953 resultados para Two-sample tests


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Subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) patients present cardiopulmonary, vascular and muscle dysfunction, but there is no consensus about the benefits of levothyroxine (L-T4) intervention on cardiopulmonary performance during exercise. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of L-T4 on cardiopulmonary exercise reserve and recovery in SH patients. Twenty-three SH women, 44 (40-50) years old, were submitted to two ergospirometry tests, with an interval of 6 months of normalization of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels (L-T4 replacement group) or simple observation (TSH = 6.90 μIU/mL; L-T4 = 1.02 ng/dL). Patients with TSH >10 μIU/mL were excluded from the study to assure that they would receive treatment in this later stage of SH. Twenty 30- to 57-year-old women with no thyroid dysfunction (TSH = 1.38 μIU/mL; L-T4 = 1.18 ng/dL) were also evaluated. At baseline, lower values of gas exchange ratio reserve (0.24 vs 0.30; P < 0.05) were found for SH patients. The treated group presented greater variation than the untreated group for pulmonary ventilation reserve (20.45 to 21.60 L/min; median variation = 5.2 vs 25.09 to 22.45 L/min; median variation = -4.75, respectively) and for gas exchange ratio reserve (0.19 to 0.27; median variation = 0.06 vs 0.28 to 0.18; median variation = -0.08, respectively). There were no relevant differences in cardiopulmonary recovery for either group at baseline or after follow-up. In the sample studied, L-T4 replacement improved exercise cardiopulmonary reserve, but no modification was found in recovery performance after exercise during this period of analysis.


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Microwave digestions of mercury in Standards Reference Material (SRM) coal samples with nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide in quartz vessels were compared with Teflon® vessel digestion by using flow injection cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. Teflon® vessels gave poor reproducibiUty and tended to deliver high values, while the digestion results from quartz vessel show good agreement with certificate values and better standard deviations. Trace level elements (Ag, Ba, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Pb, Sn, Ti, V and Zn) in used oil and residual oil samples were determined by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. Different microwave digestion programs were developed for each sample and most of the results are in good agreement with certified values. The disagreement with values for Ag was due to the precipitation of Ag in sample; while Sn, V and Zn values had good recoveries from the spike test, which suggests that these certified values might need to be reconsidered. Gold, silver, copper, cadmium, cobalt, nickel and zinc were determined by continuous hydride generation inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. The performance of two sample introduction systems: MSIS™ and gas-liquid separator were compared. Under the respective optimum conditions, MSIS^"^ showed better sensitivity and lower detection limits for Ag, Cd, Cu, Co and similar values for Au, Ni and Zn to those for the gas-liquid separator.


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This study developed a new, valid and reliable evaluation instrument to measure the level, type and pattern of management decisions of fifteen nursing students. The management decision score achieved using this instrument was correlated with two psychological determinants of management decision making: creativity and problem-solving ability. The instrument was a written patient management problem in case format, answered by a free form written response. The student responses were classified for type of management decision according to the sub-categories of technical, inter-personal, environmental and unique. Using statistical analysis a significant difference was found in the type of management decisions most frequently selected by the study sample. The students predominantly selected technical type decisions. This preference for one type of management decision may be due to a number of psychological and environmental factors. These factors may program and mold the type of management decisions student nurses make early in their career. Low but positive correlations were found between the total management score and the two psychological tests. This finding supports the authors cited in the literature who state that although creativity augments the type of management decision making, it is not present or encouraged widely in the nursing profession. These factors are worth considering when the profession becomes concerned over ritualization and lack of individuality in patient care. The tool is easy to administer, lends itself to a variety of professional settings and shows promise with further refinement for computer application.


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Les temps de réponse dans une tache de reconnaissance d’objets visuels diminuent de façon significative lorsque les cibles peuvent être distinguées à partir de deux attributs redondants. Le gain de redondance pour deux attributs est un résultat commun dans la littérature, mais un gain causé par trois attributs redondants n’a été observé que lorsque ces trois attributs venaient de trois modalités différentes (tactile, auditive et visuelle). La présente étude démontre que le gain de redondance pour trois attributs de la même modalité est effectivement possible. Elle inclut aussi une investigation plus détaillée des caractéristiques du gain de redondance. Celles-ci incluent, outre la diminution des temps de réponse, une diminution des temps de réponses minimaux particulièrement et une augmentation de la symétrie de la distribution des temps de réponse. Cette étude présente des indices que ni les modèles de course, ni les modèles de coactivation ne sont en mesure d’expliquer l’ensemble des caractéristiques du gain de redondance. Dans ce contexte, nous introduisons une nouvelle méthode pour évaluer le triple gain de redondance basée sur la performance des cibles doublement redondantes. Le modèle de cascade est présenté afin d’expliquer les résultats de cette étude. Ce modèle comporte plusieurs voies de traitement qui sont déclenchées par une cascade d’activations avant de satisfaire un seul critère de décision. Il offre une approche homogène aux recherches antérieures sur le gain de redondance. L’analyse des caractéristiques des distributions de temps de réponse, soit leur moyenne, leur symétrie, leur décalage ou leur étendue, est un outil essentiel pour cette étude. Il était important de trouver un test statistique capable de refléter les différences au niveau de toutes ces caractéristiques. Nous abordons la problématique d’analyser les temps de réponse sans perte d’information, ainsi que l’insuffisance des méthodes d’analyse communes dans ce contexte, comme grouper les temps de réponses de plusieurs participants (e. g. Vincentizing). Les tests de distributions, le plus connu étant le test de Kolmogorov- Smirnoff, constituent une meilleure alternative pour comparer des distributions, celles des temps de réponse en particulier. Un test encore inconnu en psychologie est introduit : le test d’Anderson-Darling à deux échantillons. Les deux tests sont comparés, et puis nous présentons des indices concluants démontrant la puissance du test d’Anderson-Darling : en comparant des distributions qui varient seulement au niveau de (1) leur décalage, (2) leur étendue, (3) leur symétrie, ou (4) leurs extrémités, nous pouvons affirmer que le test d’Anderson-Darling reconnait mieux les différences. De plus, le test d’Anderson-Darling a un taux d’erreur de type I qui correspond exactement à l’alpha tandis que le test de Kolmogorov-Smirnoff est trop conservateur. En conséquence, le test d’Anderson-Darling nécessite moins de données pour atteindre une puissance statistique suffisante.


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Introducción. El cateterismo cardiaco derecho representa el estándar de referencia para el diagnóstico de hipertensión pulmonar, sin embargo el rendimiento de la ecocardiografía como estudio inicial ha mostrado buena correlación con las variables medidas por cateterismo. El presente estudio pretende describir el grado de correlación y concordancia entre la ecocardiografía y el cateterismo cardiaco derecho para la medición de la presión sistólica de la arteria pulmonar. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo de los pacientes sometidos a cateterismo cardiaco derecho entre los años 2009 a 2014 y se compararon con los datos de ecocardiograma más cercano a este cateterismo, teniendo en cuenta la presión sistólica de la arteria pulmonar (PSAP) en las dos modalidades diagnósticas mediante correlación y concordancia estadística según los coeficientes de Pearson y el índice de Lin respectivamente. Resultados. Se recolectaron un total de 169 pacientes con un índice de correlación (r) obtenido para la medición de PSAP del total de la muestra de 0.73 p < 0.0001 mostrando un grado de correlación alto para toda la muestra evaluada. El análisis de concordancia obtenido para toda la población a partir del índice de Lin fue de 0.71 lo que determinó una pobre concordancia. Discusión. Se encontró buena correlación entre ecocardiografía y cateterismo cardiaco derecho para la medición de la PSAP, sin embargo la concordancia entre los métodos diagnósticos es pobre, por tanto el ecocardiograma no reemplaza al cateterismo cardiaco derecho como estudio de elección para diagnóstico y seguimiento de pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar.


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This paper analyzes the measure of systemic importance ∆CoV aR proposed by Adrian and Brunnermeier (2009, 2010) within the context of a similar class of risk measures used in the risk management literature. In addition, we develop a series of testing procedures, based on ∆CoV aR, to identify and rank the systemically important institutions. We stress the importance of statistical testing in interpreting the measure of systemic importance. An empirical application illustrates the testing procedures, using equity data for three European banks.


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Dilucidar si el control del 'input' comprensible en lengua inglesa procedente del habla del profesor incrementa el ritmo de adquisición de lengua extranjera por parte de los alumnos. Hipótesis: la mejor forma de aumentar dicho 'input' es que el profesor utilice mayoritariamente la lengua extranjera con fines organizativos, sociales y personales.. Dos profesores y cuatro grupos (dos experimentales y dos de control), de primero de BUP de dos institutos de Bachillerato de Madrid.. 1. Delimita los términos y el campo de estudio y analiza el papel de la teoría y la investigación en la adquisición de segundas lenguas. Revisa una serie de teorías de aprendizaje, entre las cuales, escoge la Teoría del Monitor de Krashen. 2. Describe el diseño de un estudio experimental que incluye entrevistas, tests y diarios de observación. Utiliza las siguientes variables: dependientes (adquisición de la lengua extranjera), independientes (grupo), moderadoras, de control y extrañas. 3. Analiza e interpreta estadísticamente los datos. Finalmente, hace una serie de recomendaciones y sugerencias.. Diarios de clase, instrumento de opinión sobre el nivel de comprensión oral, cuestionario, observación directa de la interacción de los grupos, nota final de inglés, pre-test, post-test,test t emparejado (Paired t-test), test t doble (Two-sample t-test), test de cloze, escala nominal, escala ordinal, escala de intervalo.. Análisis de multivarianza. Mediana. Validez. Diagramas de línea y caja. Histogramas. Amplitud. Pearson r. Rangos. Spearman p. Tablas. Kuder-Richardson 21.. El 'input' suministrado por el profesor con fines organizativos, sociales y personales, incide significativamente en el aprendizaje del inglés. Se puede constatar que hay una diferencia significativa entre los alumnos que estuvieron expuestos a un 'input' mayoritario en lengua extranjera (grupo experimental), y los que sólo lo estuvieron con carácter minoritario (grupo de control). Se observa que variables tales como: profesor, sexo y edad de los alumnos, tipo de centro en el que cursaron la EGB, etc., no afectan al ritmo de adquisición de lengua extranjera. Pero, en cambio, existe una vinculación con los factores: conocimientos de inglés al término de la EGB y uso de la lengua extranjera por el profesor en el aula. También se puede apreciar entre otras cuestiones: 1. A más uso de la lengua inglesa por parte del profesor, corresponde una mayor interacción con los alumnos en dicha lengua. 2. La lengua usada por los alumnos para interaccionar entre sí no depende de la utilizada por el profesor. 3. Tanto las clases extraescolares de inglés, como la actitud positiva ante el uso de la lengua extranjera por parte del profesor, favorecen una mayor adquisición de conocimientos. Finalmente, relaciona la nota final con la pertenencia al grupo experimental o de control, la nota de lengua inglesa en octavo de EGB, y el profesor de primero de BUP.. La razón de la mayor adquisición de lengua extranjera por los grupos experimentales es la exposición al 'input' comprensible y mayoritario procedente del habla del profesor con fines organizativos, sociales y personales. Se proponen unas recomendaciones a profesores, autores de libros y organismos para que fomenten el uso de la lengua extranjera en el aula. Y unas sugerencias para futuras investigaciones..


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HZSM5 zeolite was modified by exchanging proton by niobium (V). Several samples were obtained with various degrees of exchange. Pore volumes and acidity were measured to characterize these exchanged zeolites. Catalytic properties were evaluated with two reaction tests: m-xylene transformation and n-heptane cracking. The introduction of niobium on HZSM5 zeolite decreases the diffusion coefficient of 2-methyl-pentane and increases the zeolite acidity. The sample containing niobium are initially more active in cracking of n-heptane and m-xylene isomerization than HZSM5 alone.


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Diagnosis of Neospora caninum infection in dogs is based on serological assays such as the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). This study evaluated two serological tests (IFAT and ELISA) for the detection of IgG antibodies to N. caninum in 300 serum samples of dogs through the optimization of cut off titers by using the two-graph receiveroperating characteristic (TG-ROC) curve. In addition, the identification of major cross-reactive antigens with Toxoplasma gondii was investigated by inhibition ELISA and immunoblotting (IB) assays. IFAT and ELISA results showed 74% agreement, with a good negative concordance (P-neg=0.83), but a poor positive concordance (P-pos=0.42). The great majority (86%) of sera with positive concordant results (IFAT+/ELISA+) recognized at least two out of three N. caninum immunodominant antigens, particularly the 29-32 and 35-37 kDa bands. Optimization of cut off titers in IFAT and ELISA was performed considering the reactivity to at least two out of three N. caninum immunodominant antigens as infection markers, obtaining a titer of 50 for IFAT and 200 for ELISA. Seropositivity to N. caninuin was significantly associated with T gondii-seropositive samples, particularly in ELISA (55.4%). Inhibition ELISA curves for N. caninum showed a partial heterologous inhibition, indicating some degree of cross-reactivity between N. caninum and T gondii antigens. Inhibition IB assays showed a moderate heterologous inhibition for N. caninum antigens above 45-50 kDa. These results indicate that ELISA should be used critically when crude tachyzoite antigen preparations are employed, due to possible cross-reactivity with other related parasites as T gondii. Also, the cut off dilution of 1:50 in IFAT showed to be the most appropriated for N. caninum serology in dogs. Therefore, we suggest that N. caninum immunodominant antigens, specially the 17 and 29-32 kDa proteins, should be selected markers in serological assays for canine neosporosis. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two rapid tests evaluated in dogs considered to be of high risk of Infection with the Chagas parasite Trypanosoma cruzi using two immunochromatographic assays. Trypanosoma Detect (TM) for canine, InBios, Seattle, WA and CHAGAS STAT-PAK (TM) assay, Chembio Diagnostic Systems, Medford, NY, in south central Louisiana. For this purpose a serological survey was carried out in a total of 122 dogs and a serum bank was created. These 122 animals were first tested by IFAT that was used as the standard test From the serum bank 50 samples were tested using the two rapid Chagas assays and results compared to the standard test IFAT The serological survey using IFAT showed it prevalence of T cruzi infection in 22.1% of the tested dogs. In the immunochromatographic assays. 13 and 11 animals were positive on rapid assay Trypanosoma Detect (TM) for canine, InBios and CHAGAS STAT-PAK (TM), Chembio Diagnostic Systems, respectively compared to 11 positive by IFAT. These two immunochromatographic tests have shown high susceptibility and specificity compared to our standard method IFAT. The rapid, easy and accurate screening assays used in conjunction with confirmatory tests, would be an excellent tool for veterinarians to diagnose T cruzi infection. Early detection of T cruzi infection may prevent complications through an effective treatment. Greater awareness by veterinarians of the risk. clinical findings, history along with diagnostic methods will contribute greatly to an understanding of the true prevalence of Chagas disease in dogs in Louisiana. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Past research has demonstrated emergent conditional relations using a go/no-go procedure with pairs of figures displayed side-by-side on a computer screen. The present Study sought to extend applications Of this procedure. In Experiment, 1, we evaluated whether emergent conditional relations Could be demonstrated when two-component stimuli were displayed in figure-ground relationships-abstract figures displayed on backgrounds of different colors. Five normal)), capable adults participated. During training, each two-component stimulus Was presented successively. Responses emitted in the presence of some Stimulus pairs (A1B1, A2B2, A3B3, B1C1, B2C2 and B3C3) were reinforced, whereas responses emitted in the presence of other pairs (A1B2, A1B3, A2B1, A2B3, A3B1, A3B2, B1C2, B1C3, B2C1, B2C3, B3C1 and B3C2) were not. During tests, new configurations (AC and CA) were presented, thus emulating structurally the matching-to-sample tests employed in typical equivalence Studies. All participants showed emergent relations consistent with stimulus equivalence during testing. In Experiment 2, we systematically replicated the procedures with Stimulus compounds consisting Of four figures (A1, A2, C1 and C2) and two locations (left - B1 and right - 132). A,11 6 normally capable adults exhibited emergent stimulus-stimulus relations. Together, these experiments show that the go/no-go procedure is a potentially useful alternative for Studying emergent. conditional relations when matching-to-sample is procedurally cumbersome or impossible to use.


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The identification of recent HIV infection is important for epidemiological studies and to monitor the epidemic. The objective of this study was to evaluate two rapid tests that are easily available to the Brazilian scientific community for using as markers of recent HIV infection. The Rapid Test - HIV-1/2 Bio-Manguinhos (Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz, Brazil) and the Rapid Check HIV 1&2 (NDI-UFES, Center for Infectious Diseases, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo) were tested, using 489 samples with HIV positive serology, from blood donors, previously classified as recent or long-term infection by serological testing algorithm for recent HIV seroconversion (STARHS) or LS-HIV Vitros assay methods. The samples were diluted prior to testing (1:50 and 1:100 for the Rapid Test - HIV-1/2 Bio-Manguinhos, and 1:500 and 1:600 for the Rapid Check HIV 1&2). Negative samples were considered recent infection, whereas those showing any color intensity were associated with long-term infection. The best dilutions were 1:100 for HIV-1/2 Bio-Manguinhos test (Kappa = 0.840; overall agreement = 0.93), and 1:500 for the Rapid Check HIV 1&2 (Kappa = 0.867; overall agreement = 0.94). The results suggest that both rapid tests can be used to detect recent seroconversion. (C) 2012 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.


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[EN] Background: Either higher levels of initial DNA damage or lower levels of radiation-induced apoptosis in peripheral blood lymphocytes have been associated to increased risk for develop late radiation-induced toxicity. It has been recently published that these two predictive tests are inversely related. The aim of the present study was to investigate the combined role of both tests in relation to clinical radiation-induced toxicity in a set of breast cancer patients treated with high dose hyperfractionated radical radiotherapy. Methods: Peripheral blood lymphocytes were taken from 26 consecutive patients with locally advanced breast carcinoma treated with high-dose hyperfractioned radical radiotherapy. Acute and late cutaneous and subcutaneous toxicity was evaluated using the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group morbidity scoring schema. The mean follow-up of survivors (n = 13) was 197.23 months. Radiosensitivity of lymphocytes was quantified as the initial number of DNA double-strand breaks induced per Gy and per DNA unit (200 Mbp). Radiation-induced apoptosis (RIA) at 1, 2 and 8 Gy was measured by flow cytometry using annexin V/propidium iodide. Results: Mean DSB/Gy/DNA unit obtained was 1.70 ± 0.83 (range 0.63-4.08; median, 1.46). Radiation-induced apoptosis increased with radiation dose (median 12.36, 17.79 and 24.83 for 1, 2, and 8 Gy respectively). We observed that those "expected resistant patients" (DSB values lower than 1.78 DSB/Gy per 200 Mbp and RIA values over 9.58, 14.40 or 24.83 for 1, 2 and 8 Gy respectively) were at low risk of suffer severe subcutaneous late toxicity (HR 0.223, 95%CI 0.073-0.678, P = 0.008; HR 0.206, 95%CI 0.063-0.677, P = 0.009; HR 0.239, 95%CI 0.062-0.929, P = 0.039, for RIA at 1, 2 and 8 Gy respectively) in multivariate analysis. Conclusions: A radiation-resistant profile is proposed, where those patients who presented lower levels of initial DNA damage and higher levels of radiation induced apoptosis were at low risk of suffer severe subcutaneous late toxicity after clinical treatment at high radiation doses in our series. However, due to the small sample size, other prospective studies with higher number of patients are needed to validate these results.


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We observed 82 healthy subjects, from both sexes, aged between 19 and 77 years. All subjects performed two different tests: for being scientifically acknowledged, the first one was used as a reference and it was a stress test (CPX). During the entire test, heart rate and gas exchange were recorded continuously; the second, the actual object of this study, was a submaximal test (TOP). Only heart rate was recorded continuously. The main purpose was to determinate an index of physical fitness as result of TOP. CPX test allowed us to individuate anaerobic threshold. We used an incremental protocol of 10/20 Watt/min, different by age. For our TOP test we used an RHC400 UPRIGHT BIKE, by Air Machine. Each subject was monitored for heart frequency. After 2 minutes of resting period there was a first step: 3 minutes of pedalling at a constant rate of 60 RPM, (40 watts for elder subjects and 60 watts for the younger ones). Then, the subject was allowed to rest for a recovery phase of 5 minutes. Third and last step consisted of 3 minutes of pedalling again at 60 RPM but now set to 60 watts for elder subjects and 80 watts for the young subjects. Finally another five minutes of recovery. A good correlation was found between TOP and CPX results especially between punctua l heart rate reserve (HRR’) and anaerobic threshold parameters such as Watt, VO2, VCO2 . HRR’ was obtained by subtracting maximal heart rate during TOP from maximal theoretic heart rate (206,9-(0,67*age)). Data were analyzed through cluster analysis in order to obtain 3 homogeneous groups. The first group contains the least fit subjects (inactive, women, elderly). The other groups contain the “average fit” and the fittest subjects (active, men, younger). Concordance between test resulted in 83,23%. Afterwards, a linear combinations of the most relevant variables gave us a formula to classify people in the correct group. The most relevant result is that this submaximal test is able to discriminate subjects with different physical condition and to provide information (index) about physical fitness through HRR’. Compared to a traditional incremental stress test, the very low load of TOP, short duration and extended resting period, make this new method suitable to very different people. To better define the TOP index, it is necessary to enlarge our subject sample especially by diversifying the age range.