94 resultados para Warden


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Notice from Dexter Deverardo regarding minutes of the meeting of the Municipal Council of the County of Welland that was held May 21, 1857. It was moved that the warden and clerk be requested to procure a plan of the marsh lands tract, May, 1857.


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Broadside, 90 cm. x 55 cm. made from canvas. This broadside is for a centennial celebration of the settlement of Ontario by the United Empire Loyalists. The first line reads “1774 -1884” [it should be 1784-1884]. The celebration was to be held on the historic plains of Niagara. The names of the general committee of the celebration are listed as well as the names of Major Hiscott, warden; F.A.B. Clench, chairman and Dan Servos. It is written in pencil that “this was given by J.B. Secord”. There are some small holes in the broadside and a small bit of canvas has lost some of its texture. This affects the text very slightly. 1884


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El traumatismo craneoencefálico, es la epidemia silenciosa de nuestra época, que genera gastos en salud, en países como Estados Unidos, cercanos a los 60 billones de dólares anuales, y cerca de 400 billones en rehabilitación de los discapacitados. El pilar del manejo médico del trauma craneoencefálico moderado o severo, es la osmoterapia, principalmente con sustancias como el manitol y las soluciones hipertónicas. Se realizó la revisión de 14 bases de datos, encontrando 4657754 artículos, quedando al final 40 artículos después de un análisis exhaustivo, que se relacionaban con el manejo de la hipertensión endocraneana y terapia osmótica. Resultados: Se compararon diferentes estudios, encontrando gran variabilidad estos, sin homogenización en los análisis estadísticos, y la poca rigurosidad no permitieron, la recolección de datos y la comparación entre los diferentes estudios, no permitió realizar el meta-análisis y por esto se decidió la realización de una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se evidenció principalmente tres cosas: la primera es la poca rigurosidad con la que se realizan los estudios clínicos; la segunda, es que aún falta mucha más investigación principalmente, la presencia de estudios clínicos aleatorizados multicéntricos, que logren dar una sólida evidencia y que genere validez científica que se requiere, a pesar de la evidencia clara en la práctica clínica; la tercera es la seguridad para su uso, con poca presencia de complicaciones para las soluciones salinas hipertónicas.


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Resumen Introducción Una posible opción de tratamiento para el manejo del trastorno depresivo mayor (TDM) es la estimulación magnética transcraneal (EMT) que ha mostrado propiedades antidepresivas superiores al placebo con un buen perfil de seguridad. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la reducción en la severidad del TDM y la proporción de eventos adversos (EA) en pacientes con TDM refractario y no refractario, posterior al uso de EMT administrada en monoterapia o tratamiento coadyuvante comparado con terapia farmacológica. Metodología Se planteó una pregunta PICOT de la cual se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de estudios clínicos en las bases de datos Medline, EMBASE y Cochrane. Dos investigadores en forma independiente realizaron la selección de artículos, evaluación de calidad con la herramienta de la colaboración Cochrane y extracción de datos. Se extrajeron datos de eficacia como tasa de respuesta, porcentaje de remisión, calidad de vida, diminución sintomática del trastorno depresivo mayor en la escala de Hamilton y capacidad funcional. Igualmente, proporción de pacientes con EA. Se realizó un meta-análisis de estas variables teniendo en cuenta la heterogeneidad. Resultados La presente revisión sistemática incluyó 26 estudios clínicos aleatorizados de baja calidad metodológica mostrando que la EMT presentó una eficacia superior cuando es usada como coadyuvante a las terapias con que venían siendo tratados los pacientes con TDM refractario y no refractario en los desenlaces de tasa de respuesta y porcentaje de remisión. En el caso de intervenciones farmacológicas específicas, la EMT presento eficacia similar, tanto en terapia coadyuvante como en monoterapia comparado con las intervenciones farmacológicas. En cuanto a seguridad, la EMT presenta un buen perfil de seguridad debido a que en todos los escenarios estudiados los EA fueron no serios y baja frecuencia Conclusiones La evidencia disponible sugiere que la EMT mostró ser efectivo y seguro para el manejo del TDM refractario y no refractario. Sin embargo, la evidencia es débil por lo tanto se necesita mayor investigación clínica que soporte su uso.


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The present study has as goal to analyze the aplicability of the computational technology as mediator in the english-speaking teaching in the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte-CEFET/RN. The object of study was centered in the use of the computer incorporated in the teaching of English by four institution groups. The research was ruled metodologically in the study of case, adopting a qualitative and quantitative boarding of interpretative-reflexive mark. We support ourselves on a bibliographical literature revision that cares of the use of the computational technology matter into the class-room, aiming an education new practice, regarding the current reality conceptions in what we live in the technological education. We also use a referencial for a pedagogical action, trying to offer subsidies for a practice that provides the knowledges generation through the interaction, aiming a subject reflexive and critical education. For materialization of this study, we used esrutuctured action, as interviews for the teachers and students, besides the observations of the dayly in class-room, in order to get the necessary datas for analysis. During this study, we oserved that the use of the computer, while pedagogical support instrument in the english-speaking teaching, has acted like mediator of the teaching-learning process. The results demonstrate use of the computer use has been each more a practice adopted by other institution languages teachers. The conclusions confirm the hypothesis showed at the beginning of the work and evidence that the teachers are warden of forming thinking, reflexive and critical subjects. For that, they need to be prepared to face situations in which they can take the pedagogical practice to tune with the technological advances, consequently providing an effective technological education


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente estudo partindo da perspectiva contextualista e adotando o modelo bioecológico do desenvolvimento buscou identificar as percepções compartilhadas entre pais de crianças com deficiência mental moradoras da Ilha do Combu, região ribeirinha amazônica. Foram acompanhadas as três famílias que tinham filhos cadastrados na Secretaria Municipal de Ensino de Belém e/ou diagnóstico que comprovava a deficiência mental. Os cuidados éticos tomados foram balizados na aprovação do projeto pela UFPA, no esclarecimento dos participantes sobre os objetivos e os riscos inócuos envolvidos assim como o sigilo de suas identidades. A aproximação da pesquisadora ao contexto investigado e às famílias participantes se deu via inserção ecológica. A coleta se dividiu em dois momentos distintos: primeiramente ocorreram visitas sistemáticas às famílias com a utilização do instrumento diário de campo, desse modo a pesquisadora buscou integrar-se ao ambiente estudado via interações sucessivas e regulares tornando-se o mais próximo possível daqueles que o constituem e no segundo momento ocorreu a aplicação do inventário sócio-demográfico e teste de identificação familiar – FIT. Os resultados apontaram condições diferenciadas de desenvolvimento dos filhos relacionadas às percepções compartilhadas pelos pais e as características contextuais presentes na Ilha. As identificações positivas associadas ao bom desempenho dos papéis e atividades estiveram ligadas às percepções de aceitação e pertencimento, aspectos observados na família de Ana. Nas demais famílias (Taciana e Alexandra) estiveram presentes conflitos e dificuldades que ressaltam os seguintes fatores: sobrecarga vivenciada nos cuidados aos filhos, percepções de estranhamento e incompreensão frente à deficiência, conflitos conjugais, rejeição do diagnóstico e identificações negativas. Conclui-se que as percepções compartilhadas pelos pais mostram-se ligadas ao suporte recebido durante o diagnóstico, aos papéis desempenhados na família, às características das crianças e aos aspectos contextuais presentes na cultura ribeirinha que pressupõe o isolamento marcado pela região alagada e conta com uma rede social composta por parentes que vivem na ilha há gerações.


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Thundering herds of bison have become synonymous with the pre-European colonization of the Great Plains. As such, they have captured the imagination of countless people, including Wes Olson, a 20-year warden for Parks Canada. Throughout Portraits of the Bison, based on both existing literature and the author's extensive experience observing and managing these animals, Olson's bison fascination is not only obvious but infectious. A remarkably talented artist as well, Olson's line drawings appear throughout the book, accompanied by Johane Janelle's photographs.


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Two general strategies for the functionalization of metathesis polymers are presented in this dissertation. Introducing Sacrificial Synthesis, many of the limitations of ruthenium-catalyzed ROMP have been overcome. Here, the living ROMP polymer to be functionalized was turned into a diblock copolymer by polymerizing dioxepine monomers onto the desired first polymer block. The second block was then later removed to leave “half-a-dioxepin”, i.e. exactly one hydroxyl group, at the chain-end. The efficiency of Sacrificial Synthesis is also studied. Thiol groups were also placed by a sacrificial strategy based on cyclic thioacetals. 2-Phenyl-1,3-dithiepin could be polymerized and subsequently cleaved by hydrogenation with Raney-Nickel. The presence of thiol groups on the chain end has been proven by chemical means (derivatization) and by coating gold-nanoparticles. The second strategy, vinyl lactone quenchingv is a termination reaction based on vinyl esters. After a metathesis step, an inactive Fischer-type carbene is formed. Such acyl carbenes are unstable and self-decompose to set an inactive ruthenium complex and the functional group free without changing the reaction conditions. The two compounds vinylene carbonate and 3H-furanone gave rise to the placement of aldehydes and carboxylic acids at the polymer chain ends without the necessity to perform any deprotection steps after the functionalization. The development of those two functionalization methods led to several applications. By reacting hydroxyl-functionalized ROMP-polymers with norbornene acid, macromonomers were formed which were subsequently polymerized to the respective graft-copolymers. Also, the derivatization of the same functionalized polymers with propargylic acid gave rise to alkyne-functionalized polymers which were conjugated with azides. Furthermore, “ugly stars”, i.e. long-chain branched structures were synthesized by polycondensation of ABn-type macromonomers and telechelic polymers were accessed combining the described functionalization techniques.


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During the lead-up to Montana second progressive era, Lee Metcalf and Forrest Anderson, along with others, kept the progressive flame lit in Montana. Metcalf’s political history is replete with close electoral wins because of his commitment to progressive ideals when the times were not always politically favorable for that. As State Legislator, MT Supreme Court Justice, Congressman and eventually as US Senator, Lee won races by as little as 55 votes because he stuck to his guns as a progressive. In Forrest Anderson’s career as a County Attorney, State Legislator, MT Supreme Court Justice and 12 years as MT Attorney General he was respected as a pragmatic practitioner of politics. But during that entire career leading up to his election as Governor, Forrest Anderson was also a stalwart supporter of the progressive agenda exemplified by FDR and the New Deal, which brought folks out of the Great Depression that was brought on by the bad policies of the GOP and big business. As MT’s second progressive period began in 1965, the first important election was Senator Metcalf’s successful re-election battle in 1966 with the sitting MT Governor, Tim Babcock. And the progressive express was really ignited by the election of Forrest Anderson as Governor in 1968 after 16 years of Republican Governors in MT. Gordon Bennett played a rather unique role, being a confidant of Metcalf and Anderson, both who respected his wide and varied experience, his intellect, and his roots in progressivism beginning with his formative years in the Red Corner of NE Montana. Working with Senator Metcalf and his team, including Brit Englund, Vic Reinemer, Peggy McLaughlin, Betty Davis and Jack Condon among others, Bennett helped shape the progressive message both in Washington DC and MT. Progressive labor and farm organizations, part of the progressive coalition, benefitted from Bennett’s advice and counsel and aided the Senator in his career including the huge challenge of having a sitting popular governor run against him for the Senate in 1966. Metcalf’s noted intern program produced a cadre of progressive leaders in Montana over the years. Most notably, Ron Richards transitioned from Metcalf Intern to Executive Secretary of the Montana Democratic Party (MDP) and assisted, along with Bennett, in the 1966 Metcalf-Babcock race in a big way. As Executive Secretary Richards was critical to the success of the MDP as a platform for Forrest Anderson’s general election run and win in 1968. After Forrest’s gubernatorial election, Richards became Executive Assistant (now called Chief of Staff) for Governor Anderson and also for Governor Thomas Judge. The Metcalf progressive strain, exemplified by many including Richards and Bennett, permeated Democratic politics during the second progressive era. So, too, did the coalition that supported Metcalf and his policies. The progressivism of the period of “In the Crucible of Change” was fired up by Lee Metcalf, Forrest Anderson and their supporters and coalitions, and Gordon Bennett was in the center of all of that, helping fire up the crucible, setting the stage for many policy advancements in both Washington DC and Montana. Gordon Bennett’s important role in the 1966 re-election of Senator Lee Metcalf and the 1968 election of Governor Forrest Anderson, as well as his wide experience in government and politics of that time allows him to provide us with an insider’s personal perspective of those races and other events at the beginning of the period of progressive change being documented “In the Crucible of Change,” as well as his personal insights into the larger political/policy picture of Montana. Gordon Bennett, a major and formative player “In the Crucible of Change,” was born in the far northeast town of Scobey, MT in 1922. He attended school in Scobey through the eighth grade and graduated from Helena High School. After attending Carroll College for two years, he received his BA in economics from Carleton College in Northfield, MN. During a brief stint on the east coast, his daily reading of the New York Times (“best newspaper in the world at that time … and now”) inspired him to pursue a career in journalism. He received his MA in Journalism from the University of Missouri and entered the field. As a reporter for the Great Falls Tribune under the ownership and management of the Warden Family, he observed and competed with the rigid control of Montana’s press by the Anaconda Company (the Great Falls Tribune was the only large newspaper in Montana NOT owned by ACM). Following his intellectual curiosity and his philosophical bend, he attended a number of Farm-Labor Institutes which he credits with motivating him to pursue solutions to economic and social woes through the law. In 1956, at the age of 34, he received his Juris Doctorate degree from the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, DC. Bennett’s varied career included eighteen years as a farmer, four years in the US Army during WWII (1942-46), two years as Assistant MT Attorney General (1957-59) with Forrest Anderson, three years in private practice in Glasgow (1959-61), two years as Associate Solicitor in the Department of Interior in Washington, DC (1961-62), and private law practice in Helena from 1962 to 1969. While in Helena he was an unsuccessful candidate for the Montana Supreme Court (1962) and cemented his previous relationships with Attorney General Forrest Anderson and US Senator Lee Metcalf. Bennett modestly refuses to accept the title of Campaign Manager for either Lee Metcalf (1966 re-election over the challenger, MT Republican Governor Tim Babcock) or Forrest Anderson (his 1968 election as Governor), saying that “they ran their campaigns … we were only there to help.” But he has been generally recognized as having filled that critical role in both of those critical elections. After Governor Anderson’s election in 1968, Bennett was appointed Director of the MT Unemployment Compensation Commission, a position from where he could be a close advisor and confidant of the new Governor. In 1971, Governor Anderson appointed him Judge in the most important jurisdiction in Montana, the 1st Judicial District in Helena, a position he held for seventeen years (1971-88). Upon stepping down from his judgeship, for twenty years (1988-2008) he was a law instructor, mediator and arbitrator. He currently resides in Helena with his wife, Norma Tirrell, former newspaper reporter and researcher/writer. Bennett has two adult children and four grandchildren.


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Energy efficiency has become an important research topic in intralogistics. Especially in this field the focus is placed on automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) utilizing stacker cranes as these systems are widespread and consume a significant portion of the total energy demand of intralogistical systems. Numerical simulation models were developed to calculate the energy demand rather precisely for discrete single and dual command cycles. Unfortunately these simulation models are not suitable to perform fast calculations to determine a mean energy demand value of a complete storage aisle. For this purpose analytical approaches would be more convenient but until now analytical approaches only deliver results for certain configurations. In particular, for commonly used stacker cranes equipped with an intermediate circuit connection within their drive configuration there is no analytical approach available to calculate the mean energy demand. This article should address this research gap and present a calculation approach which enables planners to quickly calculate the energy demand of these systems.


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Im östlichen Teil des chinesischen Tibets in einer alten kulturellen Kontaktlandschaft zu China findet sich auf kleinem Raum eine überausreichhaltige Hauslandschaft, die sich in einer Vielfalt von anderen Gebieten Tibets oder Chinas deutlicha bhebt und sich durchaus mit europäischer Mannigfaltigkeit messen kann. Nicht nur sind alle Konstruktionsweisen vom Stein-, Holz- und Lehmbau bis zu deren Kombinationen vertreten, sondern auch die Hausformen mit reichem Aussen- und Innenschmuck zeigen ein einmaliges Spektrum. Mit zunehmender wirtschaftlicher Öffnung der bis vor kurzem weitgehend abgeschlossenen Täler und Hochebenen zeichnet sich sowohl auf der Stufe der Siedlung als auch beim Hausbau und der Einrichtung ein Wandel ab, der sich voraussichtlich weiter beschleunigen wird. Weil das Gebiet bis heute siedlungsgeographisch praktisch unerforscht geblieben ist, bot sich hier die einmalige Gelegenheit, nicht nur den ländlichen Wohnbau mit seinen Begleitformen in einem Überblick erstmals darzustellen, sondern auch den modernen Wandlungsprozess an seinem Beginn zuerfassen. Die Studie erfolgte ohne Auftrag im Alleingang und basiert auf Material, das während 6 Reisen von insgesamt 12 Monaten Dauer gesammelt warden konnte. Um zu einer möglichst ganzheitlichen Vernetzung der bäuerlichen Siedlung zu gelangen, wurde versucht, nebst zahlreichen detaillierten Einzelhausaufnahmen auch Siedlungsbilder, natürliche, wirtschaftliche, demographische und historische Grundlagen auf allen Massstabsebenen zu erfassen und zu verknüpfen. Grosses Gewicht bekam die anschauliche Darstellung der Ergebnisse von der Landschaft bis zur einzelnen Gebäudekammer mittels Illustrationen in Vogelschaukonstruktion.


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This report presents short-wave infrared spectroscopic data acquired from both core and powdered samples collected during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 193, from Holes 1188A, 1188F, and 1189A, using a Portable Infrared Mineral Analyzer reflectance spectrometer. The distribution of alteration minerals detected using this method for each site is presented.