76 resultados para URODYNAMICS


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OBJECTIVE: Aim of the study was to compare Connexin 43 (Cx43) in human bladder tissue of urodynamically proven idiopathic detrusor overactivity to those of urodynamically stable bladders. STUDY DESIGN: We compared bladder biopsies of patients with detrusor overactivity and those with stable bladder analysing Cx43 message by RNA extraction and PCR amplification. All patients had multichannel urodynamics prior to the biopsies. RESULTS: We investigated the bladder biopsies of 15 female patients with and 15 patients without detrusor overactivity. Cx43 could be detected in nine patients of the detrusor overactivity group and in eight patients of the control group which was not statistically significant. 42 cycles of PCR were necessary to demonstrate Cx43 presence in the positive specimen. The presence of Cx43 was not consistent in the samples from the bladder dome and the side walls meaning there were Cx43 positive results in the dome and negative ones in the side walls of the same patient and vice versa. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, Cx43 is present in human bladder tissue both of overactive bladders and those of controls. However, it is expressed in very small amounts and is not always detectable. The role of Cx43 for the origin of detrusor overactivity remains unclear.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine if two different whole body vibration, sinusoidal vibration (SV) and stochastic resonance vibration (SRV), using various intensities lead to a reactive activation of pelvic floor muscles. STUDY DESIGN: We compared the pelvic floor muscle response of a healthy control group with that of a post partum group with weakened pelvic floor contraction. Activation effects of stochastic resonance vibration and sinusoidal vibration with six increasing vibration intensities were investigated using pelvic floor EMG and compared to activity during rest and maximum voluntary contraction. RESULTS: Both whole body vibration systems were able to activate pelvic floor muscles significantly depending on vibration intensity. Generally, the SRV achieved a significantly higher activation than maximum voluntary contraction, especially in women post partum and using a frequency of 6-12 Hz. CONCLUSION: SRV, compared to SV, leads to higher pelvic floor muscle activation in subjects with weakened pelvic floor muscles and achieves higher pelvic floor activation than maximum voluntary contraction alone. Neurourol. Urodynam. 28:405-410, 2009. (c) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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AIM: To assess patients' perception of clean intermittent self-catheterization (CISC) for voiding dysfunction. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 101 patients performing CISC because of voiding dysfunction were invited to participate in this questionnaire survey. The response rate was 91% (92/101). RESULTS: The mean time over which CISC was performed was 5 years (standard deviation (SD) +/- 6.3) and the mean frequency of CISC per day was three times (SD +/- 2). Almost 80% (72/92) of the patients perceived CISC as easy or very easy and CISC did not interfere at all or interfered a little bit with work or other regular daily activities in more than 80% (76/92). Almost 90% (80/92) reported no or minimal pain while performing CISC. This did not interfere at all or interfered a little bit with work or other regular daily activities in almost 90% (80/92). Quality of life improved considerably due to CISC in more than 60% (56/92) and 12% (11/92) complained of a deterioration. In multivariable analysis, severe pain performing CISC (odds ratio 20.9, 95% confidence interval 1.7-259.9, P = 0.018) was the only factor that predicted poor quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of patients considered CISC to be an easy and painless procedure which did not interfere with daily activities. Consequently, quality of life improved in more than 60% of the patients. Therefore, CISC does not appear to be a burden for the patient and, from a patient's perspective, can be recommended.


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AIMS A better understanding of pelvic floor muscle (PFM) activation and strength components is a prerequisite to get better insight in PFM contraction mechanisms and develop more specific PFM-training regimens for female stress urinary incontinence (SUI) patients. The aim of this systematic review (2012:CRD42012002547) was to evaluate and summarize existing studies investigating PFM activation and strength components influencing female continence and SUI. METHODS PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane databases were systematically searched for literature from January 1980 to November 2013 for cross-sectional studies comparing female SUI patients with healthy controls and intervention studies with SUI patients reporting on the association between PFM activation and strength components and urine loss. Trial characteristics, evaluated PFM components, their definitions, measurement methods, study outcomes, as well as quality measures, based on the Cochrane risk of bias tool, were independently extracted. The high heterogeneity of the retrieved data made pooling of results impossible and therefore restricted the analysis to a systematic review. RESULTS Cross-sectional studies showed group differences in favor of the continent women compared to SUI patients for PFM activation or PFM maximal strength, mean strength or sustained contraction. All intervention studies showed an improvement of PFM strength and decrease in urine loss in SUI patients after physical therapy. CONCLUSIONS Higher PFM activation and strength components influence female continence positively. This systematic review underscored the need for a standardized PFM components' terminology (similar to rehabilitation and training science), standardized test procedures and well matched diagnostic instruments. Neurourol. Urodynam. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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OBJECTIVES Pelvic floor rehabilitation is the conservative therapy of choice for women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI). The success rate of surgical procedures in SUI patients with intrinsic sphincter deficiency (ISD) is low. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of a standardized physiotherapy on patients with SUI and normotonic urethra and ISD. METHODS In this study, 64 patients with ISD and 69 patients with normotonic urethra were enrolled. Maximum urethral pressure (MUCP) >20 cm H2 O was considered as normotonic urethral pressure. Before and after physiotherapy MUCP was measured and cough testing was performed. Additionally, patient reported outcome was assessed using the King's Health Questionnaire (KHQ). For statistical analyses Excel 2010 (Microsoft Inc; Redmond, Washington) and SPSS 20 (SPSS Inc; Chicago, Illinois) for Windows were used. Power calculation was based on the primary endpoint incontinence impact and general health. For power calculation, GraphPad Statmate version 2.00 for Windows was used. RESULTS Sixty-four patients with ISD and 69 patients with normotonic urethra were included in the study. In SUI patients with normotonic and hypotonic urethra KHQ-scores regarding the primary endpoins "general health" and "incontinence impact" significantly improved following standardized physiotherapy. In both groups MUCP increased after physiotherapy. In SUI patients with ISD standardized physiotherapy resulted in a decreased incidence of a positive cough test. CONCLUSIONS Standardized physiotherapy should be offered to patients with SUI and ISD. Long-term results are subject to future studies. Neurourol. Urodynam. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Objetivos: analizar la experiencia obtenida y evaluar los resultados urodinámicos del estudio de 18 pacientes con esclerosis múltiple. Material y Métodos: se estudiaron 18 casos, valorándose la historia clínica, ecografía vesical y renal, analizándolos urodinámicamente con uroflujometría, residuo post miccional (RPM), cistotonometría y electromiografía esfinteriana. Urocultivo y antibiograma de orina. Resultados: del análisis de todas las variables se desprende que la vejiga hiperactiva se presentó en 10 casos con un predominio del síndrome frecuencia-urgencia, vejiga hipotónica-hiporrefléxica en 5 pacientes, disinergia detrusor-esfínter en 4 casos y 9 pacientes con infección urinaria que desencadenaban crisis de espasticidad. Todos fueron tratados con anticolinérgicos de acción vesical inmuno-modulación (brotes-recaídas) e inmuno-supresión en la enfermedad progresiva, de rehabilitación y terapia de apoyo psicológico. Conclusión: la vejiga hiperactiva es el tipo de consecuencia urinaria de la esclerosis en placa con los síntomas de frecuencia-urgencia y que, con tratamiento multimodal mejoran en un alto porcentaje.


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AIMS: To investigate the effect of pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) taught in a general exercise class during pregnancy on the prevention of urinary incontinence (UI) in nulliparous continent pregnant women. METHODS: This was a unicenter two armed randomized controlled trial. One hundred sixty-nine women were randomized by a central computer system to an exercise group (EG) (exercise class including PFMT) (n = 73) or a control group (CG) (n = 96). 10.1% loss to follow-up: 10 from EG and 7 from CG. The intervention consisted of 70-75 sessions (22 weeks, three times per week, 55-60 min/session including 10 min of PFMT). The CG received usual care (which included follow up by midwifes including information about PFMT). Questions on prevalence and degree of UI were posed before (week 10-14) and after intervention (week 36-39) using the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Urinary Incontinence Short Form (ICIQ-UI SF). RESULTS: At the end of the intervention, there was a statistically significant difference in favor of the EG. Reported frequency of UI [Never: CG: 54/60.7%, EG: 60/95.2% (P < 0.001)]. Amount of leakage [None: CG: 45/60.7%, EG: 60/95.2% (P < 0.001)]. There was also a statistically significant difference in ICIQ-UI SF Score between groups after the intervention period [CG: 2.7 (SD 4.1), EG: 0.2 (SD 1.2) (P < 0.001)]. The estimated effect size was 0.8. CONCLUSION: PFMT taught in a general exercise class three times per week for at least 22 weeks, without former assessment of ability to perform a correct contraction was effective in primary prevention of UI in primiparous pregnant women.


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Aims The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a pelvic floor muscle (PFM) rehabilitation program on incontinence symptoms, PFM function, and morphology in older women with SUI. Methods Women 60 years old and older with at least weekly episodes of SUI were recruited. Participants were evaluated before and after a 12-week group PFM rehabilitation intervention. The evaluations included 3-day bladder diaries, symptom, and quality of life questionnaires, PFM function testing with dynamometry (force) and electromyography (activation) during seven tasks: rest, PFM maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), straining, rapid-repeated PFM contractions, a 60 sec sustained PFM contraction, a single cough and three repeated coughs, and sagittal MRI recorded at rest, during PFM MVCs and during straining to assess PFM morphology. Results Seventeen women (68.9 ± 5.5 years) participated. Following the intervention the frequency of urine leakage decreased and disease-specific quality of life improved significantly. PFM function improved significantly: the participants were able to perform more rapid-repeated PFM contractions; they activated their PFMs sooner when coughing and they were better able to maintain a PFM contraction between repeated coughs. Pelvic organ support improved significantly: the anorectal angle was decreased and the urethrovescial junction was higher at rest, during contraction and while straining. Conclusions This study indicated that improvements in urine leakage were produced along with improvements in PFM co-ordination (demonstrated by the increased number of rapid PFM contractions and the earlier PFM activation when coughing), motor-control, pelvic organ support.


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Aims To investigate the predictive ability of four digital assessment parameters to detect levator ani (LA) muscle defects (avulsion injury) and compare these to transperineal tomographic ultrasound images. Methods This was an observational study imbedded in a larger quasi-experimental cohort study for women with urinary incontinence. Seventy-two women, ≥60 years who had attended or were going to attend physiotherapy for treatment of urinary incontinence, were included in the study. Inclusion criteria from the parent study were symptoms of stress, urge or both types of urinary incontinence. The predictive ability of the following digital parameters: direct palpation of a discontinuity of the LA muscle from insertion on the pubic ramus; palpation of the distance between the muscle insertion sites; palpation of LA strength; palpation of LA tone, were analyzed against findings from tomographic transperineal ultrasound images. Correlation between methods was measured using Cohen's kappa for each of the individual parameters. Results Seventeen women (24%) presented with a complete or partial avulsion of the puborectalis muscle as diagnosed with tomographic ultrasound imaging. Nine women (13%) had complete avulsions, one of which was bilateral. The predictive ability of the digital assessment parameters varied from poor (k = 0.187, 95% CI [0.02–0.36]) to moderate (k = 0.569, 95% CI [0.31–0.83]). The new parameter of ‘width between insertion sites’ performed best. Conclusions Adding the parameter of “width between insertion sites” appears to enhance our ability to detect avulsion of the levator ani (LA) muscle by digital examination however it does not distinguish between unilateral or bilateral avulsion.


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Objective To estimate the long-term effect of intensive, 6-week physiotherapy programs, with and without deep abdominal muscle (TrA) training, on persistent postpartum stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Methods The study was a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Fifty-seven postnatal women with clinically demonstrated persistent SUI 3 months after delivery participated in 8 weeks of either pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) (28) or PFMT with deep abdominal muscle training (PFMT + TrA) (29). Seven years post-treatment, 35 (61.4%) participants agreed to the follow-up; they were asked to complete a 20-min pad test and three incontinence-specific questionnaires with an assessor blinded to each participant's group assignment. Results: Of the 35 (61.4%) who agreed to the follow-up: 26 (45.6%) took the 20-min pad test (12 PFMT and 14 PFMT + TrA) and 35 (61.4%) completed the questionnaires (18 PFMT and 17 PFMT + TrA). The baseline clinical characteristics of the follow-up and non-follow-up participants were not significantly different; nor did they differ between PFMT and PFMT + TrA participants enrolled in the follow-up study. At 7 years, the pad test scores for the PFMT group did not differ statistically from those of the PFMT + TrA group. When combining both treatment groups, a total of 14/26 (53%) follow-up participants were still continent according to the pad test. Conclusion The addition of deep abdominal training does not appear to further improve the outcome of PFM training in the long term. However, benefits of physiotherapy for postpartum SUI, although not as pronounced as immediately after the initial intervention, is still present 7 years post-treatment.


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Background Motivated patients are more likely to adhere to treatment resulting in better outcomes. Virtual reality rehabilitation (VRR) is a treatment approach that includes video gaming to enhance motivation and functional training. Aims The study objectives were (1) to evaluate the feasibility of using a combination of pelvic floor muscles (PFM) exercises and VRR (PFM/VRR) to treat mixed urinary incontinence (MUI) in older women, (2) to evaluate the effectiveness of the PFM/VRR program on MUI symptoms, quality of life (QoL), and (3) gather quantitative information regarding patient satisfaction with this new combined training program. Methods Women 65 years and older with at least 2 weekly episodes of MUI were recruited. Participants were evaluated two times before and one time after a 12-week PFM/VRR training program. Feasibility was defined as the participants' rate of participation in and completion of both the PFM/VRR training program and the home exercise. Effectiveness was evaluated through a bladder diary, pad test, symptom and QoL questionnaire, and participant's satisfaction through a questionnaire. Results Twenty-four women (70.5 ± 3.6 years) participated. The participants complied with the study demands in terms of attendance at the weekly treatment sessions (91%), adherence to home exercise (92%) and completion of the three evaluations (96%). Post-intervention, the frequency and quantity of urine leakage decreased and patientreported symptoms and QoL improved significantly. Most participants were very satisfied with treatment (91%). Conclusion A combined PFM/VRR program is an acceptable, efficient, and satisfying functional treatment for older women with MUI and should be explore through further RCTs.


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The Overactive Bladder (OAB) and Bladder Pain Syndrome (BPS) are debilitating disorders for which the pathophysiological mechanisms are poorly understood. Injury or dysfunction of the protective urothelial barrier layer, specifically the proteoglycan composition and number, has been proposed as the primary pathological characteristic of BPS. For OAB, the myogenic theory with dysfunction of the muscarinic receptors is the most reiterated hypothesis. For both over activity of the inflammatory response has been posited to play a major role in these diseases. We hypothesise that BPS and OAB are peripheral sensory disorders, with an increase in inflammatory mediators, such as cytokines and chemokines, which are capable of activating, either directly or indirectly, sensory nerve activity causing the disease. The aim of the PhD is to identify potential new therapeutic targets for the treatment of BPS and OAB. We used medium throughput quantitative gene expression analysis of 96 inflammation associated mediators to measure gene expression levels in BPS and OAB bladder biopsies and compared them to control samples. Then we created a novel animal model of disease by specific proteoglycan deglycosylation of the bladder mucosal barrier, using the bacterial enzymes Chondroitinase ABC and Heparanase III. These enzymes specifically remove the glycosaminoglycan side chains from the urothelial proteoglycan molecules. We tested role of the identified mediators in this animal model. In addition, in order to determine on which patients peripheral treatment strategies may work, we assessed the effect of local anaesthetics on patients with bladder pain. Gene expression analysis did not reveal a difference in inflammatory genes in the OAB versus control biopsies. However, several genes were upregulated in BPS versus control samples, from which two genes, FGF7 and CLL21 were correlated with patient clinical phenotypes for ICS/PI symptom and problem indices respectively. In order to determine which patients are likely to respond to treatment, we sought to characterise the bladder pain in BPS patients. Using urodynamics and local anaesthetics, we differentiated patients with peripherally mediated pain and patients with central sensitisation of their pain. Finally to determine the role of these mediators in bladder pain, we created an animal model of disease, which specifically replicates the human pathology: namely disruption in the barrier proteoglycan molecules. CCL21 led to an increase in painrelated behaviour, while FGF7 attenuated this behaviour, as measured by cystometry, spinal c-fos expression and mechanical withdrawal threshold examination. In conclusion, we have identified CCL21 and FGF7 as potential targets for the treatment of BPS. Manipulation of these ligands or their receptors may prove to be valuable previously unexploited targets for the treatment of BPS.


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Aims The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a pelvic floor muscle (PFM) rehabilitation program on incontinence symptoms, PFM function, and morphology in older women with SUI. Methods Women 60 years old and older with at least weekly episodes of SUI were recruited. Participants were evaluated before and after a 12-week group PFM rehabilitation intervention. The evaluations included 3-day bladder diaries, symptom, and quality of life questionnaires, PFM function testing with dynamometry (force) and electromyography (activation) during seven tasks: rest, PFM maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), straining, rapid-repeated PFM contractions, a 60 sec sustained PFM contraction, a single cough and three repeated coughs, and sagittal MRI recorded at rest, during PFM MVCs and during straining to assess PFM morphology. Results Seventeen women (68.9 ± 5.5 years) participated. Following the intervention the frequency of urine leakage decreased and disease-specific quality of life improved significantly. PFM function improved significantly: the participants were able to perform more rapid-repeated PFM contractions; they activated their PFMs sooner when coughing and they were better able to maintain a PFM contraction between repeated coughs. Pelvic organ support improved significantly: the anorectal angle was decreased and the urethrovescial junction was higher at rest, during contraction and while straining. Conclusions This study indicated that improvements in urine leakage were produced along with improvements in PFM co-ordination (demonstrated by the increased number of rapid PFM contractions and the earlier PFM activation when coughing), motor-control, pelvic organ support.


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Aims To investigate the predictive ability of four digital assessment parameters to detect levator ani (LA) muscle defects (avulsion injury) and compare these to transperineal tomographic ultrasound images. Methods This was an observational study imbedded in a larger quasi-experimental cohort study for women with urinary incontinence. Seventy-two women, ≥60 years who had attended or were going to attend physiotherapy for treatment of urinary incontinence, were included in the study. Inclusion criteria from the parent study were symptoms of stress, urge or both types of urinary incontinence. The predictive ability of the following digital parameters: direct palpation of a discontinuity of the LA muscle from insertion on the pubic ramus; palpation of the distance between the muscle insertion sites; palpation of LA strength; palpation of LA tone, were analyzed against findings from tomographic transperineal ultrasound images. Correlation between methods was measured using Cohen's kappa for each of the individual parameters. Results Seventeen women (24%) presented with a complete or partial avulsion of the puborectalis muscle as diagnosed with tomographic ultrasound imaging. Nine women (13%) had complete avulsions, one of which was bilateral. The predictive ability of the digital assessment parameters varied from poor (k = 0.187, 95% CI [0.02–0.36]) to moderate (k = 0.569, 95% CI [0.31–0.83]). The new parameter of ‘width between insertion sites’ performed best. Conclusions Adding the parameter of “width between insertion sites” appears to enhance our ability to detect avulsion of the levator ani (LA) muscle by digital examination however it does not distinguish between unilateral or bilateral avulsion.