838 resultados para Weight change
Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) models are real-time neural networks for category learning, pattern recognition, and prediction. Unsupervised fuzzy ART and supervised fuzzy ARTMAP networks synthesize fuzzy logic and ART by exploiting the formal similarity between tile computations of fuzzy subsethood and the dynamics of ART category choice, search, and learning. Fuzzy ART self-organizes stable recognition categories in response to arbitrary sequences of analog or binary input patterns. It generalizes the binary ART 1 model, replacing the set-theoretic intersection (∩) with the fuzzy intersection(∧), or component-wise minimum. A normalization procedure called complement coding leads to a symmetric theory in which the fuzzy intersection and the fuzzy union (∨), or component-wise maximum, play complementary roles. A geometric interpretation of fuzzy ART represents each category as a box that increases in size as weights decrease. This paper analyzes fuzzy ART models that employ various choice functions for category selection. One such function minimizes total weight change during learning. Benchmark simulations compare peformance of fuzzy ARTMAP systems that use different choice functions.
The formation of various phases during boronizing of silicided molybdenum substrates (MoSi2/Mo) was investigated. Boronizing treatments were conducted in molten salts under an inert gas atmosphere in the 700-1000 degrees C temperature range for 3-7 h. Depending on the process type (non-current or electrochemical) and molten salt temperature, the formation of different boride phases (MoB, Mo2B5, MoB2, MoB4) was observed. At the same time, substantial oxidation of the bulk molybdenum disilicide phase (MoSi2) to the Mo5Si3 phase was observed in non-current boronizing. The oxidation resistance of the coatings was investigated by the weight change in an air-water (2.3 vol.%) mixture at a temperature of 500 degrees C for a period up to 700 h. Results indicated that a two-phase microstructure consisting of the MoSi2, matrix phase with 12-15 wt.% of the MoB4 phase greatly improved the oxidation resistance of the molybdenum substrates. The weight gain rate observed was 6.5 center dot 10(-4) mg/cm(2) h. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Administration of biomacromolecular drugs in effective quantities from conventional vaginal rings is hampered by poor drug permeability in the polymers from which rings are commonly constructed. Here, we report the formulation development and testing of rod insert rings for sustained release of the candidate antiretroviral peptides T-1249 and JNJ54310516-AFP (JNJ peptide), both of which have potential as HIV microbicides. Rod inserts were prepared comprising antiviral peptides T-1249 or JNJ peptide in combination with a hydrophilic excipient (sodium chloride, sodium glutamate, lactose or zinc acetate) dispersed at different loadings within a medical grade silicone elastomer. The inserts were tested for weight change and swelling when immersed in simulated vaginal fluid (SVF). Dye migration into the inserts was also assessed visually over 28 days. In vitro release of T-1249 and JNJ peptide from rings containing various insert types was tested. Weight change and degree of swelling of rods immersed in SVF was dependent on the type and concentration of excipient present. The rods displayed the following rank order in terms of weight change: sodium glutamate > zinc acetate ≈ sodium chloride > lactose. The weight change and degree of swelling of the inserts did not correlate with the level of dye uptake observed. In vitro release of T-1249 was improved through addition of lactose, sodium chloride and sodium glutamate, while release of JNJ peptide was improved through addition of sodium chloride or sodium glutamate. Sustained release of hydrophobic peptides can be achieved using a rod insert ring design formulated to include a hydrophilic excipient. Release rates were dependent upon the type of excipient used. The degree of release improvement with different inserts partially reflects their ability to imbibe surrounding fluid and swell in aqueous environments.
Cette étude vise à évaluer l’impact de l’état nutritionnel et de son évolution durant l’attente d’une transplantation pulmonaire sur la mortalité et la morbidité postopératoire. Nous avons examiné les 209 dossiers de patients greffés pulmonaires au Programme de Transplantation Pulmonaire du CHUM entre 2000 et 2007 et regardé la mortalité et les complications post-transplantation en fonction de l’IMC, des apports protéino-énergétiques, de certains paramètres biochimiques et selon l’évolution pondérale durant la période d’attente. Les résultats montrent que la mortalité augmente en fonction de l’augmentation des strates d’IMC avec un risque relatif de décès au cours du séjour hospitalier de 3,31 (IC95% 1,19-9,26) pour un IMC 25-29,9 et de 8,83 (IC95% 2,98-26,18) pour un IMC ≥ 30 avec une issue postopératoire plus sombre en terme de complications chirurgicales (p=0,003), de durée de séjour aux soins intensifs (p=0,031) et de durée de séjour à l’hôpital (p<0,001) chez les patients avec IMC ≥ 30 comparativement aux patients de poids normal. Les patients ayant présenté une évolution inadéquate de l’IMC durant la période d’attente ont connu une durée de séjour hospitalier prolongée (p=0,015). Ceux dont les apports nutritionnels étaient sous-optimaux en pré-greffe ont aussi connu une durée de séjour hospitalier prolongée (p=0,002) et davantage de complications infectieuses (p=0,038), digestives (p=0,003) et chirurgicales (p=0,029) mais sans impact détectable sur la mortalité. Nos résultats suggèrent que l’obésité et l’embonpoint ainsi qu’une évolution inadéquate de l’IMC durant la période d’attente de même que des apports protéino-énergétiques sous-optimaux affectent négativement l’issue d’une transplantation pulmonaire.
Le LiFePO4 est un matériau prometteur pour les cathodes des batteries au lithium. Il possède une bonne stabilité à haute température et les précurseurs utilisés pour la synthèse sont peu couteux. Malheureusement, sa faible conductivité nuit aux performances électrochimiques. Le fait de diminuer la taille des particules ou d’enrober les particules d’une couche de carbone permet d’augmenter la conductivité. Nous avons utilisé une nouvelle méthode appelée « synthèse par voie fondue » pour synthétiser le LiFePO4. Cette synthèse donne des gros cristaux et aucune impureté n’est détectée par analyse Rayon-X. En revanche, la synthèse de LiXFePO4 donne un mélange de LiFePO4 pur et d’impureté à base de lithium ou de fer selon l’excès de fer ou de lithium utilisé. La taille des particules de LiFePO4 est réduite à l’aide d’un broyeur planétaire et plusieurs paramètres de broyage sont étudiés. Une couche de carbone est ensuite déposée sur la surface des particules broyées par un traitement thermique sur le LiFePO4 avec du -lactose. L’influence de plusieurs paramètres comme la température du traitement thermique ou la durée du chauffage sont étudiés. Ces expériences sont réalisées avec un appareil d’analyse thermogravimétrique (ATG) qui donne la quantité de chaleur ainsi que la variation de masse durant le chauffage de l’échantillon. Ce nouveau chauffage pour la couche de carbone donne des échantillons dont les performances électrochimiques sont similaires à celles obtenues précédemment avec la méthode de chauffage pour la couche de carbone utilisant le four tubulaire.
Introducción: La hipertensión arterial es un problema de salud pública tanto en países industrializados como en vía de desarrollo. Su prevalencia en la infancia viene en aumento por lo que es relevante determinarla en niños preescolares a nivel local. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial en niños de tres a cinco años de una cohorte de 14 hogares infantiles del ICBF de la localidad de Usaquén en Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal analítico, utilizando la base de datos de un ensayo aleatorizado y controlado del año 200913, y se evaluaron las cifras de tensión arterial de acuerdo a sexo, edad, talla y su correlación con el IMC con un nivel de confianza del 95% y precisión del 1%. Se calcularon las medias, desviaciones estándar, percentiles y prevalencia. Resultados: Se obtuvo una muestra de 1035 casos, encontrándose una prevalencia de 4,5% de HTA sistólica, 10,4% de diastólica, ambas en estadio I; teniendo en cuenta tanto sistólica como diastólica, fue de 11,6% en estadio I. Se determinaron los valores de presión arterial sistólica y diastólica en cuartiles de acuerdo a edad, sexo y talla. El coeficiente de correlación entre el IMC y los niveles de presión arterial sistólica y diastólica fueron de 0.0992 y 0.0362 respectivamente. Conclusión: La prevalencia de HTA general fue de 11,6%, predominando la diastólica en estadio I en niños preescolares. No se encontró correlación entre el IMC y las cifras de tensión arterial sistólica y diastólica.
Dendrodrilus rubidus were sampled from a mine spoil soil at Coniston Copper Mine, an abandoned Cu mine in Cumbria, UK and a Cu-free control site. Earthworms were maintained for 14 d in both Kettering loam and a Moorland soil amended with Cu nitrate. Mortality, condition index, weight change and tissue concentration were determined. In both soils D. rubidus native to the mine site were able to tolerate significantly higher soil Cu concentrations (MWRT, p <= 0.001), and exhibited significantly less change in weight (t-test, p <= 0.001) and a lower loss in condition (t-test, p <= 0.001) than control earthworms. For a given soil Cu concentration tissue Cu concentrations were greater in the mine site earthworms. Low cocoon production and viability from the mine site population prevented the determination of toxicity parameters on the F1 generation and may be an indicator of the cost of tolerance to the population. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The mortality (7 and 14 d), weight change (7 and 14 d), and metal uptake of Eisenia fetida (Savigny, 1826) kept in Pb(NO3)(2)-treated Kettering loam soil in single- and multiple-occupancy (10 earthworms) test containers were determined. The number of earthworms to dry mass (g) ratio of soil was 1:50 in both sets of test containers. Lead concentrations were in the nominal range of 0 to 10,000 mg Pb/kg soil (mg/kg hereafter). Levels of mortality at a given concentration were statistically identical between the single- and multiple-occupancy tests, except at 1,800 mg/kg, at which significantly (p less than or equal to 0.05) more mortality occurred in the multiple-occupancy tests. Death of individual earthworms in the multiple-occupancy tests did not trigger death of the other earthworms in that soil. The LC50 values (concentration statistically likely to kill 50% of the population) were identical between the multiple- and single-occupancy soils: 2,662 mg/kg (2,598-2,984, 7 d) and 2,589 mg/kg (2,251-3,013, 14 d) for the multiple-occupancy soils and 2,827 mg/kg (2,443-3,168, both 7 and 14 d) for the single-occupancy soils (values in brackets represent the 95% confidence intervals). Data were insufficient to calculate the concentration statistically likely to reduce individual earthworm mass by 50% (EC50), but after 14 d, the decrease in earthworm weight in the 1,800 and 3,000 mg/kg tests was significantly greater in the multiple- than in the single-occupancy soils. At 1,000, 1,800, and 3,000 mg/kg tests, earthworm Pb tissue concentration was significantly (p less than or equal to 0.05) greater in earthworms from the multiple-occupancy soils. The presence of earthworms increased the NH3 content of the soil; earthworm mortality increased NH3 concentrations further but not to toxic levels.
Mature (clitellate) Eisenia andrei Bouche (ultra epigeic), Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister (epigeic), and Aporrectodea caliginosa (Savigny) (endogeic) earthworms were placed in soils treated with Pb(NO3)(2) to have concentrations in the range 1000 to 10 000 mg Pb kg(-1). After 28 days LC50(-95%confidence limit) (+95%confidence limit) values were E. andrei 5824(-361)(+898) mg Pb kg(-1), L. rubellus 2867(-193)(+145) mg Pb kg(-1) and A. caliginosa 2747(-304)(+239) mg Pb kg(-1) and EC50s for weight change were E. andrei 2841(-68)(+150) Pb kg(-1), L. rubellus 1303(-201)(+204) mg Pb kg(-1) and A. caliginosa 1208(-206)(+212) Mg Pb kg(-1). At any given soil Pb concentration, Pb tissue concentrations after 28 days were the same for all three earthworm species. In a soil avoidance test there was no difference between the behaviour of the different species. The lower sensitivity to Pb exhibited by E. andrei is most likely due to physiological adaptations associated with the modes of life of the earthworms, and could have serious implications for the use of this earthworm as the species of choice in standard toxicological testing. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two control and eight field-contaminated, metal-polluted soils were inoculated with Eisenia fetida (Savigny, 1826). Three, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 42 days after inoculation, earthworm survival, body weight, cocoon production and hatching rate were measured. Seventeen metals were analysed in E.fetida tissue, bulk soil and soil solution. Soil organic carbon content, texture, pH and cation exchange capacity were also measured. Cocoon production and hatching rate were more sensitive to adverse conditions than survival or weight change. Soil properties other than metal concentration impacted toxicity. The most toxic soils were organic-poor (1-10 g C kg(-1)), sandy soils (c. 74% sand), with intermediate metal concentrations (e.g. 7150-13, 100 mg Ph kg(-1), 2970-53,400 mg Zn kg(-1)). Significant relationships between soil properties and the life cycle parameters were determined. The best coefficients of correlation were generally found for texture, pH, Ag, Cd, Mg, Pb, Tl, and Zn both singularly and in multivariate regressions. Studies that use metal-amended artificial soils are not useful to predict toxicity of field multi-contaminated soils. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Heart transplantation (HT) represents one of the greatest advances in medicine over the last decades. It is indicated for patients with severe heart disease unresponsive to clinical treatment and conventional surgery, poor short-term prognosis and a 1- year mortality rate over 40%. HT has improved survival worldwide (80% in the first year, 70% in five years and 60% in ten years). However, the procedure has been associated with weight change and increased risk of secondary conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and obesity due to immunosuppressive therapy following transplantation. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of weight change on the metabolic stability of HT patients. The study was retrospective with data collected from the records of 82 adult patients (83% male; average age 45.06±12.04 years) submitted to HT between October 1997 and December 2005 at a transplantation service in Ceará (Brazil). The selected outcome variables (biopathological profile, weight and body mass index―BMI) were related to biochemical and metabolic change. The results were expressed in terms of frequency, measures of central tendency, Student s t test and Pearson s correlation coefficients. The analysis showed that following HT the average global BMI increased from 23.77±3.68kg/m2 to 25.48±3.92kg/m2 in the first year and to 28.38±4.97kg/m2 in the fifth. Overweight/obese patients (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) had higher average levels of glucose, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides than patients with eutrophy/malnutrition (BMI < 25 kg/m2). In conclusion, overweight/obese patients were likely to present higher average levels of glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol and fractions than patients with eutrophy/malnutrition, indicating a direct and significant relation between nutritional status and weight change in the metabolic profile of HT patients
This work aims to analyze how the growth in average income and the change in inequality in income distribution have impacted rural poverty in the Northeast in the period 1995 to 2009. Under the approach in Kakwani (1993) e Duclos and Araar (2006), and under the assumption of log-normality of income per capita, exposed in Bourguignon (2002) and Hoffmann (2005), are calculated growth and inequality elasticities of poverty to FGT poverty measures in order to observe the behavior of the sensitivity of poverty to changes in average household income and the change in income distribution / Gini index. Concurrently, decomposes the changes in measures of poverty (proportion of poor) between growth and distribution components (first proposed by Datt and Ravallion, 1992) to assess the effect of weight change and the effect of income inequality change change on poverty. Regarding the estimation of elasticities of poverty and growth and inequality elasticities of the two methodologies used in this work - under the assumption of lognormal distribution of income and FGT measures under the by Kakwani (1993) andDuclos e Araar (2006) - though do not result in identical values, to corroborate same results, ie the long-term decline in rural poverty from 1995 to 2009 the Northeast and the greater sensitivity of the Northeast Rural Poverty, observed in this same period, income growth and change in inequality. The weight of growth and change in inequality in changing the Northeast rural poverty identified that most of the decline in rural poverty is linked to growth in average income. This result coincides with results found by Kraay (2005) for a group of countries
Foram utilizadas 30 vacas da raça Canchim com 50 meses de idade e peso corporal médio de 471 kg, que receberam suplemento alimentar durante a estação seca de 1998, objetivando avaliar a precisão no desempenho estimado por diferentes sistemas de avaliação de dietas. Os suplementos, à base de silagem de milho, milho, polpa cítrica peletizada, farelo de algodão, farelo de soja e soja integral, seguiram as recomendações do Sistema de Proteína Metabolizável (MP); do Sistema de Proteína e Carboidratos Líquidos de Cornell (CNCPS); e do Sistema de Proteína Digestível no Intestino (PDI), para manutenção do peso corporal. A variação diária de peso corporal obtida não diferiu entre os tratamentos CNCPS, MP e PDI, com médias de 0,34; 0,33; e 0,19 kg/cab, respectivamente. Quando a produção de carne constituiu-se no objetivo único do sistema produtivo, a análise econômica revelou saldo de R$22,00; R$-44,73; e R$47,27/ha/ano, para os sistemas CNCPS, MP e PDI, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que os suplementos avaliados pelos sistemas proporcionaram resultados de desempenho animal compatíveis com os estimados.
While providing physical and psychological benefits, excessive exercise could be or cause a compulsive behavior, making the individual dependent on it. In a parallel discussion, computerized psychological instruments, for a hand, reflects the development of information technology and your applicability to other areas, but also shows little advance for Psychological Assessment. In this perspective, this study aims to adapt the Exercise Dependence Scale (EDS-R) in two formats (paper-and-pencil and computerized) and evaluate evidence of factorial and convergent validity, and reliability of each version and compare them with each other. It is also proposed to observe the relationship of some bio-demographic (Sex, age, frequency, duration and intensity of practice exercise) and the exercise dependence (DEF). For this purpose, 709 regular physical activity practitioners, selected by procedures non-probabilistic sampling, responded a adapted version of EDS-R, Muscle Appearance Satisfaction Scale (MASS), Body Modification Scale (BMS) and a demographic questionnaire, analyzed through Exploratory Factor Analysis, Cronbach's Alpha and not parametric tests. Both the traditional version and the computer showed a seven factors structure, explaining 57 and 62% of the variance, respectively, and Cronbach's alphas of 0.83 and 0.89. Factors were: (1) intentionality, (2) continuity, (3) tolerance, (4) reduction of other activities, (5) lack of control, (6) abstinence and (7) time spent on exercise. Relationships were observed between the Exercise Dependence and the variables: age, diets, consumption of food supplements and medicines for weight change, desire to do plastic surgery and body satisfaction. We observed also a positive correlation between the DEF and the frequency, duration and intensity of exercise, and the factor "Dependence on exercising" from MASS, indicating convergent validity of the EDS-R. Finally, comparisons between the two formats were equivalent, with few changes: computerized version achieved higher DEF scores. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the EDS-R has factorial and convergent validity, reliability, to measure exerceise dependence on traditional e computerized formats. DEF is related to actions used to body modification and behaviors toward exercise. Finally, it was found equivalence between the formats, especially in psychometric parameters, thus suggesting feasibility of a computerized assessment. However, it was observed that the computerized data has sample recruiting strategies more limited
With the objective to establish the best metabolizable energy (ME) intake for layers, and the best dietary vegetable oil addition level to optimize egg production, an experiment was carried out with 432 30-week-old Hisex Brown layers. Birds were distributed into nine treatments with six replicates of eight birds each according to a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement, consisting of three daily metabolizable energy intake (280, 300 or 320 kcal/bird/day) and three oil levels (0.00; 0.75 and 1.50 g/bird/day). Daily feed intake was limited to 115, 110 and 105 g/bird in order to obtain the desired energy and oil intake in each treatment. The following parameters were evaluated: initial weight, final weight, body weight change, egg production, egg mass, feed conversion ratio per dozen eggs and per egg mass and energy conversion. There was no influence of the treatments on egg production (%) or egg mass (g/bird/day). Final weight and body weight change were significantly affected by increasing energy intake. Feed conversion ratio per egg mass, feed conversion ratio per dozen eggs and energy conversion significantly worsened as a function of the increase in daily energy intake. An energy intake of 280 kcal/bird/day with no addition of dietary oil does not affect layer performance.