58 resultados para USLE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar las transformaciones de la cobertura del suelo como consecuencia del cambio de modelo económico experimentado en las islas desde los años 60 del siglo XX y sus repercusiones sobre las tasas de erosión. El trabajo se ha desarrollado en dos cuencas de la isla de Gran Canaria de características ecológicas y de uso contrastadas: Guiniguada y Arguineguín, y aborda el periodo comprendido entre 1960 y 2002. La metodología utilizada se basa en la adaptación de la USLE (Ecuación Universal de Pérdida de Suelos) a un SIG (Sistema de Información Geográfica). Los resultados obtenidos confirman que los cambios de uso y la transformación de las coberturas han sido más significativos en la cuenca del Guiniguada, más intensamente humanizada y apenas se han dejado notar en la cuenca de Arguineguín. Las tasas de erosión, sin embargo, no han experimentado grandes modificaciones entre ambas fechas, poniendo de manifiesto una cierta inercia de las condiciones de uso anteriores.
Soil erosion models and soil erosion risk maps are often used as indicators to assess potential soil erosion in order to assist policy decisions. This paper shows the scientific basis of the soil erosion risk map of Switzerland and its application in policy and practice. Linking a USLE/RUSLE-based model approach (AVErosion) founded on multiple flow algorithms and the unit contributing area concept with an extremely precise and high-resolution digital terrain model (2 m × 2 m grid) using GIS allows for a realistic assessment of the potential soil erosion risk, on single plots, i.e. uniform and comprehensive for the agricultural area of Switzerland (862,579 ha in the valley area and the lower mountain regions). The national or small-scale soil erosion prognosis has thus reached a level heretofore possible only in smaller catchment areas or single plots. Validation was carried out using soil loss data from soil erosion damage mappings in the field from long-term monitoring in different test areas. 45% of the evaluated agricultural area of Switzerland was classified as low potential erosion risk, 12% as moderate potential erosion risk, and 43% as high potential erosion risk. However, many of the areas classified as high potential erosion risk are located at the transition from valley to mountain zone, where many areas are used as permanent grassland, which drastically lowers their current erosion risk. The present soil erosion risk map serves on the one hand to identify and prioritise the high-erosion risk areas, and on the other hand to promote awareness amongst farmers and authorities. It was published on the internet and will be made available to the authorities in digital form. It is intended as a tool for simplifying and standardising enforcement of the legal framework for soil erosion prevention in Switzerland. The work therefore provides a successful example of cooperation between science, policy and practice.
Die Bodenerosions-Gefährdungskarte gibt einen nationalen Überblick über das Abtragsrisiko der Schweizer Böden und vor allem für die Ackerböden. Mit Hilfe einer angepassten Version des empirischen Erosionsmodells «Universal Soil Loss Equation» (USLE) wurde die langfristige Bodenerosionsgefährdung flächendeckend im Hektarraster berechnet. Die Bodenerosions-Gefährdungskarte soll den Kantonen als Grundlage dienen, detaillierte Karten zu erstellen oder besonders gefährdete Gebiete vertieft zu untersuchen. Unter der Annahme, dass alle Ackerflächen mit dem Pflug bearbeitet und keine Zwischenfrüchte angebaut werden, weisen bei heutiger Fruchtfolgegestaltung 61 % aller Ackerflächen einen langjährigen mittleren Bodenabtrag von unter zwei Tonnen pro Hektare und Jahr auf und sind damit als wenig erosionsgefährdet einzustufen. 22 % liegen im kritischen Bereich zwischen zwei und vier Tonnen pro Hektare und Jahr, 17 % sind mit mehr als vier Tonnen pro Hektare und Jahr als stark erosionsgefährdet zu bezeichnen. Die räumliche Verteilung der Abtragswerte zeigt ein sehr heterogenes Muster innerhalb der Hauptackerbau-Regionen ohne räumlich konzentrierte Schwerpunktregionen. In einer Szenario-Berechnung, bei der die Bodenbearbeitung mit dem Pflug durch Direktsaat sowie Winterbrache durch Zwischenkulturanbau flächendeckend ersetzt werden, reduziert sich das Bodenerosionsrisiko im Durchschnitt um rund zwei Drittel.
A cultura da cana-de-açúcar é a segunda maior movimentação econômica na cadeia do agronegócio no Brasil. Gera riquezas através da fabricação de açúcar, etanol e cogeração de energia elétrica, além de outros subprodutos. Considerada fonte de energia renovável, a cana-de- açúcar a princípio tinha sua imagem associada a impactos negativos principalmente devido as queimadas realizadas nas lavouras para colheita manual. Nos últimos anos, baseado em decretos e no Protocolo Agro-ambiental, essa prática vem sendo abolida. Para se manter e até mesmo aumentar o rendimento das colhedoras nos canaviais, os gestores têm adotado práticas para reduzir os terraços agrícolas, com impacto nos sistemas de conservação de solos. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar os impactos ambientais provocados pela mecanização agrícola decorrente do mau manejo e dimensionamento dos mecanismos de conservação do solo. Neste estudo também se realizou uma análise à Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo (EUPS), como ferramenta para o dimensionamento de terraços agrícolas. O estudo foi realizado em uma microbacia hidrográfica, denominada Ribeirão da Bocaina, localizada na UGRHI-13 (Tietê - Jacaré). Foi possível identificar a variabilidade amostral do solo para o dimensionamento conservacionista, gerando curvas de nível com Desníveis Verticais (D.V) desuniformes, contrariando a sistemática atual de terraços que respeita cotas múltiplas ou mesmo dimensionamentos empiristas, segundo o conhecimento local e o histórico recente da área. Algumas sugestões também foram feitas afim de torná-la uma ferramenta ainda mais eficiente, considerando condições particulares à cultura da cana-de-açúcar, tais como a influência da palhada, sulcos de plantio e diversos tipos de terraços como meios de controle à erosão. A metodologia foi satisfatória, no que tange a compreensão pelos meios de correlação entre as práticas conservacionistas e modelos de predição de perda de solo, trazendo luz à ciência na interpretação das ferramentas existentes e as lacunas a serem preenchidas.
Numerous studies in the last 60 years have investigated the relationship between land slope and soil erosion rates. However, relatively few of these have investigated slope gradient responses: ( a) for steep slopes, (b) for specific erosion processes, and ( c) as a function of soil properties. Simulated rainfall was applied in the laboratory on 16 soils and 16 overburdens at 100 mm/h to 3 replicates of unconsolidated flume plots 3 m long by 0.8 m wide and 0.15 m deep at slopes of 20, 5, 10, 15, and 30% slope in that order. Sediment delivery at each slope was measured to determine the relationship between slope steepness and erosion rate. Data from this study were evaluated alongside data and existing slope adjustment functions from more than 55 other studies from the literature. Data and the literature strongly support a logistic slope adjustment function of the form S = A + B/[1 + exp (C - D sin theta)] where S is the slope adjustment factor and A, B, C, and D are coefficients that depend on the dominant detachment and transport processes. Average coefficient values when interill-only processes are active are A - 1.50, B 6.51, C 0.94, and D 5.30 (r(2) = 0.99). When rill erosion is also potentially active, the average slope response is greater and coefficient values are A - 1.12, B 16.05, C 2.61, and D 8.32 (r(2) = 0.93). The interill-only function predicts increases in sediment delivery rates from 5 to 30% slope that are approximately double the predictions based on existing published interill functions. The rill + interill function is similar to a previously reported value. The above relationships represent a mean slope response for all soils, yet the response of individual soils varied substantially from a 2.5-fold to a 50-fold increase over the range of slopes studied. The magnitude of the slope response was found to be inversely related ( log - log linear) to the dispersed silt and clay content of the soil, and 3 slope adjustment equations are proposed that provide a better estimate of slope response when this soil property is known. Evaluation of the slope adjustment equations proposed in this paper using independent datasets showed that the new equations can improve soil erosion predictions.
Soil erosion is one of the most pressing issues facing developing countries. The need for soil erosion assessment is paramount as a successful and productive agricultural base is necessary for economic growth and stability. In Ghana, a country with an expanding population and high potential for economic growth, agriculture is an important resource; however, most of the crop production is restricted to low technology shifting cultivation agriculture. The high intensity seasonal rainfall coincides with the early growing period of many of the crops meaning that plots are very susceptible to erosion, especially on steep sided valleys in the region south of Lake Volta. This research investigated the processes of soil erosion by rainfall with the aim of producing a sediment yield model for a small semi-agricultural catchment in rural Ghana. Various types of modelling techniques were considered to discover those most applicable to the sub-tropical environment of Southern Ghana. Once an appropriate model had been developed and calibrated, the aim was to look at how to enable the scaling up of the model using sub-catchments to calculate sedimentation rates of Lake Volta. An experimental catchment was located in Ghana, south west of Lake Volta, where data on rainstorms and the associated streamflow, sediment loads and soil data (moisture content, classification and particle size distribution) was collected to calibrate the model. Additional data was obtained from the Soil Research Institute in Ghana to explore calibration of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE, Wischmeier and Smith, 1978) for Ghanaian soils and environment. It was shown that the USLE could be successfully converted to provide meaningful soil loss estimates in the Ghanaian environment. However, due to experimental difficulties, the proposed theory and methodology of the sediment yield model could only be tested in principle. Future work may include validation of the model and subsequent scaling up to estimate sedimentation rates in Lake Volta.
This study focuses on quantifying explicitly the sediment budget of deeply incised ravines in the lower Le Sueur River watershed, in southern Minnesota. High-rate-gully-erosion equations along with the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) were implemented in a numerical modeling approach that is based on a time-integration of the sediment balance equations. The model estimates the rates of ravine width and depth change and the amount of sediment periodically flushing from the ravines. Components of the sediment budget of the ravines were simulated with the model and results suggest that the ravine walls are the major sediment source in the ravines. A sensitivity analysis revealed that the erodibility coefficients of the gully bed and wall, the local slope angle and the Manning’s coefficient are the key parameters controlling the rate of sediment production. Recommendations to guide further monitoring efforts in the watershed and increased detail modeling approaches are highlighted as a result of this modeling effort.
This study focuses on quantifying explicitly the sediment budget of deeply incised ravines in the lower Le Sueur River watershed, in southern Minnesota. High-rate-gully-erosion equations along with the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) were implemented in a numerical modeling approach that is based on a time-integration of the sediment balance equations. The model estimates the rates of ravine width and depth change and the amount of sediment periodically flushing from the ravines. Components of the sediment budget of the ravines were simulated with the model and results suggest that the ravine walls are the major sediment source in the ravines. A sensitivity analysis revealed that the erodibility coefficients of the gully bed and wall, the local slope angle and the Manning’s coefficient are the key parameters controlling the rate of sediment production. Recommendations to guide further monitoring efforts in the watershed and increased detail modeling approaches are highlighted as a result of this modeling effort.
As florestas exercem grande influência nos meios físico, biótico e socioeconômico, evitando a degradação do solo pela erosão, controlando a qualidade da água, fornecendo matérias-primas e alimentos, abrigando a maior parte da fauna e flora terrestre. As áreas florestais estão todavia sujeitas a significativo risco de incêndio. Como consequência dos incêndios, e entre outros impactos, o solo fica exposto à ação erosiva da chuva determinando perdas de solo muito significativas e a degradação deste recurso. Deste modo, o controle da erosão após o incêndio é essencial para a mais rápida recuperação das áreas ardidas suportada em medidas de conservação do solo eficazes. O trabalho propõe-se fazer uma avaliação quantificada da eficácia de técnicas de conservação do solo no controle da erosão em áreas ardidas, centrada em medidas de baixo custo e aplicável ao NE de Portugal, em especial o Distrito de Bragança. A metodologia de avaliação seguida inclui a construção de cenários regionais de aplicação simulada de uma seleção de medidas, mediante exploração de um modelo de erosão (Equação Universal de Perda de Solo – USLE). Através das simulações realizadas fazendo variar a distribuição de barreiras ao longo da encosta e o seu grau de retenção, foi possível avaliar a eficácia desta técnica para a redução da erosão nas condições definidas como cenários de base. Observou-se que o grau de retenção tem maior influência na redução de perda do solo do que a distância entre barreiras. Isto evidencia a necessidade de uma implementação adequada desta medida, com a instalação de barreiras de elevado grau de retenção. Aplicada apenas no primeiro ano pós-fogo, e de forma isolada, a técnica da sementeira não se mostrou suficientemente eficaz. Porém, se após um ano se realizar uma nova sementeira na área afetada, mostrou-se que pode ocorrer uma diminuição dos valores de perda de solo relativamente grande, pelo que será aconselhável a realização de uma ressementeira no ano seguinte à primeira aquando de intervenções pós-fogo com esta técnica. Uma possível combinação entre os métodos anteriores iria proporcionar uma situação ótima, como observado nos resultados das simulações efetuadas, onde a maioria dos cenários apresentou valores estimados de perda de solo menores ou iguais a 2 ton/ha.ano, limiar que separa condições de risco de erosão baixo e moderado e corresponde à tolerância de perda de solo para solos delgados e de substrato não renovável.
Soil erosion data in El Salvador Republic are scarce and there is no rainfall erosivity map for this region. Considering that rainfall erosivity is an important guide for planning soil erosion control practices, a spatial assessment of indices for characterizing the erosive force of rainfall in El Salvador Republic was carried out. Using pluviometric records from 25 weather stations, we applied two methods: erosivity index equation and the Fournier index. In all study area, the rainiest period is from May to November. Annual values of erosivity index ranged from 7,196 to 17,856 MJ mm ha(-1) h(-1) year(-1) and the Fournier index ranged from 52.9 to 110.0 mm. The erosivity map showed that the study area can be broadly divided into three major erosion risk zones, and the Fournier index map was divided into four zones. Both methods revealed that the erosive force is severe in all study area and presented significant spatial correlation with each other. The erosive force in the country is concentrated mainly from May to November.
O fator cobertura e manejo do solo (fator C da Equação Universal de Perda de Solo- EUPS) é um dos mais importantes na redução das perdas de solo por erosão hídrica. Com objetivo de avaliar as razões de perda de solo (RPS) e o fator C, conduziu-se um experimento sob chuva natural em um Cambissolo Húmico alumínico léptico, com declividade média de 0,102 m m-1, em Lages, SC, no período de novembro de 2002 a outubro de 2005, compreendendo seis ciclos culturais. Os parâmetros foram avaliados em cinco estádios, com base na cobertura do solo pelo dossel das plantas. Foram estudados três sistemas de manejo do solo: aração + duas gradagens (PC), escarificação + uma gradagem (CM) e semeadura direta (SD), submetidos a sucessão soja (Glycine max) e trigo (Triticum aestivum L.), além de um tratamento adicional, com aração + duas gradagens sem culturas (SC). As RPS e os fatores C, variaram quanto aos ciclos, estádios das culturas e sistemas de manejo do solo. A SD reduziu as RPS, em 85% e 48% em relação ao PC e CM, respectivamente, durante os cultivos de soja e em 60% e 55% nos cultivos de trigo. Na média dos três anos de estudo, os valores do fator C, foram de 0,073 (PC), 0,016 (CM) e 0,007 (SD) Mg ha Mg-1 ha-1 durante os cultivos de soja e 0,126 (PC), 0,083 (CM) e 0,035 (SD) Mg ha Mg-1 ha-1 durante os cultivos de trigo. Para a sucessão de culturas soja-trigo, os valores do fator C foram de 0,198, 0,099 e 0,042 Mg ha Mg-1 ha-1, para PC, CM e SD, respectivamente.
El objetivo de esta investigación consiste básicamente en probar la aplicabilidad para las condiciones físico-geográficas características de Costa Rica, del modelo para la predicción de suelos Watcr Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP), el cual es desarrollado por el Servicio de Conservación de Suelos de los Estados Unidos.Los pronósticos efectuados por el WEPP, son comparados con mediciones reales de erosión y escorrentía efectuadas por medio de parcelas tipo USLE (café, pastos y tabaco-maíz-frijol) ubicadas en la localidad de Cerbatana de Puriscal (1990-1995), junto con mediciones de las condiciones climáticas y análisis de las características de los suelos.Los resultados indican que ci modelo tiene un aceptable pronóstico en los datos de la erosión y de la escorrentía, sobre todo si se le compara con pronósticos hechos con la Ecuación Universal de Pérdida de Suelos. Los parámetros de entrada (input) que requiere el WEPP son muy abundantes en cantidad y muy sensibles en su efecto sobre los pronósticos, por lo tanto el uso y la interpretación de los resultados deben efectuarse con un enfoque muy crítico.Abstract: the objective of this invcstigation basically consists of testing the suitabiiity of the model Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) to predict soil erosion given the physical geographical charactcristics of Costa Rica. The model was developed by the Soil Conservation Service of the United States.Thc effectted predictions of the WEPP are compared with real soil erosion and surface runoff measurements taken at a typical USLE site (coffee, pasture and tobacco-corn-bean), located in the surroundings of Cerbatana of Puriscal (1990-1995). This data was taken in conjuntion with measurements of ciimactic conditions and analysis of soil characteristics.The results indicate that the model has an acceptable ability to predict soil erosion and surface runoff data, particularly if one compares thern with predictions made with the Universal Soil Loss Equation. Thc input variables that are rcquired by WEPP are quite abundant in quantity and are very sensitive in their effect of the predictions made. For that reason, the uses and interpretation of the results should be put into use with a very critical eye.