975 resultados para Urban history


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The history and contemporary practice of land-use planning and place-making by Indigenous Australians is poorly understood by academics, students and practitioners in the field of urban and regional planning in Australia. This is despite recent high-profile events which have increased the profile of Indigenous peoples’ rights, such as the recognition of native title by the High Court in Mabo v the State of Queensland [No. 2] (1992) 175 CLR 1 and The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007), and Commonwealth policy and reconciliation discourses. Further, little impact has been discernible arising from the adoption of reconciliation policies by government bodies, planning authorities and the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA). This paper reviews this lack of progress and discusses why this is a problem for Australian planners which needs to be addressed. The paper reviews the present Australian historical and socio-cultural context in terms of collaboration with traditional land owners as it relates to contemporary planning practice. It considers ontological, epistemological and axiological differences between the dominant western model of planning and Indigenous models, and the challenges this presents. A case-study documenting past, present and future planning practices at Lake Condah in South West Victoria which is the Country of the Gunditjmara and Budj Bim will bring to life these topics through the documentation of Indigenous planning practices prior to and post European arrival. It offers a vision for the future of planning with Indigenous communities. The paper envisages a future which values and incorporates Indigenous place-making and planning, which goes far beyond the tacit acknowledgement of traditional owners commonly observed around Australia today.


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Australia is a suburban society. It has been since Europeans came. Unlike many other urban societies at the time, there was no existing hard infrastructure to provide the essential needs of human urban life - clean water, food, shelter and waste management. These had to be met by individual residents in the emerging cities and towns until infrastructure could be provided to local communities by Government. This reality led to Governor Phillip establishing the block size in Sydney as being large enough to provide food and treat waste within its boundaries. The block dimensions were a major influence on Australia’s urban form for the next two centuries and with social developments not only led to low density urban form, but also fostered a strong connection with the backyard and a societal love of gardening at home. Despite a push to densification in the past two decades, low density suburban form is physical and cultural and is likely to be dominant for the foreseeable future. Gardening at home is also likely to continue to be a favourite pass time. While some Australian research has started to explore the role of backyards and gardening in increasing urban sustainability, little work has been done on to what extent the suburban block has and can meet the core needs of people. Even less has been done on determining the impact of suburbs on underlying ecosystem services that provide these core needs. This paper provides a brief history of backyards in suburban Australia, a conceptual framework for assessing the sustainability of Australian suburbs over time and a description of the major ecosystem types in what is now urban Geelong at the time of European settlement. It provides the foundation for future sustainability assessments of the residential block in various periods of suburban development in Geelong.


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O presente estudo objetivou verificar até que ponto os impactos e o legado da implementação dos Jogos Pan-americanos de 2007 alteraram as condições sociais e a forma de utilização do espaço urbano na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Considerou-se que a competição das Américas esteja inserida na aplicação dos conceitos da cidade global, uma vez que os festivais esportivos internacionais se transformaram em megaeventos na esteira da consolidação do pensamento do planejamento urbano competitivo. Para contextualizar essa análise foi necessária uma pesquisa sobre a trajetória urbana da cidade-sede na interseção dos dois movimentos: cidade global e megaeventos. Tendo em vista que a decisão da realização do megaevento carioca foi tomada pela esfera pública, assim como o seu financiamento, foram analisados os gastos estatais e reclassificados, segundo a metodologia de O‟Connor (1977), e divididos nas funções de acumulação e de legitimação com o intuito de identificar os favorecidos e os desfavorecidos pela política pública efetivada. Os resultados da investigação sinalizam um aprofundamento da desigualdade social e urbana, via transferências de recursos públicos para o domínio do capital privado


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The towns presently named Pombal and Sousa, located in the hinterland of the State of Paraíba, Brazil, still keep vestiges of the colonization process they went through along the 18th and 19th centuries, when they both emerged as settlement nuclei in the extreme West of the then captaincy of Paraíba and attained the status of freguesia and vila in a later period. This research aims to comprehend the process of urban formation and development of the colonial urban nuclei of Pombal and Sousa as they became povoados (hamlets), freguesias (parishes) and vilas (small urban communities with a local government), according to territorial expansion policies implemented by the Portuguese government from 1697 to 1800. The choice of the two urban settlements for this survey lies in the fact that they were part of the great conquest and colonization program undertaken by the Portuguese Crown. Another aspect that was considered was the fact that those towns are the oldest urban nuclei of Paraíba s hinterland. They came into being as early as in the times of the colony, thus producing a favorable environment to the study of the changes that occurred in the captaincy s hinterland scenery resulting from the process of formation and development of the colonial urban space. Three fundamental categories of analysis were defined since they have a direct bearing upon the urban configuration of the two colonization nuclei: povoado, freguesia and vila. The three of them are related to civil and ecclesiastic jurisdictions. Field, documentation and bibliography surveys were undertaken in order to develop the study. They allowed for the finding of vestiges of the old, colonial urban structures and for the development of theoretical analysis based on present-day studies of issues relating to the colonial urban history. The study purposes were, therefore, to try to understand how the old urban nuclei of Pombal and Sousa fit in the territorial expansion policies undertaken by the Portuguese government; to relate the process of urban formation and development of such nuclei with the categories of analysis povoação-freguesia-vila by discussing the relations and influences they exert over one another and their territory, as well as to unveil, as much as possible, the configuration the urban spaces that were shaped along the 18th century


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The career of civil engineer Henrique de Novaes, a remarkable figure in the academic, technical and political fields, demonstrates its extensive and relevant work across Brazil in the first half of the twentieth century. It covered from the design of water supply and sewage works, road and rail transport networks, works against drought in the Northeast, hydroelectric and harbor facilities to the urbanization planning and architectural projects, which displays a systematic and multiple production. City and territory conformed to his fields of verification, practical and above all, transformation. The search for understanding of the inclusion of a social actor in this process thus contributes to the specific analysis of the doings of Henrique de Novaes, who graduated at Polytechnic School of Rio de Janeiro in 1906. From a polymorphic activity in different scales, one tries to figure how, through academic education or professional practice, urban history in Brazil can be told or built. The introduction of technological innovations matched the purposes of planning and urban sprawl, as well as met the specifications of regulation and institutionalization of public infrastructure services at the time. The overall plans proposed by the engineer thought of the city as a whole, interconnected to the structural networks. At the same time, the knowledge of a larger physical scale the territory bounces back in the urban in a relationship of reciprocity and completeness. The objective research, therefore, tries to understand the roles played by Henrique de Novaes s works and academic education in the accomplishment of systematic modernization of Brazilian urban space and territory, recovering a little known historical figure by current historiography. It is proposed, as methodological axis, that the study of this professional career configures itself as an essential element for understanding the idea of progress embodied in the technical studies and proposals for improvements and sanitation nationwide in the first half of the twentieth century . The primary sources for the construction of this analysis were technical articles in journals of the period ( Clube de Engenharia , Viação e Revista Brasileira de Engenharia ), and technical reports, government messages, newspaper articles published at the time, autobiographical reports and the engineer s verbal communications with relatives. The work is structured in three chapters: "Biographical traces, academic education and 'technical and political' activities" illustrates the initiation into the technical, public and political environment; Chapter 2, "Technique and territory" outlines his network understanding through sanitation and transport services; Chapter 3 "Technique and City" describes the influence of polytechnics knowledge on the propositions of modernization of cities; Finally, "Final Thoughts: An Evaluation," presents an overview of the affiliations and practice of an engineer in the different scales, and its contribution to the modernization of Brazilian urban and territorial space


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The present research deals with the modernization process of the Cidade da Parahyba2, between 1850 and 1924, and its relation with the cotton economy, which represented the main source of wealth accumulation for both the private and the public sectors throughout the First Republic. This study on urban history was developed by focusing on the understanding of the city s spatial formation, and despite its emphasis on the economic aspects involved, other factors that also contribute to the development of the social life were not put aside. The modernization process of the Cidade da Parahyba was also analyzed during the period established for the study according to a chronological and thematic approach that established comparisons with the financial situation of the State, whenever this was necessary, with special attention to the contribution of the cotton economy to the State´s revenues. It was possible to detect a lack of financial help and loans from the federal and municipal administrations for finishing several public works already underway in the capital, since the federal funds allocated to the State of Parahyba do Norte were rather employed in emergency works against droughts and in agricultural development. One can then conclude that the financial resources required for the urban interventions were withdrawn from the State s treasury itself, resources that were collected mainly from activities such as cotton exportation and cotton trading. Another factor shows the interdependence between the urban remodeling and the cotton economy: during the years marked by great droughts or by hard plagues on the cotton plantations, cotton production decreased, as well as the State s finances. The first measures taken by the State s administrators were to halt all projects of urban remodeling in progress in the Cidade da Parahyba, which was, clearly, the most privileged city by the State s presidents during the period analyzed. 2 The city of João Pessoa was named Cidade da Parahyba, a designation that remained until September 1930, when it received its present-day name in order to pay homage to the president of the State, João Pessoa Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, murdered in the city of Recife in August of that same year. At that time, the State of Paraíba was known as Parahyba do Norte. Since this work is limited to a period of time comprised within the First Republic, the names employed respect the terms used in those days


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Esta dissertação pretende analisar a constituição da história urbana do entorno edificado do Mercado de São Brás, em Belém do Pará, no período de 1950 a 1970, uma construção eclética que remonta ao final do ciclo da borracha na Amazônia e da gestão do Intendente Antonio Lemos. O mercado é um monumento pertencente ao acervo patrimonial do Estado e se encontra em atividade, nos dias atuais. A partir da noção de trama urbana, buscou-se estabelecer relações entre os fatos históricos e arquitetônicos, no sentido de investigar como se processaram ao longo do tempo, resultando num espaço onde a arquitetura contribui para o desenvolvimento das relações sociais e comerciais. Partindo da hipótese de que a proximidade geográfica e a importância econômica de dois equipamentos urbanos, o Mercado de São Brás e a Estação de Ferro Belém-Bragança gerou uma dinâmica que atraiu outras arquiteturas, foi investigada a influência das políticas públicas de modernização e progresso, com reflexos para o surgimento do entorno edificado e relações tipológicas com o mercado. Utilizando a metodologia de estudo de caso com estratégias combinadas entre história interpretativo-qualitativa, o trabalho busca mostrar que as funções intrínsecas às construções cumpriram seu papel e que eventos realizados em seus espaços produziram fenômenos perceptivos no lugar existencial. O mercado público e seu entorno condensam práticas sociais que aliadas a estes fenômenos asseguram sua permanência na cidade, face ao contexto da sociedade contemporânea.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Lo scopo di questa ricerca è la ricostruzione dei Lungarni di Pisa nel Tardo Medioevo (XIV-XV secolo); lo studio intende sottolineare le trasformazioni urbanistiche che hanno cambiato il volto di Pisa nel corso del tempo e ricordare che l’area fluviale ebbe un ruolo di primo piano come baricentro commerciale ed economico della città, vocazione che si è in gran parte persa con l’età moderna e contemporanea. La metodologia seguita, affinata e perfezionata durante la partecipazione al progetto Nu.M.E. (Nuovo Museo Elettronico della Città di Bologna), si basa sull’analisi e il confronto di fonti eterogenee ma complementari, che includono precedenti studi di storia dell’urbanistica, un corpus di documentazione di epoca medievale (provvedimenti amministrativi come gli Statuti del Comune di Pisa, ma anche descrizioni di cronisti e viaggiatori), fonti iconografiche, tra cui vedute e mappe cinquecentesche o successive, e fonti materiali, come le persistenze medievali ancora osservabili all’interno degli edifici ed i reperti rinvenuti durante alcune campagne di scavo archeologiche. Il modello 3D non è concepito come statico e “chiuso”, ma è liberamente esplorabile all’interno di un engine tridimensionale; tale prodotto può essere destinato a livelli di utenza diversi, che includono sia studiosi e specialisti interessati a conoscere un maggior numero di informazioni e ad approfondire la ricerca, sia semplici cittadini appassionati di storia o utenti più giovani, come studenti di scuole medie superiori e inferiori.


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During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the excise taxes (Ungeld) paid by town residents on the consumption of beer, wine, mead and brandy represented the single most important source of civic revenue for many German cities. In a crisis, these taxes could spike to 70-80% of civic income. This paper examines civic budgets and 'behind-the-scenes' deliberations in a sample of towns in southern Germany in order to illuminate how decisions affecting consumer taxes were made. Even during the sobriety movements of the Reformation and post-Reformation period, tax income from drinkers remained attractive to city leaders because the bulk of the excise tax burden could easily be shifted away from privileged members of society and placed on the population at large. At the same time, governments had to maintain a careful balance between what they needed in order to govern and what the consumer market could bear, for high taxes on drinks were also targeted in many popular revolts. This led to nimble politicking by those responsible for tax decisions. Drink taxes were introduced, raised, lowered and otherwise manipulated based not only on shifting fashions and tastes but also on the degree of economic stress faced by the community. Where civic rulers were successful in striking the right balance, the rewards were considerable. The income from drink sales was a major factor in how the cities of the Empire survived the wars and other crises of the early modern period without going into so much debt that they lost their independence.


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In many schools of architecture the 1970s have been an important watershed for the way in which architecture was taught. For example, recent studies have stressed the importance of Aldo Rossi for the changes in the teaching of architec-ture at the ETH in Zürich that before was based on orthodox modern principles. A similar struggle between an orthodox conception of modernity and its criticism took place at the architectural faculty of Delft, in the Netherlands. Although Delft is an important European school of architecture, the theoretical work produced during this period is not largely known outside the Netherlands. This is perhaps due to the fact that most studies were published in Dutch. With this article, I intend to make the architectural theory developed during this period known to a larger public. The article describes the intellectual journey made by Dutch stu-dents of architecture in the 1970s and 1980s. This was the quest to receive recognition for the intellectual substance of architecture: the insight architecture could be a discourse and a form of knowledge and not only a method of building. Specifically, the work of the architectural theoretician Wim Nijenhuis is highlight-ed. However, as I point out in this article, the results of this journey also had its problematic sides. This becomes clear from the following sentence taken from the dissertation of Wim Nijenhuis: "The search for metaphysical fiction and the tendency towards a technological informed absolute through fully transparent and simultaneous information, should be contested by a fantasy dimension, that does not wish to 'overcome' a given situation and that does not rely on 'creativi-ty' (that would still be historical and humanistic)." Texts like this have a hermet-ic quality that is not easy to comprehend for an architectural public. Even more, there is an important debate looming behind these sentences. As an important outcome of their quest the architectural students in Delft asked themselves: how do we give form to architectural theory once its claim to truth is exposed as an illusion? For Nijenhuis, the discourse about architecture is a mere 'artful game with words': a fiction, besides other forms of fiction like poetry or literature. The question is then if we have not entered the realm of total subjectivity and relativ-ism with this position. From what can the discourse of architecture derive its authority after the death of God?


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The paper examines the experience of Connecticut's urban centers over the past century with an eye toward informing public policy. An in-depth qualitative discussion describes the rise and characteristics of urbanism, and then its unraveling. Linear regression analysis then quantifies the impact of various contributory factors on urban economic health in Connecticut cities since 1980. The findings suggest that local policymakers are largely unable to influence economic conditions in their cities.


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Este artículo pretende exponer la influencia que las nuevas estrategias de organización territorial para la campaña bonaerense, materializadas durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX, pudieron ejercer sobre la estructura urbana y social de los pueblos de la región. Partimos del supuesto, desarrollado en otros trabajos, de que dichas estrategias definieron, en parte, la transformación espacial del territorio a partir de tres premisas: la consolidación de los poblados existentes, la fundación de nuevos poblados y el desarrollo de la colonización ejidal (1). Para poder examinar en profundidad dichas estrategias tomamos como base el análisis del espacio urbano de Chascomús y sus alrededores considerando dos momentos de su conformación: 1826 y 1855. Estas fechas se corresponden con la existencia de documentos que representan espacialmente el lugar: los planos de Saubidet de 1826 y el plano de Arrufó de 1855. A partir de estos documentos intentaremos determinar cuáles son las estrategias oficiales en relación a la organización espacial, cómo se materializa el poblado, qué tipo de entramado social presenta y cuáles son las diferencias que encontramos entre una época y otra, teniendo en consideración que la primera corresponde al inicio de la expansión de la frontera bonaerense y la segunda al auge de la etapa lanera que tiene en Chascomús uno de sus centros.


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Este artículo pretende exponer la influencia que las nuevas estrategias de organización territorial para la campaña bonaerense, materializadas durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX, pudieron ejercer sobre la estructura urbana y social de los pueblos de la región. Partimos del supuesto, desarrollado en otros trabajos, de que dichas estrategias definieron, en parte, la transformación espacial del territorio a partir de tres premisas: la consolidación de los poblados existentes, la fundación de nuevos poblados y el desarrollo de la colonización ejidal (1). Para poder examinar en profundidad dichas estrategias tomamos como base el análisis del espacio urbano de Chascomús y sus alrededores considerando dos momentos de su conformación: 1826 y 1855. Estas fechas se corresponden con la existencia de documentos que representan espacialmente el lugar: los planos de Saubidet de 1826 y el plano de Arrufó de 1855. A partir de estos documentos intentaremos determinar cuáles son las estrategias oficiales en relación a la organización espacial, cómo se materializa el poblado, qué tipo de entramado social presenta y cuáles son las diferencias que encontramos entre una época y otra, teniendo en consideración que la primera corresponde al inicio de la expansión de la frontera bonaerense y la segunda al auge de la etapa lanera que tiene en Chascomús uno de sus centros.