982 resultados para Tooth Crown


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BACKGROUND Although regenerative treatment options are available, periodontal regeneration is still regarded as insufficient and unpredictable. AIM This review article provides scientific background information on the animated 3D film Cell-to-Cell Communication - Periodontal Regeneration. RESULTS Periodontal regeneration is understood as a recapitulation of embryonic mechanisms. Therefore, a thorough understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating normal tooth root development is imperative to improve existing and develop new periodontal regenerative therapies. However, compared to tooth crown and earlier stages of tooth development, much less is known about the development of the tooth root. The formation of root cementum is considered the critical element in periodontal regeneration. Therefore, much research in recent years has focused on the origin and differentiation of cementoblasts. Evidence is accumulating that the Hertwig's epithelial root sheath (HERS) has a pivotal role in root formation and cementogenesis. Traditionally, ectomesenchymal cells in the dental follicle were thought to differentiate into cementoblasts. According to an alternative theory, however, cementoblasts originate from the HERS. What happens when the periodontal attachment system is traumatically compromised? Minor mechanical insults to the periodontium may spontaneously heal, and the tissues can structurally and functionally be restored. But what happens to the periodontium in case of periodontitis, an infectious disease, after periodontal treatment? A non-regenerative treatment of periodontitis normally results in periodontal repair (i.e., the formation of a long junctional epithelium) rather than regeneration. Thus, a regenerative treatment is indicated to restore the original architecture and function of the periodontium. Guided tissue regeneration or enamel matrix proteins are such regenerative therapies, but further improvement is required. As remnants of HERS persist as epithelial cell rests of Malassez in the periodontal ligament, these epithelial cells are regarded as a stem cell niche that can give rise to new cementoblasts. Enamel matrix proteins and members of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-ß) superfamily have been implicated in cementoblast differentiation. CONCLUSION A better knowledge of cell-to-cell communication leading to cementoblast differentiation may be used to develop improved regenerative therapies to reconstitute periodontal tissues that were lost due to periodontitis.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the enamel thickness of the maxillary primary incisors of preterm children with very low birth weight (< 1,500 g) compared to full-term children with normal birth weight. Methods: A total of 90 exfoliated maxillary primary central incisors were investigated using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Three serial buccolingual ground sections of each tooth were examined under light microscopy, and maximum dimensions of the prenatally and postnatally formed enamel were measured. Results: The enamel of preterm teeth was approximately 20% thinner than that for fullterm teeth. Most of the reduction was observed in the prenatally formed enamel. This was 5 to 13 times thinner than that for full-term children (P < .001). The catch-up thickness of postnatally formed enamel did not compensate fully for the decrease in prenatal enamel (P < .001). Although none of the teeth used in this study had enamel defects visible to the naked eye, 52% of preterm teeth showed enamel hypoplasia under SEM, compared with only 16% found on full-term teeth (P < .001). These defects were present as pits or irregular, shallow areas of missing enamel. Conclusions: Preterm primary dental enamel is abnormal in surface quality, and is significantly thinner compared to full-term enamel. The thinner enamel is due mainly to reduced prenatal growth and results in smaller dimensions of the primary dentition.


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A abordagem Endodôntica tem como grandes objetivos a manutenção funcional e estética do dente no sistema estomatognático. O sucesso desta abordagem terapêutica depende da realização eficiente da desinfeção, conformação e obturação do canal radicular. Estas etapas podem tornar-se difíceis de realizar na presença de dentes calcificados. A localização e manipulação dos canais calcificados são considerados um grande desafio durante a abordagem Endodôntica. Na tentativa de localização dos canais podem ocorrer erros de procedimento, como perfurações, fraturas de instrumentos e desvios do trajeto original do canal. Atualmente, vários recursos clínicos são utilizados para auxiliar estes procedimentos, como radiografias, microscópio operatório e o ultrassom. A calcificação pode ser resultado do processo fisiológico de envelhecimento, ou da deposição de dentina como mecanismo de defesa da polpa contra agentes agressores externos. Os dentes com calcificação não costumam apresentar sintomatologia, sendo o diagnóstico muitas vezes acidental. Clinicamente, a coroa dentária apresenta coloração alterada, e radiograficamente os canais apresentam os seus limites pulpares apagados, revelando obstrução parcial ou completa da câmara pulpar e dos canais, devido à deposição excessiva de dentina. A abordagem apropriada para dentes calcificados pode ser um dilema para o clínico. Esta deve ser feita a partir de decisão prudente entre a intervenção Endodôntica para o dente envolvido e outras intervenções restauradoras estéticas disponíveis. A maioria da literatura não apoia a intervenção Endodôntica a menos que seja detetado patologia apical ou sintomatologia do dente envolvido. A observação e o exame periódico do dente calcificado são as opções geralmente adotadas.


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The effect of preparation design and the physical properties of the interface lute on the restored machined ceramic crown-tooth complex are poorly understood. The aim of this work was to determine, by means of three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA) the effect of the tooth preparation design and the elastic modulus of the cement on the stress state of the cemented machined ceramic crown-tooth complex. The three-dimensional structure of human premolar teeth, restored with adhesively cemented machined ceramic crowns, was digitized with a micro-CT scanner. An accurate, high resolution, digital replica model of a restored tooth was created. Two preparation designs, with different occlusal morphologies, were modeled with cements of 3 different elastic moduli. Interactive medical image processing software (mimics and professional CAD modeling software) was used to create sophisticated digital models that included the supporting structures; periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. The generated models were imported into an FEA software program (hypermesh version 10.0, Altair Engineering Inc.) with all degrees of freedom constrained at the outer surface of the supporting cortical bone of the crown-tooth complex. Five different elastic moduli values were given to the adhesive cement interface 1.8 GPa, 4 GPa, 8 GPa, 18.3 GPa and 40 GPa; the four lower values are representative of currently used cementing lutes and 40 GPa is set as an extreme high value. The stress distribution under simulated applied loads was determined. The preparation design demonstrated an effect on the stress state of the restored tooth system. The cement elastic modulus affected the stress state in the cement and dentin structures but not in the crown, the pulp, the periodontal ligament or the cancellous and cortical bone. The results of this study suggest that both the choice of the preparation design and the cement elastic modulus can affect the stress state within the restored crown-tooth complex.


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Crown-root fractures account for 5% of all fractures in permanent teeth and can involve enamel, dentin, and cementum. Depending on whether there is pulpal involvement, these problems may be classified as complicated (which are more common) or noncomplicated. The treatment depends on the level of the fracture line, root length and/or morphology, and esthetic needs. Several treatment strategies are available for esthetic and functional rehabilitation in crown-root fractures. Adhesive tooth fragment reattachment is the most conservative restorative option when the tooth fragment is available and the biological width has no or minimal violation. This article reports a case of an uncomplicated crown-root fracture in the permanent maxillary right central incisor of a young patient who received treatment with adhesive tooth fragment reattachment, preserving the anatomic characteristics of the fractured tooth after periodontal intervention. The fracture line of the fragment had an unusual shape, starting on the palatal side and extending to the buccal side subgingivally. After 7 years, the attached coronal fragment remained in position with good esthetics, as well as clinical and radiographic signs of pulpal vitality, periodontal health, and root integrity, thus indicating success.


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Purpose: The objective of this review was to systematically screen the literature for data related to the survival and complication rates observed with dental or implant double crown abutments and removable prostheses under functional loading for at least 3 years. Materials and Methods: A systematic review of the dental literature from January 1966 to December 2009 was performed in electronic databases (PubMed and Embase) as well as by an extensive hand search to investigate the clinical outcomes of double crown reconstructions. Results: From the total of 2412 titles retrieved from the search, 65 were selected for full-text review. Subsequently, 17 papers were included for data extraction. An estimation of the cumulative survival and complication rates was not feasible due to the lack of detailed information. Tooth survival rates for telescopic abutment teeth ranged from 82.5% to 96.5% after an observation period of 3.4 to 6 years, and for tooth-supported double crown retained dentures from 66.7% to 98.6% after an observation period of 6 to 10 years. The survival rates of implants were between 97.9% and 100% and for telescopic-retained removable dental prostheses with two mandibular implants, 100% after 3.0 and 10.4 years. The major biological complications affecting the tooth abutments were gingival inflammation, periodontal disease, and caries. The most frequent technical complications were loss of cementation and loss of facings. Conclusions: The main findings of this review are: (I) double crown tooth abutments and dentures demonstrated a wide range of survival rates. (II) Implant-supported mandibular overdentures demonstrated a favorable long-term prognosis. (III) A greater need for prosthetic maintenance is required for both tooth-supported and implant-supported reconstructions. (IV) Future areas of research would involve designing appropriate longitudinal studies for comparisons of survival and complication rates of different reconstruction designs.


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To use profilometry to assess the margin surface profile of all-ceramic crowns (ACC’s) at try-in and 1-week after cementation with dual-cured resin (DC, RelyX ARC, 3 M ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA), self-adhesive dual-cured resin (SADC, RelyX Unicem, 3 M ESPE), light-cured resin (LC, RelyX Veneer, 3 M ESPE) or chemically cured resin-modified glass ionomer (RMGI, RelyX Luting Plus, 3 M ESPE) luting cement. Methods: Forty, sound, extracted, human, premolar teeth underwent a standardised preparation for ACC’s. IPS Empress (Ivoclar-Vivadent, Liechtenstein) crowns of standard dimensions were fabricated and 10 luted with each cement and stored in water for 7 days. Three groups of serial profiles were taken, the first of the tooth preparation, the second of the crown margins at try-in and lastly of the crown margins after cementation and 7 days water storage. Results: There were no significant differences in the crown margin surface profile between the four cement groups at try-in. The change in crown margin position between try-in and post-cementation was significantly greater for DC than for LC and RMGI. SADC was not significantly different to the other cements. There were no significant differences in the crown margin extensions between the four cement groups, however most of the IPS Empress ACC’s in this study were underextended but this was not statistically significant. Conclusions: IPS Empress ACC’s seated more fully with LC and RMGI than with DC cement


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Objectives: To determine, by means of static fracture testing the effect of the tooth preparation design and the elastic modulus of the cement on the structural integrity of the cemented machined ceramic crown-tooth complex. 
Methods: Human maxillary extracted premolar teeth were prepared for all-ceramic crowns using two preparation designs; a standard preparation in accordance with established protocols and a novel design with a flat occlusal design. All-ceramic feldspathic (Vita MK II) crowns were milled for all the preparations using a CAD/CAM system (CEREC-3). The machined all-ceramic crowns were resin bonded to the tooth structure using one of three cements with different elastic moduli: Super-Bond C&B, Rely X Unicem and Panavia F 2.0. The specimens were subjected to compressive force through a 4 mm diameter steel ball at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min using a universal test machine (Loyds Instrument Model LRX.). The load at the fracture point was recorded for each specimen in Newtons (N). These values were compared to a control group of unprepared/unrestored teeth. 
Results: There was a significant difference between the control group, with higher fracture strength, and the cemented samples regardless of the occlusal design and the type of resin cement. There was no significant difference in mean fracture load between the two designs of occlusal preparation using Super-Bond C&B. For the Rely X Unicem and Panavia F 2.0 cements, the proposed preparation design with a flat occlusal morphology provides a system with increased fracture strength. 
Significance: The proposed novel flat design showed less dependency on the resin cement selection in relation to the fracture strength of the restored tooth. The choice of the cement resin, with respect to its modulus of elasticity, is more important in the anatomic design than in the flat design. © 2013 Academy of Dental Materials.


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In vitro studies have provided conflicting evidence of temperature changes in the tooth pulp chamber after low-level laser irradiation of the tooth surface. The present study was an in vitro evaluation of temperature increases in the human tooth pulp chamber after diode laser irradiation (GaAlAs, lambda = 808 nm) using different power densities. Twelve human teeth (three incisors, three canines, three premolars and three molars) were sectioned in the cervical third of the root and enlarged for the introduction of a thermocouple into the pulp chamber. The teeth were irradiated with 417 mW, 207 mW and 78 mW power outputs for 30 s on the vestibular surface approximately 2 mm from the cervical line of the crown. The highest average increase in temperature (5.6A degrees C) was observed in incisors irradiated with 417 mW. None of the teeth (incisors, canines, premolars or molars) irradiated with 207 mW showed temperature increases higher than 5.5A degrees C that could potentially be harmful to pulp tissue. Teeth irradiated with 78 mW showed lower temperature increases. The study showed that diode laser irradiation with a wavelength of 808 nm at 417 mW power output increased the pulp chamber temperature of certain groups of teeth, especially incisors and premolars, to critical threshold values for the dental pulp (5.5A degrees C). Thus, this study serves as a warning to clinicians that ""more"" is not necessarily ""better"".


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Crown-root fractures in permanent teeth cause esthetic and functional problems. This paper reports the case of a complicated crown-root fracture in the maxillary right central inc sor of a young patient who was treated with a multidisciplinary approach in two phases. A modified Widman flap, root canal therapy, glass fiber post cementation, and adhesive tooth fragment reattachment were performed shortly after an accident. Satisfactory esthetic and functional outcomes were obtained. However, the patient did not attend follow-up visits and returned after 7 years. During this second phase, the clinical and radiographic examination showed stability and adaptation of the fragment and good periodontal health conditions, but crown darkening and a radiolucent image associated with the root apex of the fractured tooth were also observed. The periapical lesion was surgically removed by apicoectomy, and the esthetics were recovered with a direct composite res n veneer on the traumatized tooth. (Quintessence Int 2011;42:729-735)


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Root fractures in immature teeth are rare because the resilience of the alveolar bone is more favorable to the occurrence of luxation. This article reports a case of traumatic injury in an immature permanent tooth that progressed to root fracture, having a parafunctional oral habit as the possible modifying factor of case evolution. A 12-year-old boy presented for treatment complaining of a defective restoration and mild pain on the maxillary right central incisor. The patient had a history of crown fracture in this tooth due to trauma 2 years before. The clinical examination showed healthy gingival tissues and no abnormal tooth mobility, whereas radiographic projections revealed healthy periradicular tissues, incomplete root formation, and no visible root fracture. As pulp necrosis was diagnosed, calcium hydroxide therapy was started for canal disinfection and subsequent obturation. However, after 4 weeks of treatment, a horizontal fracture line was observed radiographically in the root's middle third. The patient denied a new traumatic injury, but revealed the habit of chewing on a pencil. Refraining from the deleterious oral habit was strongly advised, and root canal filling with mineral trioxide aggregate was performed to treat the root fracture. After 4 years of follow-up, the tooth has normal function and no abnormal mobility. Images suggestive of remodeling at the apical end of the coronal segment and replacement resorption of the apical segment are seen radiographically. This case demonstrates the need of following cases of dental trauma and the possible influence of parafunctional oral habits as modifying factors of case progression.


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Dental trauma is more common in young patients and its sequelae may impair the establishment and accomplishment of an adequate treatment plan. This paper reports a case of complicated crown-root fracture in a young adult that was treated using adhesive tooth fragment reattachment and orthodontic root extrusion. Considering the time elapsed to follow up, the fracture extension, the amount of remaining root portion and the patient's low socioeconomic status, the treatment approach proposed for this case provided good functional and aesthetic outcomes. Clinical and radiographic results after 2 years were successful. This case report demonstrates the importance of establishing a multidisciplinary approach for a successful dental trauma management.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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To report the outcome of the endodontic treatment of a reimplanted central maxillary incisor with open apex after 8 years and 7 months of follow-up.This case report presents the treatment of a right central maxillary incisor of an 8-year old white male patient with history of traumatic avulsion and immediate replantation. The endodontic therapy consisted of periodical changes of calcium hydroxide dressing and a definitive root canal filling with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). The treatment was successful without pathologies up to 7 years of follow-up. After the institution of orthodontic treatment a localized and late root resorption was noticed at the last radiographic examination (8 years and 7 months postoperative follow-up). Moreover, the use of MTA promoted a mild crown grey discoloration.


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The purpose of this study was to analyze crown fractures and crown-root fractures due to dentoalveolar trauma, treated in the Integrated Clinic comprehensive dental care at Aracatuba School of Dentistry (UNESP), from January 1992 to July 2002. The data were obtained from files of trauma cases. on the analysis period, 293 patients had crown fractures or crown-root fractures, in 605 teeth. Sixty-nine percent were males and 31% were females. Adolescents between 11 and 18 years old were the most prevalent group (41.6%) and the maxillary arch was the most commonly traumatized (83%). The most commonly affected tooth was the maxillary central incisor (58.3%). The most frequent causes were falls from bicycles (30.8%). It was concluded that the reality of the local service is similar to the published data.