993 resultados para adhesion forces


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Direct measurements of the force between two molecularly smooth mica sheets immersed in cyclohexane show not a monotonic van der Waals attraction, but an oscillatory function of distance, where the spacing between successive minima corresponds to the molecular diameter of cyclohexane. As surface separation increases the oscillations become less pronounced, and beyond 5 nm (typically seven or eight oscillations) they are no longer detected. These results accord with theoretical ideas on structural forces resulting from the inhomogeneous arrangement of molecules of the liquid near the solid surface. In n-octane the force law does not show the same pronounced oscillations, except at very small separations where repulsive barriers are found. These are attributed to the difficulty of removing the last layers of adsorbed molecules of the liquid from the mica surfaces, and they reduce the mice-mica adhesion significantly. Small amounts of water in the hydrocarbon liquids condense to form a bridge between the surfaces at small separations, causing a very strong adhesion between them. Some implications of these results for the stability of colloids in organic media are discussed.


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The surface forces apparatus (SFA) has been used for many years to measure the physical forces between surfaces, such as van der Waals (including Casimir) and electrostatic forces in vapors and liquids, adhesion and capillary forces, forces due to surface and liquid structure (e.g. solvation and hydration forces), polymer, steric and hydrophobic interactions, bio-specific interactions as well as friction and lubrication forces. Here we describe recent developments in the SFA technique, specifically the SFA 2000, its simplicity of operation and its extension into new areas of measurement of both static and dynamic forces as well as both normal and lateral (shear and friction) forces. The main reason for the greater simplicity of the SFA 2000 is that it operates on one central simple-cantilever spring to generate both coarse and fine motions over a total range of seven orders of magnitude (from millimeters to ångstroms). In addition, the SFA 2000 is more spacious and modulated so that new attachments and extra parts can easily be fitted for performing more extended types of experiments (e.g. extended strain friction experiments and higher rate dynamic experiments) as well as traditionally non-SFA type experiments (e.g. scanning probe microscopy and atomic force microscopy) and for studying different types of systems.


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The 3.0-Å structure of a 190-residue fragment of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1, CD54) reveals two tandem Ig-superfamily (IgSF) domains. Each of two independent molecules dimerizes identically with a symmetry-related molecule over a hydrophobic interface on the BED sheet of domain 1, in agreement with dimerization of ICAM-1 on the cell surface. The residues that bind to the integrin LFA-1 are well oriented for bivalent binding in the dimer, with the critical Glu-34 residues pointing away from each other on the periphery. Residues that bind to rhinovirus are in the flexible BC and FG loops at the tip of domain 1, and these and the upper half of domain 1 are well exposed in the dimer for docking to virus. By contrast, a residue important for binding to Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes is in the dimer interface. The presence of A′ strands in both domains 1 and 2, conserved hydrogen bonds at domain junctions, and elaborate hydrogen bond networks around the key integrin binding residues in domain 1 make these domains suited to resist tensile forces during adhesive interactions. A subdivision of the intermediate (I) set of IgSF domains is proposed in which domain 1 of ICAM-1 and previously described I set domains belong to the I1 set and domain 2 of ICAM-1, ICAM-2, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 belong to the I2 set.


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The surface force apparatus was used to measure directly the molecular forces between streptavidin and lipid bilayers displaying grafted Mr 2,000 poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). These measurements provide direct evidence for the formation of relatively strong attractive forces between PEG and protein. At low compressive loads, the forces were repulsive, but they became attractive when the proteins were pressed into the polymer layer at higher loads. The adhesion was sufficiently robust that separation of the streptavidin and PEG uprooted anchored polymer from the supporting membrane. These interactions altered the properties of the grafted chains. After the onset of the attraction, the polymer continued to bind protein for several hours. The changes were not due to protein denaturation. These data demonstrate directly that the biological activity of PEG is not due solely to properties of simple polymers such as the excluded volume. It is also coupled to the competitive interactions between solvent and other materials such as proteins for the chain segments and to the ability of this material to adopt higher order intrachain structures.


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Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) mediate cell attachment and stress transfer through extracellular domains. Here we forcibly unfold the Ig domains of a prototypical Ig superfamily CAM that contains intradomain disulfide bonds. The Ig domains of all such CAMs have conformations homologous to cadherin extracellular domains, titin Ig-type domains, and fibronectin type-III (FNIII) domains. Atomic force microscopy has been used to extend the five Ig domains of Mel-CAM (melanoma CAM)—a protein that is overexpressed in metastatic melanomas—under conditions where the disulfide bonds were either left intact or disrupted through reduction. Under physiological conditions where intradomain disulfide bonds are intact, partial unfolding was observed at forces far smaller than those reported previously for either titin's Ig-type domains or tenascin's FNIII domains. This partial unfolding under low force may be an important mechanism for imparting elasticity to cell–cell contacts, as well as a regulatory mechanism for adhesive interactions. Under reducing conditions, Mel-CAM's Ig domains were found to fully unfold through a partially folded state and at slightly higher forces. The results suggest that, in divergent evolution of all such domains, stabilization imparted by disulfide bonds relaxes requirements for strong, noncovalent, folded-state interactions.


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New devices were designed to generate a localized mechanical vibration of flexible gels where human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were cultured. The stimulation setups were able to apply relatively large strains (30%~50%) at high temporal frequencies (140~207 Hz) in a localized subcellular region. One of the advantages of this technique was to be less invasive to the innate cellular functions because there was no direct contact between the stimulating probe and the cell body. A mechanical vibration induced by the device in the substrate gel where cells were seeded could mainly cause global calcium responses of the cells. This global response was initiated by the influx of calcium across the stretch-activated channels in the plasma membrane. The subsequent production of inositol triphosphate (IP3) via phospholipase C (PLC) activation triggered the calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to cause a global intracellular calcium fluctuation over the whole cell body. This global calcium response was also shown to depend on actomyosin contractility and F-actin integrity, probably controlling the membrane stretch-activated channels. The localized nature of the stimulation is one of the most important features of these new designs as it allowed the observation of the calcium signaling propagation by ER calcium release. The next step was to focus on the calcium influx, more specifically the TRPM7 channels. As TRPM7 expression may modulate cell adhesion, an adhesion assay was developed and tested on HUVECs seeded on gel substrates with different treatments: normal treatment on gels showed highest attachment rate, followed by the partially treated gels (only 5% of usual fibronectin amount) and untreated gels, with the lowest attachment rate. The trend of the attachment rates correlated to the magnitude of the calcium signaling observed after mechanical stimulation. TRPM7 expression inhibition by siRNA caused an increased attachment rate when compared to both control and non-targeting siRNA-treated cells, but resulted in an actual weaker response in terms of calcium signaling. It suggests that TRPM7 channels are indeed important for the calcium signaling in response to mechanical stimulation. A complementary study was also conducted consisting in the mechanical stimulation of a dissected Drosophila embryo. Although ionomycin treatment showed calcium influx in the tissue, the mechanical stimulation delivered as a vertical vibration did not elicited calcium signaling in response. One possible reason is the dissection procedure causing desensitization of the tissue due to the scrapings and manipulations to open the embryo.


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Concerns about the environment and increasing awareness about sustainability issues are driving the push for developing new materials that incorporate renewable sustainable resources. Th is has resulted in the use of natural fi bers for developing natural fi ber-reinforced polymer composites (NFRPCs). A fundamental understanding of the fi ber-fi ber and fi ber-matrix interface is critical to the design and manufacture of polymer composite materials because stress transfer between load-bearing fi bers can occur at the both of these interfaces. Effi cient stress transfer from the matrix to the fi ber will result in polymer composites exhibiting suitable mechanical and thermal performance. Th e development of new techniques has facilitated a better understanding of the governing forces that occur at the interface between matrix and natural fi ber. Th e use of surfacemodification is seen as a critical processing parameter for developing new materials, and plasma-based modifi cation techniques are gaining more prominence from an environmental point of view, as well as a practical approach.


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This paper traces the history of store (retailer-controlled) and national (manufacture controlled)brands; identifies the key historical characteristics of the past 200 years of marketing history;describes the four main time periods of U.S. retail marketing (1800 - 2000); and comments on the most likely developments within the current phases of brand marketing. Will the future focus on technology and new forms of communications? The Internet exemplifies an unconventional retailing environment, with etailer numbers growing rapidly. The central proposition of this paper is that a "cycle of control" - a pattern of marketing developments within the history of retailing and national marketing communications - Can indicate the success of marketing strategies in the future.


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In many cases, construction projects do not achieve the objectives that the project participants set for them. If participants could better understand how their project is performing overall, at various stages of its delivery, then the opportunities to achieve project success would almost certainly be greater. This paper documents a method of assessing the status of a project, at a point in its design or construction phase, or after completion. The status is assessed in terms of up to seven (7) key success factors. Any evidence of less than adequate performance in these performance areas is scrutinised to seek out the root causes of why this situation is happening. Using these identified root causes of under performance, general suggestions can then be made as to how to return the project to good health. A software package that assists in assessing the status of the project has been developed. The package is currently being calibrated before commercial release.


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Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is the most common form of spinal deformity in paediatrics, prevalent in approximately 2-4% of the general population. While it is a complex three-dimensional deformity, it is clinically characterised by an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. The treatment for severe deformity is surgical correction with the use of structural implants. Anterior single rod correction employs a solid rod connected to the anterior spine via vertebral body screws. Correction is achieved by applying compression between adjacent vertebral body screws, before locking each screw onto the rod. Biomechanical complication rates have been reported as high as 20.8%, and include rod breakage, screw pull-out and loss of correction. Currently, the corrective forces applied to the spine are unknown. These forces are important variables to consider in understanding the biomechanics of scoliosis correction. The purpose of this study was to measure these forces intra-operatively during anterior single rod AIS correction.


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To enhance and regulate cell affinity for poly (l-lactic acid) (PLLA) based materials, two hydrophilic ligands, poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG) and poly (l-lysine) (PLL), were used to develop triblock copolymers: methoxy-terminated poly (ethylene glycol)-block-poly (l-lactide)-block-poly (l-lysine) (MPEG-b-PLLA-b-PLL) in order to regulate protein absorption and cell adhesion. Bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) were cultured on different composition of MPEG-b-PLLA-b-PLL copolymer films to determine the effect of modified polymer surfaces on BMSC attachment. To understand the molecular mechanism governing the initial cell adhesion on difference polymer surfaces, the mRNA expression of 84 human extracellular matrix (ECM) and adhesion molecules was analysed using quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). It was found that down regulation of adhesion molecules was responsible for the impaired BMSC attachment on PLLA surface. MPEG-b-PLLA-b-PLL copolymer films improved significantly the cell adhesion and cytoskeleton expression by upregulation of relevant molecule genes significantly. Six adhesion genes (CDH1, ITGL, NCAM1, SGCE, COL16A1, and LAMA3) were most significantly influenced by the modified PLLA surfaces. In summary, polymer surfaces altered adhesion molecule gene expression of BMSCs, which consequently regulated cell initial attachment on modified PLLA surfaces.