terminate a pregnancy and recompensing those whose choices to avoid procreating are frustrated. These developments go to the heart of our perception of autonomy. In order to evaluate these three issues in relation to reproductive autonomy, I set out to investigate how the Gewirthian theory of ethical rationalism can be used to understanding the intersection between law, rights, and autonomy. As such, I assert that it is because of agents’ ability to engage in practical reason that the concept of legal enterprise should be grounded in rationality. Therefore, any attempt to understand notions of autonomy must be based on the categorical imperative derived from the Principle of Generic Consistency (PGC). As a result, I claim that (a) a theory of legal rights must be framed around the indirect application of the PGC and (b) a model of autonomy must account for the limitations drawn by the rational exercise of reason. This requires support for institutional policies which genuinely uphold the rights of agents. In so doing, a greater level of respect for and protection of reproductive autonomy is possible. This exhibits the full conceptual metamorphosis of the PGC from a rational moral principle, through an ethical collective principle, a constitutional principle of legal reason, a basis for rights discourse, and to a model of autonomy. Consequently, the law must be reformed to reflect the rights of agents in these situations and develop an approach which demonstrates a meaningful respect of autonomy. I suggest that this requires rights of access to services, rights to reparation and duties on the State to empower productive agency.


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Sports tourism has received growing attention in academic research over the past two decades (Weed and Bull, 2009, Gibson, 2005) but greater understanding of the consumer is needed, particularly the factors influencing decisions to include sport as part of a leisure trip. This paper provides, through a focus on the sport of golf, insight into the characteristics of the sports tourist and how sports tourist behaviours influence the selection of locations deemed suitable for sports participation. This qualitative research employs a grounded theory methodology, underpinned by a constructivist epistemology, to evaluate twenty-six in-depth interviews with golf tourists. The findings propose a model which explains the relationship between golf tourist behaviours and destination selection. This identifies six strands which determine the relationship between the golf tourist, golf behaviours and destination selection (constructing the golf holiday, emotional rewards of taking a trip, total trip spend, amenities and support facilities, course characteristics and reputation of the destination). Furthermore it illuminates the complexity of these relationships through recognition of four spheres of influence (group dynamics, competition and ability, golfing capital and intermediaries). Discussion elucidates how this increased understanding of the golf tourist behaviours and destination selection might be applied to other sports, with conclusions exploring implications for the sports tourism industry and destinations.


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Este relatório reflete o trabalho desenvolvido no estágio de creche e de jardim-de-infância, de modo a concluir o Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar. Numa primeira fase é feita a caraterização dos contextos socioeducativos e a sua influência na minha intervenção. Através de uma análise reflexiva sobre as intenções para a ação pedagógica, identifiquei um aspeto que considerei mais significativo, a inclusão de uma criança com necessidades educativas especiais (NEE), que decidi estudar mais aprofundadamente. O meu estudo centra-se nas atitudes e opiniões dos pares ao terem uma criança com NEE no grupo. Assim, no jardim-de-infância apliquei um teste sociométrico em abril, e após um momento de intervenção que privilegiou a inclusão social da criança com NEE no grupo, apliquei novamente o mesmo teste sociométrico em julho. Desde modo, foi possível perceber e analisar as alterações nas dinâmicas sociais do grupo.


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A fundamental problem in biology is understanding how and why things group together. Collective behavior is observed on all organismic levels - from cells and slime molds, to swarms of insects, flocks of birds, and schooling fish, and in mammals, including humans. The long-term goal of this research is to understand the functions and mechanisms underlying collective behavior in groups. This dissertation focuses on shoaling (aggregating) fish. Shoaling behaviors in fish confer foraging and anti-predator benefits through social cues from other individuals in the group. However, it is not fully understood what information individuals receive from one another or how this information is propagated throughout a group. It is also not fully understood how the environmental conditions and perturbations affect group behaviors. The specific research objective of this dissertation is to gain a better understanding of how certain social and environmental factors affect group behaviors in fish. I focus on two ecologically relevant decision-making behaviors: (i) rheotaxis, or orientation with respect to a flow, and (ii) startle response, a rapid response to a perceived threat. By integrating behavioral and engineering paradigms, I detail specifics of behavior in giant danio Devario aequipinnatus (McClelland 1893), and numerically analyze mathematical models that may be extended to group behavior for fish in general, and potentially other groups of animals as well. These models that predict behavior data, as well as generate additional, testable hypotheses. One of the primary goals of neuroethology is to study an organism's behavior in the context of evolution and ecology. Here, I focus on studying ecologically relevant behaviors in giant danio in order to better understand collective behavior in fish. The experiments in this dissertation provide contributions to fish ecology, collective behavior, and biologically-inspired robotics.


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O presente estudo subordinado ao tema “A influência da Ansiedade nas Competências dos Alunos da Academia Militar: Estudo de caso dos Exercício Finais - Leão 15”, tem como principal finalidade identificar e quantificar a influência da ansiedade nas competências de liderança dos Cadetes-Alunos da Academia Militar. Contribuindo assim, para o reconhecimento das competências influenciadas pela ansiedade e a sua perceção no desempenho, mais propriamente na Informação Comportamental do Aluno. No estudo foi implementado um inquérito constituído por algumas questões de caráter sociodemográfico, um questionário de competências de liderança e um questionário de medição de ansiedade – STAI. Foi aplicado a um grupo de 165 Cadetes-Alunos da Academia, sendo 95 do 4º Ano Escolar e 80 do 1º Ano Escolar. De salientar que este inquérito foi realizado duas vezes: antes e depois do Exercício Leão 15. Com base nas respostas dadas, criou-se uma base de dados em Microsoft Excel, à qual se acrescentaram as notas de Informação Comportamental dos Aluno, e procedeu-se ao seu tratamento e análise estatística, com recurso ao Statistical Package for Social Sciences. (SPSS) Dos resultados obtidos identificaram-se várias diferenças significativas entre os níveis de ansiedade e as competências de liderança, relativamente ao género, ano escolar, curso, ao desporto mais praticado e ao período em análise do Exercício Leão 15 das quais se realçam: o género feminino revelou maior índice de ansiedade no período anterior ao Exercício; o 1ºAno Escolar revelou maior índice de ansiedade estado em ambos os períodos; o curso de EXE-Engenharias revelou maior ansiedade estado e ansiedade traço no período antes do Exercício e os alunos que praticam mais frequentemente desporto coletivo revelam maior Ansiedade Estado no período depois do Exercício Leão 15. Assinalaram-se ainda correlações significativas entre a ansiedade, as competências de liderança e a nota da Informação Comportamental dos Aluno com valores mais elevados nas seguintes: “trabalho de equipa e coesão”; “flexibilidade e adaptabilidade”; “autocontrolo” e “influência e referência”. Com o objetivo de procurar identificar e quantificar as competências mais influenciadas pela ansiedade, concluiu-se que as médias de ansiedade como variável preditora é maior nas competências: “flexibilidade e adaptabilidade”, “capacidade de resolver problemas”, “reconhecimento, feedback positivo e valorização”, “aptidão técnico profissional”, “gestão de conflitos e negociação”, “transparência”, “comunicação assertiva”, “comunicação” e “relações interpessoais”.


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Abstract : The goal of this study was to determine whether providing videos for students to watch before class would be more effective than assigning readings. The study took place within a flipped classroom: a methodology designed to engage students in the initial construction of knowledge before class, freeing up classroom time for active learning pedagogies. Preparing for class by watching videos should require less of the students’ time than doing readings, and they should respond better to videos than to readings because these more closely mimic this generation’s interactions with information and media. Consequently, flipped classroom students provided with videos should perceive a lower workload, which could translate into more positive learning outcomes. From an instructor’s perspective, however, developing and organizing videos is extremely time consuming. Thus, a teacher giving consideration to flipping their class would likely want to know whether videos would lead to positive outcomes for their students before actually committing to developing these. However, no research to date was identified which has examined the question of whether flipped class videos would be more effective than readings. The hypotheses for the study were that videos would result in measurable learning gains for the students, and would lead to lower time demands and perceived workloads, as well as more positive attitudes. These were tested using a quasi-experimental design involving a convenience sample of two small college General Biology 1 courses taught by the same teacher. One group had videos to watch before class for the first 1/3 of the course (treatment; Class A), during which the other was assigned readings (control; Class B). Following this, both groups were provided with videos. Student scores were compared on pre-instruction and in-class quizzes, activities, four unit tests, and a final exam. Further, students completed a 44 item survey as well as a demographic questionnaire. Results suggest greater learning gains for students provided with videos. Certainly, students from Class B improved significantly when provided with videos, especially as compared to Class A, whose improvement over the same time span was marginal. However, conclusions based on these results are somewhat tentative, as Class A performed rather poorly on all summative assessments, and this could have driven the patterns observed, at least partially. From the surveys, Class B students reported that they spent more time preparing for class, were less likely to do the necessary preparations, and generally perceived their effort and workload levels to be higher. These factors were significant enough that they contributed to four students from Class B (10% of the class) dropping the course over the semester. In addition, students from both groups also reported more positive attitudes towards videos than readings, although they did not necessarily feel that videos were (or would be) a more effective study and learning tool. The results of this study suggest that any effort on the part of an instructor to prepare or organize videos as pre-class instructional tools would likely be well spent. However, even outside of the context of a flipped classroom, this study provides an indication that assigned readings can place heavy workload requirements on students, which should give cause for any instructor employing mandatory readings to reassess their approach. Finally, since both groups were statistically equivalent across all measured demographic variables, it appears that some of the observed disparities in assessment scores may have been driven by differences in group dynamics. Consequently, the suggestion is made that an instrument to measure classroom climate should be incorporated into any research design comparing two or more interacting groups of students, as group dynamics have the potential to play a key role in any outcomes.||Résumé : L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer si fournir des vidéos aux étudiants avant une classe serait plus efficace comme méthode d’apprentissage individuel que de leur donner une liste de lectures à compléter. L'étude a eu lieu dans une classe renversée – une stratégie plus reconnu sous le nom de «classroom flipping» – ce qui ce trouve à être une méthodologie qui vise à obliger les élèves d’accomplir le transfert de connaissances initial avant la classe, en vue de libérer du temps de classe pour des activités pédagogiques plus approfondie. En théorie, pour les élèves, se préparer pour une classe renversé en regardant des vidéos devrait exiger moins de temps que d’être obligé à apprendre le matériel en lisant. En plus, présenter le matériel d’un cours avec des vidéos imite de plus près les genres d’interactions qu’on les étudiants de cette génération avec de l'information et les médias, ce qui devrait faciliter leur tâche. Par conséquent, les élèves d’une classe renversée fournies avec des vidéos devraient percevoir une charge de travail moins élevée, et ceci pourrait se traduire en bilans d'apprentissage plus positifs. Cependant, du point de vue du professeur, avoir à développer et organiser des vidéos se présente comme un gros défi, surtout en vue du temps et de l’effort qui sont requis. Ainsi, un enseignant qui songe à renversée sa classe voudrait probablement savoir si le fait d’offrir des vidéos mène à des résultats positifs avant de réellement s'engager dans le développement de ces derniers. Par contre, lors de l’écriture de ce texte, aucune étude n’a été identifié qui répond à cette question, et aucune publication compare la performance des étudiants lorsqu’ils ont des vidéos à regarder avec lorsqu’ils sont obligés de faire de la lecture pour se préparer. Alors, les hypothèses de l'étude étaient que des étudiants ayant accès à des vidéos démontreraient des gains d’apprentissages évidents, qu’ils apercevraient des requêtes de temps moins encombrantes et une charge de travail plus faible, et, en vue de ces derniers, que les étudiants auraient des attitudes plus positives envers le cours et le matériel. Les hypothèses ont été testés à l'aide d'un modèle quasi-expérimental, avec comme échantillon deux classes collégiales de Biologie générale 1, tout les deux enseignés par le même professeur. Un de ces groupes avaient accès à des vidéos pour se préparer pour chaque classe lors du premier tiers du cours, alors que l’autre groupe étaient obligé de faire de la lecture. Après le premier tiers du cours, ce qui fut 10 des 30 classes du semestre, les deux groupes ont été fournis avec des vidéos pour le restant du cours. Des notes ont été ramassées et comparées sur des mini-examens préparatoires avant et durant les classes, sur des activités complétées en classe, sur quatre examens en classe, et un examen final. En outre, les étudiants ont rempli un questionnaire composé de 44 items, ainsi qu’un autre questionnaire démographique. Les résultats de l’étude suggèrent qu’une décision d’offrir des vidéos aux élèves peut mener à des gains d'apprentissage plus élevés comparativement à l’option lecture. En particulier, les élèves du groupe initial de lecture se sont considérablement améliorées lorsqu'ils ont été fournis avec des vidéos, surtout par rapport au groupe initial de vidéos, dont l’amélioration durant la même période était marginale. Cependant, ces conclusions sont un peu incertaines, parce que la performance du groupe initial de vidéos était globalement médiocre, ce qui aurait pu mener aux résultats observés. Par contre, les résultats obtenus des questionnaires étaient moins incertains, et indiquent que les élèves qui se sont vues attribués des lectures passaient plus de temps pour préparer leurs classes, étaient plus aptes à ne pas faire les préparatifs nécessaires, et ont aperçus leurs niveaux d'efforts et leurs charges de travails comme étant plus élevés. Ces facteurs étaient suffisamment importants qu'ils ont contribué au fait que quatre étudiants du groupe de lecture, soit 10% de la classe, ont abandonnés le cours durant le premier tiers du semestre. Finalement, les élèves ont démontrés des attitudes plus positives envers les vidéos, bien qu'ils ne trouvaient pas nécessairement que ceux-ci étaient plus efficaces que les lectures lorsqu’ils voulaient étudier pour les examens. Basé sur ces résultats, il est possible de conclure que tout effort de la part d'un instructeur pour préparer ou organiser des vidéos pédagogiques serait probablement un bon investissement. En plus, et même en dehors du contexte d'une classe renversée, cette étude offre une indication qu’une stratégie pédagogique qui oblige les étudiants à faire beaucoup de lecture peut imposer des exigences et une charge de travail très élevée pour les étudiants, ce qui devrait donner cause à tout instructeur qui attribue des lectures à réévaluer leur approche. Enfin, puisque les deux groupes étaient équivalents d’un point de vue statistique sur toutes les mesures démographiques, il semble que certaines disparités entre les deux groupes dans les notes d'évaluation et d’examens peuvent possiblement avoir été entraînées par des différentes dynamiques dans chaque group. Par conséquent, il est suggéré que des mesures de relations entre étudiants et de dynamiques de groupes devraient être incorporé dans n’importe qu’elle recherche comparant deux ou plusieurs groupes d’étudiants, et surtout quand ces étudiants sont en interaction, parce-que en toute apparence les dynamiques de groupes ont le potentiel de jouer un rôle clé dans les résultats obtenus.


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La presente investigación pretende determinar la influencia de la transferencia de voto en los resultados de los distintos niveles de elección, nacional y territorial, del Partido de La U en Córdoba y Sucre entre 2010 y 2015. Se analiza cómo la construcción de redes y alianzas electorales entre los caciques de región y los candidatos da paso a la formación de potentes clanes políticos, capaces de movilizar al electorado más allá del partidismo o de la política personalista. Así, a través del análisis comparado de los resultados electorales, el trabajo de archivo y la cartografía electoral, se estudian las estructuras de poder propias de dos departamentos en los que la política es el resultado de competencias o acuerdos entre familias políticas, que utilizan las elecciones como herramienta para establecer dinámicas de grupos que le dan sentido al sistema político local.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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O artigo discute a relação entre escolas e famílias no contexto da educação infantil por meio da análise de reuniões de pais. Fundamenta-se em um estudo de caso qualitativo sobre 11 reuniões, realizadas em duas escolas municipais de educação infantil paulistanas. Foram analisados os diferentes modos de gestão pelo professor, segundo três aspectos: forma (pauta), conteúdo (temas), dinâmica (relações entre professor e pais). Os resultados indicaram modos de gestão que dificultam a participação dos pais e descaracterizam os objetivos das reuniões: forma desorganizada e rígida; conteúdo burocrático e comportamental; dinâmica fragmentada e centralizada. Ao mesmo tempo, identificaram-se indicadores que favorecem a construção de uma relação mais cooperativa durante as reuniões, correspondentes aos modos de gestão: forma compartilhada, conteúdo educacional e dinâmica coletiva. Os autores destacam a necessidade de registro e de avaliação coletiva das reuniões de pais, visando à articulação com o projeto pedagógico, o currículo e a dimensão didática


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This book recognizes the importance of cooperative learning, in contrast to the traditional classroom, as an effective approach to learning. Its coverage of the subject ranges across the educational spectrum, from pre-school years to university, and offers a fresh perspective on a topic that has gained increasing interest worldwide. With contributions from an international panel of leading experts in the field, this engaging text succeeds in providing key insights, linking the theories that underpin the study of group dynamics to their practical application in the classroom. It presents a comprehensive overview of this alternative educative approach, illustrating how cooperative learning experiences can promote socialisation and friendships, and facilitate learning. The editors assemble a range of well-researched essays, covering such aspects as: * The importance of teacher and student interaction * Small group, virtual and non-virtual teaching environments * Assessment practices for measuring the outcomes of individual and group progress * The effect of cooperative learning on relationships amongst students with diverse cultural, social and learning needs. Illustrated with practical examples throughout, this book will be a crucial read for teacher educators, educational psychologists, student teachers, academics and researchers who want to realize the significant potential of cooperative learning in all educational settings.


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Activity rhythms in animal groups arise both from external changes in the environment, as well as from internal group dynamics. These cycles are reminiscent of physical and chemical systems with quasiperiodic and even chaotic behavior resulting from “autocatalytic” mechanisms. We use nonlinear differential equations to model how the coupling between the self-excitatory interactions of individuals and external forcing can produce four different types of activity rhythms: quasiperiodic, chaotic, phase locked, and displaying over or under shooting. At the transition between quasiperiodic and chaotic regimes, activity cycles are asymmetrical, with rapid activity increases and slower decreases and a phase shift between external forcing and activity. We find similar activity patterns in ant colonies in response to varying temperature during the day. Thus foraging ants operate in a region of quasiperiodicity close to a cascade of transitions leading to chaos. The model suggests that a wide range of temporal structures and irregularities seen in the activity of animal and human groups might be accounted for by the coupling between collectively generated internal clocks and external forcings.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia na área de especialização de Psicologia das Organizações apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário


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The present study is a qualitative analysis of the tensions that occur in cross-functional teams (CFTs) and the way in which they can affect the teams' accomplishments. The research is focused on a single case, COHTTEC 2005, a program aimed at transforming new technologies into businesses that took place in Lisbon, Portugal, starting March 2005. In this program, participants were organized in cross-functional teams that included researchers and management students. Semi-structured interviews were made to a sample of 17 participants. These interviews were recorded and transcribed. A table was then elaborated based on the primary data provided by the subjects and these data were classified in different categories. A three-stage model of group dynamics is proposed. The major findings of this project point to the role of interpersonal relationships on group outcomes. More specifically, several patterns associated with team malfunction were uncovered, the clearest ones being autocratic decision-making and arrogant behavior from some team members, as well as escalation in relationship conflict. Implications from these results are discussed, both for future research and for practice.


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Digitalisation, globalisation, and evolving customer demands are only a few of the factors that are bound to transform the business process services industry for CBS. By investigating new ways to address these imminent challenges, this thesis explores the feasibility of implementing a formal approach to ideation to complement CBS’ service innovation practice. Two workshops were therefore conducted to put theory into action by generating new service ideas in a multifunctional team. Applying both divergent and convergent ideation techniques revealed that the latter improved an idea’s novelty and creativity as opposed to the expected increase in workability and relevance. Additionally, further analysis sheds light into the potential influence of individual characteristics and group dynamics on creativity. The thesis concludes with a discussion on the organisational implications of the findings and recommendations for future research.