933 resultados para aba autism


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Positional cloning has enabled hypothesis-free, genome-wide scans for genetic factors contributing to disorders or traits. Traditionally linkage analysis has been used to identify regions of interest, followed by meticulous fine mapping and candidate gene screening using association methods and finally sequencing of regions of interest. More recently, genome-wide association analysis has enabled a more direct approach to identify specific genetic variants explaining a part of the variance of the phenotype of interest. Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a group of childhood onset neuropsychiatric disorders with shared core symptoms but varying severity. Although a strong genetic component has been established in ASDs, genetic susceptibility factors have largely eluded characterization. Here, we have utilized modern molecular genetic methods combined with the advantages provided by the special population structure in Finland to identify genetic risk factors for ASDs. The results of this study show that numerous genetic risk factors exist for ASDs even within a population isolate. Stratification based on clinical phenotype resulted in encouraging results, as previously identified linkage to 3p14-p24 was replicated in an independent family set of families with Asperger syndrome, but no other ASDs. Fine-mapping of the previously identified linkage peak for ASDs at 3q25-q27 revealed association between autism and a subunit of the 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3C (HTR3C). We also used dense, genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data to characterize the population structure of Finns. We observed significant population substructure which correlates with the known history of multiple consecutive bottle-necks experienced by the Finnish population. We used this information to ascertain a genetically homogenous subset of autism families to identify possible rare, enriched risk variants using genome-wide SNP data. No rare enriched genetic risk factors were identified in this dataset, although a subset of families could be genealogically linked to form two extended pedigrees. The lack of founder mutations in this isolated population suggests that the majority of genetic risk factors are rare, de novo mutations unique to individual nuclear families. The results of this study are consistent with others in the field. The underlying genetic architecture for this group of disorders appears highly heterogeneous, with common variants accounting for only a subset of genetic risk. The majority of identified risk factors have turned out to be exceedingly rare, and only explain a subset of the genetic risk in the general population in spite of their high penetrance within individual families. The results of this study, together with other results obtained in this field, indicate that family specific linkage, homozygosity mapping and resequencing efforts are needed to identify these rare genetic risk factors.


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We report the analysis of 335 microsatellite markers genotyped in 110 multiplex families with autism. All families include at least two "affected" siblings, at least one of whom has autism; the remaining affected sibs carry diagnoses of either Asperger syndrome or pervasive developmental disorder. Affected sib-pair analysis yielded multipoint maximum LOD scores (MLS) that reach the accepted threshold for suggestive linkage on chromosomes 5, X, and 19. Nominal evidence for linkage (point-wise P<.05) was obtained on chromosomes 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, and 20, and secondary loci were found on chromosomes 5 and 19. Analysis of families sharing alleles at the putative X chromosomal linked locus and one or more other putative linked loci produced an MLS of 3.56 for the DXS470-D19S174 marker combination. In an effort to increase power to detect linkage, scan statistics were used to evaluate the significance of peak LOD scores based on statistical evidence at adjacent marker loci. This analysis yielded impressive evidence for linkage to autism and autism-spectrum disorders with significant genomewide P values <.05 for markers on chromosomes 5 and 8 and with suggestive linkage evidence for a marker on chromosome 19.


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This paper investigates the challenges of delivering parent training intervention for autism over video. We conducted a qualitative field study of an intervention, which is based on a well-established training program for parents of children with autism, called Hanen More Than Words. The study was conducted with a Hanen Certified speech pathologist who delivered video based training to two mothers, each with a son having autism. We conducted observations of 14 sessions of the intervention spanning 3 months along with 3 semi-structured interviews with each participant. We identified different activities that participants performed across different sessions and analysed them based upon their implications on technology. We found that all the participants welcomed video based training but they also faced several difficulties, particularly in establishing rapport with other participants, inviting equal participation, and in observing and providing feedback on parent-child interactions. Finally, we reflect on our findings and motivate further investigations by defining three design sensitivities of Adaptation, Group Participation, and Physical Setup.


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Despite an increased risk of mental health problems in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), there is limited research on effective prevention approaches for this population. Funded by the Cooperative Research Centre for Living with Autism, a theoretically and empirically supported school-based preventative model has been developed to alter the negative trajectory and promote wellbeing and positive mental health in adolescents with ASD. This conceptual paper provides the rationale, theoretical, empirical and methodological framework of a multilayered intervention targeting the school, parents, and adolescents on the spectrum. Two important interrelated protective factors have been identified in community adolescent samples, namely the sense of belonging (connectedness) to school, and the capacity for self and affect regulation in the face of stress (i.e., resilience). We describe how a confluence of theories from social psychology, developmental psychology and family systems theory, along with empirical evidence (including emerging neurobiological evidence) supports the interrelationships between these protective factors and many indices of wellbeing. However, the characteristics of ASD (including social and communication difficulties, and frequently difficulties with changes and transitions, and diminished optimism and self-esteem) impair access to these vital protective factors. The paper describes how evidenced-based interventions at the school level for promoting inclusive schools (using the Index for Inclusion), and interventions for adolescents and parents to promote resilience and belonging (using the Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP)), are adapted and integrated for adolescents with ASD. This multisite proof of concept study will confirm whether this multilevel school-based intervention is promising, feasible and sustainable.


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Autism is a childhood-onset developmental disorder characterized by deficits in reciprocal social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and dependence on routines and rituals. It belongs to a spectrum of disorders (autism spectrum disorders, ASDs) which share core symptoms but show considerable variation in severity. The whole spectrum affects 0.6-0.7% of children worldwide, inducing a substantial public health burden and causing suffering to the affected families. Despite having a very high heritability, ASDs have shown exceptional genetic heterogeneity, which has complicated the identification of risk variants and left the etiology largely unknown. However, recent studies suggest that rare, family-specific factors contribute significantly to the genetic basis of ASDs. In this study, we investigated the role of DISC1 (Disrupted-in-schizophrenia-1) in ASDs, and identified association with markers and haplotypes previously associated with psychiatric phenotypes. We identified four polymorphic micro-RNA target sites in the 3 UTR of DISC1, and showed that hsa-miR-559 regulates DISC1 expression in vitro in an allele-specific manner. We also analyzed an extended autism pedigree with genealogical roots in Central Finland reaching back to the 17th century. To take advantage of the beneficial characteristics of population isolates to gene mapping and reduced genetic heterogeneity observed in distantly related individuals, we performed a microsatellite-based genome-wide screen for linkage and linkage disequilibrium in this pedigree. We identified a putative autism susceptibility locus on chromosome 19p13.3 and obtained further support for previously reported loci at 1q23 and 15q11-q13. To follow-up these findings, we extended our study sample from the same sub-isolate and initiated a genome-wide analysis of homozygosity and allelic sharing using high-density SNP markers. We identified a small number of haplotypes shared by different subsets of the genealogically connected cases, along with convergent biological pathways from SNP and gene expression data, which highlighted axon guidance molecules in the pathogenesis of ASDs. In conclusion, the results obtained in this thesis show that multiple distinct genetic variants are responsible for the ASD phenotype even within single pedigrees from an isolated population. We suggest that targeted resequencing of the shared haplotypes, linkage regions, and other susceptibility loci is essential to identify the causal variants. We also report a possible micro-RNA mediated regulatory mechanism, which might partially explain the wide-range neurobiological effects of the DISC1 gene.


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In this thesis, we explore the density of the microglia in the cerebral and cerebellar cortices of individuals with autism to investigate the hypothesis that neuroinflammation is involved in autism. We describe in our findings an increase in microglial density in two disparate cortical regions, frontal insular cortex and visual cortex, in individuals with autism (Tetreault et al., 2012). Our results imply that there is a global increase in the microglial density and neuroinflammation in the cerebral cortex of individuals with autism.

We expanded our cerebellar study to additional neurodevelopmental disorders that exhibit similar behaviors to autism spectrum disorder and have known cerebellar pathology. We subsequently found a more than threefold increase in the microglial density specific to the molecular layer of the cerebellum, which is the region of the Purkinje and parallel fiber synapses, in individuals with autism and Rett syndrome. Moreover, we report that not only is there an increase in microglia density in the molecular layer, the microglial cell bodies are significantly larger in perimeter and area in individuals with autism spectrum disorder and Rett syndrome compared to controls that implies that the microglia are activated. Additionally, an individual with Angelman syndrome and the sibling of an individual with autism have microglial densities similar to the individuals with autism and Rett syndrome. By contrast, an individual with Joubert syndrome, which is a developmental hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis, had a normal density of microglia, indicating the specific pathology in the cerebellum does not necessarily result in increased microglial densities. We found a significant decrease in Purkinje cells specific to the cerebellar vermis in individuals with autism.

These findings indicate the importance for investigation of the Purkinje synapses in autism and that the relationship between the microglia and the synapses is of great utility in understanding the pathology in autism. Together, these data provide further evidence for the neuroinflammation hypothesis in autism and a basis for future investigation of neuroinflammation in autism. In particular, investigating the function of microglia in modifying synaptic connectivity in the cerebellum may provide key insights into developing therapeutics in autism spectrum disorder.