989 resultados para acoustic properties


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Another Proof of the Preceding Theory was produced as part of a residency run by Artists in Archeology in conjunction with the Stonehenge Riverside project. The film explores the relationship between science, work and ritual, imagining archaeology as a future cult. As two robed disciples stray off from the dig, they are drawn to the drone of the stones and proceed to play the henge like a gigantic Theremin. Just as a Theremin is played with the hand interfering in an electric circuit and producing sound without contact, so the stones respond to the choreographed bodily proximity. Finally, one of the two continues alone to the avenue at Avebury, where the magnetic pull of the stones reaches its climax. Shot on VHS, the film features a score by Zuzushi Monkey, with percussion and theremin sounds mirroring the action. The performers are mostly artists and archeologists from the art and archaeology teams. The archeologists were encouraged to perform their normal work in the robes, in an attempt to explore the meeting points of science and ritual and interrogate our relationship to an ultimately unknowable prehistoric past where activities we do not understand are relegated to the realm of religion. Stonehenge has unique acoustic properties, it’s large sarsen stones are finely worked on the inside, left rough on the outside, intensifying sound waves within the inner horseshoe, but since their real use, having been built over centuries, remains ambiguous, the film proposes that our attempts to decode them may themselves become encoded in their cumulative meaning for future researchers.


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Porous materials are now becoming attractive to researchers interested in both scientific and industrial applications due to their unique combinations of physical, mechanical, thermal, electrical and acoustic properties in conjunction with excellent energy absorption characteristics. Metallic foams allow efficient conversion of impact energy into deformation work, which has led to increasing applications in energy absorption devices. In particular, foams made of aluminum and its alloys are of special interest because they can be used as lightweight panels, for energy absorption in crash situations and sound or heat absorbing functions in the automotive industry with the aim to reduce weight to improve crashworthiness, safety and comfort.


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Tonewood for musical instruments is quarter-sawn and frequently quality-graded based on visual appearance, mechanical and acoustic properties. The assessment uses simple human (subjective) observation, and two ‘‘experts’’ can rate the same sample differently. This paper describes the application of integral transforms (Fourier and Radon) for automatic (objective) assessment of the visual appearance of 10 Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) sample images. This work considers surface classification on the basis of grain orientation, count, spacing, and evenness or uniformity.


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The use of gypsum, one of the oldest building materials for the construction industry in the country has been experiencing a significant and steady growth, due to its low cost and some of its properties that confer comparative advantage over other binder materials. Its use comprises various applications including the coating of walls and the production of internal seals and linings. Moreover, the fibers are being increasingly incorporated into arrays fragile in an attempt to improve the properties of the composite by reducing the number of cracks, the opening of the same and its propagation velocity. Other properties, depending on the function of the component material or construction, among these thermal and acoustic performances, are of great importance in the context of buildings and could be improved, that is, having better performance with this embodiment. Conduct a comparative study of physico-mechanical, thermal and acoustic composite gypsum incorporating dry coconut fiber, in the form of blanket, constituted the main objective of this work. Improving the thermal and acoustic performances of precast gypsum, used for lining and internal vertical fences of buildings, was the purpose of development of these composites. To evaluate the effect of fiber content on the properties of the composites were used to manufacture the composite layer with different thicknesses. The composites were fabricated in the form of plates with dimensions of 500x500x24mm. To facilitate the comparative study of the properties were also made with material gypsum boards only. We then determined the physico-mechanical, thermal and acoustical plaster and composites. The results indicated that the composites were significant gains in relation to thermal performance and also acoustic, in certain frequency range, increasing the thickness of the blanket. Concerning other physical-mechanical properties, the results showed that although the compressive strength was lower than for the composite did not occur after a fracture catastrophic failure. The same trend was observed with regard to resistance to bending, since the composites have not suffered sudden rupture and still continued after the load supporting point of maximum load


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Anelastic spectroscopy (internal friction and the dynamic modulus) was measured by means of a torsion pendulum at 3-12 Hz, in the range of 100-300 K, for a KAP metaphosphate glass. Two thermally activated internal friction peaks appeared at ∼190 and ∼250 K. These peaks were attributed to the behavior of potassium ions (high temperature) and to hydrogen (low temperature). Dynamic modulus showed a gradual decrease with increasing temperature in the range studied for all compositions. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE


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Ultrasound is the term that describes the sound waves with higher frequencies than human hearing. Ultrasound used in medical diagnosis is a modality based on the use of sound energy and the acoustic properties of the various parts of the body to produce images of stationary and moving tissues. However, despite the ease of use and security that this modality offers for not using ionizing radiation, one should ensure the accuracy and optimum performance of the equipment, which results in precise diagnoses. To accomplish that, periodic quality control tests must be performed, which include: physical and mechanical inspection of the equipment, image uniformity, depth of penetration/visualization, accuracy of distances, axial and lateral resolution, dead zone and doppler sensitivity. This work intends to study a computerized method for calculating the depth of penetration of ultrasound, comparing it to the observerdependent method currently used. The images were collected during the quality control tests of ultrasound equipment. The results of the comparison between the visual and computerized methods were not conclusive for selecting the safest methodology for obtaining the depth of visualization


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Distribution, accumulation and diagenesis of surficial sediments in coastal and continental shelf systems follow complex chains of localized processes and form deposits of great spatial variability. Given the environmental and economic relevance of ocean margins, there is growing need for innovative geophysical exploration methods to characterize seafloor sediments by more than acoustic properties. A newly conceptualized benthic profiling and data processing approach based on controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) imaging permits to coevally quantify the magnetic susceptibility and the electric conductivity of shallow marine deposits. The two physical properties differ fundamentally insofar as magnetic susceptibility mostly assesses solid particle characteristics such as terrigenous or iron mineral content, redox state and contamination level, while electric conductivity primarily relates to the fluid-filled pore space and detects salinity, porosity and grain-size variations. We develop and validate a layered half-space inversion algorithm for submarine multifrequency CSEM with concentric sensor configuration. Guided by results of modeling, we modified a commercial land CSEM sensor for submarine application, which was mounted into a nonconductive and nonmagnetic bottom-towed sled. This benthic EM profiler Neridis II achieves 25 soundings/second at 3-4 knots over continuous profiles of up to hundred kilometers. Magnetic susceptibility is determined from the 75 Hz in-phase response (90% signal originates from the top 50 cm), while electric conductivity is derived from the 5 kHz out-of-phase (quadrature) component (90% signal from the top 92 cm). Exemplary survey data from the north-west Iberian margin underline the excellent sensitivity, functionality and robustness of the system in littoral (~0-50 m) and neritic (~50-300 m) environments. Susceptibility vs. porosity cross-plots successfully identify known lithofacies units and their transitions. All presently available data indicate an eminent potential of CSEM profiling for assessing the complex distribution of shallow marine surficial sediments and for revealing climatic, hydrodynamic, diagenetic and anthropogenic factors governing their formation.


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The mineralogy of both bulk- and clay-sized (<2 µm) fractions of sediments from Holes 842A and 842B of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 136 was determined by X-ray diffraction. The sediments consist of a combination of terrigenous (quartz, plagioclase, smectite, illite, kaolinite, and chlorite), volcaniclastic (augite, plagioclase, and volcanic glass), and diagenetic minerals (smectite, phillipsite, clinoptilolite, and opal-CT). Although biogenic silica (radiolarians and diatoms) is common in near-seafloor (<10 mbsf) sediments, biogenic calcite is rare. Variations with depth in abundances of the terrigenous minerals reflect temporal changes in the flux of eolian material to the site. Volcanogenic material derived from the Hawaiian Islands is present in lithologic Unit 1 (0-19.9 meters below seafloor) both as discrete layers and as finely disseminated silt- and clay-sized material. Volcanic glass is present only in the upper 10 m of the sediment column. In Unit 2 (19.9-35.7 mbsf), increased smectite and zeolite abundances with depth as well as indurated, zeolite-rich layers are thought to be the alteration products of volcanogenic material. The source of this older (late Oligocene to middle Miocene) volcanogenic detritus may be continental volcanism. Microfabrics imaged using back-scattered electron imaging reflect the effects of compaction and diagenesis on sediment porosity and matrix structure. As porosity decreases during burial, the matrix changes from an open, floc-like fabric, to an interlocking network of clay mineral domains, and finally to a dense intergrowth of clay minerals and zeolites. Despite the substantial changes in sediment microfabric and mineralogy, correlations between physical and acoustic properties and mineralogy are weak or absent. The sediment has maintained high porosity (>70%), and water content appears to dominate the sediment's physical character and acoustic response.


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En este artículo se presentan los primeros resultados de absorción acústica a incidencia normal de espumas de aluminio fabricadas mediante una técnica pulvimetalúrgica. El interés de estas espumas radica en que en ellas se combinan interesantes propiedades acústicas y mecánicas. Se estudian espumas de aluminio de distinta morfología superficial conseguida variando el tipo de precursor y usando materiales de relleno durante el proceso de espumación. Se muestra un estudio comparativo de las espumas fabricadas mediante esta técnica con las espumas comerciales ALPORAS. Las espumas de menor densidad presentan una absorción acústica comparable a la de las comerciales ALPORAS. ABSTRACT. In this paper, the first experimental data of acoustic absorption at normal incidence in aluminum foams generated by a metallurgic technique are presented. The interest of this kind of structures is due to the combination of mechanical and acoustic properties. By changing the precursor type or using filling materials during the foaming process, we have obtained aluminum foams with different surface morphologies. A comparative study between foams fabricated using this technique and ALPORAS commercial aluminum foams is shown. The foams which present the lower density show an acoustic absorption comparable to the ALPORAS commercial ones.


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Este proyecto fin de carrera trata del sistema de grabación y reproducción sonora ambiofónico, destacar que este sistema y la tecnología que emplea es de dominio público. La ambiofonía se basa en un amalgama de investigaciones recientes y de los ya bien sabidos principios psicoacústicos y binaurales. Estos avances han expandido nuevas fronteras en lo concerniente a la grabación y reproducción de audio, así como de presentar al oyente un campo sonoro a la entrada de sus oídos lo más parecido posible al campo sonoro al que se expondría al oyente en el momento y lugar de la toma de sonido, es decir, reconstruye un campo sonora binaural. Este sistema ha podido desarrollarse, de una manera bastante satisfactoria, gracias a todos los estudios y textos anteriores en materia de psicoacústica y del mecanismo de escucha humano. Otro factor gracias al cual es posible y asequible, tanto el desarrollo como el disfrute de esta tecnología, es el hecho que en nuestros días es muy económico disponer de ordenadores lo suficientemente potentes y rápidos para realizar el procesado de señales que se requiere de una manera bastante rápida. Los desarrolladores de dicha tecnología han publicado diversos documentos y archivos descargables de la red con aplicaciones para la implementación de sistemas ambiofónicos de manera gratuita para uso privado. El sistema ambiofónico se basa en la combinación de factores psicoacústicos ignorados o subestimados y lo ya sabido sobre las propiedades acústicas de salas, tanto de salas en las que tienen lugar las ejecuciones musicales (auditorios, teatros, salas de conciertos...), como de salas de escucha (salones de domicilios, controles de estudios...). En la parte práctica del proyecto se van a realizar una serie de grabaciones musicales empleando tanto técnicas estereofónicas tradicionales como ambiofónicas de grabación con el fin de describir y comparar ambas técnicas microfónicas. También servirá para estudiar hasta que punto es favorable subjetivamente para el oyente el hecho de realizar la toma de sonido teniendo en cuenta las propiedades del sistema de reproducción ambiofónico. Esta comparación nos dará una idea de hasta donde se puede llegar, en cuanto a sensación de realidad para el oyente, al tener en cuenta durante el proceso de grabación efectos como la respuesta del pabellón auditivo del oyente, la cual es única, y que posteriormente la diafonía interaural va a ser cancelada mediante un procesado digital de señal. ABSTRACT. This final project is about the ambiophonic recording and playback system, note that this system and the technology it uses is of public domain. Ambiophonics is based on an amalgam of recent research and to the well known and binaural psychoacoustic principles. These advances have expanded new frontiers with regard to the audio recording and playback, as well as to present the listener a sound field at the entrance of their ears as close as possible to the sound field that would the listener be exposed to at the time and place of the mucial interpretation, so we can say that ambiophonics reconstructs a binaural sound field . This system has been developed, in a fairly satisfactory way, thanks to all the studies and previous texts on psychoacoustics and human listening mechanism. Another factor by which it is possible and affordable, both the development and the enjoyment of this technology, is the fact that in our days is inexpensive to usres to own computers that are powerful and fast enough to perform the signal processing that is required in a short time. The developers of this technology have published several documents and downloadable files on the network with applications for ambiophonics system implementation for free. Ambiophonics is based on a combination of factors ignored or underestimated psychoacousticly and what is already known about the acoustic properties of rooms, including rooms where musical performances take place (auditoriums, theaters, concert halls...), and listening rooms (concet halls, studios controls...). In the practical part of the project will be making a series of musical recordings using both traditional stereo recording techniques and recording techiniques compatible with ambiophonics in order to describe and compare both recording techniques. It will also examine to what extent is subjectively favorable for the listener the fact of considering the playback system properties of ambiophonics during the recording stage. This comparison will give us an idea of how far can we get, in terms of sense of reality to the listener, keeping in mind during the recording process the effects introduced by the response of the ear of the listener, which is unique, and that the subsequently interaural crosstalk will be canceled by a digital signal processing.


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En esta investigación se aborda el tema del comportamiento acústico de las Iglesias Jesuíticas de la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina) y San Ignacio Mini ubicada en la localidad de San Ignacio, provincia de Misiones (Argentina), construidas hace dos siglos atrás y declaradas Patrimonio de la Humanidad, con el objetivo de evaluar los parámetros que determinan la comprensión de la palabra y la aptitud de cada una de las iglesias para el canto y la música religiosa. En una primera etapa la investigación se orientó a profundizar en las características constructivas interiores de cada templo y a proponer una metodología de análisis para comparar los resultados de las mediciones objetivas, realizadas mediante la implementación de mediciones in situ, con los resultados de las apreciaciones subjetivas resultantes de la elaboración de encuestas, a los fines de caracterizar acústicamente cada espacio sonoro. Se seleccionaron, para la caracterización objetiva de cada templo, aquellos parámetros que permiten sintetizar las propiedades acústicas relacionadas con la música y la palabra, y aquellos que posibilitan medir la proporción efectiva de las primeras reflexiones, consideradas como índices subjetivos de la capacidad de distinción del sonido por parte del oyente. Se comparan los valores alcanzados con las preferencias subjetivas obtenidas en las encuestas de opinión. Se relevaron tiempos de reverberación altos en todas iglesias, fuera de los considerados óptimos para cada recinto. Se analizaron los índices de calidad y se comprobó cómo influyen los diferentes materiales en el comportamiento acústico de cada recinto. Para la evaluación subjetiva se implementó una encuesta ya validada en la que se privilegió la fácil asociación entre parámetros acústicos y psicoacústicos, esto posibilitó encontrar aquellos parámetros objetivos, simulados con público, que estuviesen fuertemente relacionados con el juicio subjetivo, así como aquellos con menor correlación. La búsqueda y relevamiento de material grafico, fotográfico y otros documentos históricos posibilitó la reconstrucción de cada iglesia para su modelización y la evaluación del comportamiento de todos los templos con la presencia de feligreses, no habiéndose podido realizar mediciones bajo esta condición. El interés por obtener datos acústicos más precisos de la Iglesia San Ignacio Mini, que actualmente se encuentra en ruinas, llevó a utilizar herramientas más poderosas de cálculo como el método de las fuentes de imagen “Ray Tracing Impact” por medio del cual se logró la auralización. Para ello se trabajó con un archivo de audio que representó la voz masculina de un sacerdote en el idioma jesuítico-guaraní, recuperando así el patrimonio cultural intangible. ABSTRACT This research addresses the acoustic behavior of the Jesuit Churches in Cordoba City (Argentina) and San Ignacio Mini (located in the town of San Ignacio, Misiones, Argentina), built two centuries ago and declared World Heritage Sites, with the objective to evaluate the parameters that determine the speech comprehension and the ability of each of the churches for singing of religious music. The first step of the work was aimed to further investigate the internal structural characteristics of each temple and to propose an analysis methodology to compare the objective results of in situ measurements with the subjective results of surveys, in order to characterize acoustically each sound-space. For the subjective characterization of each temple, those parameters that allow synthesizing the acoustic properties related to music & speech and measuring the subjective indices for the recognition of sounds, were selected. Also, the values were compared with the ones obtained from the surveys. High reverberation times were found in all churches, which is not considered optimal for the enclosed areas of the temples. The quality indices were analyzed and it was found how the different materials influence in the acoustic behavior of each enclosure. For subjective evaluation, a survey was implemented (that was previously validated) where the association between acoustic and psychoacoustic parameters was privileged; this allowed to find those objective parameters who were strongly related to the subjective ones, as well as those with lower correlation. Photographic and graphic material and other historical documents allowed the reconstruction of each church for its modeling, and also the evaluation of the performance of all the temples in the presence of their congregation. The interest in obtaining more accurate acoustic data of the San Ignacio Mini Church, which is now in ruins, led to the use of most powerful methods, as for example the image-sources "Ray Tracing Impact" method. For this, an audio archive was used, representing a male voice of a priest in the Jesuit-Guaraní language; recovering in this way intangible cultural heritage.


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En el presente trabajo se plantea el estudio de las características acústicas del ladrillo artesanal e industrial fabricado en Ecuador, considerando las características particulares respecto a la calidad de la materia prima, además del hecho de que a nivel artesanal su producción no está regularizada, si bien existen una serie de reglamentos no siempre son acatados por el productor artesanal, lo que hace que presente propiedades particulares. La idea principal de este trabajo es generar datos referenciales e iniciales, sobre las propiedades acústicas del ladrillo artesanal e industrial ya que en Ecuador, no existe ningún estudio de esta naturaleza sobre el tema. Además de crear los mecanismos necesarios para una posible ampliación del estudio a otros materiales propios de Ecuador que permitan generar una base de datos sobre sus propiedades acústicas. Otro aspecto importante sobre esta investigación es el familiarizarse con el uso de técnicas de medición, manejo de equipamiento y software diverso, del manejo y comparación de normativa. ABSTRACT. The purpose of this paper is the study of the acoustic characteristics of artisanal and industrial brick manufactured in Ecuador, considering the particular characteristics regarding the quality of raw materials, besides the fact that artisanal production level is unregulated, although there are a number of regulations are not always complied with by the artisan producer, which makes this particular properties. The main idea of this paper is to generate reference and baseline data on the acoustic properties of artisanal and industrial brick as in Ecuador, there is no study of this nature on the subject. In addition to creating the necessary mechanisms for a possible extension of the study to other materials from Ecuador that will generate a database on its acoustic properties. Another important aspect of this research is to get familiar with the use of measurement techniques, equipment and miscellaneous management software, management and comparison of legislation.


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Most of the analytical models devoted to determine the acoustic properties of a rigid perforated panel consider the acoustic impedance of a single hole and then use the porosity to determine the impedance for the whole panel. However, in the case of not homogeneous hole distribution or more complex configurations this approach is no longer valid. This work explores some of these limitations and proposes a finite element methodology that implements the linearized Navier Stokes equations in the frequency domain to analyse the acoustic performance under normal incidence of perforated panel absorbers. Some preliminary results for a homogenous perforated panel show that the sound absorption coefficient derived from the Maa analytical model does not match those from the simulations. These differences are mainly attributed to the finite geometry effect and to the spatial distribution of the perforations for the numerical case. In order to confirm these statements, the acoustic field in the vicinities of the perforations is analysed for a more complex configuration of perforated panel. Additionally, experimental studies are carried out in an impedance tube for the same configuration and then compared to previous methods. The proposed methodology is shown to be in better agreement with the laboratorial measurements than the analytical approach.