936 resultados para Unified Delinquency Intervention Services. Illinois.
Illinois Executive Order 10 (2003) authorized the consolidation of the internal auditing functions from 26 designated agencies into a single statewide function covering 46 agencies/boards/commissions that report to the Governor. After further consolidation, internal audit coverage has been expanded to 36 agencies.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Permanent hearing loss is a leading global health care burden, with 1 in 10 people affected to a mild or greater degree. A shortage of trained healthcare professionals and associated infrastructure and resource limitations mean that hearing health services are unavailable to the majority of the world population. Utilizing information and communication technology in hearing health care, or tele-audiology, combined with automation offer unique opportunities for improved clinical care, widespread access to services, and more cost-effective and sustainable hearing health care. Tele-audiology demonstrates significant potential in areas such as education and training of hearing health care professionals, paraprofessionals, parents, and adults with hearing disorders; screening for auditory disorders; diagnosis of hearing loss; and intervention services. Global connectivity is rapidly growing with increasingly widespread distribution into underserved communities where audiological services may be facilitated through telehealth models. Although many questions related to aspects such as quality control, licensure, jurisdictional responsibility, certification and reimbursement still need to be addressed; no alternative strategy can currently offer the same potential reach for impacting the global burden of hearing loss in the near and foreseeable future.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Intervenção Precoce
Dissertação em Ciências da Educação- Especialidade Educação Especial
Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Intervenção Precoce)
OBJECTIVES: To assess the prevalence and predictors of service disengagement in a treated epidemiological cohort of first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients. METHODS: The Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC) in Australia admitted 786 FEP patients from January 1998 to December 2000. Treatment at EPPIC is scheduled for 18 months. Data were collected from patients' files using a standardized questionnaire. Seven hundred four files were available; 44 were excluded, because of a non-psychotic diagnosis at endpoint (n=43) or missing data on service disengagement (n=1). Rate of service disengagement was the outcome of interest, as well as pre-treatment, baseline, and treatment predictors of service disengagement, which were examined via Cox proportional hazards models. RESULTS: 154 patients (23.3%) disengaged from service. A past forensic history (Hazard ratio [HR]=1.69; 95%CI 1.17-2.45), lower severity of illness at baseline (HR=0.59; 95%CI 0.48-0.72), living without family at discharge (HR=1.75; 95%CI 1.22-2.50) and persistence of substance use disorder during treatment (HR=2.30; 95%CI 1.45-3.66) were significant predictors of disengagement from service. CONCLUSIONS: While engagement strategies are a core element in the treatment of first-episode psychosis, particular attention should be paid to these factors associated with disengagement. Involvement of the family in the treatment process, and focusing on reduction of substance use, need to be pursued in early intervention services.
Due to advances in neonatal intensive care over the last decades, the pattern of brain injury seen in very preterm infants has evolved in more subtle lesions that are still essential to diagnose in regard to neurodevelopmental outcome. While cranial ultrasound is still used at the bedside, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is becoming increasingly used in this population for the assessment of brain maturation and white and grey matter lesions. Therefore, MRI provides a better prognostic value for the neurodevelopmental outcome of these preterms. Furthermore, the development of new MRI techniques, such as diffusion tensor imaging, resting state functional connectivity and magnetic resonance spectroscopy, may further increase the prognostic value, helping to counsel parents and allocate early intervention services.
In 2012 a community-based agency that oversees Intensive Behaviour Intervention services for young children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) began delivering newly developed curricula to parents of eligible children. The curricula’s intent was to inform parents about ASD and Applied Behaviour Analysis, to increase their awareness of available community resources, and assist them to be active and engaged in their child’s learning. This mixed-method study used a program-specific survey and focus groups to explore the perspectives parents had on their involvement in these education sessions. Through constant comparison analysis 4 major and 3 minor themes emerged. In general, parents acknowledged that this parent education program included relevant content and a favourable delivery format. The study summarized a number of well-articulated, practical suggestions parents provided. Implications for practice would be applicable to educators interested in providing quality group-based education to parents of young children with ASD.
Cette recherche propose une analyse qualitative du contenu de signalements retenus à la protection de la jeunesse et leur évaluation pour des enfants de minorités visibles. Les premiers objectifs de cette recherche sont de décrire les deux premières étapes de l’intervention en protection de la jeunesse, soit la réception du signalement et l’évaluation du besoin de protection. Par la suite, elle vise l’élaboration d’une typologie de familles de minorités visibles signalées à la protection de la jeunesse. Une analyse qualitative de contenu est conduite en utilisant une grille d’analyse des dossiers de 48 situations d’enfants signalés à la protection de la jeunesse. Il s’agit d’une analyse secondaire de données d’une étude plus large portant sur l’intervention en protection de la jeunesse auprès de familles de minorités visibles. Les résultats de la présente étude montrent que les informations consignées aux dossiers par les intervenants respectent les dimensions légales du jugement sur la compromission du développement ou de la sécurité d’un enfant. Toutefois, l’absence d’éléments ethnoculturels dans la majorité des dossiers, ou leur traitement superficiel, sont surprenants. La typologie découlant de cette analyse décrit quatre profils présentant des dynamiques familiales distinctes : les familles traversant une crise, les familles qui abdiquent leur rôle parental, les familles isolées et les familles éclatées. Ces résultats rendent compte de la diversité des dynamiques familiales et par conséquent, des besoins de ces familles quant aux interventions des services de protection. Enfin, étant donné l’importance de l’évaluation et de ses conclusions dans la trajectoire de ces familles à l’égard de la DPJ, l’intégration des éléments ethnoculturels devrait être systématique afin de leur offrir une réponse adaptée et culturellement sensible.
People with psychotic disorders have higher mortality rates compared to the general population. Most deaths are due to cardiovascular (CV) disease, reflecting high rates of CV risk factors such as obesity and diabetes. Treatment with antipsychotic drugs is associated with weight gain in clinical trials. However, there is little information about how these drugs affect children and young people, and how early in the course of treatment the elevation in CV risk factors begins. This information is essential in understanding the costs and benefits of these treatments in young people, and establishing preventive and early intervention services to address physical health comorbidities. This symposium reports both prospective and naturalistic data from children and adolescents treated with antipsychotic drugs. These studies demonstrate that adverse effects on cardiometabolic measures, notably BMI and insulin resistance, become apparent very soon after treatment is initiated. Further, children and adolescents appear to be even more sensitive to these effects than adults. Population-wide studies are also informative. Danish data showing that young people exposed to antipsychotics have a higher risk of diabetes, compared with young people who had a psychiatric diagnosis but were not exposed to antipsychotic drugs, will be presented. In addition, an Australian comparison between a large, nationally representative sample of people with psychosis and a general population sample shows that higher rates of obesity and other cardiometabolic abnormalities are already evident in people with psychosis by the age of 25 years. Young people living with psychosis are already disadvantaged by the demands of living with mental illness, stigma, and social factors such as unemployment and low income. The addition of obesity, diabetes and other comorbidities adds a further burden. The data presented highlights the need for careful selection of antipsychotic drugs, regular monitoring of physical health and early intervention when weight gain, glucose dysregulation, or other cardiometabolic abnormalities are detected.
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Each annual report ha a theme title.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.