961 resultados para Virtual Reference Service


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One of the key issues facing public asset owners is the decision of refurbishing aged built assets. This decision requires an assessment of the “remaining service life” of the key components in a building. The remaining service life is significantly dependent upon the existing condition of the asset and future degradation patterns considering durability and functional obsolescence. Recently developed methods on Residual Service Life modelling, require sophisticated data that are not readily available. Most of the data available are in the form of reports prior to undertaking major repairs or in the form of sessional audit reports. Valuable information from these available sources can serve as bench marks for estimating the reference service life. The authors have acquired similar informations from a public asset building in Melbourne. Using these informations, the residual service life of a case study building façade has been estimated in this paper based on state-of-the-art approaches. These estimations have been evaluated against expert opinion. Though the results are encouraging it is clear that the state-of-the-art methodologies can only provide meaningful estimates provided the level and quality of data are available. This investigation resulted in the development of a new framework for maintenance that integrates the condition assessment procedures and factors influencing residual service life


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Peer review is a reflective process which allows us to formalise, and gain maximum benefit from, collegial feedback on our professional performance. It is also a process that encourages us to engage in cycles of planning, acting, recording and reflection which are familiar components of action learning and action research. Entering into these cycles within the peer-review framework is a powerful and cost-effective means of facilitating professional development which is readily adapted to the library context. In 1996, a project implementing peer review, in order to improve client interaction at the reference desk, was completed at the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) Library. For that project we developed a set of guidelines for library staff involved in peer review. These guidelines explained the value of peer review, and described its principles and purposes. We also devised strategies to assist staff as they prepared for the experience of peer review, engaged in the process and reflected on the outcomes. A number of benefits were identified; the peer-review process enhanced team spirit, enhanced client-orientation, and fostered collaborative efforts in improving the reference service. It was also relatively inexpensive to implement. In this paper we will discuss the nature of peer review and its importance to library and information professionals. We will also share the guidelines we developed, and discuss the implementation and outcomes of the peer review project at the University of Southern Queensland. We will conclude by discussing the benefits perceived and the issues that arose in the USQ context, and by suggesting a range of other aspects of library service in which peer-review could be implemented.


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Verifica a utilização do serviço de disseminação seletiva da informação (DSI) e a tecnologia RSS em bibliotecas de tribunais em Brasília. Propõe identificar como os serviços de referência de tais bibliotecas vêem a validade do serviço de disseminação seletiva e mais especificamente a tecnologia RSS como instrumentos para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos e serviços de informação com o foco nas necessidades do usuário. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os profissionais ainda veem utilidade do serviço de DSI, apesar de apenas duas das bibliotecas visitadas o utilizarem. Também foi possível verificar que os profissionais vislumbram a utilização da tecnologia RSS nos serviços de referência, apesar de nenhuma biblioteca visitada já ter pensado na utilização da tecnologia e os sites dessas bibliotecas ainda possuírem uma baixa disponibilização de serviços e utilização.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a potencialidade de implantação da Produção Mais Limpa (P+L), através do estudo de caso em Laboratório Biomédico de Referência em uma instituição pública de ensino e pesquisa localizada no Rio de Janeiro. Esta investigação é exploratória e analítica, utilizando-se como instrumentos a revisão bibliográfica e documental, a observação direta e a entrevista com aplicação de questionários voltados aos responsáveis pela área ambiental do laboratório pesquisado. A análise foi realizada confrontando-se os dados levantados com as recomendações da metodologia de P+L, identificando-se as lacunas e oportunidades para a melhoria dos serviços e processos de trabalho. O laboratório possui instalações modernas, organização, sistemas de avaliação da matéria-prima e insumos usados, além do gerenciamento dos resíduos. Contudo, nem todos os procedimentos são validados ou estão adequados às normas. Em geral, problemas em laboratórios dizem respeito ao uso excessivo de substâncias perigosas e ao manejo inadequado de resíduos, o qual pode ser contornado com a P+L, tendo como enfoque a prevenção da poluição e a minimização na fonte geradora. A redução do consumo de materiais e insumos, além da implantação de mudanças nos processos de trabalho, podem diminuir os custos financeiros e os impactos ambientais, como foi demonstrado no estudo. Para a melhoria da gestão dos laboratórios, recomenda-se a continuidade na aquisição, manutenção de equipamentos e infraestrutura. É importante a divulgação de informações ambientais e treinamento permanente para funcionários e alunos. A Sustentabilidade Ambiental só pode ser alcançada quando for bem entendida e absorvida por todos, sendo a alta administração das instituições a maior responsável para liderar esse processo. Para estudos futuros, propõe-se melhor definição e ampliação dos indicadores para o monitoramento e aprimoramento da gestão ambiental. Complementarmente, indicam-se estudos sobre a aquisição de conceitos pelos atores sobre a P+L e como eles podem contribuir com a Sustentabilidade Ambiental e a melhoria no ambiente de trabalho. Espera-se que esta pesquisa auxilie com o aperfeiçoamento da gestão no laboratório estudado e em instituições similares que a venham implantar a P+L.


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Urquhart, C., Durbin, J. & Spink, S. (2004). Training needs analysis of healthcare library staff, undertaken for South Yorkshire Workforce Development Confederation. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: South Yorkshire WDC (NHS)


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Restorative justice is “a process whereby parties with a stake in a specific offence resolve collectively how to deal with the aftermath of the offence and its implications for the future” (Marshall 2003). Despite the increasing use of restorative justice programmes as an alternative to court proceedings, no systematic review has been undertaken of the available evidence on the effectiveness of these programmes with young offenders. Recidivism in young offenders is a particularly worrying problem, as recent surveys have indicated
the frequency of re-offences for young offenders has ranged from 40.2% in 2000 to 37.8% in 2007 (Ministry of Justice 2009)

To evaluate the effects of restorative justice conferencing programmes for reducing recidivism in young offenders.

Search methods
We searched the following databases up to May 2012: CENTRAL, 2012 Issue 5, MEDLINE (1978 to current), Bibliography of Nordic Criminology (1999 to current), Index to Theses (1716 to current), PsycINFO (1887 to current), Social Sciences Citation Index (1970 to current), Sociological Abstracts (1952 to current), Social Care Online (1985 to current), Restorative Justice Online (1975 to current), Scopus (1823 to current), Science Direct (1823 to current), LILACS (1982 to current), ERIC (1966 to current), Restorative Justice Online (4May 2012),WorldCat (9May 2012), ClinicalTrials.gov (19May 2012) and ICTRP (19May 2012). ASSIA,National Criminal Justice Reference Service and Social Services Abstracts were searched up to May 2011. Relevant bibliographies, conference programmes and journals were also searched.

Selection criteria
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-RCTs of restorative justice conferencing versus management as usual, in young offenders.

Data collection and analysis
Two authors independently assessed the risk of bias of included trials and extracted the data. Where necessary, original investigators were contacted to obtain missing information.

Main results
Four trials including a total of 1447 young offenders were included in the review. Results failed to find a significant effect for restorative justice conferencing over normal court procedures for any of the main analyses, including number re-arrested (odds ratio (OR) 1.00, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.59 to 1.71; P = 0.99), monthly rate of reoffending (standardised mean difference (SMD) -0.06, 95% CI -0.28 to 0.16; P = 0.61), young person’s remorse following conference (OR 1.73, 95% CI 0.97 to 3.10; P = 0.06), young person’s recognition of wrongdoing following conference (OR 1.97, 95% CI 0.81 to 4.80; P = 0.14), young person’s self-perception following conference (OR 0.95, 95% CI 0.55 to 1.63; P = 0.85), young person’s satisfaction following conference (OR 0.42, 95% CI 0.04 to 4.07; P = 0.45) and victim’s satisfaction following conference (OR 4.05, 95%CI 0.56 to 29.04; P = 0.16). A small number of sensitivity analyses did indicate significant effects, although all are to be interpreted with caution.

Authors’ conclusions
There is currently a lack of high quality evidence regarding the effectiveness of restorative justice conferencing for young offenders. Caution is urged in interpreting the results of this review considering the small number of included studies, subsequent low power and high risk of bias. The effects may potentially be more evident for victims than offenders. The need for further research in this area is highlighted.


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Tese de mestrado, Ciências da Documentação e Informação (Arquivo), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2012


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Trata das questões de organização e recuperação da informação no caso específico do acervo do Centro de Pesquisa e História Contemporânea do Brasil – CPDOC. Baseia essa análise num estudo de caso do uso do serviço de referência da instituição prestado pela Sala de Consulta e também no utilização da base de dados Accessus. Traça um perfil do usuário do acervo da instituição além de um perfil de pesquisa desses indivíduos ao mapear o comportamento dos usuários diante da ferramenta Accessus. Aborda o contexto da elaboração da base de dados e investiga a criação da linguagem controlada em história e ciências afins que serviu de base para o Accessus. Problematiza as questões de acessibilidade da linguagem a um público não relacionado com a área. Pareia essa problematização com análise dos diferentes perfis de usuários. Discute a forma de indexação do acervo do CPDOC e suscita reflexões sobre esse processo que considere uma relação direta com o perfil dos usuários.


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Several positioning techniques have been developed to explore the GPS capability to provide precise coordinates in real time. However, a significant problem to all techniques is the ionosphere effect and the troposphere refraction. Recent researches in Brazil, at São Paulo State University (UNESP), have been trying to tackle these problems. In relation to the ionosphere effects it has been developed a model named Mod_Ion. Concerning tropospheric refraction, a model of Numerical Weather Prediction(NWP) has been used to compute the zenithal tropospheric delay (ZTD). These two models have been integrated with two positioning methods: DGPS (Differential GPS) and network RTK (Real Time Kinematic). These two positioning techniques are being investigated at São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil. The in-house DGPS software was already finalized and has provided very good results. The network RTK software is still under development. Therefore, only preliminary results from this method using the VRS (Virtual Reference Station) concept are presented.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objetivou-se apreender as representações sociais sobre gravidez após os 35 anos a partir de mulheres com baixa renda que vivenciaram essa experiência. A abordagem qualitativa foi empregada com base na Teoria das Representações Sociais. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com 25 gestantes usuárias de um serviço público de referência do interior paulista. Os dados foram sistematizados pela técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Verificou-se que a opção pela gravidez tardia se atrela ao desejo da mulher de consolidar suas relações em novas uniões conjugais, à estabilidade financeira e à maturidade do casal. As mulheres representam esta experiência como positiva, se houver planejamento prévio, envolvimento do companheiro e se for bem aceita pela família, após sua constatação. Sem a satisfação destas condições, as representações revestem-se de sentimentos negativos ligados a dor, sofrimento e morte. As conclusões deste estudo enfatizam a importância de os serviços públicos de saúde considerarem estes aspectos.


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PURPOSE: to evaluate the insulin therapy protocol and its maternal and perinatal outcome in patients with clinical or gestational diabetes in a high risk reference service. METHODS: descriptive and prospective study including 103 pregnant women with gestational or clinical diabetes treated with insulin and attended by the reference service from October 2003 to December 2005. Gemellarity, miscarriages, unfinished prenatal care and deliveries not attended by the service were excluded. The gestational age at the beginning of the treatment, dosage, doses/day, increment of insulin (UI/kg), glycemic index (GI) and perinatal outcomes were compared. ANOVA, Fisher's exact test and Goodman's test considering p<0.05 were used. RESULTS: multiparity (92 versus 67.9%), pre-gestational body mass index (BMI) >25 kg/m 2 (88 versus 58.5%), weight gain (WG) <8 kg (36 versus 17%) and a high increment of insulin characterized the gestational diabetes. For the patients with clinical diabetes, despite the highest GI (120 mg/dL (39.2 versus 24%)) at the end of the gestational period, insulin therapy started earlier (47.2 versus 4%), lasted longer (56.6 versus 6%) and higher doses of insulin (92 versus 43 UI/day) were administered up to three times a day (54.7 versus 16%). Macrosomia was higher among newborns from the cohort of patients with gestational diabetes (16 versus 3.8%), being the only significant neonatal outcome. There were no neonatal deaths, except for one fetal death in the cohort of patients with clinical diabetes. There were no differences in the other neonatal complications in both cohorts, and most of the newborns were discharged from hospital up to seven days after delivery (46% versus 55.8%). CONCLUSIONS: the analysis of these two cohorts has shown differences in the insulin therapy protocol in quantity (UI/day), dosage (UI/kg weight) and number of doses/day, higher for the clinical diabetes cohort, and in the increment of insulin, higher for the gestational diabetes cohort. Indirectly, the quality of maternal glycemic control and the satisfactory perinatal outcome have proven that the treatment protocol was adequate and did not depend on the type of diabetes.


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Nowadays, with the implantation of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) reference station networks, several positioning techniques have been developed and/or improved. Using such kind of network data it is possible to model the GNSS distance dependent errors and to compute correction terms for the network region. Several methods have been developed to formulate the corrections terms from network stations data. A method that has been received a great attention is the Virtual Reference Station (VRS). The idea is that the VRS data resemble as much as possible a real receiver data placed in the same local. Therefore, the user has the possibility of using the VRS as if it were a real reference station in your proximities, and to accomplish the relative positioning with a single frequency receiver. In this paper it is described a different methodology applied to implement the VRS concept, using atmospheric models developed by Brazilian researchers. Besides, experiments for evaluating the quality of generated VRS are presented, showing the efficiency of the proposed method.


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Nowadays, with the expansion of the reference stations networks, several positioning techniques have been developed and/or improved. Among them, the VRS (Virtual Reference Station) concept has been very used. In this paper the goal is to generate VRS data in a modified technique. In the proposed methodology the DD (double difference) ambiguities are not computed. The network correction terms are obtained using only atmospheric (ionospheric and tropospheric) models. In order to carry out the experiments it was used data of five reference stations from the GPS Active Network of West of São Paulo State and an extra station. To evaluate the VRS data quality it was used three different strategies: PPP (Precise Point Positioning) and Relative Positioning in static and kinematic modes, and DGPS (Differential GPS). Furthermore, the VRS data were generated in the position of a real reference station. The results provided by the VRS data agree quite well with those of the real file data.