427 resultados para Xarxes ecològiques


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En aquest treball s’analitza quin ha estat l’ús de les proves d’autoavaluació accessibles a la plataforma docent de la Universitat de Girona per part d’un total de quatre-cents setanta estudiants matriculats en tres assignatures dels estudis d’Enginyeria Tècnica Agrícola, especialitats Indústries Agràries i Alimentàries i Explotacions Agropecuàries, de l’Escola Politècnica Superior al llarg dels darrers cinc cursos acadèmics. Les proves d’autoavaluació plantejades eren del tipus resposta tancada i la seva resposta era voluntària ja que la realització de les proves no intervenia en el còmput de la qualificació final de l’assignatura. De tota manera, en les activitats d’avaluació de les diferents assignatures, que consistien fonamentalment en exàmens parcials i finals, hi havia una part de qüestions amb un format similar al de les preguntes disponibles en la plataforma docent. S’ha observat que els alumnes que responien les proves d’autoavaluació es presentaven més als exàmens i aprovaven més les assignatures que els que no accedien a la intranet docent per a respondre les qüestions disponibles. Malgrat això, hi ha un nombre important d’alumnes que no realitzaven aquestes proves, probablement perquè no puntuaven per a la qualificació final de les assignatures


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L’experiència que presentem implica introduir, a l’assignatura anual de primer curs dels estudis de mestre, Psicologia de l'educació i del desenvolupament en l'edat escolar, amb 87 estudiants, de l’especialitat de primària i musical, matriculats el curs 2008-2009, l’aprenentatge cooperatiu, com a metodologia didàctica, i l’avaluació continuada, amb l’ús del portfoli d’aprenentatge del grup cooperatiu, com a instrument pel seguiment i millora del procés d’aprenentatge grupal i individual, amb les ajudes contingents del docent. Els objectius concrets que perseguíem amb la nostra experiència eren: • Aconseguir una major implicació de l’estudiant en el seu procés d’aprenentatge i en el dels companys, entenent que la seva participació activa és insubstituïble pel procés de construcció del coneixement. • Partir dels coneixements previs dels estudiants i utilitzar-los durant el procés de construcció de coneixement, ja que són l’element clau amb els que ells llegeixen i interpreten els nous continguts d’aprenentatge. • Possibilitar i propiciar la construcció dels coneixement a partir de l’intercanvi, del diàleg amb un mateix, amb els companys (en parelles, en petit i gran grup) i amb el docent. • Dotar el coneixement de funcionalitat: Aplicar, el contingut d’aprenentatge construït, a casos que ens acostin a la realitat professional vinculada als estudis. • Construir xarxes de coneixement: Fer sempre present, en cada nova situació, allò que hem après anteriorment. • Assumir la responsabilitat personal i individual, que queda reflectida en el portfoli amb les tasques d’aprenentatge/avaluació individuals i grupals. • Transformar el paper del docent de transmissor a discutidor, matisador, interrogador, aclaridor. • Acompanyar a cada estudiant en el seu procés d’aprenentatge: amb continus feedbacks i oferint-los noves oportunitats per aprendre i millorar. • Augmentar la motivació de l’estudiant per l’aprenentatge amb les diferents actuacions assenyalades en els objectius precedents. • Promoure el desenvolupament de competències tal com: l’anàlisi de la realitat, a través de coneixements disciplinars, adquirir habilitats en les relacions interpersonals, estratègies d’aprenentatge, etc


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El 17th Annual Meeting of the Florence Network (FN) va tenir lloc del 21 al 25 d’abril de 2009 a The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THU) Academy of Health-School of Nursing, sota el lema: “Patient/client centred healthcare”. The Ducht perspective with an international touch”, i es va centrar en l’actual situació dels drets dels pacients a Holanda aplicat en diferents camps de les cures infermeres. L’Escola d’Infermeria de la Universitat de Girona hi va participar amb l’assistència de dues professores i quatre estudiants. E nombre total d’estudiants que varen assistir a la FN es de 47. La procedència dels mateixos en total de 9 països diferents. De tots ells assistien per primer cop 18 persones 4 ho feien per segona vegada i 1 per tercera . Els objectius del treball que es presenta son els següents: 1, Conèixer l’opinió dels estudiants respecte a la seva participació a la Florence Network. 2, Saber quin perfil tenen els universitaris que hi assisteixen 3, Detectar els punts forts i els punts febles que destaquen els estudiants després de participar a la Florence Network


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In order to successfully deploy multicast services in QoS-aware networks, pricing architectures must take into account the particular characteristics of multicast sessions. With this objective, we propose a charging scheme for QoS multicast services, assuming that the unicast cost of each interconnecting link is determined and that such cost is expressed in terms of quality of service (QoS) parameters. Our scheme allows determining the cost distribution of a multicast session along a cost distribution tree (CDT), and basing such distribution in those pre-existing unicast cost functions. The paper discusses in detail the main characteristics of the problem in a realistic interdomain scenario and how the proposed scheme would contribute to its solution


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This paper presents a new charging scheme for cost distribution along a point-to-multipoint connection when destination nodes are responsible for the cost. The scheme focus on QoS considerations and a complete range of choices is presented. These choices go from a safe scheme for the network operator to a fair scheme to the customer. The in-between cases are also covered. Specific and general problems, like the incidence of users disconnecting dynamically is also discussed. The aim of this scheme is to encourage the users to disperse the resource demand instead of having a large number of direct connections to the source of the data, which would result in a higher than necessary bandwidth use from the source. This would benefit the overall performance of the network. The implementation of this task must balance between the necessity to offer a competitive service and the risk of not recovering such service cost for the network operator. Throughout this paper reference to multicast charging is made without making any reference to any specific category of service. The proposed scheme is also evaluated with the criteria set proposed in the European ATM charging project CANCAN


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We propose a charging scheme for cost distribution along a multicast tree when cost is the responsibility of the receivers. This scheme focuses on QoS considerations and it does not depend on any specific type of service. The scheme has been designed to be used as a bridge between unicast and multicast services, solving the problem of charging multicast services by means of unicast charging and existing QoS routing mechanisms. We also include a numerical comparison and discussions of the case of non-numerical or relative QoS and on the application to some service examples in order to give a better understanding of the proposal


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In this paper, we define a new scheme to develop and evaluate protection strategies for building reliable GMPLS networks. This is based on what we have called the network protection degree (NPD). The NPD consists of an a priori evaluation, the failure sensibility degree (FSD), which provides the failure probability, and an a posteriori evaluation, the failure impact degree (FID), which determines the impact on the network in case of failure, in terms of packet loss and recovery time. Having mathematical formulated these components, experimental results demonstrate the benefits of the utilization of the NPD, when used to enhance some current QoS routing algorithms in order to offer a certain degree of protection


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In this paper a novel methodology aimed at minimizing the probability of network failure and the failure impact (in terms of QoS degradation) while optimizing the resource consumption is introduced. A detailed study of MPLS recovery techniques and their GMPLS extensions are also presented. In this scenario, some features for reducing the failure impact and offering minimum failure probabilities at the same time are also analyzed. Novel two-step routing algorithms using this methodology are proposed. Results show that these methods offer high protection levels with optimal resource consumption


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IP based networks still do not have the required degree of reliability required by new multimedia services, achieving such reliability will be crucial in the success or failure of the new Internet generation. Most of existing schemes for QoS routing do not take into consideration parameters concerning the quality of the protection, such as packet loss or restoration time. In this paper, we define a new paradigm to develop new protection strategies for building reliable MPLS networks, based on what we have called the network protection degree (NPD). This NPD consists of an a priori evaluation, the failure sensibility degree (FSD), which provides the failure probability and an a posteriori evaluation, the failure impact degree (FID), to determine the impact on the network in case of failure. Having mathematical formulated these components, we point out the most relevant components. Experimental results demonstrate the benefits of the utilization of the NPD, when used to enhance some current QoS routing algorithms to offer a certain degree of protection


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One of the most effective techniques offering QoS routing is minimum interference routing. However, it is complex in terms of computation time and is not oriented toward improving the network protection level. In order to include better levels of protection, new minimum interference routing algorithms are necessary. Minimizing the failure recovery time is also a complex process involving different failure recovery phases. Some of these phases depend completely on correct routing selection, such as minimizing the failure notification time. The level of protection also involves other aspects, such as the amount of resources used. In this case shared backup techniques should be considered. Therefore, minimum interference techniques should also be modified in order to include sharing resources for protection in their objectives. These aspects are reviewed and analyzed in this article, and a new proposal combining minimum interference with fast protection using shared segment backups is introduced. Results show that our proposed method improves both minimization of the request rejection ratio and the percentage of bandwidth allocated to backup paths in networks with low and medium protection requirements


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The purpose of this paper is to propose a Neural-Q_learning approach designed for online learning of simple and reactive robot behaviors. In this approach, the Q_function is generalized by a multi-layer neural network allowing the use of continuous states and actions. The algorithm uses a database of the most recent learning samples to accelerate and guarantee the convergence. Each Neural-Q_learning function represents an independent, reactive and adaptive behavior which maps sensorial states to robot control actions. A group of these behaviors constitutes a reactive control scheme designed to fulfill simple missions. The paper centers on the description of the Neural-Q_learning based behaviors showing their performance with an underwater robot in a target following task. Real experiments demonstrate the convergence and stability of the learning system, pointing out its suitability for online robot learning. Advantages and limitations are discussed


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This paper presents a hybrid behavior-based scheme using reinforcement learning for high-level control of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). Two main features of the presented approach are hybrid behavior coordination and semi on-line neural-Q_learning (SONQL). Hybrid behavior coordination takes advantages of robustness and modularity in the competitive approach as well as efficient trajectories in the cooperative approach. SONQL, a new continuous approach of the Q_learning algorithm with a multilayer neural network is used to learn behavior state/action mapping online. Experimental results show the feasibility of the presented approach for AUVs


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TCP flows from applications such as the web or ftp are well supported by a Guaranteed Minimum Throughput Service (GMTS), which provides a minimum network throughput to the flow and, if possible, an extra throughput. We propose a scheme for a GMTS using Admission Control (AC) that is able to provide different minimum throughput to different users and that is suitable for "standard" TCP flows. Moreover, we consider a multidomain scenario where the scheme is used in one of the domains, and we propose some mechanisms for the interconnection with neighbor domains. The whole scheme uses a small set of packet classes in a core-stateless network where each class has a different discarding priority in queues assigned to it. The AC method involves only edge nodes and uses a special probing packet flow (marked as the highest discarding priority class) that is sent continuously from ingress to egress through a path. The available throughput in the path is obtained at the egress using measurements of flow aggregates, and then it is sent back to the ingress. At the ingress each flow is detected using an implicit way and then it is admission controlled. If it is accepted, it receives the GMTS and its packets are marked as the lowest discarding priority classes; otherwise, it receives a best-effort service. The scheme is evaluated through simulation in a simple "bottleneck" topology using different traffic loads consisting of "standard" TCP flows that carry files of varying sizes