906 resultados para Treatment-resistant Schizophrenia


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Few case series studies have addressed the issue of treatment response in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and there are no prospective studies addressing response to conventional treatment in OCD patients with a history of trauma (HT). The present study aimed to investigate, prospectively, the impact of HT or PTSD on two systematic, first-line treatments for OCD. Two hundred and nineteen non-treatment-resistant OCD outpatients were treated with either group cognitive-behavioral therapy (GCBT n = 147) or monotherapy with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI n = 72). Presence of HT and PTSD were assessed at intake, as part of a broader clinical and demographical baseline characterization of the sample. Severity and types of OCD symptoms were assessed with the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (YBOCS) and the Dimensional YBOCS (DYBOCS), respectively. Depression and anxiety symptoms were measured with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Both treatments had 12-week duration. Treatment response was considered as a categorical [35% or greater reduction in baseline YBOCS scores plus a Clinical Global Impression-Improvement rating of better (2) or much better (1)] and continuous variable (absolute number reduction in baseline YBOCS scores). Treatment response was compared between the OCD + HT group versus the OCD without HT group and between the OCD + PTSD group versus the OCD without PTSD group. Parametric and non-parametric tests were used when indicated. Data on HT and PTSD were available for 215 subjects. Thirty-eight subjects (17.67% of the whole sample) had a positive HT (OCD + HT group) and 22 subjects (57.89% of the OCD + HT group and 10.23% of the whole sample) met full DSM-IV criteria for PTSD. The OCD + HT and OCD without HT groups presented similar response to GCBT (60% of responders in the first group and 63% of responders in the second group, p = 1.00). Regarding SSRI treatment, the difference between the response of the OCD + HT (47.4%) and OCD without HT (22.2%) groups was marginally significant (p = 0.07). In addition, the OCD + PTSD group presented a greater treatment response than the OCD without PTSD group when treatment response was considered as a continuous variable (p = 0.01). The age when the first trauma occurred had no impact on treatment response. In terms of specific OCD symptom dimensions, as measured by the DYBOCS, OCD treatment fostered greater reductions for the OCD + PTSD group than for the OCD without PTSD group in the scores of contamination obsessions and cleaning compulsions, collecting and hoarding and miscellaneous obsessions and related compulsions (including illness concerns and mental rituals, among others). The OCD + PTSD group also presented a greater reduction in anxiety scores than the OCD without PTSD group (p = 0.003). The presence of HT or PTSD was not related to a poorer treatment response in this sample of non-treatment-resistant OCD patients. Unexpectedly, OCD patients with PTSD presented a greater magnitude of response when compared with OCD without PTSD patients in specific OCD symptom dimensions. Future studies are needed to clarify if trauma and PTSD have a more significant impact on the onset and clinical expression of OCD than on the conventional treatment for this condition, and whether OCD stemming from trauma would constitute a subtype of OCD with a distinct response to conventional treatment.


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Preliminary findings suggest that transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can have antidepressant effects. We sought to test this further in a parallel-group, double-blind clinical trial with 40 patients with major depression, medication-free randomized into three groups of treatment: anodal tDCS of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (active group-`DLPFC`); anodal tDCS of the occipital cortex (active control group-`occipital`) and sham tDCS (placebo control group-`sham`). tDCS was applied for 10 sessions during a 2-wk period. Mood was evaluated by a blinded rater using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The treatment was well tolerated with minimal side-effects that were distributed equally across all treatment groups. We found significantly larger reductions in depression scores after DLPFC tDCS [HDRS reduction of 40.4 % (+/-25.8%)] compared to occipital [HDRS reduction of 21.3 % ( +/-12.9%)] and sham tDCS [HDRS reduction of 10.4 % (+/-36.6%)]. The beneficial effects of tDCS in the DLPFC group persisted for 1 month after the end of treatment. Our findings support further investigation on the effects of this novel potential therapeutic approach - tDCS - for the treatment of major depression.


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Depressed patients have reduced glucocorticoid receptor (GR) function, as demonstrated by resistance to the suppressive effects of the synthetic glucocorticoid hormone, and GR agonist, dexamethasone. We have developed a suppressive test with prednisolone, a synthetic glucocorticoid that is similar to cortisol in its pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, and binds to both the GR and the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR). We have found that depressed patients suppress normally to prednisolone, unless they are particularly non-responsive to treatment. In the present study, we evaluated 28 inpatients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD), and compared salivary cortisol secretion (at 0900 h, 1200 h and 1700 h) after placebo or after prednisolone (5 mg), before and after an inpatient treatment admission. Half of the patients (n = 14) reached treatment response. When comparing the assessment between admission and discharge, cortisol output after placebo fell (-26% of area under the curve; p = 0.024) while the output after prednisolone did not change. Moreover, there was no change in the response to prednisolone (percentage suppression) between admission at discharge, and this was not influenced by treatment response. Finally, we could confirm and extend our previously published data with prednisolone (5 mg), showing that depressed patients (n = 12) and controls (n = 12) suppressed equally to both 5 and 10 mg doses of prednisolone. This study suggests that the response to prednisolone is similar in depressed patients and controls at different doses of prednisolone, and does not change with symptomatic improvement. This is in contrast with findings, from us and others, using other measures of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function, such as basal cortisol levels or the response to dexamethasone. Thus, we propose that the prednisolone suppression test may offer specific biological and clinical information, related to its action at both the GR and the MR. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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ABSTRACT: Schizophrenia with its disabling features has been placed in the top ten of global burden of disease and is associated with long-term decline in functional ability. General Practitioners not only have an important role in treating patients with an established diagnosis of schizophrenia but they can also contribute significantly by identifying people in early stages of psychosis as they are the first hand medical help available and the duration of untreated psychosis is a good indicator of patient’s prognosis. This cross sectional survey, conducted at the clinics of General Practitioners, was designed to assess the knowledge and practices of general practitioners in Peshawar on diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia. A semi structured questionnaire was used to assess their knowledge and practices regarding schizophrenia. The Knowledge/Practice was then categorized as good or poor based on their responses to the questions of the administered questionnaire. Overall, the results showed that the knowledge and practices of general practitioners of district Peshawar were poor regarding schizophrenia and may be responsible for delayed diagnosis, inadequate treatment and poor prognosis.


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Variability in response to atypical antipsychotic drugs is due to genetic and environmental factors. Cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoforms are implicated in the metabolism of drugs, while the P-glycoprotein transporter (P-gp), encoded by the ABCB1 gene, may influence both the blood and brain drug concentrations. This study aimed to identify the possible associations of CYP and ABCB1 genetic polymorphisms with quetiapine and norquetiapine plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations and with response to treatment. Twenty-two patients with schizophrenia receiving 600 mg of quetiapine daily were genotyped for four CYP isoforms and ABCB1 polymorphisms. Quetiapine and norquetiapine peak plasma and CSF concentrations were measured after 4 weeks of treatment. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that ABCB1 3435C > T (rs1045642), 2677G > T (rs2032582) and 1236C > T (rs1128503) polymorphisms predicted plasma quetiapine concentrations, explaining 41% of the variability (p = 0.001). Furthermore, the ABCB1 polymorphisms predicted 48% (p = 0.024) of the variability of the Δ PANSS total score, with the non-carriers of the 3435TT showing higher changes in the score. These results suggest that ABCB1 genetic polymorphisms may be a predictive marker of quetiapine treatment in schizophrenia.


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While it has often been stated that prevalence of schizophrenia is the same around the world, many publications have shown this illness is twice more frequent in urban areas. Although many hypotheses have been proposed, the mechanisms explaining this phenomenon are still unknown. Besides potential biological explanations, a certain number of hypotheses emerging from social sciences have recently enriched the debate. This article reviews the literature related to this issue and describes the development of a research projects conducted in collaboration between the Institut of Geography at the University of Neuchâtel, the Department of Psychiatry at the Lausanne University and the Swiss branch of ISPS, a society promoting the psychological treatment of schizophrenia and other psychoses.


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The persistence of high blood pressure under antihypertensive treatment (resistant hypertension) entails an increased cardiovascular risk. It occurs in three of ten treated hypertensive patients, and has several possible contributing factors, notably insufficient therapeutic adherence. There are a number of ways to evaluate whether patients take their medication as prescribed. These include interviewing the patient, pill counting, prescription follow-up, assay of drugs in blood or urine, and use of electronic pill dispensers. None is perfect. However, the essential is to discuss with the patient the importance of complying with the treatment as soon as it is prescribed for the first time, and not waiting for the appearance of resistant hypertension. The measurement of blood pressure outside the medical office and the monitoring of adherence may help to identify patients in whom hypertension is truly resistant and so to tailor the measures required to improve the control of blood pressure in the most appropriate manner.


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Our inability to adequately treat many patients with refractory epilepsy caused by focal cortical dysplasia (FCD), surgical inaccessibility and failures are significant clinical drawbacks. The targeting of physiologic features of epileptogenesis in FCD and colocalizing functionality has enhanced completeness of surgical resection, the main determinant of outcome. Electroencephalography (EEG)-functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography are helpful in guiding electrode implantation and surgical treatment, and high-frequency oscillations help defining the extent of the epileptogenic dysplasia. Ultra high-field MRI has a role in understanding the laminar organization of the cortex, and fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) is highly sensitive for detecting FCD in MRI-negative cases. Multimodal imaging is clinically valuable, either by improving the rate of postoperative seizure freedom or by reducing postoperative deficits. However, there is no level 1 evidence that it improves outcomes. Proof for a specific effect of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) in FCD is lacking. Pathogenic mutations recently described in mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) genes in FCD have yielded important insights into novel treatment options with mTOR inhibitors, which might represent an example of personalized treatment of epilepsy based on the known mechanisms of disease. The ketogenic diet (KD) has been demonstrated to be particularly effective in children with epilepsy caused by structural abnormalities, especially FCD. It attenuates epigenetic chromatin modifications, a master regulator for gene expression and functional adaptation of the cell, thereby modifying disease progression. This could imply lasting benefit of dietary manipulation. Neurostimulation techniques have produced variable clinical outcomes in FCD. In widespread dysplasias, vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has achieved responder rates >50%; however, the efficacy of noninvasive cranial nerve stimulation modalities such as transcutaneous VNS (tVNS) and noninvasive (nVNS) requires further study. Although review of current strategies underscores the serious shortcomings of treatment-resistant cases, initial evidence from novel approaches suggests that future success is possible.


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Borrelia burgdorferi infektoitujen hiirten antibioottihoidon jälkeinen oireilu Lymen borrelioosi on puutiaisten välittämä monimuotoinen infektiotauti, jonka tunnetuin oire on ns. vaeltava ihottuma eli erythema migrans. Muita tavallisia ilmentymiä ovat erityisesti nivel- ja hermosto-oireet sekä harvemmin sydän- ja silmäoireet. Suurin osa potilaista paranee täysin terveeksi antibioottihoidon avulla, mutta jopa 10 % borrelioosiin sairastuneista oireilee suositusten mukaisesta hoidosta huolimatta. Pitkittyneen oireilun on ajateltu johtuvan mm. infektion laukaisemasta autoimmuunitaudista tai kroonisesta infektiosta, mutta teorioiden tueksi ei ole kyetty esittämään kiistattomia todisteita. Onkin todennäköistä, että antibioottihoidon jälkeisen oireilun takana on useampia mekanismeja eikä yksi teoria selitä kaikkien potilaiden oireilua. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä on tutkittu hoidonjälkeistä borrelioosia hiirimallin avulla. Varhaisvaiheessa (2 viikkoa infektoinnin jälkeen) annettu antibiootti vähensi hiirten nivelturvotusta ja esti B. burgdorferi – bakteerin kasvun kudoksista otetuista näytteissä. Hoidettu¬jen hiirten B. burgdorferi -spesifiset IgG-luokan vasta-aineet pysyivät kuitenkin koholla ja osasta kudosnäytteistä löytyi B. burgdorferi:n DNA:ta PCR-tutkimuksen avulla. Mikäli hiiret hoidettiin myöhäisessä vaiheessa (yli 18 viikkoa infektoinnista) tulokset olivat muuten samanlaiset, mutta keftriaksoni ei vaikuttanut nivelturvotukseen. Näin hiirissä oli aikaansaatu tilanne, joka on hyvin samankaltainen ihmisen hoitoresistentin borrelia-artriitin kanssa: oireet jatkuvat, mutta taudinaiheuttajaa ei saada esiin. Inflammaatiota vaimentavaa anti-TNF-alphaa on käytetty nivelreuman hoidossa menestyksekkäästi huonosti muuhun hoitoon reagoivilla potilailla ja siitä syystä sen ajateltiin voivan vaikuttaa suotuisasti myös B. burgdorferi -infektoitujen hiirten hoidonjälkeiseen nivelturvotukseen. Sillä ei kuitenkaan ollut vaikutusta nivelturvotukseen, mutta yllättäen hoidon jälkeen osa hiirten kudosnäytteistä osoittautui viljelypositiivisiksi. On siis ilmeistä, että hiirimallissamme osa B. burgdorferi spirokeetoista pystyy välttämään keftriaksonihoidon vaikutuksen joko hakeutumalla elimistössä kudokseen, jossa antibiootin pitoisuus ei nouse riittävän korkeaksi, tai ne kykenevät muuntautumaan metabolisesti inaktiiviin tilaan eikä mikrobilääke yhdessä immuunipuolustuksen kanssa onnistu tappamaan niitä. Jatkotutkimuksissa selvitimme B. burgdorferi - spirokeetan mahdollista piilopaikkaa tutkimalla antibioottihoidon jälkeen useita eri kudoksia PCR-menetelmällä. Tulosten perusteella spirokeetta näyttää suosivan nivelkudosta tai soluja, joita esiintyy nivelessä runsaasti. On kuitenkin edelleen epäselvää, missä muodossa B. burgdorferi –spirokeetat säilyvät kudoksessa antibioottihoidon jälkeen.


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Prenatal immune challenge (PIC) in pregnant rodents produces offspring with abnormalities in behavior, histology, and gene expression that are reminiscent of schizophrenia and autism. Based on this, the goal of this article was to review the main contributions of PIC models, especially the one using the viral-mimetic particle polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidylic acid (poly-I:C), to the understanding of the etiology, biological basis and treatment of schizophrenia. This systematic review consisted of a search of available web databases (PubMed, SciELO, LILACS, PsycINFO, and ISI Web of Knowledge) for original studies published in the last 10 years (May 2001 to October 2011) concerning animal models of PIC, focusing on those using poly-I:C. The results showed that the PIC model with poly-I:C is able to mimic the prodrome and both the positive and negative/cognitive dimensions of schizophrenia, depending on the specific gestation time window of the immune challenge. The model resembles the neurobiology and etiology of schizophrenia and has good predictive value. In conclusion, this model is a robust tool for the identification of novel molecular targets during prenatal life, adolescence and adulthood that might contribute to the development of preventive and/or treatment strategies (targeting specific symptoms, i.e., positive or negative/cognitive) for this devastating mental disorder, also presenting biosafety as compared to viral infection models. One limitation of this model is the incapacity to model the full spectrum of immune responses normally induced by viral exposure.


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Background Up to 70% of adolescents with moderate to severe unipolar major depression respond to psychological treatment plus Fluoxetine (20-50 mg) with symptom reduction and improved social function reported by 24 weeks after beginning treatment. Around 20% of non responders appear treatment resistant and 30% of responders relapse within 2 years. The specific efficacy of different psychological therapies and the moderators and mediators that influence risk for relapse are unclear. The cost-effectiveness and safety of psychological treatments remain poorly evaluated. Methods/Design Improving Mood with Psychoanalytic and Cognitive Therapies, the IMPACT Study, will determine whether Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or Short Term Psychoanalytic Therapy is superior in reducing relapse compared with Specialist Clinical Care. The study is a multicentre pragmatic effectiveness superiority randomised clinical trial: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy consists of 20 sessions over 30 weeks, Short Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 30 sessions over 30 weeks and Specialist Clinical Care 12 sessions over 20 weeks. We will recruit 540 patients with 180 randomised to each arm. Patients will be reassessed at 6, 12, 36, 52 and 86 weeks. Methodological aspects of the study are systematic recruitment, explicit inclusion criteria, reliability checks of assessments with control for rater shift, research assessors independent of treatment team and blind to randomization, analysis by intention to treat, data management using remote data entry, measures of quality assurance, advanced statistical analysis, manualised treatment protocols, checks of adherence and competence of therapists and assessment of cost-effectiveness. We will also determine whether time to recovery and/or relapse are moderated by variations in brain structure and function and selected genetic and hormone biomarkers taken at entry. Discussion The objective of this clinical trial is to determine whether there are specific effects of specialist psychotherapy that reduce relapse in unipolar major depression in adolescents and thereby costs of treatment to society. We also anticipate being able to utilise psychotherapy experience, neuroimaging, genetic and hormone measures to reveal what techniques and their protocols may work best for which patients.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Depression is the most frequent mental disorder in older people, often causing emotional distress and reduced quality of life. Despite its clinical significance, depression remains underdiagnosed and inadequately treated in older patients. Regarding prognosis, data suggest that almost 70% of patients, treated long enough and with appropriate doses, recover from an index episode of depression. Antidepressants are efficient for treating depressed outpatients with several comorbid physical diseases as well as hospitalized patients, with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors being the antidepressants of choice for older patients. Available data can guide pharmacological treatment in both the acute and maintenance stages, but further research is required to guide clinical strategies when remission is not achieved. Approaches for the management of resistance to treatment are summarized, including optimization strategies, drug changes, algorithms, and combined and augmentation pharmacological treatments. Finally, additional therapeutic choices such as electroconvulsive therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and integrated psychotherapy are presented.


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Prenatal immune challenge (PIC) in pregnant rodents produces offspring with abnormalities in behavior, histology, and gene expression that are reminiscent of schizophrenia and autism. Based on this, the goal of this article was to review the main contributions of PIC models, especially the one using the viral-mimetic particle polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidylic acid (poly-I:C), to the understanding of the etiology, biological basis and treatment of schizophrenia. This systematic review consisted of a search of available web databases (PubMed, SciELO, LILACS, PsycINFO, and ISI Web of Knowledge) for original studies published in the last 10 years (May 2001 to October 2011) concerning animal models of PIC, focusing on those using poly-I:C. The results showed that the PIC model with poly-I:C is able to mimic the prodrome and both the positive and negative/cognitive dimensions of schizophrenia, depending on the specific gestation time window of the immune challenge. The model resembles the neurobiology and etiology of schizophrenia and has good predictive value. In conclusion, this model is a robust tool for the identification of novel molecular targets during prenatal life, adolescence and adulthood that might contribute to the development of preventive and/or treatment strategies (targeting specific symptoms, i.e., positive or negative/cognitive) for this devastating mental disorder, also presenting biosafety as compared to viral infection models. One limitation of this model is the incapacity to model the full spectrum of immune responses normally induced by viral exposure.


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