966 resultados para XCModel, cad 3d 2d, computer graphic, 64 bit porting, migrazione, analisi statica, metodi formali, modellazione resa rendering


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In gross motion of flexible one-dimensional (1D) objects such as cables, ropes, chains, ribbons and hair, the assumption of constant length is realistic and reasonable. The motion of the object also appears more natural if the motion or disturbance given at one end attenuates along the length of the object. In an earlier work, variational calculus was used to derive natural and length-preserving transformation of planar and spatial curves and implemented for flexible 1D objects discretized with a large number of straight segments. This paper proposes a novel idea to reduce computational effort and enable real-time and realistic simulation of the motion of flexible 1D objects. The key idea is to represent the flexible 1D object as a spline and move the underlying control polygon with much smaller number of segments. To preserve the length of the curve to within a prescribed tolerance as the control polygon is moved, the control polygon is adaptively modified by subdivision and merging. New theoretical results relating the length of the curve and the angle between the adjacent segments of the control polygon are derived for quadratic and cubic splines. Depending on the prescribed tolerance on length error, the theoretical results are used to obtain threshold angles for subdivision and merging. Simulation results for arbitrarily chosen planar and spatial curves whose one end is subjected to generic input motions are provided to illustrate the approach. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O Ensino à distância (EaD) procura utilizar propostas pedagógicas para desenvolver sistemas inclusivos de ensino e aprendizagem. Estas propostas tem colaborado no sucesso que a EaD tem alcançado no meio empresarial corporativo. Neste meio, a demanda por cursos de formação técnica tem sido tão alta, que as empresas envolvidas no design instrucional de EaD criaram a noção de cursos à distância expressos, ou seja, cursos cuja a concepção e elaboração devem atender as tradicionais necessidades de rapidez do mercado de trabalho. Esta dissertação procura soluções para um tipo de ensino à distância ainda pouco explorado. O cenário que procuramos equacionar é o do ensino de ferramentas (softwares) para desenho vetorial, onde a metodologia de ensino é parte do processo de ensino corporativo. No processo atual de ensino de ferramentas de computação gráfica, o aluno submete ao professor, normalmente pela internet, o seu trabalho para que uma avaliação seja feita. Nesta dissertação sugerimos que este processo seja modificado de duas formas. Primeiro, no design instrucional para esta situação, trabalhamos constantemente a questão de avaliação não só na sua forma tradicional (atribuição de graus e valores) mas também como aperfeiçoamento do processo de ensino. A hipermídia adaptativa entra nesta proposta como facilitador da relação alunoprofessor-conhecimento, permitindo individualização de um ensino voltado para as massas. Em segundo lugar, propomos que a avaliação das tarefas sejam automatizada. O aluno oferece as partes (objetos) da solução que são avaliadas individualmente através de algoritmos computacionais. Isto permite uma menor participação do professor, o que é compatível com a proposta de cursos expressos. Para que isto seja possível a tarefa proposta pelo professor é dividida em objetos componentes, sendo o aluno estimulado a criar cada objeto segundo o modelo padrão oferecido. A comparaçào de cada objeto criado pelo aluno com o padrão a ser alcançado pode ser feita por diversos algoritmos computacionais existentes ou criados especificamente pelo autor do curso. Neste trabalho apresentamos exemplos desta abordagem e um protótipo que demonstra a viabilidade da proposta.


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The growth interruption (GI) effect on GaSb quantum dot formation grown on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy was investigated. The structure characterization was performed by reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED), along with photoluminescence measurements. It is found that the GI can significantly change the surface morphology of GaSb QDs. During the GI, the QDs structures can be smoothed out and turned into a 2D-like structure. The time duration of the GI required for the 3D/2D transition depends on the growth time of the GaSb layer. It increases with the increase of the growth time. Our results are explained by a combined effect of the stress relaxation process and surface exchange reactions during the GI. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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NUSH是NESSIE公布的17个候选分组密码之一.对不同分组长度和密钥规模的NUSH进行了线性密码分析,每一种攻击的复杂度δ由它所需的数据复杂度ε和处理复杂度η组成,记为δ=(ε,η).对于分组长度为64 bit的NUSH,当密钥为128 bit时,3种攻击的复杂度分别为(258,2124)、(260,278)和(262,255);当密钥为192 bit时,3种攻击的复杂度分别为(258,2157)、(260,296)和(262,258);当密钥为256 bit时,3种攻击的复杂度分别为(258,2125)、(260,278)和(262,253).对于分组长度为128 bit的NUSH,当密钥为128bit时,3种攻击的复杂度分别为(2122,295)、(2124,257)和(2126,252);当密钥为192 bit时,3种攻击的复杂度分别为(2122,2142)、(2124,275)和(2126,258);当密钥为256 bit时,3种攻击的复杂度分别为(2122,2168)、(1224,281)和(2126,264).对于分组长度为256 bit的NUSH,当密钥为128 bit时,两种攻击的复杂度分别为(2252,2122)和(2254,2119);当密钥为192 bit时,两种攻击的复杂度分别为(2252,2181)和(2254,2177);当密钥为256 bit时,两种攻击的复杂度分别为(2252,2240)和(2254,2219).这些结果显示NUSH对线性密码分析是不免疫的,而且密钥规模的增大不能保证安全性的提高.


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By using a transfer-matrix method on the basis of two-dimensional (2D) Bloch sums in accordance with a tight-binding scheme, a self-consistent calculation on the resonant tunneling in asymmetric double-barrier structures is presented, in which contributions to resonant tunneling from both three-dimensional (3D) electrons in the contacts and 2D electrons in the spacer or accumulation layers are considered simultaneously. The charge buildup effect on the current versus voltage (I-V) curves is evaluated systematically, showing quantitatively how it results in the I-V bistability and enhanced differences between I-V curves for positive and negative bias in an asymmetric double-barrier structure. Special attention is focused on the interaction between 3D-2D and 2D-2D resonant-tunneling processes, including the suppression of 2D-2D resonant tunneling by the charge buildup in the well accompanying the 3D-2D resonant tunneling. The effects of the emitter doping condition (doping concentration, spacer thickness) on the presence of two types of quasi-2D levels in the emitter accumulation layers, and on the formation of a potential bulge in the emitter region, are discussed in detail in relation to the tunneling process.


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被动陆缘陆坡深水区因蕴藏大量的油气及天然气水合物资源而受到石油行业的关注。峡谷水道作为重力流沉积物从陆缘向陆坡盆区搬运的主要通道,是现今海洋科学研究的热点,是“由源到汇”研究的重要内容。峡谷水道可以作为粗粒沉积物的最终沉积场所,已被钻探证实可作为良好的油气储集体。本文选择陆坡水道为研究目标具有科学和实际意义。 本文借助1979年至2007年采集的2D(部分)、3D地震数据,参考部分钻井资料,以层序地层分析为基础,以多种地球物理属性为手段,以南海北部深水陆坡区为研究区,进行层序地层分析,并对陆坡水道的发育进行研究。层序特征分析发现琼东南南部陆坡具有不同于北部陆坡的物源供给模式,断陷期以北部华南地块和西南方向中南半岛为主要物源,也有部分来自西沙隆起的物源;拗陷期西南方向的中南半岛为主要物源区。 通过大量2D地震资料研究,本文首次系统地研究了发育在南海北部陆坡的大型水道,该水道起源于莺歌海盆地东部、横跨琼东南盆地、西沙海槽,终结于南海西北次海盆西部,我们把该水道命名为“琼东南中央水道”。琼东南中央水道长约570km,宽4-8km不等,发育在上新统地层中,该水道的产生与中新世以来红河对莺歌海盆地充足的物源供给,中新世末的海平面下降以及5Ma左右红河断裂带的反转诱发的滑塌有关。 基于新采集的3D地震资料和地球物理技术,本文首次在琼东南盆地南部陆坡深水区识别出深水水道,该期水道发育在更新统地层中,形态各异,有类似曲流河的曲流水道,也有典型的低弯曲侧向迁移水道。振幅特征显示该期水道主要以弱振幅细粒泥质充填为主,部分位置有强振充填反射,可能为粗粒充填。根据地震剖面和相干时间切片时空分析,认为该水道主要有3期侵蚀和3期充填过程。从展布特征来看,该期水道的形成与更新世(中)末次盛冰期海平面的下降,地震诱发中南半岛中部小型山脉河流的复苏对南海西部的供给有关。


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This document describes the cryptographic hash function BLAKE2 and makes the algorithm specification and C source code conveniently available to the Internet community. BLAKE2 comes in two main flavors: BLAKE2b is optimized for 64-bit platforms and BLAKE2s for smaller architectures. BLAKE2 can be directly keyed, making it functionally equivalent to a Message Authentication Code (MAC).


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Historical time and chronological sequence are usually conveyed to pupils via the presentation of semantic information on printed worksheets, events being rote-memorised according to date. We explored the use of virtual environments in which successive historical events were depicted as “places” in time–space, encountered sequentially in a fly-through. Testing was via “Which came first, X or Y?” questions and picture-ordering. University undergraduates experiencing the history of an imaginary planet performed better after a VE than after viewing a “washing line” of sequential images, or captions alone, especially for items in intermediate list positions. However, secondary children 11–14 years remembered no more about successive events in feudal England when they were presented virtually compared with either paper picture or 2-D computer graphic conditions. Primary children 7–9 years learned more about historical sequence after studying a series of paper images, compared with either VE or computer graphic conditions, remembering more in early/intermediate list positions. Reasons for the discrepant results are discussed and future possible uses of VEs in the teaching of chronology assessed. Keywords: timeline, chronographics


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e Computadores


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Cette thèse porte sur la reconstruction active de modèles 3D à l’aide d’une caméra et d’un projecteur. Les méthodes de reconstruction standards utilisent des motifs de lumière codée qui ont leurs forces et leurs faiblesses. Nous introduisons de nouveaux motifs basés sur la lumière non structurée afin de pallier aux manques des méthodes existantes. Les travaux présentés s’articulent autour de trois axes : la robustesse, la précision et finalement la comparaison des patrons de lumière non structurée aux autres méthodes. Les patrons de lumière non structurée se différencient en premier lieu par leur robustesse aux interréflexions et aux discontinuités de profondeur. Ils sont conçus de sorte à homogénéiser la quantité d’illumination indirecte causée par la projection sur des surfaces difficiles. En contrepartie, la mise en correspondance des images projetées et capturées est plus complexe qu’avec les méthodes dites structurées. Une méthode d’appariement probabiliste et efficace est proposée afin de résoudre ce problème. Un autre aspect important des reconstructions basées sur la lumière non structurée est la capacité de retrouver des correspondances sous-pixels, c’est-à-dire à un niveau de précision plus fin que le pixel. Nous présentons une méthode de génération de code de très grande longueur à partir des motifs de lumière non structurée. Ces codes ont l’avantage double de permettre l’extraction de correspondances plus précises tout en requérant l’utilisation de moins d’images. Cette contribution place notre méthode parmi les meilleures au niveau de la précision tout en garantissant une très bonne robustesse. Finalement, la dernière partie de cette thèse s’intéresse à la comparaison des méthodes existantes, en particulier sur la relation entre la quantité d’images projetées et la qualité de la reconstruction. Bien que certaines méthodes nécessitent un nombre constant d’images, d’autres, comme la nôtre, peuvent se contenter d’en utiliser moins aux dépens d’une qualité moindre. Nous proposons une méthode simple pour établir une correspondance optimale pouvant servir de référence à des fins de comparaison. Enfin, nous présentons des méthodes hybrides qui donnent de très bons résultats avec peu d’images.


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The high level of realism and interaction in many computer graphic applications requires techniques for processing complex geometric models. First, we present a method that provides an accurate low-resolution approximation from a multi-chart textured model that guarantees geometric fidelity and correct preservation of the appearance attributes. Then, we introduce a mesh structure called Compact Model that approximates dense triangular meshes while preserving sharp features, allowing adaptive reconstructions and supporting textured models. Next, we design a new space deformation technique called *Cages based on a multi-level system of cages that preserves the smoothness of the mesh between neighbouring cages and is extremely versatile, allowing the use of heterogeneous sets of coordinates and different levels of deformation. Finally, we propose a hybrid method that allows to apply any deformation technique on large models obtaining high quality results with a reduced memory footprint and a high performance.


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In this work, we propose the Interperception paradigm, a new approach that includes a set of rules and a software architecture for merge users from different interfaces in the same virtual environment. The system detects the user resources and provide transformations on the data in order to allow its visualization in 3D, 2D and textual (1D) interfaces. This allows any user to connect, access information, and exchange information with other users in a feasible way, without needs of changing hardware or software. As results are presented two virtual environments builded acording this paradigm


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the artificial tooth positional changes following the flasking and polymerization of complete dentures by a combination of two flasking methods and two polymerization techniques using computer graphic measurements.Materials and Methods: Four groups of waxed complete dentures (n = 10) were invested and polymerized using the following techniques: (1) adding a second investment layer of gypsum and conventional water bath polymerization (Control), (2) adding a second investment layer of gypsum and polymerization with microwave energy (Gyp-micro), (3) adding a second investment layer of silicone (Zetalabor) and conventional polymerization (Silwater), and (4) adding a second investment layer of silicone and polymerization with microwave energy (Silmicro). For each specimen, six segments of interdental distances (A to F) were measured to determine the artificial tooth positions in the waxed and polymerized stages using software program AutoCad R14. The mean values of the changes were statistically compared by univariate ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc test at 5% significance.Results: There were no significant differences among the four groups, except for segment D of the Silmicro group (-0.004 +/- 0.032 cm) in relation to the Gypwater group (0.044 +/- 0.031 cm) (p < 0.05), which presented, repectively, expansion and shrinkage after polymerization.Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, it was concluded that although the differences were not statistically significant, the use of a silicone investment layer when flasking complete dentures resulted in the least positional changes of the artificial teeth regardless of the polymerization technique.