203 resultados para Vasodilation


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O gênero Pterodon compreende algumas espécies largamente distribuídas sobre a região central do Brasil. Seus frutos são comercialmente disponíveis no mercado da flora medicinal sendo amplamente utilizados pelas suas propriedades farmacológicas como antirreumático, anti-inflamatório e analgésicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi biomonitorar o fracionamento do extrato hexânico de Pterodon polygalaeflorus Benth. (ExPpg), utilizando modelos de inflamação aguda (edema de pata e bolha de ar). O fracionamento/sub-fracionamento foi realizado por cromatografia em coluna de sílica e as amostras analisadas por cromatografia em camada fina e cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrômetro de massas. O edema de pata foi induzido em camundongos SW por injeção (s.c.) de carragenina. Uma hora antes da inoculação de carragenina os animais foram tratados v.o. com veículo (EtOH 15%, 1,25% Tween-20), indometacina (10 mg/kg p.c.) ou ExHPpg/frações/sub-frações de Ppg. No modelo bolha de ar, a cavidade foi desenvolvida em camundongos SW através da injeção de ar estéril (s.c.) no dorso e a inflamação induzida por carragenina. Uma hora antes de inocular a carragenina os animais foram tratados (v.o) com o veículo, indometacina (10 mg/kg) ou ExHPpg/Fr2Ppg/sub-frações. Após 4 h o exsudato da bolha foi coletado para contagem total e diferencial de leucócitos (Panótico rápido) e dosagem de proteínas (biureto), e a pele referente à bolha foi removida para análises macroscópica e histológica (HE). Também foi realizado estudo de migração de neutrófilos pelo ensaio do transwell. Após demonstração do efeito antiedematogênico do ExHPpg, este foi fracionado em quatro frações. A fração Fr2Ppg, mais ativa no modelo de edema de pata, também inibiu os diferentes parâmetros inflamatórios avaliados no modelo de bolha de ar, com a menor dose testada, e foi sub-fracionada em cinco sub-frações. Destas, as SF2.1 e SF2.2 foram as que mostraram melhor efeito anti-inflamatório pelo modelo da bolha de ar. Em relação ao grupo controle com carragenina, o ExHppg, Fr2Ppg, SF 2.1 e SF 2.2, na dose 0,02 mg/kg, exerceram inibições de 70,6%, 62,8%, 54,7% e 79% no número total de células no exsudato, reduções de 76,8%, 76,9%, 71,1% e 73,3% na concentração de proteína, respectivamente. Com a dose de 0,2 mg/kg, foram observadas inibições apenas para ExHPpg e SF 2.1, com intensidades menores, na leucometria total (62,9% e 48,62%, respectivamente), e na concentração de proteína para SF 2.1 e SF 2.2 (reduções de 68,2% e 30,4%, respectivamente). As análises macroscópica e histológica mostraram redução importante da vasodilatação e do infiltrado inflamatório pelo tratamento com o ExHppg, Fr2Ppg, SF 2.1 e SF 2.2. No ensaio de transwell a Fr2Ppg exibiu 31,4% de inibição na migração de neutrófilos. As sub-frações SF2.1 e SF2.2 foram avaliadas por GC-MS, identificando-se de diversos compostos majoritários. Em resumo, este trabalho confirma o potencial anti-inflamatório da espécie Pterodon polygalaeflorus e mostra um fracionamento efetivo do ExHPpg quanto à composição e ação anti-inflamatória.


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Os mecanismos envolvidos na ação vasodilatadora da clonidina ainda não foram completamente elucidados. Investigamos os mecanismos potencialmente envolvidos utilizando o leito arterial mesentérico (LAM) isolado de rato. No LAM pré-contraído, clonidina (10-300 pmol) induz relaxamento dose-dependente, que foi significativamente inibido pela remoção do endotélio (ácido deoxicólico) e pelos inibidores do receptor α2-adrenérgico, ioimbina (1-3 μM) e rauwolscina (1 μM). A vasodilatação endotélio-dependente induzida pela clonidina foi reduzida pelo inibidor da oxido nítrico sintase (NOS), L-NAME (0.3 mM) e pelo inibidor da guanilato ciclase, ODQ (10 μM), mas não foi alterada pela indometacina (3-10 μM). Na presença do L-NAME, o efeito vasodilatador da clonidina foi adicionalmente reduzido pela solução de potássio elevado (45 mM). Os inibidores dos canais de K+ dependentes de cálcio (Kca), caribdotoxina (ChTx; 0.1 μM) e apamina (0.1 μM) também reduziram a vasodilatação induzida pela clonidina, contudo, esta resposta não foi adicionalmente inibida na presença de L-NAME, como foi observado para acetilcolina (10 pmol). Na presença do bloqueador dos canais de K+ dependentes de ATP, glibenclamida (10 μM), o efeito inibitório da associação ChTx, apamina e L-NAME foi aumentado. Em contraste, a vasodilatação induzida pela clonidina não foi afetada pelo inibidor dos canais de potássio dependentes de voltagem (Kv), 4-aminopiridina (4-AP, 1 mM). Concluindo, nossos resultados demonstram que clonidina ativa receptores α2-adrenérgicos no LAM e que a vasodilatação dependente de endotélio é mediada pela ativação da via NO-GMPc e também envolve a ativação de canais de KCa e KATP. Um fator hiperpolarizante derivado do endotélio (EDHF) também parece participar do efeito vasodilatador da clonidina.


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The chemical interplay of nitrogen oxides (NO's) with hemoglobin (Hb) has attracted considerable recent attention because of its potential significance in the mechanism of NO-related vasoactivity regulated by Hb. An important theme of this interplay-redox coupling in adducts of heme iron and NO's-has sparked renewed interest in fundamental studies of FeNO(x) coordination complexes. In this Article, we report combined UV-vis and comprehensive electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic studies that address intriguing questions raised in recent studies of the structure and affinity of the nitrite ligand in complexes with Fe(III) in methemoglobin (metHb). EPR spectra of metHb/NO(2)(-) are found to exhibit a characteristic doubling in their sharper spectral features. Comparative EPR measurements at X- and S-band frequencies, and in D(2)O versus H(2)O, argue against the assignment of this splitting as hyperfine structure. Correlated changes in the EPR spectra with pH enable complete assignment of the spectrum as deriving from the overlap of two low-spin species with g values of 3.018, 2.122, 1.45 and 2.870, 2.304, 1.45 (values for samples at 20 K and pH 7.4 in phosphate-buffered saline). These g values are typical of g values found for other heme proteins with N-coordinated ligands in the binding pocket and are thus suggestive of N-nitro versus O-nitrito coordination. The positions and shapes of the spectral lines vary only slightly with temperature until motional averaging ensues at approximately 150 K. The pattern of motional averaging in the variable-temperature EPR spectra and EPR studies of Fe(III)NO(2)(-)/Fe(II)NO hybrids suggest that one of two species is present in both of the alpha and beta subunits, while the other is exclusive to the beta subunit. Our results also reconfirm that the affinity of nitrite for metHb is of millimolar magnitude, thereby making a direct role for nitrite in physiological hypoxic vasodilation difficult to justify.


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In vitro human tissue engineered human blood vessels (TEBV) that exhibit vasoactivity can be used to test human toxicity of pharmaceutical drug candidates prior to pre-clinical animal studies. TEBVs with 400-800 μM diameters were made by embedding human neonatal dermal fibroblasts or human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in dense collagen gel. TEBVs were mechanically strong enough to allow endothelialization and perfusion at physiological shear stresses within 3 hours after fabrication. After 1 week of perfusion, TEBVs exhibited endothelial release of nitric oxide, phenylephrine-induced vasoconstriction, and acetylcholine-induced vasodilation, all of which were maintained up to 5 weeks in culture. Vasodilation was blocked with the addition of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-N(G)-Nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME). TEBVs elicited reversible activation to acute inflammatory stimulation by TNF-α which had a transient effect upon acetylcholine-induced relaxation, and exhibited dose-dependent vasodilation in response to caffeine and theophylline. Treatment of TEBVs with 1 μM lovastatin for three days prior to addition of Tumor necrosis factor - α (TNF-α) blocked the injury response and maintained vasodilation. These results indicate the potential to develop a rapidly-producible, endothelialized TEBV for microphysiological systems capable of producing physiological responses to both pharmaceutical and immunological stimuli.


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We studied whether an increase in adenosine dose overcomes caffeine antagonism on adenosine-mediated coronary vasodilation.

Caffeine is a competitive antagonist at the adenosine receptors, but it is unclear whether caffeine in coffee alters the actions of exogenous adenosine, and whether the antagonism can be surmounted by increasing the adenosine dose.

Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS) was used to assess adenosine-induced hyperemia in 30 patients before (baseline) and after coffee ingestion (caffeine). At baseline, patients received 140 µg/kg/min of adenosine combined with low-level exercise. For the caffeine study, 12 patients received 140 µg/kg/min of adenosine (standard) and 18 patients received 210 µg/kg/min (high dose) after caffeine intake (200 mg). Myocardial perfusion was assessed semiquantitatively and quantitatively, and perfusion defect was characterized according to the presence of reversibility.

Caffeine reduced the magnitude of perfusion abnormality induced by standard adenosine as measured by the summed difference score (SDS) (12.0 ± 4.4 at baseline vs. 4.1 ± 2.1 after caffeine, p < 0.001) as well as defect size (18% [3% to 38%] vs. 8% [0% to 22%], p < 0.01), whereas it had no effect on the abnormalities caused by high-dose adenosine (SDS, 7.7 ± 4.0 at baseline vs. 7.8 ± 4.2 after caffeine, p = 0.7). There was good agreement between baseline and caffeine studies for segmental defect category (kappa = 0.72, 95% confidence interval: 0.65 to 0.79) in the high-dose group. An increase in adenosine after caffeine intake was well tolerated.

Caffeine in coffee attenuates adenosine-induced coronary hyperemia and, consequently, the detection of perfusion abnormality by adenosine MPS. This can be overcome by increasing the adenosine dose without compromising test tolerability.


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The influence of ultrasound on the percutaneous absorption of three nicotinate esters was investigated in 10 healthy volunteers in a double-blind placebo controlled crossover clinical trial. Using a specially designed experimental protocol, the effect of continuous output ultrasound (at frequency 3.0 MHz and intensity 1.0 W/cm2 for 5 min) on the percutaneous absorption of methyl, ethyl, and hexyl nicotinates, from gel bases, was investigated. A placebo control, involving massage with each of the gels, without ultrasound for 5 min, was also incorporated. The pharmacodynamic parameter of vasodilation caused by the nicotinates was used to monitor the percutaneous absorption of the drugs. Laser Doppler velocimetry, a noninvasive optical technique, was used to measure vasodilation of the cutaneous vessels within the treatment site. Ultrasound treatment led to enhanced vasodilator response to the nicotinates, therefore indicating an enhancement of their percutaneous absorption. These agents may prove to be useful compounds in examination of the mechanism of action of phonophoresis.


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Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are highly porous materials that can store significant amounts of gas, including nitric oxide. The chemical composition and toxicology of many (but not all) of these materials makes them potentially suitable for medical applications. In this paper, we will describe how triggered release methods can be used to deliver biologically relevant amounts of NO and then show how Ni, Co and Cu-containing MOFs are biologically active materials with potential applications in several different areas (anti-thrombosis, dermatology and wound healing, anti-bacterial, vasodilation etc.). We will also discuss the pros and cons of MOFs, including their chemical and biological stability and the toxicology of MOFs in general. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP)-3 modulates vascular development by regulating endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) behavior, specifically stimulating EPC cell migration. This study was undertaken to investigate the mechanism of IGFBP-3 effects on EPC function and how IGFBP-3 mediates cytoprotection following vascular injury.


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The major components of blood vessels are the vascular endothelium and its supporting smooth muscle. Significant strides have been made in the understanding of the cellular and molecular biology of these two cell types and in particular their interactions have been the subject of much interest and debate over the past two decades. The vascular endothelium is now known to profoundly influence the synthetic and motor functions of the underlying smooth muscle and participate in the pathogenesis of all the major vascular disorders. Similarly, the vascular smooth muscle has important effects on the overlying endothelium, and any disruption in the cellular physiology of either cell type can result in dysfunction with important effects on blood flow and vascular permeability The majority of this accumulated knowledge relates to the vascular cells of the macrocirculation. Pericytes are the supporting cells of the microvasculature and a body of evidence is now available to show that similar regulatory mechanisms and vessel-wall cross-talk exists between these cells and the microvascular endothelium. Nowhere are these interactions more important than in the retinal microcirculation where autoregulation is vital for the maintenance of smooth and uninterrrupted blood flow. This review focuses on the interactions between retinal microvascular endothelial cells and their associated pericytes and examines the role of the endothelial cell and the pericyte in the pathogenesis of disease.


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The metabolic vasodilator mediating postexercise hypotension (PEH) is poorly understood. Recent evidence suggests an exercise-induced reliance on pro-oxidant-stimulated vasodilation in normotensive young human subjects, but the role in the prehypertensive state is not known.


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When a subject is heated, the stimulation of temperature-sensitive nerve endings in the skin, and the raising of the central body temperature, results in the reflex release of sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone in the skin of the extremities, causing a measurable temperature increase at the site of release. In the sympathetic release test, the subject is gently heated by placing the feet and calves in a commercially available foot warming pouch or immersing the feet and calves in warm water and wrapping the subject in blankets. Skin blood flow is estimated from measurements of skin temperature in the fingers. Normally skin temperature of the fingers is 65-75 degrees F in cool conditions (environmental temperature: 59-68 degrees F) and rises to 85-95 degrees F during body heating. Deviations in this pattern may mean that there is abnormal sympathetic vasoconstrictor control of skin blood flow. Abnormal skin blood flow can substantially impair an individual's ability to thermoregulate and has important clinical implications. During whole body heating, the skin temperature from three different skin sites is monitored and oral temperature is monitored as an index of core temperature. Students determine the fingertip temperature at which the reflex release of sympathetic activity occurs and its maximal attainment, which reflects the vasodilating capacity of this cutaneous vascular bed. Students should interpret typical sample data for certain clinical conditions (Raynaud's disease, peripheral vascular disease, and postsympathectomy) and explain why there may be altered skin blood flow in these disorders.


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Purpose: To investigate the role of γ-aminobutryic acid (GABA) in the regulation of arteriolar diameter in the rat retina.

Methods.: The actions of GABA on arteriolar diameter were examined using ex vivo retinal whole-mount preparations and isolated vessel segments. In most experiments, arterioles were partially preconstricted with endothelin (Et)-1. The expression levels of GABAA and GABAB receptors on isolated rat retinal Müller cells were assessed by immunohistochemistry.

Results.: GABA (0.1–1 mM) evoked vasodilation or vasoconstriction of arterioles in whole-mount preparations. No such effects were observed with isolated vessel segments. In whole mount samples, the GABAA receptor agonist muscimol caused vasomotor responses in only a small proportion of vessels. In contrast, arteriolar responses to the GABAB receptor agonists baclofen and SKF97541 more closely resembled those observed with GABA. No responses were seen with the GABAC receptor agonist 5-methylimidazoleacetic acid. GABA-induced vasodilator responses were, for the most part, repeatable in the presence of the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline. These responses, however, were completely blocked in the presence of the GABAB receptor inhibitor 2-hydroxysaclofen. Strong immunolabeling for both GABAA and GABAB receptors was detected in isolated Müller cells. In the absence of Et-1–induced preconstriction, most vessels were unresponsive to bicuculline or 2-hydroxysaclofen.

Conclusions.: GABA exerts complex effects on arteriolar diameter in the rat retina. These actions appear largely dependent upon the activation of GABAB receptors in the retinal neuropile, possibly those located on perivascular Müller cells. Despite these findings, endogenous GABA appears to contribute little to the regulation of basal arteriolar diameter in the rat retina.


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Purpose: To investigate the mechanisms responsible for the dilatation of rat retinal arterioles in response to arachidonic acid (AA). Methods: Changes in the diameter of isolated, pressurized rat retinal arterioles were measured in the presence of AA alone and following pre-incubation with pharmacological agents inhibiting Ca2+ sparks and oscillations and K+ channels. Subcellular Ca2+ signals were recorded in arteriolar myocytes using Fluo-4-based confocal imaging. The effects of AA on membrane currents of retinal arteriolar myocytes were studied using whole-cell perforated patch clamp recording. Results: AA dilated pressurised retinal arterioles under conditions of myogenic tone. Eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA) exerted a similar effect, but unlike AA, its effects were rapidly reversible. AA-induced dilation was associated with an inhibition of subcellular Ca2+ signals. Interventions known to block Ca2+ sparks and oscillations in retinal arterioles caused dilatation and inhibited AA-induced vasodilator responses. AA accelerated the rate of inactivation of the A-type Kv current and the voltage dependence of inactivation was shifted to more negative membrane potentials. It also enhanced voltage-activated and spontaneous BK currents, but only at positive membrane potentials. Pharmacological inhibition of A-type Kv and BK currents failed to block AA-induced vasodilator responses. AA suppressed L-type Ca2+ currents. Conclusions: These results suggest that AA induces retinal arteriolar vasodilation by inhibiting subcellular Ca2+ signalling activity in retinal arteriolar myocytes, most likely through a mechanism involving the inhibition of L-type Ca2+ channel activity. AA actions on K+ currents are inconsistent with a model in which K+ channels contribute to the vasodilator effects of AA.


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Therapeutic inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), as monotherapy or to supplement the potencies of other agents, is a promising strategy in cancer treatment. We previously reported that the first PARP inhibitor to enter clinical trial, rucaparib (AG014699), induced vasodilation in vivo in xenografts, potentiating response to temozolomide. We now report that rucaparib inhibits the activity of the muscle contraction mediator myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) 10-fold more potently than its commercially available inhibitor ML-9. Moreover, rucaparib produces additive relaxation above the maximal degree achievable with ML-9, suggesting that MLCK inhibition is not solely responsible for dilation. Inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis using L-NMMA also failed to impact rucaparib's activity. Rucaparib contains the nicotinamide pharmacophore, suggesting it may inhibit other NAD+-dependent processes. NAD+ exerts P2 purinergic receptor-dependent inhibition of smooth muscle contraction. Indiscriminate blockade of the P2 purinergic receptors with suramin abrogated rucaparib-induced vasodilation in rat arterial tissue without affecting ML-9-evoked dilation, although the specific receptor subtypes responsible have not been unequivocally identified. Furthermore, dorsal window chamber and real time tumor vessel perfusion analyses in PARP-1-/- mice indicate a potential role for PARP in dilation of tumor-recruited vessels. Finally, rucaparib provoked relaxation in 70% of patient-derived tumor-associated vessels. These data provide tantalising evidence of the complexity of the mechanism underlying rucaparib-mediated vasodilation.


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Research detailing the normal vascular adaptions to high altitude is minimal and often confounded by pathology (e.g. chronic mountain sickness) and methodological issues. We examined vascular function and structure in: (1) healthy lowlanders during acute hypoxia and prolonged (∼2 weeks) exposure to high altitude, and (2) high-altitude natives at 5050 m (highlanders). In 12 healthy lowlanders (aged 32 ± 7 years) and 12 highlanders (Sherpa; 33 ± 14 years) we assessed brachial endothelium-dependent flow-mediated dilatation (FMD), endothelium-independent dilatation (via glyceryl trinitrate; GTN), common carotid intima–media thickness (CIMT) and diameter (ultrasound), and arterial stiffness via pulse wave velocity (PWV; applanation tonometry). Cephalic venous biomarkers of free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation (lipid hydroperoxides, LOOH), nitrite (NO2) and lipid soluble antioxidants were also obtained at rest. In lowlanders, measurements were performed at sea level (334 m) and between days 3–4 (acute high altitude) and 12–14 (chronic high altitude) following arrival to 5050 m. Highlanders were assessed once at 5050 m. Compared with sea level, acute high altitude reduced lowlanders’ FMD (7.9 ± 0.4 vs. 6.8 ± 0.4%; P = 0.004) and GTN-induced dilatation (16.6 ± 0.9 vs. 14.5 ± 0.8%; P = 0.006), and raised central PWV (6.0 ± 0.2vs. 6.6 ± 0.3 m s−1P = 0.001). These changes persisted at days 12–14, and after allometrically scaling FMD to adjust for altered baseline diameter. Compared to lowlanders at sea level and high altitude, highlanders had a lower carotid wall:lumen ratio (∼19%, P ≤ 0.04), attributable to a narrower CIMT and wider lumen. Although both LOOH and NO2 increased with high altitude in lowlanders, only LOOH correlated with the reduction in GTN-induced dilatation evident during acute (n = 11, r = −0.53) and chronic (n = 7, r = −0.69; P ≤ 0.01) exposure to 5050 m. In a follow-up, placebo-controlled experiment (n = 11 healthy lowlanders) conducted in a normobaric hypoxic chamber (inspired O2 fraction () = 0.11; 6 h), a sustained reduction in FMD was evident within 1 h of hypoxic exposure when compared to normoxic baseline (5.7 ± 1.6 vs. 8.0 ±1.3%; P < 0.01); this decline in FMD was largely reversed following α1-adrenoreceptor blockade. In conclusion, high-altitude exposure in lowlanders caused persistent impairment in vascular function, which was mediated partially via oxidative stress and sympathoexcitation. Although a lifetime of high-altitude exposure neither intensifies nor attenuates the impairments seen with short-term exposure, chronic high-altitude exposure appears to be associated with arterial remodelling.