952 resultados para Transient


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An 8085-based microprocessor system readily available in the laboratory has been developed in conjunction with a slow A/D converter to digitize repetitive transient signals arising in a solid-state physics experiment. The unit has been successfully used to measure the domain switching time in ferroelectric crystals, the duration of which is of the order of milliseconds-seconds.


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The paper describes a Simultaneous Implicit (SI) approach for transient stability simulations based on an iterative technique using traingularised admittance matrix [1]. The reduced saliency of generator in the subtransient state is taken advantage of to speed up the algorithm. Accordingly, generator differential equations, except rotor swing, contain voltage proportional to fluxes in the main field, dampers and a hypothetical winding representing deep flowing eddy currents, as state variables. The simulation results are validated by comparison with two independent methods viz. Runge-Kutta simulation for a simplified system and a method based on modelling damper windings using conventional induction motor theory.


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The triplets of four cyclic enethiones, including thiocoumarin, have been investigated by nanosecond laser flash photolysis. Data are presented for transient spectra and kinetics associated with triplets, quantum yields of intersystem crossing and singlet oxygen photosensitization. The quenching of the thiocoumarin triplet (A:, = 485 nm, E:,, = 8.8 x lo3 dm3 mol-' cm-'in benzene) by several olefins, amines and hydrogen donors occurs with rate constants of 107-5 x lo9 dm3 mol-' s-'; the lower limits of quantum yields ( c#+~) for the related photoreactions, estimated from ground-state depletion, are generally small (0.0-0.1 1 in benzene, except for good hydrogen donors, namely, p-methoxythiophenol and tri-n-butylstannane) . The radical anion of thiocoumarin (A,,, = 405-435 nm) is formed in two stages upon triplet quenching by triethylamine in acetonitrile; the fast component is the result of direct electron transfer to the triplet and the slower component is assigned to secondary photoreduction of the thione ground state by the a-aminoalkyl radical derived from the triethylamine radical-cation.


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The theory of transient mode locking for an active modulator in an intracavity frequency-doubled laser is presented. The theory is applied to mode-locked and intracavity frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser and the mode-locked pulse width is plotted as a function of number of round trips inside the cavity. It is found that the pulse compression is faster and the system takes a very short time to approach the steady state in the presence of a second harmonic generating crystal inside the laser cavity. The effect of modulation depth and the second harmonic conversion efficiency on the temporal behavior of the pulse width is discussed.


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A simple instrument that can provide a sequence of timed pulses for first initiating a transient process and then enabling sampling and recording periodically during the course of the transient event is described. The time delay between the first of these sampling pulses and the start of the transient event is adjustable. This sequence generator has additional features that make it ideal for use in acquiring the waveforms when a storage oscilloscope is used as the recording device. For avoiding the clutter caused by many waveforms being recorded at the same place on an oscilloscope screen such features as displacements of waveforms in the X and Y directions and trace blanking at places where the waveform is not required, have been incorporated. This sequence generator has been employed to acquire a sequence of Raman scattered radiation signals from an adiabatically expanding saturated vapour probed by a flashlamp-pumped dye laser.


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Abstract is not available.


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In this paper a method of solving certain third-order non-linear systems by using themethod of ultraspherical polynomial approximation is proposed. By using the method of variation of parameters the third-order equation is reduced to three partial differential equations. Instead of being averaged over a cycle, the non-linear functions are expanded in ultraspherical polynomials and with only the constant term retained, the equations are solved. The results of the procedure are compared with the numerical solutions obtained on a digital computer. A degenerate third-order system is also considered and results obtained for the above system are compared with numerical results obtained on the digital computer. There is good agreement between the results obtained by the proposed method and the numerical solution obtained on digital computer.


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On interrupting polarisation, the magnesium anode exhibits a negative overshoot in potential followed by a slow recovery to a steady state value. A model has been proposed to explain the opencircuit potential-time transient in terms of a spontaneous passivation of the metal and the consequent changes in the corrosion potential. Theoretical expressions have been derived for the timedependence of the open-circuit electrode potential. Calculated, potential-time curves thus obtained are in qualitative agreement with experimental data. A possible application of this phenomenon to develop non-destructive quality control tests of Mg, Li and Al-based dry cells has been pointed out.


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This paper deals with an approximate method of analysis of non-linear, non-conservative systems of two degrees of freedom. The approximate equations for amplitude and phase are obtained by a generalized averaging technique based on the ultraspherical polynomial approximation. The method is illustrated by an example of a spring-mass-damper system.


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In this paper the response of a gyrostabilized platform subjected to a transient torque has been analyzed by deliberately introducing non-linearity into the command of the servomotor. The resulting third-order non-linear differential equation has been solved by using a transformation technique involving the displacement variable. The condition under which platform oscillations may grow with time or die with time are important from the point of view of platform stabilization. The effect of deliberate addition of non-linearity with a view to achieving the ideal response—that is, to bring the platform back to its equilibrium position with as few oscillations as possible—has been investigated. The conditions under which instability may set in on account of the small transient input and small non-linearity has also been discussed. The analysis is illustrated by means of a numerical example. The results of analysis are compared with numerical solutions obtained on a digital computer.


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Due to the advent of varied types of masonry systems a comprehensive failure mechanism of masonry essential for the understanding of its behaviour is impossible to be determined from experimental testing. As masonry is predominantly used in wall structures a biaxial stress state dominates its failure mechanism. Biaxial testing will therefore be necessary for each type of masonry, which is expensive and time consuming. A computational method would be advantageous; however masonry is complex to model which requires advanced computational modelling methods. This thesis has formulated a damage mechanics inspired modelling method and has shown that the method effectively determines the failure mechanisms and deformation characteristics of masonry under biaxial states of loading.


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An efficient measurement technique for studying the effect of transient electromagnetic fields under controlled conditions has been described. Broad-band TEM fields with a rise-time of a few nanoseconds were generated using a stripline method. Theoretical results are obtained and experimental measurements which confirm these results are described. The work will form the basis for a study of the susceptibility of digital integrated circuits and their interconnections to transient electromagnetic fields.


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The interaction of transient electromagnetic field due to an NEMP with buried cables has been studied in this paper. The cables studied were of two types: shielded as well as unshielded cables. Using transmission line analysis, the induced voltage and current are computed at the load end of the cable for different soil conductivities, different depths of burial of cable and for different lengths of the cable. Effect of shielding on the induced voltage on the cable inner conductor as well as the dependence of the induced voltage on the shield thickness are also studied.


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Past studies that have compared LBB stable discontinuous- and continuous-pressure finite element formulations on a variety of problems have concluded that both methods yield Solutions of comparable accuracy, and that the choice of interpolation is dictated by which of the two is more efficient. In this work, we show that using discontinuous-pressure interpolations can yield inaccurate solutions at large times on a class of transient problems, while the continuous-pressure formulation yields solutions that are in good agreement with the analytical Solution.


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We study resonant nonlinear magneto-optic rotation (NMOR) in a paraffin-coated Rb vapor cell as the magnetic field is swept. At low sweep rates, the nonlinear rotation appears as a narrow resonance signal with a linewidth of about ``300 mu G''(2 pi x 420 Hz). At high sweep rates, the signal shows transient response with an oscillatory decay. The decay time constant is of order 100 ms. The behavior is different for transitions starting from the lower or the upper hyperfine level of the ground state because of optical pumping effects.