999 resultados para Trabalhadores da indústria de calçados
Mestrado em Higiene e Segurança no Trabalho
OBJETIVO: Estimar a contribuição de benefícios concedidos por acidentes de trabalho dentre o total de benefícios relacionados com a saúde da Previdência Social, focalizando os custos conforme o tipo de benefício, e o impacto sobre a produtividade relativa a dias perdidos de trabalho. MÉTODOS: Utilizam-se registros dos despachos de benefícios do Sistema Único de Benefícios do Instituto Nacional de Seguridade Social da Bahia, em 2000. Acidentes de trabalho foram definidos com o diagnóstico clínico para Causas Externas, Lesões e Envenenamentos (SS-00 a T99) da Classificação Internacional de Doenças 10ª Revisão, e o tipo de benefício que distingue problemas de saúde ocupacionais e não ocupacionais. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 31.096 benefícios concedidos por doenças ou agravos à saúde, dos quais 2.857 (7,3%) eram devidos a acidentes de trabalho. Maiores proporções foram estimadas entre os trabalhadores da indústria da transformação e construção/eletricidade/gás, 18% do total dos benefícios. Os custos com os benefícios para acidentes de trabalho foram estimados em R$8,5 milhões, com aproximadamente meio milhão de dias perdidos de trabalho no ano. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar do conhecimento de que esses dados são sub-enumerados, e restritos aos trabalhadores que conseguiram receber benefícios relacionados com a saúde, os achados revelam o grande impacto sobre a produtividade e o orçamento do Instituto Nacional de Previdência Social de agravos reconhecidos como evitáveis, reforçando a necessidade de sua prevenção.
Exposição ocupacional a mercúrio: associação com a atividade da paraoxonase humana e vitaminas A e E
Mestrado em Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho
This study, which involved a target population comprised by 292 workers of different industrial areas (metalmechanics, foundry, chemical, wood, food), aimed to verify the association between energy expenditure-EE, physical activity level-PAL and body composition (Body Mass Index-BMI, Waist-Hip Ratio-WHR and Waist To Height Ratio, WTHR) of participants. The work was completed with the description of the variables relating to the gender of the individuals (male and female) and the activities carried out in the two sectors of industrial work (administrative sector and productive sector). In this research, the statistical technique of principal components analysis (PCA) and the hierarchical analysis of clusters (HCA) were used. Sociodemographic and anthropometric data were collected as well as the level of physical activity and energy expenditure were assessed. The vast majority of individuals who spend greater energy expenditure and has more intense physical activity were male. Most of these workers are in the production sector. We can confirm that that both, gender and labor activity, are factors that have influence on the EE and the PAL.
This study aimed to verify the correlation among the nutritional composition of the food consumed in the work environment, the energy expenditure and the nutritional status of workers from different sectors (administration and production) in different industries. The anthropometric data, in addition to the energy expenditure and food intake at lunch were evaluated for 292 workers, all of them included in the Brazilian Worker Food Program (also called PAT). The food consumption was assessed from the direct observation of the meal, for five consecutive days. The obtained data were analyzed by Pearson correlation test and by a Principal Components Analysis. Prevalence of overweight was detected in the studied population, according to the Body Mass Index (BMI). A statistically significant difference was found in terms of the energy expenditure of physical activity and daily energy expenditure in relation to gender and the working sector. The obtained results indicate that there is significant positive correlation (p < 0.01) between the following variables: body weight and BMI (r = 0.84), weight and daily energy expenditure (DEE) (r = 0.52), BMI and DEE (r = 0.27), DEE and energy (r = 0.38), and energy and lipid intake (r = 0.50). These findings seems to indicate the importance of ensuring an adequate balance of nutrients at meals, due to the heterogeneity of workers, in particular in the case of those workers who perform tasks or functions requiring less energy expenditure.
RESUMO Objetivo A satisfação com a vida é um julgamento cognitivo de alguns domínios específicos na vida e depende de uma comparação entre as circunstâncias de vida do indivíduo e um padrão por ele estabelecido. O objetivo deste estudo foi construir uma escala de satisfação com a vida por meio da Teoria da Resposta ao Item (TRI). Métodos Para a criação da escala, foi utilizado o questionário “Estilo de Vida e Hábitos de Lazer de Trabalhadores da Indústria” e a Teoria da Resposta ao Item com base no modelo de resposta gradual proposto por Samejima. Participaram do estudo 47.477 trabalhadores brasileiros da indústria. Resultados A escala contou com sete itens do bloco de perguntas “indicadores de saúde e comportamentos preventivos”, com assuntos relacionados ao estado de saúde, qualidade de sono, nível de estresse, sentimento de tristeza ou depressão e percepção de vida no lar, no trabalho e no lazer. Conclusão São poucos os estudos que tiveram seu foco direcionado à satisfação com a vida no Brasil, e aqueles que de alguma forma o abordaram incluíram somente uma questão específica sobre felicidade ou satisfação de vida, principalmente em estudos sobre o bem-estar subjetivo. Os resultados mostraram que a TRI foi eficiente para criar a escala, medindo principalmente aqueles indivíduos com valores intermediários de satisfação com a vida.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of the productive reorganizations occurred at Companhia Siderúrgica de Tubarão (located in the State of Espirito Santo, Brazil), during the 90¿s, regarding the professional qualification of its work force.The purpose is to describe and to explain the process of changes effected in the productive structure of the company and its connections with the changes that took place in the siderurgy in general. It is against the context of the deep changes - technological, managerial, of productive processes, in logistics, etc. occurred in the last decade that the problems of professional qualification of CST's work force are focused. To explore it, the supported hypothesis is that the productive reorganizations CST passed during the 90's had imposed the need of a broader qualification of its work force, in terms of formal education (upper, average, basic level), and in terms of technical abilities required by the production.The research development is anchored in a methodology that combines the following methods: bibliographical, documental and fieldwork, with a qualitative approach, in the scope of case study.
O presente trabalho analisa as ineficiências e injustiças da Lei 5.811/72, lei esta que veio para regulamentar a atividade dos trabalhadores na indústria do petróleo de forma geral, incluindo plataformas marítimas de exploração de petróleo, diferenciando os regimes de revezamento e sobreaviso e apresentando todos os benefícios inerentes a estes. Com o propósito de debater os custos do trabalho sob a égide da Lei 5811/72, esse trabalho traz uma análise comparativa entre os trabalhadores que são regulados por está lei e aqueles regulados pela CLT, propondo, ao final, implementar um projeto de lei com possíveis ajustes em alguns desses custos, vistos como injustos e a criação de uma nova norma regulamentadora para trazer meios eficazes e efetivos de fiscalização ao sistema. No interesse de coibir iniqüidades na aplicação da lei, esse trabalho sugere o acréscimo de direitos inerentes aos trabalhadores e mesmo aos empregadores, para chegar a um sistema mais justo para todos.
This work has as its main purpose to investigate the contribution of supply chain management in order to obtain competitive advantage by companies from the textile industry and from Ceará footwear industry, focusing its analysis mainly in the interorganizational relations (dyadic). For this, the theoretical referential contemplates different explanatory streams of the competitive advantage, detaching the relational perception of the resources theory, as well as, the main presuppositions of the supply chain management which culminates with the development of an analysis sample that runs the empirical study; the one which considers an expanded purpose of the supply chain which includes the government and the abetment institutions as institutional environment representatives. Besides supply chain management consideration as a competitive advantage source, the work also tried to identify other possible competitive advantage sources for the companies of the investigated sectors. It represents a study of multiple interpretive cases, having four cases as a total; meaning two cases in each one of the sectors, which used as a primary data collecting instrument a semi-structured interview schedule. Different methods were used for the data analysis, the content analysis and the constant comparison methods, the analytical procedure originated from the grounded theory research strategy, which were applied the Atlas/ti software recourse. Considering the theoretical referential and the used analysis sample, four basic categories of the work were defined, including its respective proprieties and dimensions: (1) characteristics concerning to the relationship with the supplier; (2) the company relations with the government; (3) the company relations with the abetment institutions and; (4) obtaining sources of competitive advantage. In general, the applied research in the footwear sector revealed that in the relationships of the researched companies related to its suppliers, there is a predominance of the partnership system and the main presuppositions of the supply chain management are applied which contributes for the acquisition of the relational competitive advantage; while in the textile sector, only some of these presuppositions are applied, with little contribution for the relational competitive advantage. The main resource which was accessed by the companies in both sectors through its relationships with the government and the abetment institutions are the tax incentives which, for the footwear companies, contribute for the acquisition of the temporary competitive advantage in relation to the contestants who do not own productive installations in the Northeast region, it also conducts to a competitive parity situation in relation to the contestants who own productive installations in the Northeast region and to the external market contestants; while for the companies of the textile sector, the tax incentives run the companies to a competitive parity situation in relation to its contestants. Furthermore, the investigated companies from the two sectors possess acquisition sources of the competitive advantage which collimate with different explanatory streams (industrial analysis, resources theory, Austrian school and the dynamic capabilities theory), although there is a predominance of the product innovation as a competitive advantage source in both sectors, due to the bond of these with the fashion tendencies
Apresenta casos de adoecimento e demissão de trabalhadores da indústria de transformação mineral da empresa Alumínio do Brasil (ALBRAS) da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD). Trata-se de um trabalho dissertativo que tem a finalidade de explicitar e compreender a relação de trabalho e a percepção dos problemas enfrentados no ambiente da empresa do ponto de vista dos trabalhadores, no contexto de situações de adoecimento e demissão. Das visitas realizadas em campo, em Barcarena e Abaetetuba, onde se encontram as instalações do empreendimento e grande parte dos ex-funcionários, pôde-se constatar que diversos trabalhadores reclamavam sobre a situação física e psicológica vinculada à demissão motivada por doença, que na visão dos trabalhadores foi adquirida nas tarefas executadas pelos mesmos na indústria, e que resulta, inclusive, na significativa perda da capacidade de trabalho dos mesmos. O objetivo principal é analisar algumas das razões que levaram esse grupo de trabalhadores a submeter-se a tais condições de trabalho, que na visão dos próprios trabalhadores, levaram ao adoecimento em conseqüência de esforços que realizavam nas tarefas de produção. O problema identificado é analisado através da interdisciplinariedade, com amplo enfoque sociológico, filosófico, econômico e jurídico, com fundamentação teórica marxista a partir da compreensão da mais-valia e da alienação no contexto do sistema capitalista. O trabalho aponta, ainda, distorções entre o caso investigado e as normas constitucionais: como é o entendimento constitucional para tratar aspectos econômicos e sociais e como é a realidade em que se inserem grandes empreendimentos na região Amazônica, como a ALBRAS, e seu envolvimento com a sociedade e o Estado.
The increasing prevalence of Repetitive Strain Injury / Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (RSI / MSDs) has been explained by changes in the work that has been characterized by setting goals and productivity. This fact does not take into account the psycho-physiological characteristics of workers who become ill as a result of professional activities engaged in and also the adverse conditions in which his work was done. This study aimed to analyze the RSI / MSDs reported in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, 2010-2014 compared to the profile of the population, epidemiological aspects and features of these diseases. It is a descriptive epidemiological cross-sectional study using secondary data obtained in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) in May 2015 was used as the area covered by the Rio Grande do Norte. Data were collected regarding the grievances of work-related RSI / MSDs, assigned by the Worker's Health Reference Center (CEREST) of the State Health Department. Data were processed with the help of Microsoft Excel® 2013 and presented in tables in absolute frequency (n) and relative frequency (%). The results showed a total of 403 notifications of RSI / MSDs, where the vast majority 72% (290) was recorded in Natal. Regarding the profile of notified employees, 88.59% (357) have aged between 25 and 54 years, 62.78% (253) were female, and in relation to education, 31.51% (127) had high school complete. The most affected occupations were seamstresses (the clothing industry) with 24.97% (97), followed by masons, construction with 3.23% (13) and cashiers with 2.99% (12). About the work situation, 75.93% (306) had a formal contract, however, were sent to Communications Occupational accidents (CAT) only 67% (270) of the cases. Regarding the signs and symptoms, pain and limitation of movement were the most mentioned respectively with 98.01% (395) and 95.04% (383) of notifications. Notifications, 94.29% (380) showed exposure to repetitive movements in their workplace. The most frequent specific diagnoses were synovitis and tenosynovitis (CID F 65), with 30.02% (121) of notifications, followed by back pain (CID F 54) to 19.35% (78) and shoulder injuries (ICD M 75) with 15.88% (64). They were away from work 81.64% (329) of workers reported with RSI / MSDs. Evolution more prevalent among cases was temporary disability with 75.68% (305). It was concluded that the SINAN is a database of potential to characterize the profile of RSI / MSDs, requiring, however, an improvement in the coverage of records and data quality. In addition, this study reflects the need to implement protection strategies to workers by companies, signaling promotion, prevention and rehabilitation aimed at reducing these injuries and the improvement of occupational health indicators in Rio Grande do Norte.
This work has as its main purpose to investigate the contribution of supply chain management in order to obtain competitive advantage by companies from the textile industry and from Ceará footwear industry, focusing its analysis mainly in the interorganizational relations (dyadic). For this, the theoretical referential contemplates different explanatory streams of the competitive advantage, detaching the relational perception of the resources theory, as well as, the main presuppositions of the supply chain management which culminates with the development of an analysis sample that runs the empirical study; the one which considers an expanded purpose of the supply chain which includes the government and the abetment institutions as institutional environment representatives. Besides supply chain management consideration as a competitive advantage source, the work also tried to identify other possible competitive advantage sources for the companies of the investigated sectors. It represents a study of multiple interpretive cases, having four cases as a total; meaning two cases in each one of the sectors, which used as a primary data collecting instrument a semi-structured interview schedule. Different methods were used for the data analysis, the content analysis and the constant comparison methods, the analytical procedure originated from the grounded theory research strategy, which were applied the Atlas/ti software recourse. Considering the theoretical referential and the used analysis sample, four basic categories of the work were defined, including its respective proprieties and dimensions: (1) characteristics concerning to the relationship with the supplier; (2) the company relations with the government; (3) the company relations with the abetment institutions and; (4) obtaining sources of competitive advantage. In general, the applied research in the footwear sector revealed that in the relationships of the researched companies related to its suppliers, there is a predominance of the partnership system and the main presuppositions of the supply chain management are applied which contributes for the acquisition of the relational competitive advantage; while in the textile sector, only some of these presuppositions are applied, with little contribution for the relational competitive advantage. The main resource which was accessed by the companies in both sectors through its relationships with the government and the abetment institutions are the tax incentives which, for the footwear companies, contribute for the acquisition of the temporary competitive advantage in relation to the contestants who do not own productive installations in the Northeast region, it also conducts to a competitive parity situation in relation to the contestants who own productive installations in the Northeast region and to the external market contestants; while for the companies of the textile sector, the tax incentives run the companies to a competitive parity situation in relation to its contestants. Furthermore, the investigated companies from the two sectors possess acquisition sources of the competitive advantage which collimate with different explanatory streams (industrial analysis, resources theory, Austrian school and the dynamic capabilities theory), although there is a predominance of the product innovation as a competitive advantage source in both sectors, due to the bond of these with the fashion tendencies
This work has as its main purpose to investigate the contribution of supply chain management in order to obtain competitive advantage by companies from the textile industry and from Ceará footwear industry, focusing its analysis mainly in the interorganizational relations (dyadic). For this, the theoretical referential contemplates different explanatory streams of the competitive advantage, detaching the relational perception of the resources theory, as well as, the main presuppositions of the supply chain management which culminates with the development of an analysis sample that runs the empirical study; the one which considers an expanded purpose of the supply chain which includes the government and the abetment institutions as institutional environment representatives. Besides supply chain management consideration as a competitive advantage source, the work also tried to identify other possible competitive advantage sources for the companies of the investigated sectors. It represents a study of multiple interpretive cases, having four cases as a total; meaning two cases in each one of the sectors, which used as a primary data collecting instrument a semi-structured interview schedule. Different methods were used for the data analysis, the content analysis and the constant comparison methods, the analytical procedure originated from the grounded theory research strategy, which were applied the Atlas/ti software recourse. Considering the theoretical referential and the used analysis sample, four basic categories of the work were defined, including its respective proprieties and dimensions: (1) characteristics concerning to the relationship with the supplier; (2) the company relations with the government; (3) the company relations with the abetment institutions and; (4) obtaining sources of competitive advantage. In general, the applied research in the footwear sector revealed that in the relationships of the researched companies related to its suppliers, there is a predominance of the partnership system and the main presuppositions of the supply chain management are applied which contributes for the acquisition of the relational competitive advantage; while in the textile sector, only some of these presuppositions are applied, with little contribution for the relational competitive advantage. The main resource which was accessed by the companies in both sectors through its relationships with the government and the abetment institutions are the tax incentives which, for the footwear companies, contribute for the acquisition of the temporary competitive advantage in relation to the contestants who do not own productive installations in the Northeast region, it also conducts to a competitive parity situation in relation to the contestants who own productive installations in the Northeast region and to the external market contestants; while for the companies of the textile sector, the tax incentives run the companies to a competitive parity situation in relation to its contestants. Furthermore, the investigated companies from the two sectors possess acquisition sources of the competitive advantage which collimate with different explanatory streams (industrial analysis, resources theory, Austrian school and the dynamic capabilities theory), although there is a predominance of the product innovation as a competitive advantage source in both sectors, due to the bond of these with the fashion tendencies
O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar as transformações sócio-espaciais da região de São Bento do Sul, localizada no Estado de Santa Catarina (Sul do Brasil), principal produtora de móveis para a exportação, a partir da inserção dessa região na Cadeia Mercantil Global de móveis. O que significa para a região participar de tal cadeia? Quais as transformações no modo de organização do espaço urbano e no modo de vida e trabalho das famílias de trabalhadores da indústria moveleira da região? Através de pesquisa de campo, observou-se que a exportação de móveis, ou seja, a inserção da região na Cadeia Global de Móveis, acontece de forma “subordinada”, sujeita as “imposições” dos grandes compradores externos. Assim, a organização do espaço urbano e as formas de vida e trabalho das famílias de trabalhadores da região sofreram alterações quanto a sua natureza, já que atualmente, locais que eram apenas residenciais tornaram-se também, locais de produção, alterando a funcionalidade das residências, que agora servem também como local de trabalho. Palavras Chave: .