852 resultados para Zatulovskaja, Irina


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Engenharia Sanitária


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Tecnologia e Segurança Alimentar


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo central dar conta das atividades realizadas no âmbito da prática de ensino supervisionada em Português Língua Materna e Espanhol Língua Estrangeira. A prática pedagógica alicerçou-se na indissociabilidade entre a literatura e a gramática. Defende-se que o texto literário deve ser entendido como uma várias manifestações da língua, criada num contexto comunicativo particular em que são empregues determinadas estruturas linguísticas, mediante os objetivos comunicativos de quem o produz. Esta orientação pragmática e funcional do ensino-aprendizagem das línguas faz do aluno um agente atuante no processo de comunicação e, por isso, é da maior importância que apreenda e consolide os mecanismos linguísticos que façam dele um falante eficaz e socialmente integrado


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With the projection of an increasing world population, hand-in-hand with a journey towards a bigger number of developed countries, further demand on basic chemical building blocks, as ethylene and propylene, has to be properly addressed in the next decades. The methanol-to-olefins (MTO) is an interesting reaction to produce those alkenes using coal, gas or alternative sources, like biomass, through syngas as a source for the production of methanol. This technology has been widely applied since 1985 and most of the processes are making use of zeolites as catalysts, particularly ZSM-5. Although its selectivity is not especially biased over light olefins, it resists to a quick deactivation by coke deposition, making it quite attractive when it comes to industrial environments; nevertheless, this is a highly exothermic reaction, which is hard to control and to anticipate problems, such as temperature runaways or hot-spots, inside the catalytic bed. The main focus of this project is to study those temperature effects, by addressing both experimental, where the catalytic performance and the temperature profiles are studied, and modelling fronts, which consists in a five step strategy to predict the weight fractions and activity. The mind-set of catalytic testing is present in all the developed assays. It was verified that the selectivity towards light olefins increases with temperature, although this also leads to a much faster catalyst deactivation. To oppose this effect, experiments were carried using a diluted bed, having been able to increase the catalyst lifetime between 32% and 47%. Additionally, experiments with three thermocouples placed inside the catalytic bed were performed, analysing the deactivation wave and the peaks of temperature throughout the bed. Regeneration was done between consecutive runs and it was concluded that this action can be a powerful means to increase the catalyst lifetime, maintaining a constant selectivity towards light olefins, by losing acid strength in a steam stabilised zeolitic structure. On the other hand, developments on the other approach lead to the construction of a raw basic model, able to predict weight fractions, that should be tuned to be a tool for deactivation and temperature profiles prediction.


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COST Action TU1406 aims to address the European economic and societal needs by standardizing the condition assessment and maintenance level of roadway bridges. Currently, bridge quality control plans vary from country to country and, in some cases, within the same country. This therefore urges the establishment of a European guideline to surpass the lack of a standard methodology to assess bridge condition and to define quality control plans for roadway bridges. Such a guideline will comprise specific recommendations for assessing performance indicators as well as for the definition of performance goals, bringing together different stakeholders (e.g. universities, institutes, operators, consultants and owners) from various scientific disciplines (e.g. on-site testing, visual inspection, structural engineering, sustainability, etc.) in order to establish a common transnational language. COST Action TU1406 Workshops aim to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experiences between active researchers and practitioners as well as to stimulate discussions on new and emerging issues in line with the conference topics. This first Workshop essentially focuses on WG1 issues, namely, intends to address performance indicators, how these are assessed (e.g. visual inspection, nondestructive tests and monitoring systems), with what frequency and what values are generally obtained. The main outcomes, given in this eBook, were really important, not only for WG1 developments, but also for all the other WGs and for the Action itself.


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Este proyecto interdisciplinario comprende la síntesis de nuevos agentes antimicrobianos, particularmente antimicrobianos flourquinolónicos (AMFQ) y compuestos estructuralmente relacionados, y la evaluación de sus propiedades específicas. En etapas previas se prepararon varios derivados y entre ellos se seleccionaron los de la serie que poseía el grupo sulfanililpiperacinil en posición 7 del anillo quinolónico. Estas moléculas exhiben una interesante actividad cuando se evalúa la potencia antimicrobiana in vitro (CIM), por lo que se está avanzando en el estudio de su actividad in vivo. Estos AMFQ son absorbidos por vía oral (estudios en ratas) y actualmente el Laboratorio esta estudiando su toxicidad y farmacocinética como parte de un trabajo en colaboración con nuestro grupo. La actividad in vitro (CIM) de los AMFQ esta determinada en parte por la cinética de ingreso a la bacteria y en parte por la actividad intrínseca del compuesto frente a lo topoisomerasa. En consecuencia, se está estudiando la cinética de captación de los AMFQ por las bacterias, en una variedad de condiciones experimentales, con el objeto de obtener un mejor conocimiento de su mecanismo de acción. Paralelamente se están planificando los experimentos para medir la capacidad de inhibir la topoisomerasa. Por otro lado, se estudian las propiedades físico-químicas de los nuevos AMFQ, consideradas relevantes para interpretar su comportamiento biológico. Hasta el presente han sido determinados los perfiles solubilidad-ph de algunos compuestos modelos y se estudiaron las propiedades hidrofílicas-lipofílicas de una variedad de AMFQs zwitteriónicos y no zwitteriónicos. Se continuará profundizando sobre estos puntos y con la determinación de otras propiedades de interés farmacéutico, tanto en estado sólido como en solución. Sobre la base de los anteriores resultados, se han elaborado algunas hipótesis e trabajo que condujeron a la síntesis de nuevas estructuras, cuyas propiedades antibacterianas y antimicobacterianas están siendo evaluadas. Se han sintetizado, también, complejos de AMFQ metales al estado sólido, los que exhiben interesantes propiedades farmacéuticas. Se está avanzando sobre la confirmación de sus estequiometrías y otras propiedades físico-químicas de interés biofarmacéutico.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2008


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An appropriate assessment of end-to-end network performance presumes highly efficient time tracking and measurement with precise time control of the stopping and resuming of program operation. In this paper, a novel approach to solving the problems of highly efficient and precise time measurements on PC-platforms and on ARM-architectures is proposed. A new unified High Performance Timer and a corresponding software library offer a unified interface to the known time counters and automatically identify the fastest and most reliable time source, available in the user space of a computing system. The research is focused on developing an approach of unified time acquisition from the PC hardware and accordingly substituting the common way of getting the time value through Linux system calls. The presented approach provides a much faster means of obtaining the time values with a nanosecond precision than by using conventional means. Moreover, it is capable of handling the sequential time value, precise sleep functions and process resuming. This ability means the reduction of wasting computer resources during the execution of a sleeping process from 100% (busy-wait) to 1-1.5%, whereas the benefits of very accurate process resuming times on long waits are maintained.


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In this paper we investigate various algorithms for performing Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT)/Inverse Fast Fourier Transformation (IFFT), and proper techniques for maximizing the FFT/IFFT execution speed, such as pipelining or parallel processing, and use of memory structures with pre-computed values (look up tables -LUT) or other dedicated hardware components (usually multipliers). Furthermore, we discuss the optimal hardware architectures that best apply to various FFT/IFFT algorithms, along with their abilities to exploit parallel processing with minimal data dependences of the FFT/IFFT calculations. An interesting approach that is also considered in this paper is the application of the integrated processing-in-memory Intelligent RAM (IRAM) chip to high speed FFT/IFFT computing. The results of the assessment study emphasize that the execution speed of the FFT/IFFT algorithms is tightly connected to the capabilities of the FFT/IFFT hardware to support the provided parallelism of the given algorithm. Therefore, we suggest that the basic Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)/Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) can also provide high performances, by utilizing a specialized FFT/IFFT hardware architecture that can exploit the provided parallelism of the DFT/IDF operations. The proposed improvements include simplified multiplications over symbols given in polar coordinate system, using sinе and cosine look up tables, and an approach for performing parallel addition of N input symbols.


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The comparative analysis of continuous signals restoration by different kinds of approximation is performed. The software product, allowing to define optimal method of different original signals restoration by Lagrange polynomial, Kotelnikov interpolation series, linear and cubic splines, Haar wavelet and Kotelnikov-Shannon wavelet based on criterion of minimum value of mean-square deviation is proposed. Practical recommendations on the selection of approximation function for different class of signals are obtained.


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We develop a life-cycle model of the labor market in which different worker-firm matches have different quality and the assignment of the right workers to the right firms is time consuming because of search and learning frictions. The rate at which workers move between unemployment, employment and across different firms is endogenous because search is directed and, hence, workers can choose whether to seek low-wage jobs that are easy to find or high-wage jobs that are hard to find. We calibrate our theory using data on labor market transitions aggregated across workers of different ages. We validate our theory by showing that it predicts quite well the pattern of labor market transitions for workers of different ages. Finally, we use our theory to decompose the age profiles of transition rates, wages and productivity into the effects of age variation in work-life expectancy, human capital and match quality.


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A les Valls d’Àneu la producció ramadera de boví ecològic és molt important, ja que, actualment, el 22% de les explotacions són ecològiques i es preveu que aquest percentatge augmenti fins al 50% en els propers dos anys. Malgrat això, la motivació principal per a convertir les explotacions convencionals en ecològiques és el factor econòmic, no la consciència ambiental. En l’anàlisi del cicle productiu carni del boví ecològic procedent de les Valls d’Àneu s’ha observat que no hi ha diferències substancials entre la producció ecològica i la convencional. Tot i així, el producte carni de boví ecològic no té gran sortida al mercat, ja que aquest és incipient i, a més, el preu del producte ecològic és molt més elevat que el del convencional. Un aspecte crític de la producció ramadera ecològica és que la seva normativa no considera els impactes ambientals que genera, com són els derivats del transport, la generació de residus d’envasos, etc. En aquest estudi es presenta una aproximació quantitativa dels impactes generats en el cicle productiu carni de boví ecològic de les Valls d’Àneu.


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El presente estudio está dedicado a analizar la traducción de la ironía en una obra de ficción literaria, más concretamente en los relatos satíricos de Mijaíl Zoschenko y Mijaíl Bulgákov en su versión castellana. Metodológicamente, el estudio presenta un enfoque pragmático, y se inscribe en las aportaciones pragmáticas de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, que permiten analizar el texto literario como un acto de comunicación y un discurso dialógico, inscribiéndolo en un contexto extralingúístico relevante. Abordaremos el análisis de lo "no dicho": el subtexto irónico que subyace como un significado implícito no-deducible de los medios lingüísticos en sí mismos, y donde cobran una gran importancia los factores comunicativos: la situación, la intención del hablante, el principio cooperativo (según Paul Grice) y toda una serie de presupuestos que pueden o no compartir los interlocutores. Partiendo del supuesto de la existencia de diferentes tipos textuales en toda traducción, la ficción literaria se abordará como un tipo de texto que presenta características particupares. En este sentido, el relato satírico de la época soviética se contempla como un género específico que implica, a su vez, una estrategia específica de traducción. Como es sabido, en los textos humorísticos predomina el efecto perlocutivo. Así pues, dependerá del tradutor que el texto transferido a otra cultura, y a menudo a otra época, consiga el mismo efecto humorístico, o similar, al que tuvo el original en su contexto histórico-cultural.


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There is a considerable discrepancy between the number of identified occupational-related bladder cancer cases and the estimated numbers particularly in emerging nations or less developed countries where suitable approaches are less or even not known. Thus, within a project of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centres in Occupational Health, a questionnaire of the Dortmund group, applied in different studies, was translated into more than 30 languages (Afrikaans, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Korean, Latvian, Malay, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese/Brazilian, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Spanish, Spanish/Mexican, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese). The bipartite questionnaire asks for relevant medical information in the physician's part and for the occupational history since leaving school in the patient's part. Furthermore, this questionnaire is asking for intensity and frequency of certain occupational and non-occupational risk factors. The literature regarding occupations like painter, hairdresser or miner and exposures like carcinogenic aromatic amines, azo dyes, or combustion products is highlighted. The questionnaire is available on www.ifado.de/BladderCancerDoc.


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The 2009 pandemic influenza A virus outbreak led to the systematic use of the neuraminidase (NA) inhibitor oseltamivir (OST). Consequently, OST-resistant strains, carrying the mutation H275Y, emerged in the years after the pandemics, with a prevalence of 1-2%. Currently, OST-resistant strains have been found in community settings, in untreated individuals. To spread in community settings, H275Y mutants must contain additional mutations, collectively called permissive mutations. We display the permissive mutations in NA of OST-resistant A(H1N1)pdm09 virus found in Brazilian community settings. The NAs from 2013 are phylogenetically distinct from those of 2012, indicating a tendency of positive selection of NAs with better fitness. Some previously predicted permissive mutations, such as V241I and N369K, found in different countries, were also detected in Brazil. Importantly, the change D344N, also predicted to compensate loss of fitness imposed by H275Y mutation, was found in Brazil, but not in other countries in 2013. Our results reinforce the notion that OST-resistant A(H1N1)pdm09 strains with compensatory mutations may arise in an independent fashion, with samples being identified in different states of Brazil and in different countries. Systematic circulation of these viral strains may jeopardise the use of the first line of anti-influenza drugs in the future.