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Composite resins and glass-ionomer cements were introduced to dentistry in the 1960s and 1970s, respectively. Since then, there has been a series of modifications to both materials as well as the development other groups claiming intermediate characteristics between the two. The result is a confusion of materials leading to selection problems. While both materials are tooth-colored, there is a considerable difference in their properties, and it is important that each is used in the appropriate situation. Composite resin materials are esthetic and now show acceptable physical strength and wear resistance. However, they are hydrophobic, and therefore more difficult to handle in the oral environment, and cannot support ion migration. Also, the problems of gaining long-term adhesion to dentin have yet to be overcome. On the other hand, glass ionomers are water-based and therefore have the potential for ion migration, both inward and outward from the restoration, leading to a number of advantages. However, they lack the physical properties required for use in load-bearing areas. A logical classification designed to differentiate the materials was first published by McLean et al in 1994, but in the last 15 years, both types of material have undergone further research and modification. This paper is designed to bring the classification up to date so that the operator can make a suitable, evidence-based, choice when selecting a material for any given situation.
Satellite-derived remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs) can be used for mapping biogeochemically relevant variables, such as the chlorophyll concentration and the Inherent Optical Properties (IOPs) of the water, at global scale for use in climate-change studies. Prior to generating such products, suitable algorithms have to be selected that are appropriate for the purpose. Algorithm selection needs to account for both qualitative and quantitative requirements. In this paper we develop an objective methodology designed to rank the quantitative performance of a suite of bio-optical models. The objective classification is applied using the NASA bio-Optical Marine Algorithm Dataset (NOMAD). Using in situRrs as input to the models, the performance of eleven semi-analytical models, as well as five empirical chlorophyll algorithms and an empirical diffuse attenuation coefficient algorithm, is ranked for spectrally-resolved IOPs, chlorophyll concentration and the diffuse attenuation coefficient at 489 nm. The sensitivity of the objective classification and the uncertainty in the ranking are tested using a Monte-Carlo approach (bootstrapping). Results indicate that the performance of the semi-analytical models varies depending on the product and wavelength of interest. For chlorophyll retrieval, empirical algorithms perform better than semi-analytical models, in general. The performance of these empirical models reflects either their immunity to scale errors or instrument noise in Rrs data, or simply that the data used for model parameterisation were not independent of NOMAD. Nonetheless, uncertainty in the classification suggests that the performance of some semi-analytical algorithms at retrieving chlorophyll is comparable with the empirical algorithms. For phytoplankton absorption at 443 nm, some semi-analytical models also perform with similar accuracy to an empirical model. We discuss the potential biases, limitations and uncertainty in the approach, as well as additional qualitative considerations for algorithm selection for climate-change studies. Our classification has the potential to be routinely implemented, such that the performance of emerging algorithms can be compared with existing algorithms as they become available. In the long-term, such an approach will further aid algorithm development for ocean-colour studies.
The detection of dense harmful algal blooms (HABs) by satellite remote sensing is usually based on analysis of chlorophyll-a as a proxy. However, this approach does not provide information about the potential harm of bloom, nor can it identify the dominant species. The developed HAB risk classification method employs a fully automatic data-driven approach to identify key characteristics of water leaving radiances and derived quantities, and to classify pixels into “harmful”, “non-harmful” and “no bloom” categories using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Discrimination accuracy is increased through the use of spectral ratios of water leaving radiances, absorption and backscattering. To reduce the false alarm rate the data that cannot be reliably classified are automatically labelled as “unknown”. This method can be trained on different HAB species or extended to new sensors and then applied to generate independent HAB risk maps; these can be fused with other sensors to fill gaps or improve spatial or temporal resolution. The HAB discrimination technique has obtained accurate results on MODIS and MERIS data, correctly identifying 89% of Phaeocystis globosa HABs in the southern North Sea and 88% of Karenia mikimotoi blooms in the Western English Channel. A linear transformation of the ocean colour discriminants is used to estimate harmful cell counts, demonstrating greater accuracy than if based on chlorophyll-a; this will facilitate its integration into a HAB early warning system operating in the southern North Sea.
The management of water resources in Ireland prior to the Water Framework Directive (WFD) has focussed on surface water and groundwater as separate entities. A critical element to the successful implementation of the
WFD is to improve our understanding of the interaction between the two and flow mechanisms by which groundwaters discharge to surface waters. An improved understanding of the contribution of groundwater to surface water is required for the classification of groundwater body status and the determination of groundwater quality thresholds. The results of the study will also have a wider application to many areas of the WFD.
A subcommittee of the WFD Groundwater Working Group (GWWG) has been formed to develop a methodology to estimate the groundwater contribution to Irish Rivers. The group has selected a number of analytical techniques to quantify components of stream flow in an Irish context (Master Recession Curve, Unit Hydrograph, Flood Studies Report methodologies and
hydrogeological analytical modelling). The components of stream flow that can be identified include deep groundwater, intermediate and overland. These analyses have been tested on seven pilot catchments that have a variety of hydrogeological settings and have been used to inform and constrain a mathematical model. The mathematical model used was the NAM (NedbØr-AfstrØmnings-Model) rainfall-runoff model which is a module of DHIs MIKE 11 modelling suite. The results from these pilot catchments have been used to develop a decision model based on catchment descriptors from GIS datasets for the selection of NAM parameters. The datasets used include the mapping of aquifers, vulnerability and subsoils, soils, the Digital Terrain Model, CORINE and lakes. The national coverage of the GIS datasets has allowed the extrapolation of the mathematical model to regional catchments across Ireland.
The concept of "water structure" has been invoked to explain all manner of aqueous phenomena. Here we look at the origins of this tendency to understand solute hydration in terms of structural changes in bulk water, and consider the validity of one particular example: the classification of small solutes as chaotropic or kosmotropic, and the putative relation of this terminology to notions of structure-making and structure-breaking in the solvent. We doubt whether complex phenomena such as Hofmeister and osmolyte effects on macromolecules can be understood simply on the basis of a change in solvent structure. Rather, we argue that chaotropicity, if understood in the original sense, arises from the activities that solutes exert on macromolecular systems, as well as from deviations of solvation water from bulk-like behaviour. If applied judiciously, chaotropicity remains a potent, biologically pertinent parameter useful for classifying and understanding solution phenomena in all types of living system.
This work summarises the Intercalibration Exercise (IE) required for the Common Implementation Strategy of the Water Framework Directive (WFD; 2000/60/EC) that was carried out in Portugal, and applied to a coastal region. The WFD aims to achieve good ec ological status for all waters in the European Community by 2015. The Ecological Status of a water body is determined us ing a range of Hydromorphological and Physico-Chemical Quality Elements as well Biological Quality Elements (BQE ). In coastal waters, the Biological Elements include Phytoplankton, Other Aquatic Flora and Benthic Inverteb rate Fauna. Good cooperation with the other Member States allowed the IE to proceed without a complete da ta set, and Portugal was ab le to intercalibrate and harmonise methods within the North Ea st Atlantic Geographica l Intercalibration Group for most of the BQE. The appropriate metrics and corre sponding methods were agreed under the framework of the RECITAL (Reference Conditions and Intercalibra tion) project, funded by the Port uguese Water Institu te, INAG. Some preliminary sampling was undertaken, but not su fficient to establish the Reference Conditions. The study area was a coastal lagoon in the southern part of Portugal. The focus was on the Phytoplankton Quality Element, but other BQE were also taken into account. Two sampli ng stations in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon were considered in this exercise: Ramalhete a nd Ponte. The metrics adopted by the Intercalibration Exercise groups were applied enabli ng the classification for the two sta tions of Good/High Status for the majority of the BQE parameters.
This study aims to optimize the water quality monitoring of a polluted watercourse (Leça River, Portugal) through the principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA). These statistical methodologies were applied to physicochemical, bacteriological and ecotoxicological data (with the marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri and the green alga Chlorella vulgaris) obtained with the analysis of water samples monthly collected at seven monitoring sites and during five campaigns (February, May, June, August, and September 2006). The results of some variables were assigned to water quality classes according to national guidelines. Chemical and bacteriological quality data led to classify Leça River water quality as “bad” or “very bad”. PCA and CA identified monitoring sites with similar pollution pattern, giving to site 1 (located in the upstream stretch of the river) a distinct feature from all other sampling sites downstream. Ecotoxicity results corroborated this classification thus revealing differences in space and time. The present study includes not only physical, chemical and bacteriological but also ecotoxicological parameters, which broadens new perspectives in river water characterization. Moreover, the application of PCA and CA is very useful to optimize water quality monitoring networks, defining the minimum number of sites and their location. Thus, these tools can support appropriate management decisions.
The complex ecology of free-living amoebae (FLA) and their role in spreading pathogenic microorganisms through water systems have recently raised considerable interest. In this study, we investigated the presence of FLA and amoebae-resisting bacteria (ARB) at various stages of a drinking water plant fed with river water. We isolated various amoebal species from the river and from several points within the plant, mostly at early steps of water treatment. Echinamoeba- and Hartmannella-related amoebae were mainly recovered in the drinking water plant whereas Acanthamoeba- and Naegleria-related amoebae were recovered from the river water and the sand filtration units. Some FLA isolates were recovered immediately after the ozonation step, thus suggesting resistance of these microorganisms to this disinfection procedure. A bacterial isolate related to Mycobacterium mucogenicum was recovered from an Echinamoeba-related amoeba isolated from ozone-treated water. Various other ARB were recovered using co-culture with axenic Acanthamoeba castellanii, including mycobacteria, legionella, Chlamydia-like organisms and various proteobacteria. Noteworthy, a new Parachlamydia acanthamoebae strain was recovered from river water and from granular activated carbon (GAC) biofilm. As amoebae mainly multiply in sand and GAC filters, optimization of filter backwash procedures probably offers a possibility to better control these protists and the risk associated with their intracellular hosts
Les milieux humides remplissent plusieurs fonctions écologiques d’importance et contribuent à la biodiversité de la faune et de la flore. Même s’il existe une reconnaissance croissante sur l’importante de protéger ces milieux, il n’en demeure pas moins que leur intégrité est encore menacée par la pression des activités humaines. L’inventaire et le suivi systématique des milieux humides constituent une nécessité et la télédétection est le seul moyen réaliste d’atteindre ce but. L’objectif de cette thèse consiste à contribuer et à améliorer la caractérisation des milieux humides en utilisant des données satellites acquises par des radars polarimétriques en bande L (ALOS-PALSAR) et C (RADARSAT-2). Cette thèse se fonde sur deux hypothèses (chap. 1). La première hypothèse stipule que les classes de physionomies végétales, basées sur la structure des végétaux, sont plus appropriées que les classes d’espèces végétales car mieux adaptées au contenu informationnel des images radar polarimétriques. La seconde hypothèse stipule que les algorithmes de décompositions polarimétriques permettent une extraction optimale de l’information polarimétrique comparativement à une approche multipolarisée basée sur les canaux de polarisation HH, HV et VV (chap. 3). En particulier, l’apport de la décomposition incohérente de Touzi pour l’inventaire et le suivi de milieux humides est examiné en détail. Cette décomposition permet de caractériser le type de diffusion, la phase, l’orientation, la symétrie, le degré de polarisation et la puissance rétrodiffusée d’une cible à l’aide d’une série de paramètres extraits d’une analyse des vecteurs et des valeurs propres de la matrice de cohérence. La région du lac Saint-Pierre a été sélectionnée comme site d’étude étant donné la grande diversité de ses milieux humides qui y couvrent plus de 20 000 ha. L’un des défis posés par cette thèse consiste au fait qu’il n’existe pas de système standard énumérant l’ensemble possible des classes physionomiques ni d’indications précises quant à leurs caractéristiques et dimensions. Une grande attention a donc été portée à la création de ces classes par recoupement de sources de données diverses et plus de 50 espèces végétales ont été regroupées en 9 classes physionomiques (chap. 7, 8 et 9). Plusieurs analyses sont proposées pour valider les hypothèses de cette thèse (chap. 9). Des analyses de sensibilité par diffusiogramme sont utilisées pour étudier les caractéristiques et la dispersion des physionomies végétales dans différents espaces constitués de paramètres polarimétriques ou canaux de polarisation (chap. 10 et 12). Des séries temporelles d’images RADARSAT-2 sont utilisées pour approfondir la compréhension de l’évolution saisonnière des physionomies végétales (chap. 12). L’algorithme de la divergence transformée est utilisé pour quantifier la séparabilité entre les classes physionomiques et pour identifier le ou les paramètres ayant le plus contribué(s) à leur séparabilité (chap. 11 et 13). Des classifications sont aussi proposées et les résultats comparés à une carte existante des milieux humide du lac Saint-Pierre (14). Finalement, une analyse du potentiel des paramètres polarimétrique en bande C et L est proposé pour le suivi de l’hydrologie des tourbières (chap. 15 et 16). Les analyses de sensibilité montrent que les paramètres de la 1re composante, relatifs à la portion dominante (polarisée) du signal, sont suffisants pour une caractérisation générale des physionomies végétales. Les paramètres des 2e et 3e composantes sont cependant nécessaires pour obtenir de meilleures séparabilités entre les classes (chap. 11 et 13) et une meilleure discrimination entre milieux humides et milieux secs (chap. 14). Cette thèse montre qu’il est préférable de considérer individuellement les paramètres des 1re, 2e et 3e composantes plutôt que leur somme pondérée par leurs valeurs propres respectives (chap. 10 et 12). Cette thèse examine également la complémentarité entre les paramètres de structure et ceux relatifs à la puissance rétrodiffusée, souvent ignorée et normalisée par la plupart des décompositions polarimétriques. La dimension temporelle (saisonnière) est essentielle pour la caractérisation et la classification des physionomies végétales (chap. 12, 13 et 14). Des images acquises au printemps (avril et mai) sont nécessaires pour discriminer les milieux secs des milieux humides alors que des images acquises en été (juillet et août) sont nécessaires pour raffiner la classification des physionomies végétales. Un arbre hiérarchique de classification développé dans cette thèse constitue une synthèse des connaissances acquises (chap. 14). À l’aide d’un nombre relativement réduit de paramètres polarimétriques et de règles de décisions simples, il est possible d’identifier, entre autres, trois classes de bas marais et de discriminer avec succès les hauts marais herbacés des autres classes physionomiques sans avoir recours à des sources de données auxiliaires. Les résultats obtenus sont comparables à ceux provenant d’une classification supervisée utilisant deux images Landsat-5 avec une exactitude globale de 77.3% et 79.0% respectivement. Diverses classifications utilisant la machine à vecteurs de support (SVM) permettent de reproduire les résultats obtenus avec l’arbre hiérarchique de classification. L’exploitation d’une plus forte dimensionalitée par le SVM, avec une précision globale maximale de 79.1%, ne permet cependant pas d’obtenir des résultats significativement meilleurs. Finalement, la phase de la décomposition de Touzi apparaît être le seul paramètre (en bande L) sensible aux variations du niveau d’eau sous la surface des tourbières ouvertes (chap. 16). Ce paramètre offre donc un grand potentiel pour le suivi de l’hydrologie des tourbières comparativement à la différence de phase entre les canaux HH et VV. Cette thèse démontre que les paramètres de la décomposition de Touzi permettent une meilleure caractérisation, de meilleures séparabilités et de meilleures classifications des physionomies végétales des milieux humides que les canaux de polarisation HH, HV et VV. Le regroupement des espèces végétales en classes physionomiques est un concept valable. Mais certaines espèces végétales partageant une physionomie similaire, mais occupant un milieu différent (haut vs bas marais), ont cependant présenté des différences significatives quant aux propriétés de leur rétrodiffusion.
Chaque jour, des décisions doivent être prises quant à la quantité d'hydroélectricité produite au Québec. Ces décisions reposent sur la prévision des apports en eau dans les bassins versants produite à l'aide de modèles hydrologiques. Ces modèles prennent en compte plusieurs facteurs, dont notamment la présence ou l'absence de neige au sol. Cette information est primordiale durant la fonte printanière pour anticiper les apports à venir, puisqu'entre 30 et 40% du volume de crue peut provenir de la fonte du couvert nival. Il est donc nécessaire pour les prévisionnistes de pouvoir suivre l'évolution du couvert de neige de façon quotidienne afin d'ajuster leurs prévisions selon le phénomène de fonte. Des méthodes pour cartographier la neige au sol sont actuellement utilisées à l'Institut de recherche d'Hydro-Québec (IREQ), mais elles présentent quelques lacunes. Ce mémoire a pour objectif d'utiliser des données de télédétection en micro-ondes passives (le gradient de températures de brillance en position verticale (GTV)) à l'aide d'une approche statistique afin de produire des cartes neige/non-neige et d'en quantifier l'incertitude de classification. Pour ce faire, le GTV a été utilisé afin de calculer une probabilité de neige quotidienne via les mélanges de lois normales selon la statistique bayésienne. Par la suite, ces probabilités ont été modélisées à l'aide de la régression linéaire sur les logits et des cartographies du couvert nival ont été produites. Les résultats des modèles ont été validés qualitativement et quantitativement, puis leur intégration à Hydro-Québec a été discutée.
Die thermische Verarbeitung von Lebensmitteln beeinflusst deren Qualität und ernährungsphysiologischen Eigenschaften. Im Haushalt ist die Überwachung der Temperatur innerhalb des Lebensmittels sehr schwierig. Zudem ist das Wissen über optimale Temperatur- und Zeitparameter für die verschiedenen Speisen oft unzureichend. Die optimale Steuerung der thermischen Zubereitung ist maßgeblich abhängig von der Art des Lebensmittels und der äußeren und inneren Temperatureinwirkung während des Garvorgangs. Das Ziel der Arbeiten war die Entwicklung eines automatischen Backofens, der in der Lage ist, die Art des Lebensmittels zu erkennen und die Temperatur im Inneren des Lebensmittels während des Backens zu errechnen. Die für die Temperaturberechnung benötigten Daten wurden mit mehreren Sensoren erfasst. Hierzu kam ein Infrarotthermometer, ein Infrarotabstandssensor, eine Kamera, ein Temperatursensor und ein Lambdasonde innerhalb des Ofens zum Einsatz. Ferner wurden eine Wägezelle, ein Strom- sowie Spannungs-Sensor und ein Temperatursensor außerhalb des Ofens genutzt. Die während der Aufheizphase aufgenommen Datensätze ermöglichten das Training mehrerer künstlicher neuronaler Netze, die die verschiedenen Lebensmittel in die entsprechenden Kategorien einordnen konnten, um so das optimale Backprogram auszuwählen. Zur Abschätzung der thermische Diffusivität der Nahrung, die von der Zusammensetzung (Kohlenhydrate, Fett, Protein, Wasser) abhängt, wurden mehrere künstliche neuronale Netze trainiert. Mit Ausnahme des Fettanteils der Lebensmittel konnten alle Komponenten durch verschiedene KNNs mit einem Maximum von 8 versteckten Neuronen ausreichend genau abgeschätzt werden um auf deren Grundlage die Temperatur im inneren des Lebensmittels zu berechnen. Die durchgeführte Arbeit zeigt, dass mit Hilfe verschiedenster Sensoren zur direkten beziehungsweise indirekten Messung der äußeren Eigenschaften der Lebensmittel sowie KNNs für die Kategorisierung und Abschätzung der Lebensmittelzusammensetzung die automatische Erkennung und Berechnung der inneren Temperatur von verschiedensten Lebensmitteln möglich ist.
Bloom-forming and toxin-producing cyanobacteria remain a persistent nuisance across the world. Modelling of cyanobacteria in freshwaters is an important tool for understanding their population dynamics and predicting bloom occurrence in lakes and rivers. In this paper existing key models of cyanobacteria are reviewed, evaluated and classified. Two major groups emerge: deterministic mathematical and artificial neural network models. Mathematical models can be further subcategorized into those models concerned with impounded water bodies and those concerned with rivers. Most existing models focus on a single aspect such as the growth of transport mechanisms, but there are a few models which couple both.
We provide a unified framework for a range of linear transforms that can be used for the analysis of terahertz spectroscopic data, with particular emphasis on their application to the measurement of leaf water content. The use of linear transforms for filtering, regression, and classification is discussed. For illustration, a classification problem involving leaves at three stages of drought and a prediction problem involving simulated spectra are presented. Issues resulting from scaling the data set are discussed. Using Lagrange multipliers, we arrive at the transform that yields the maximum separation between the spectra and show that this optimal transform is equivalent to computing the Euclidean distance between the samples. The optimal linear transform is compared with the average for all the spectra as well as with the Karhunen–Loève transform to discriminate a wet leaf from a dry leaf. We show that taking several principal components into account is equivalent to defining new axes in which data are to be analyzed. The procedure shows that the coefficients of the Karhunen–Loève transform are well suited to the process of classification of spectra. This is in line with expectations, as these coefficients are built from the statistical properties of the data set analyzed.
This paper reviews the ways that quality can be assessed in standing waters, a subject that has hitherto attracted little attention but which is now a legal requirement in Europe. It describes a scheme for the assessment and monitoring of water and ecological quality in standing waters greater than about I ha in area in England & Wales although it is generally relevant to North-west Europe. Thirteen hydrological, chemical and biological variables are used to characterise the standing water body in any current sampling. These are lake volume, maximum depth, onductivity, Secchi disc transparency, pH, total alkalinity, calcium ion concentration, total N concentration,winter total oxidised inorganic nitrogen (effectively nitrate) concentration, total P concentration, potential maximum chlorophyll a concentration, a score based on the nature of the submerged and emergent plant community, and the presence or absence of a fish community. Inter alia these variables are key indicators of the state of eutrophication, acidification, salinisation and infilling of a water body.
Scene classification based on latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is a more general modeling method known as a bag of visual words, in which the construction of a visual vocabulary is a crucial quantization process to ensure success of the classification. A framework is developed using the following new aspects: Gaussian mixture clustering for the quantization process, the use of an integrated visual vocabulary (IVV), which is built as the union of all centroids obtained from the separate quantization process of each class, and the usage of some features, including edge orientation histogram, CIELab color moments, and gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). The experiments are conducted on IKONOS images with six semantic classes (tree, grassland, residential, commercial/industrial, road, and water). The results show that the use of an IVV increases the overall accuracy (OA) by 11 to 12% and 6% when it is implemented on the selected and all features, respectively. The selected features of CIELab color moments and GLCM provide a better OA than the implementation over CIELab color moment or GLCM as individuals. The latter increases the OA by only ∼2 to 3%. Moreover, the results show that the OA of LDA outperforms the OA of C4.5 and naive Bayes tree by ∼20%. © 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) [DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.8.083690]