938 resultados para X-ray intensity


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We present a new method to quantify substructures in clusters of galaxies, based on the analysis of the intensity of structures. This analysis is done in a residual image that is the result of the subtraction of a surface brightness model, obtained by fitting a two-dimensional analytical model (beta-model or Sersic profile) with elliptical symmetry, from the X-ray image. Our method is applied to 34 clusters observed by the Chandra Space Telescope that are in the redshift range z is an element of [0.02, 0.2] and have a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) greater than 100. We present the calibration of the method and the relations between the substructure level with physical quantities, such as the mass, X-ray luminosity, temperature, and cluster redshift. We use our method to separate the clusters in two sub-samples of high-and low-substructure levels. We conclude, using Monte Carlo simulations, that the method recuperates very well the true amount of substructure for small angular core radii clusters (with respect to the whole image size) and good S/N observations. We find no evidence of correlation between the substructure level and physical properties of the clusters such as gas temperature, X-ray luminosity, and redshift; however, analysis suggest a trend between the substructure level and cluster mass. The scaling relations for the two sub-samples (high-and low-substructure level clusters) are different (they present an offset, i. e., given a fixed mass or temperature, low-substructure clusters tend to be more X-ray luminous), which is an important result for cosmological tests using the mass-luminosity relation to obtain the cluster mass function, since they rely on the assumption that clusters do not present different scaling relations according to their dynamical state.


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This paper presents the classification of 110 copper ore samples from Sossego Mine, based on X-ray diffraction and cluster analysis. The comparison based on the position and the intensity of the diffracted peaks allowed the distinction of seven ore types, whose differences refer to the proportion of major minerals: quartz, feldspar, actinolite, iron oxides, mica and chlorite. There was a strong correlation between the grouping and the location of the samples in Sequeirinho and Sossego orebodies. This relationship is due to different types and intensities of hydrothermal alteration prevailing in each body, which reflect the mineralogical composition and thus the X-ray diffractograms of samples.


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Recent developments in the theory of plasma-based collisionally excited x-ray lasers (XRL) have shown an optimization potential based on the dependence of the absorption region of the pumping laser on its angle of incidence on the plasma. For the experimental proof of this idea, a number of diagnostic schemes were developed, tested, qualified and applied. A high-resolution imaging system, yielding the keV emission profile perpendicular to the target surface, provided positions of the hottest plasma regions, interesting for the benchmarking of plasma simulation codes. The implementation of a highly efficient spectrometer for the plasma emission made it possible to gain information about the abundance of the ionization states necessary for the laser action in the plasma. The intensity distribution and deflection angle of the pump laser beam could be imaged for single XRL shots, giving access to its refraction process within the plasma. During a European collaboration campaign at the Lund Laser Center, Sweden, the optimization of the pumping laser incidence angle resulted in a reduction of the required pumping energy for a Ni-like Mo XRL, which enabled the operation at a repetition rate of 10 Hz. Using the experiences gained there, the XRL performance at the PHELIX facility, GSI Darmstadt with respect to achievable repetition rate and at wavelengths below 20 nm was significantly improved, and also important information for the development towards multi-100 eV plasma XRLs was acquired. Due to the setup improvements achieved during the work for this thesis, the PHELIX XRL system now has reached a degree of reproducibility and versatility which is sufficient for demanding applications like the XRL spectroscopy of heavy ions. In addition, a European research campaign, aiming towards plasma XRLs approaching the water-window (wavelengths below 5 nm) was initiated.


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Similarity measure is one of the main factors that affect the accuracy of intensity-based 2D/3D registration of X-ray fluoroscopy to CT images. Information theory has been used to derive similarity measure for image registration leading to the introduction of mutual information, an accurate similarity measure for multi-modal and mono-modal image registration tasks. However, it is known that the standard mutual information measure only takes intensity values into account without considering spatial information and its robustness is questionable. Previous attempt to incorporate spatial information into mutual information either requires computing the entropy of higher dimensional probability distributions, or is not robust to outliers. In this paper, we show how to incorporate spatial information into mutual information without suffering from these problems. Using a variational approximation derived from the Kullback-Leibler bound, spatial information can be effectively incorporated into mutual information via energy minimization. The resulting similarity measure has a least-squares form and can be effectively minimized by a multi-resolution Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer. Experimental results are presented on datasets of two applications: (a) intra-operative patient pose estimation from a few (e.g. 2) calibrated fluoroscopic images, and (b) post-operative cup alignment estimation from single X-ray radiograph with gonadal shielding.


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This paper addresses the problem of estimating postoperative cup alignment from single standard X-ray radiograph with gonadal shielding. The widely used procedure of evaluation of cup orientation following total hip arthroplasty using single standard anteroposterior radiograph is known inaccurate, largely due to the wide variability in individual pelvic position relative to X-ray plate. 2D-3D image registration methods have been introduced to estimate the rigid transformation between a preoperative CT volume and postoperative radiograph(s) for an accurate estimation of the postoperative cup alignment relative to an anatomical reference extracted from the CT data. However, these methods require either multiple radiographs or a radiograph-specific calibration, both of which are not avaiable for most retrospective studies. Furthermore, these methods were only evaluated on X-ray radiograph(s) without gonadal shielding. In this paper, we propose to use a hybrid 2D-3D registration scheme combining an iterative landmark-to-ray registration with a 2D-3D intensity-based registration to estimate the rigid transfromation for a precise estimation of cup alignment. Quantitative and qualitative results evaluated on clinical and cadaveric datasets are given which indicate the validity of our approach.


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The Schwalbenberg II loess-paleosol sequence (LPS) denotes a key site for Marine Isotope Stage (MIS 3) in Western Europe owing to eight succeeding cambisols, which primarily constitute the Ahrgau Subformation. Therefore, this LPS qualifies as a test candidate for the potential of temporal high-resolution geochemical data obtained X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning of discrete samplesproviding a fast and non-destructive tool for determining the element composition. The geochemical data is first contextualized to existing proxy data such as magnetic susceptibility (MS) and organic carbon (Corg) and then aggregated to element log ratios characteristic for weathering intensity [LOG (Ca/Sr), LOG (Rb/Sr), LOG (Ba/Sr), LOG (Rb/K)] and dust provenance [LOG (Ti/Zr), LOG (Ti/Al), LOG (Si/Al)]. Generally, an interpretation of rock magnetic particles is challenged in western Europe, where not only magnetic enhancement but also depletion plays a role. Our data indicates leaching and top-soil erosion induced MS depletion at the Schwalbenberg II LPS. Besides weathering, LOG (Ca/Sr) is susceptible for secondary calcification. Thus, also LOG (Rb/Sr) and LOG (Ba/Sr) are shown to be influenced by calcification dynamics. Consequently, LOG (Rb/K) seems to be the most suitable weathering index identifying the Sinzig Soils S1 and S2 as the most pronounced paleosols for this site. Sinzig Soil S3 is enclosed by gelic gleysols and in contrast to S1 and S2 only initially weathered pointing to colder climate conditions. Also the Remagen Soils are characterized by subtle to moderate positive excursions in the weathering indices. Comparing the Schwalbenberg II LPS with the nearby Eifel Lake Sediment Archive (ELSA) and other more distant German, Austrian and Czech LPS while discussing time and climate as limiting factors for pedogenesis, we suggest that the lithologically determined paleosols are in-situ soil formations. The provenance indices document a Zr-enrichment at the transition from the Ahrgau to the Hesbaye Subformation. This is explained by a conceptual model incorporating multiple sediment recycling and sorting effects in eolian and fluvial domains.


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A reconstruction of Milankovitch to millennial-scale variability of sea-surface temperature (SST) and sea-surface productivity in the Pleistocene mid-latitude North Atlantic Ocean (MIS 16-9) and its relationship to ice sheet instability was carried out on sediments from IODP Site U1313. This reconstruction is based on alkenone and n-alkane concentrations, Uk37' index, total organic carbon (TOC) and carbonate contents, X-Ray diffraction (XRD) data, magnetic susceptibility, and accumulation rates. Increased input of ice-rafted debris (IRD) occurred during MIS 16, 12, and 10, characterized by high concentrations of dolomite, quartz, and feldspars and elevated accumulation rates of terrigenous matter. Minimum input values of terrigenous matter, on the other hand, were determined for MIS 13 and 11. Peak values of dolomite, coinciding with quartz, plagioclase, and kalifeldspar peaks and maxima in long-chain n-alkanes indicative for land plants, are interpreted as Heinrich-like Events related to sudden instability of the Laurentide Ice Sheet during early and late (deglacial) phases of the glacials. The coincidence of increased TOC values with elevated absolute concentrations of alkenones suggest increased glacial productivity, probably due to a more southern position of the Polar Front. Alkenone-based SST reached absolute maxima of about 19°C during MIS 11.3 and absolute minima of <10°C during MIS 12 and 10. Within MIS 11, prominent cooling events (MIS 11.22 and 11.24) occurred. The absolute SST minima recorded directly before and after the glacial maxima MIS 10.2 and 12.2, are related to Heinrich-like Event meltwater pulses, as supported by the coincidence of SST minima and maxima in C37:4 alkenones and dolomite. These sudden meltwater pulses - especially during Terminations IV and V - probably caused a collapse of phytoplankton productivity as indicated by the distinct drop in alkenone concentrations. Ice-sheet disintegration and subsequent surges and outbursts of icebergs and meltwater discharge may have been triggered by increased insolation in the Northern High Latitudes.


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