61 resultados para USAF
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Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Prepared by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Insulation Research, under USAF Contract F33615-67C-1612.
Unnumbered reports (some called also "Special project") arranged by year and month of publication.
"Prepared by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Insulation Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts, under USAF Contract AF 33(615)-2199."
"This report was prepared by Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., Buffalo, New York under USAF Contract no. AF-33(615)-1485."
Mode of access: Internet.
"This report was prepared by University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, under USAF Contract no. F 33615-67-C-1227."
Sponsored by Office of Scientific Research of the Air Research and Development Command and held jointly by National Bureau of Standards and the Directorate of Management Analysis, DCS/Comptroller, USAF.
"Work performed for the Ballistic Systems Divisions, USAF, under Contract no. AF04(647)-617."
The ability of the United States Air Force (USAF) to sustain a high level of operational ability and readiness is dependent on the proficiency and expertise of its pilots. Recruitment, education, training, and retention of its pilot force are crucial factors in the USAF's attainment of its operational mission: defense of this nation and its allies. Failure of a student pilot during a training program does not only represent a loss of costly training expenditures to the American public, but often consists of loss of human life, aircraft, and property. This research focused on the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps' (AFROTC) selection method for student pilots for the light aircraft training (LATR) program. The LATR program is an intense 16 day flight training program that precedes the Air Force's undergraduate pilot training (UPT) program. The study subjects were 265 AFROTC cadets in the LATR program. A variety of independent variables from each subject's higher education curricular background as well as results of preselection tests, participation in varsity athletics, prior flying experience and gender were evaluated against subsequent performance in LATR. Performance was measured by a quantitative performance score developed by this researcher based on 28 graded training factors as well as overall pass or fail of the LATR program. Study results showed participation in university varsity athletics was very significantly and positively related to performance in the LATR program, followed by prior flying experience and to a very slight degree portions of the Air Force Officers Qualifying Test. Not significantly related to success in the LATR program were independent variables such as grade point average, scholastic aptitude test scores, academic major, gender and the AFROTC selection and ranking system.
"This report appears as an appendix to the National Applied Mathematics Laboratories Quarterly report of projects and publications, January through March 1952."
A evolução tecnológica e a necessidade operacional de Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) ditarão, a curto trecho, a sua expansão funcional à quase totalidade das áreas de missão tipicamente reservadas às plataformas tripuladas. Talvez a maior barreira à adoção dos UAS de forma plena, pela United States Air Force (USAF) em particular, e por extensão a outras Forças Aéreas que partilhem de valores semelhantes, será a alteração da cultura organizacional, no sentido de promover a aceitação dos sistemas não tripulados como capacidades idênticas às providenciadas pelas aeronaves tripuladas. Este artigo pretende explorar algumas das forças dissociativas que resistem à integração dos UAS na estrutura de força de uma instituição, tomando como exemplo a USAF enquanto maior utilizadora destes sistemas e influenciadora das tendências futuras do Poder Aéreo. Para melhor percebermos os desafios culturais que despontam do emprego em larga escala de UAS de combate, teremos de percorrer o processo de independência da USAF e a validação estratégica do Poder Aéreo enquanto instrumento militar preferencial