910 resultados para Vitamin C intake


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The tissue changes that occur in Chagas disease are related to the degree of oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity of affected tissue. Studies with vitamin C supplementation did not develop oxidative damage caused by Chagas disease in the host, but other studies cite the use of peroxiredoxins ascorbate - dependent on T. cruzi to offer protection against immune reaction. Based on these propositions, thirty "Swiss" mice were infected with T. cruzi QM1 strain and treated with two different vitamin C doses in order to study the parasitemia evolution, histopathological changes and lipid peroxidation biomarkers during the acute phase of Chagas disease. The results showed that the parasite clearance was greater in animals fed with vitamin C overdose. There were no significant differences regarding the biomarkers of lipid peroxidation and inflammatory process or the increase of myocardium in animals treated with the recommended dosage. The largest amount of parasite growth towards the end of the acute phase suggests the benefit of high doses of vitamin C for trypomastigotes. The supplementation doesn't influence the production of free radicals or the number of amastigote nests in the acute phase of Chagas disease.


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Background: Given the importance of both calcium and vitamin D for bone health and the high prevalence of vitamin D from around the world, the present study aimed to evaluate calcium and vitamin D intake in a group of healthy Brazilian adolescents and young adults and to examine the influence of breakfast and dairy products in the total intake of these nutrients. Methods: One hundred and sixty adolescents and young adults, aged 1620 years old, from a public school, participated in the present study. Three-day dietary records were used to assess calcium and vitamin D intakes. Serum 25(OH) D levels were measured using a radioimmunoassay kit. The results were expressed as the mean (SD). Results: Only 3.8% of the subjects met the daily adequate intake recommendation for calcium, and none for vitamin D [682.2 (132.2) mg day(-1) and 124.0 (28.0) IU day(-1), respectively]. 25(OH) D serum levels were insufficient in 51.5% and deficient in 9.7% of the individuals [72.5 (22.3) nmol L(-1)]. There was a significant positive correlation between dairy product intake with both calcium and vitamin D (r = 0.597 and r = 0.561, respectively; P = 0.000). Adolescents who ate breakfast had a significant higher mean calcium, vitamin D and dairy product intake than adolescents who did not report this meal. Conclusions: The majority of adolescents and young adults did not consume recommended intakes of calcium and vitamin D and also presented 25(OH) D insufficiency. The results indicate that a regular breakfast and the consumption of dairy products represent important strategies in improving calcium and vitamin D intake in the diet.


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Abstract Aim Oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Vitamin C and vitamin E are known to react with reactive oxygen species (ROS) blocking the propagation of radical reactions in a wide range of oxidative stress situations. The potential therapeutic efficacy of antioxidants in NAFLD is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of antioxidant drugs (vitamin C or vitamin E) in its prevention. Methods Fatty liver disease was induced in Wistar rats by choline-deficient diet for four weeks. The rats were randomly assigned to receive vitamin E (n = 6) – (200 mg/day), vitamin C (n = 6) (30 mg/Kg/day) or vehicle orally. Results In the vehicle and vitamin E-treated rats, there were moderate macro and microvesicular fatty changes in periportal area without inflammatory infiltrate or fibrosis. Scharlach stain that used for a more precise identification of fatty change was strong positive. With vitamin C, there was marked decrease in histological alterations. Essentially, there was no liver steatosis, only hepatocellular ballooning. Scharlach stain was negative. The lucigenin-enhanced luminescence was reduced with vitamin C (1080 ± 330 cpm/mg/minx103) as compared to those Vitamin E and control (2247 ± 790; 2020 ± 407 cpm/mg/minx103, respectively) (p < 0.05). Serum levels of aminotransferases were unaltered by vitamin C or vitamin E. Conclusions 1) Vitamin C reduced oxidative stress and markedly inhibited the development of experimental liver steatosis induced by choline-deficient diet ; 2)Vitamin E neither prevented the development of fatty liver nor reduced the oxidative stress in this model.


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The tissue changes that occur in Chagas disease are related to the degree of oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity of affected tissue. Studies with vitamin C supplementation did not develop oxidative damage caused by Chagas disease in the host, but other studies cite the use of peroxiredoxins ascorbate - dependent on T. cruzi to offer protection against immune reaction. Based on these propositions, thirty "Swiss" mice were infected with T. cruzi QM1 strain and treated with two different vitamin C doses in order to study the parasitemia evolution, histopathological changes and lipid peroxidation biomarkers during the acute phase of Chagas disease. The results showed that the parasite clearance was greater in animals fed with vitamin C overdose. There were no significant differences regarding the biomarkers of lipid peroxidation and inflammatory process or the increase of myocardium in animals treated with the recommended dosage. The largest amount of parasite growth towards the end of the acute phase suggests the benefit of high doses of vitamin C for trypomastigotes. The supplementation doesn't influence the production of free radicals or the number of amastigote nests in the acute phase of Chagas disease.


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Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is required for the synthesis of collagen, carnitine, catecholamine and the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. Vitamin C also plays an important role in protection against oxidative stress. Transporters for vitamin C and its oxidized form dehydroascorbate (DHA) are crucial to keep vitamin concentrations optimal in the body. The human SLC23 family consists of the Na(+)-dependent vitamin C transporters SVCT1 (SLC23A1) and SVCT2 (SLC23A2) and the orphan transporter SVCT3 (SLC23A3). Phylogenetically, the SLC23 family belongs to the nucleobase-ascorbate transporter family although no specificity for nucleobases has yet been demonstrated for the human members of this family. In fact, the SVCT1 and SVCT2 transporters are rather specific for ascorbic acid. SVCT1 is expressed in epithelial tissues such as intestine, where it contributes to the maintenance of whole-body ascorbic acid levels, whereas the expression of SVCT2 is relatively widespread either to protect metabolically active cells and specialized tissues from oxidative stress or to deliver ascorbic acid to tissues that are in high demand of the vitamin for enzymatic reactions. DHA, the oxidized form of ascorbic acid is taken up and distributed in the body by facilitated transport via members of the SLC2/GLUT family (GLUT1, GLUT3, and GLUT4). Although, the main focus of this review is on the SLC23 family of ascorbic acid transporters, transporters of DHA and nucleobases are also briefly discussed for completeness.


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While having the highest vitamin C (VitC) concentrations in the body, specific functions of VitC in the brain have only recently been acknowledged. We have shown that postnatal VitC deficiency in guinea pigs causes impairment of hippocampal memory function and leads to 30% less neurons. This study investigates how prenatal VitC deficiency affects postnatal hippocampal development and if any such effect can be reversed by postnatal VitC repletion. Eighty pregnant Dunkin Hartley guinea pig dams were randomized into weight stratified groups receiving High (900 mg) or Low (100 mg) VitC per kg diet. Newborn pups (n = 157) were randomized into a total of four postnatal feeding regimens: High/High (Control); High/Low (Depleted), Low/Low (Deficient); and Low/High (Repleted). Proliferation and migration of newborn cells in the dentate gyrus was assessed by BrdU labeling and hippocampal volumes were determined by stereology. Prenatal VitC deficiency resulted in a significant reduction in postnatal hippocampal volume (P<0.001) which was not reversed by postnatal repletion. There was no difference in postnatal cellular proliferation and survival rates in the hippocampus between dietary groups, however, migration of newborn cells into the granular layer of the hippocampus dentate gyrus was significantly reduced in prenatally deficient animals (P<0.01). We conclude that a prenatal VitC deficiency in guinea pigs leads to persistent impairment of postnatal hippocampal development which is not alleviated by postnatal repletion. Our findings place attention on a yet unrecognized consequence of marginal VitC deficiency during pregnancy.


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Neonates are particularly susceptible to malnutrition due to their limited reserves of micronutrients and their rapid growth. In the present study, we examined the effect of vitamin C deficiency on markers of oxidative stress in plasma, liver and brain of weanling guinea pigs. Vitamin C deficiency caused rapid and significant depletion of ascorbate (P < 0.001), tocopherols (P < 0.001) and glutathione (P < 0.001), and a decrease in superoxide dismutase activity (P = 0.005) in the liver, while protein oxidation was significantly increased (P = 0.011). No changes in lipid oxidation or oxidatively damaged DNA were observed in this tissue. In the brain, the pattern was markedly different. Of the measured antioxidants, only ascorbate was significantly depleted (P < 0.001), but in contrast to the liver, ascorbate oxidation (P = 0.034), lipid oxidation (P < 0.001), DNA oxidation (P = 0.13) and DNA incision repair (P = 0.014) were all increased, while protein oxidation decreased (P = 0.003). The results show that the selective preservation of brain ascorbate and induction of DNA repair in vitamin C-deficient weanling guinea pigs is not sufficient to prevent oxidative damage. Vitamin C deficiency may therefore be particularly adverse during the neonatal period.


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Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is an essential micronutrient that serves as an antioxidant and as a cofactor in many enzymatic reactions. Intestinal absorption and renal reabsorption of the vitamin is mediated by the epithelial apical L-ascorbic acid cotransporter SVCT1 (SLC23A1). We explored the molecular mechanisms of SVCT1-mediated L-ascorbic acid transport using radiotracer and voltage-clamp techniques in RNA-injected Xenopus oocytes. L-ascorbic acid transport was saturable (K(0.5) approximately 70 microM), temperature dependent (Q(10) approximately 5), and energized by the Na(+) electrochemical potential gradient. We obtained a Na(+)-L-ascorbic acid coupling ratio of 2:1 from simultaneous measurement of currents and fluxes. L-ascorbic acid and Na(+) saturation kinetics as a function of cosubstrate concentrations revealed a simultaneous transport mechanism in which binding is ordered Na(+), L-ascorbic acid, Na(+). In the absence of L-ascorbic acid, SVCT1 mediated pre-steady-state currents that decayed with time constants 3-15 ms. Transients were described by single Boltzmann distributions. At 100 mM Na(+), maximal charge translocation (Q(max)) was approximately 25 nC, around a midpoint (V(0.5)) at -9 mV, and with apparent valence approximately -1. Q(max) was conserved upon progressive removal of Na(+), whereas V(0.5) shifted to more hyperpolarized potentials. Model simulation predicted that the pre-steady-state current predominantly results from an ion-well effect on binding of the first Na(+) partway within the membrane electric field. We present a transport model for SVCT1 that will provide a framework for investigating the impact of specific mutations and polymorphisms in SLC23A1 and help us better understand the contribution of SVCT1 to vitamin C metabolism in health and disease.


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Expression and purification of human membrane proteins for structural studies represent a great challenge. This is because micro- to milligram amounts of pure isolated protein are required. To this aim, we successfully expressed the human vitamin C transporter-1 (hSVCT1; SLC23A1) in Xenopus laevis oocytes and isolated highly pure protein in microgram amounts. Recombinant hSVCT1 was functional when expressed in oocytes and glycosylated. Structural analysis of purified hSVCT1 by transmission electron microscopy and single particle analysis unveiled its shape, dimensions and low-resolution structure as well as the existence of a major monomeric and minor dimeric population. Chemical crosslinking of isolated oocyte membranes containing expressed hSVCT1 indicated similar oligomeric states of hSVCT1 in lipid bilayers. This work reports the first purification and structural analysis of a human SVCT protein and opens the way for future functional and structural studies using purified hSVCT1.


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Most organisms are able to synthesize vitamin C whereas humans are not. In order to contribute to the elucidation of the molecular working mechanism of vitamin C transport through biological membranes, we cloned, overexpressed, purified, functionally characterized, and 2D- and 3D-crystallized a bacterial protein (UraDp) with 29% of amino acid sequence identity to the human sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter 1 (SVCT1). Ligand-binding experiments by scintillation proximity assay revealed that uracil is a substrate preferably bound to UraDp. For structural analysis, we report on the production of tubular 2D crystals and present a first projection structure of UraDp from negatively stained tubes. On the other hand the successful growth of UraDp 3D crystals and their crystallographic analysis is described. These 3D crystals, which diffract X-rays to 4.2Å resolution, pave the way towards the high-resolution crystal structure of a bacterial homologue with high amino acid sequence identity to human SVCT1.


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Künstliches Vitamin C ist heute ein Massenprodukt. Dass sich Ascorbinsäure seit ihrer Erfindung 1933 zu einem alltäglichen Konsumgut mausern konnte, ist weniger durch ihr medizinisches Potential zu erklären, sondern verdankt sich vielmehr einem dynamischen Zusammenspiel von Produktion, Vermarktung und Gesundheitspolitik. Der Beitrag fokussiert insbesondere auf die komplexen Interaktionen zwischen Gesundheitskonzepten, diagnostischen Instrumenten und ärztlichem Blick. Dabei scheinen nicht nur die Differenzen zwischen „rein naturwissenschaftlichen“ und „ärztlich-biologischen“ Standpunkten auf, sondern es zeigt sich auch, dass Nahrungsbestandteile immer auch gesundheitspolitisch und ethisch aufgeladen sind.


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Vitamin C (l-ascorbic acid; AsA) acts as a potent antioxidant and cellular reductant in plants and animals. AsA has long been known to have many critical physiological roles in plants, yet its biosynthesis is only currently being defined. A pathway for AsA biosynthesis that features GDP-mannose and l-galactose has recently been proposed for plants. We have isolated a collection of AsA-deficient mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana that are valuable tools for testing of an AsA biosynthetic pathway. The best-characterized of these mutants (vtc1) contains ≈25% of wild-type AsA and is defective in AsA biosynthesis. By using a combination of biochemical, molecular, and genetic techniques, we have demonstrated that the VTC1 locus encodes a GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase (mannose-1-P guanyltransferase). This enzyme provides GDP-mannose, which is used for cell wall carbohydrate biosynthesis and protein glycosylation as well as for AsA biosynthesis. In addition to genetically defining the first locus involved in AsA biosynthesis, this work highlights the power of using traditional mutagenesis techniques coupled with the Arabidopsis Genome Initiative to rapidly clone physiologically important genes.


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The current recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin C, as proposed by the Food and Nutrition Board/National Research Council in 1980 and reconfirmed in 1989, is 60 mg daily for nonsmoking adult males. Levine et al. [Levine, M., Conry-Cantilena, C., Wang, Y., Welch, R. W., Washko, P. W., et al. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 3704–3709], based on a study of vitamin C pharmacokinetics in seven healthy men, have now proposed that the RDA should be increased to 200 mg daily. I have examined, in brief, the experimental and conceptual bases for this new recommendation and its implications for public health and nutrition policy and programs. Using, for illustrative purposes only, data extracted from each of two recent dietary surveys of noninstitutionalized adult males living in households in the Netherlands and the United States, it is predicted that the prevalence of intakes inadequate to meet the individual’s own requirement would be about 96% or 84%, respectively, if the criteria of adequacy used for derivation of the 200 mg RDA are accepted. Depending upon the particular average requirement value for ascorbic acid that might be derived from their data, the proposal by Levine et al. would mean a desirable increase in mean intakes in these two populations by as much about 2- to 3-fold. Hence, before an action of this kind is to be recommended, an answer must be sought to the question whether current experimental data including the criteria selected (saturation kinetics) are adequate to establish a new set of requirements for vitamin C, which then carry such profound policy implications. This will require critical assessment of all of the available evidence emerging from laboratory, clinical, and epidemiological studies to determine whether it provides a sufficient rationale for accepting criteria of vitamin C adequacy such as those proposed by Levine et al. and the requirement estimates so derived.