987 resultados para Tobacco products


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The High Court of Australia’s ruling on the plain packaging of tobacco products is one of the great constitutional cases of our age. The ruling will resonate throughout the world - as other countries will undoubtedly seek to emulate Australia’s plain packaging regime.


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It takes a lot of bravery for governments to stand up to big business. But the Gillard government has shown a lot of guts during its tenure. It stood up to Big Tobacco in the battle over plain packaging of tobacco products and has defended individuals and families affected by asbestos. It took on Big Oil in its Clean Energy Future reforms and stood up to the resource barons with the mining tax. The government is now considering Big Pharma - the pharmaceutical industry and their patents – and has launched several inquiries into patent law and pharmaceutical drugs...


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After much political debate, the Australian Parliament passed the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011 (Cth). Australian legislators, such as Richard di Natale, provided moving accounts for the need for plain packaging of tobacco products.


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A world leader in public health, Australia introduced plain packaging of tobacco products. Julia Gillard – the Prime Minister of Australia at the time responsible for plain packaging – has observed: “Since 1 December 2012, cigarettes packets in Australia do not sparkle with gold or silver and do not have any other way to catch and please the eye. They’re a uniform drab colour, with most of the box taken up with the most graphic health warnings. Gruesome pictures of disease perhaps better described as real pictures of the ugly truth.”


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The New Zealand Parliament is considering the adoption of plain packaging of tobacco products with the introduction of the Smoke-Free Environments (Tobacco Plain Packaging) Amendment Bill 2014 (NZ). There has been strong support for the measure amongst the major parties – including the National Party; the Maori Party; the Labor Party; and the Greens. The New Zealand parliamentary debate has considered matters of public health and tobacco control; the role of intellectual property law; and the operation of international trade and investment law.


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Nicotine, the addictive compound of tobacco products, exerts its effects in the brain by binding to neuronal acetylcholine nicotinic receptors (nAChRs). The aim of the present study was to increase the knowledge of nicotine s complex effects, the focus being on homomeric alpha7-nAChRs that are widely expressed in the brain. Nicotinic regulation of differential signalling molecules including transcriptional regulators was also studied. We found that the number of alpha7-nAChRs is increased in specific brain regions in mice, in a time-dependent manner after chronic oral nicotine administration. Our results suggest that in addition to alpha4beta2-nAChRs, the other major nAChR subtype expressed in the brain, the number of alpha7-nAChRs is affected by chronic presence of nicotine. We suggest that when studying the long-term effects of nicotine, the duration on administration is of great importance. Next, we observed that nicotine exposure induces accumulation of cAMP in cell cultures expressing nAChRs. Furthermore, nicotine-induced alpha7-nAChR upregulation was potentiated by treatments enhancing cAMP-signalling, suggesting a role for cAMP in the upregulation process. Protein kinase C (PKC) was found essential for the basal regulation of alpha7-nAChR number. The nicotine-evoked alpha7-nAChR upregulation could be further increased by PKC overexpression. Thirdly, the effects of nicotine on dopamine and cAMP regulated phosphoprotein (DARPP-32) were characterised in rat brain. The results show that DARPP-32 is regulated by both acute and long-term nicotine treatment in the striatal subdivisions. The effect of acute nicotine is dose-dependent and the three striatal regions display differential sensitivities to nicotine. Chronic nicotine is also able to regulate DARPP-32 signalling with prominent effect seen in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), suggesting a role for DARPP-32 in the mediation of long-term effects of nicotine. Finally, the regulation of transcription factors Elk-1 and FosB/deltaFosB by nicotine was investigated. We found that Elk-1 is activated by acute nicotine selectively in the NAc core and hippocampal area CA1, whereas acute nicotine does not affect FosB/deltaFosB. Long-term intermittent or continuous nicotine increases the level of total Elk-1 in the same brain regions as acute nicotine. FosB/deltaFosB is also affected by chronic nicotine. Thus, similarly to other drugs of abuse, nicotine regulates transcriptional regulators Elk-1 and FosB/deltaFosB. These results bring further support for a common mechanism underlying the development of addiction. Nicotine s positive effects on learning and memory might involve the transcription factor Elk-1 based on the changes seen in the hippocampus, the key area in cognitive functions.


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The study in its entirety focused on factors related to adolescents decisions concerning drug use. The term drug use is taken here to include the use of tobacco products, alcohol, narcotics, and other addictive substances. First, the reasons given for drug use (attributions) were investigated. Secondly, the influence of personal goals, the beliefs involved in decision making, psychosocial adjustment including body image and involvement with peers, and parental relationships on drug use were studied. Two cohorts participated in the study. In 1984, a questionnaire on reasons for drug use was administered to a sample of adolescents aged 14-16 (N=396). A further questionnaire was administered to another sample of adolescents aged 14-16 (N=488) in 1999. The results for both cohorts were analyzed in Articles I and II. In Articles III and IV further analysis was carried out on the second cohort (N=488). The research report presented here provides a synthesis of all four articles, together with material from a further analysis. In a comparison of the two cohorts it was found that the attributions for drug use had changed considerably over the intervening fifteen-year period. In relation to alcohol and narcotics use an increase was found in reasons involving inner subjective experiences, with mention of the good feeling and fun resulting from alcohol and narcotics use. In addition, the goals of alcohol consumption were increasingly perceived as drinking to get drunk, and for its own sake. The attributions for the adolescents own smoking behavior were quite different from the attributions for smoking by others. The attributions were only weakly influenced by the participants gender or by their smoking habits, either in 1984 or 1999. In relation to participants own smoking, the later questionnaire elicited more mention of inner subjective experiences involving "good feeling. In relation to the perceived reasons for other people s smoking, it elicited more responses connected with the notion of "belonging. In the second sample, the results indicated that the levels of body satisfaction among adolescent girls are lower than those among adolescent boys. Overall, dissatisfaction with one's physical appearance seemed to relate to drug use. Girls were also found to engage in more discussions than boys; this applied to (i) discussion with peers (concerning both intimate and general matters), and (ii) discussion with parents (concerning general matters). However, more than a quarter of the boys (out of the entire population) reported only low intimacy with both parents and peers. If both drinking and smoking were considered, it seemed that girls in particular who reported drinking and smoking also reported high intimacy with parents and peers. Boys who reported drinking and smoking reported only medium intimacy with parents and peers. In addition, having an intimate relationship with one's peers was associated with a greater tendency to drink purely in order to get drunk. Overall, the results seemed to suggest that drug use is connected with a close relationship with peers and (surprisingly) with a close relationship with parents. Nevertheless, there were also indications that to some extent peer relationships can also protect adolescents from smoking and alcohol use. The results, which underline the complexity of adolescent drug use, are taken up in the Discussion section. It may be that body image and/or other identity factors play a more prominent role in all drug use than has previously been acknowledged. It does appear that in the course of planning support campaigns for adolescents at risk of drug use, we should focus more closely on individuals and their inner world. More research on this field is clearly needed, and therefore some ideas for future research are also presented.


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This submission will address a number of questions raised in section 5.2, “Potential Future Initiatives to target smoking”, of the Healthy Tasmania Five Year Strategic Plan – Community Consultation Draft. Each question has been answered within this submission. This submission will also address the possibility of legal challenges to these proposed changes, a pivotal consideration when implementing any tobacco control laws. This is due to the aggressive nature of the tobacco industry, as illustrated by their attempts to challenge plain packaging laws in the country and through international treaties. The evidence provided in my submission illustrates that prevention of initiation of smoking during adolescence has various benefits in terms of reduction of negative smoking behaviors in later life. I argue that increasing the minimum legal age of purchasing for tobacco to 21 will benefit both the levels of underage smoking as well as the age of onset of initiation of smoking, due to the greater difficulties that those who are underage would experience in accessing tobacco products. I will also address the question of whether the minimum smoking age should be increased to 25.


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Esta tese inclui dois artigos que têm por objetivo apresentar um panorama das tendências e heterogeneidades do tabagismo nas capitais brasileiras e, assim, oferecer subsídios ao planejamento e avaliação de medidas de controle do tabaco no País. Utilizaram-se os dados da Pesquisa Nacional sobre Saúde e Nutrição (PNSN), e do Inquérito Domiciliar Sobre Comportamentos de Risco e Morbidade Referida de Doenças e Agravos Não Transmissíveis (InqDANT). No primeiro artigo estimou-se a diferença na prevalência de tabagismo em 14 capitais brasileiras entre pessoas de 15 anos ou mais em 1989 (PNSN) e 2002/2003 (InqDANT) relacionando as mudanças observadas às principais medidas de controle do tabaco desenvolvidas no período. O estudo mostrou que o percentual de fumantes diminuiu de 30,2% para 19,4% no período. Entre homens, a prevalência passou de 37,5% para 23,2% (1,1% /ano) e entre mulheres, de 24,3% para 16,5% (0,6% /ano). A avaliação cronológica sugere que as principais medidas de impacto refletidas no decréscimo observado foram a lei que obriga que haja advertências sobre os malefícios do tabagismo nas embalagens e propagandas de cigarros, a restrição e proibição da propaganda de produtos do tabaco e as intervenções relacionadas à proteção ao tabagismo passivo. O declínio da prevalência observado no estudo foi um dos maiores do mundo. No segundo artigo, fez-se uma descrição da situação do tabagismo no Brasil considerando heterogeneidades regionais e de subgrupos populacionais a partir de uma amostra de 24.681 indivíduos de 15 anos ou mais residentes em 16 capitais brasileiras incluídas no InqDANT. A prevalência de tabagismo no gênero masculino variou de 17,0% a 28,2% e no feminino, de 10% a 22,9%. Entre mulheres, menores prevalências foram observadas nas regiões Norte, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste. Este padrão não se repetiu entre homens. Independentemente de gênero, maiores percentuais de fumantes foram encontrados entre pessoas de menor escolaridade e faixa etária 40-49 anos. A cessação média entre homens e mulheres foi de 50%. Os dados indicaram que as políticas públicas de controle do tabaco têm sido efetivas particularmente na indução à cessação de fumar. Contudo, a elevada prevalência em jovens mostrou a importância de reforço a medidas que contenham a iniciação. As heterogeneidades observadas mostraram a necessidade de ações específicas por região. Além dos dois estudos referidos, esta Tese também descreveu novas pesquisas sobre tabagismo utilizando-se dados do InqDANT. Subsequentemente, com base na discussão prévia, delineou-se uma proposta sumária das principais linhas de investigação a serem desenvolvidas no Brasil a fim de subsidiar o Programa Nacional de Controle do Tabagismo e a implantação da Convenção Quadro Para o Controle do Tabaco.


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With the widespread exposure of people to nicotine through recreational use of tobacco products, research into nicotine has attracted increasing attention. Tobacco smoking is by far the most important cause of lung cancer. As the world's largest producer and consumer of tobacco products, China bears a large proportion of the global burden of smoking-related disease; therefore, information on nicotine publications should be collected to formulate future research policy. In the present study, we investigated nicotine-related research articles published by Chinese authors that were indexed in the Science Citation Index (SCI) from 1991 to 2007. An indicator "citations per publication" (CPP) was used in the study to evaluate the impact of journals, articles, and institutes. The quantity of publications has increased at a quicker pace than the worldwide trend. Article visibility, measured as the frequency of being cited, also increased during the period. However, the overall quality of articles, based on the impact factor of journals publishing those articles, dropped behind the worldwide average level. There has been an increase in international collaboration, mainly with researchers in the USA. The average CPP of international co-authorship articles was higher than that of single country publications. Besides the USA, nicotine research in China will benefit from more collaboration with Taiwan, England, and Germany. Some 110 of 264 articles were published by a single institute, and the top six institutes were compared from various angles. Seventy-two subject categories were covered, and trends (in terms of both quantity and quality) of nicotine research in China were compared with worldwide trends. In addition, analysis of keywords in both nicotine and lung cancer research fields was applied to indicate research interests. Mutual cooperation among multiple disciplines needs further strengthening.


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Illicit trade carries the potential to magnify existing tobacco-related health care costs through increased availability of untaxed and inexpensive cigarettes. What is known with respect to the magnitude of illicit trade for Vietnam is produced primarily by the industry, and methodologies are typically opaque. Independent assessment of the illicit cigarette trade in Vietnam is vital to tobacco control policy. This paper measures the magnitude of illicit cigarette trade for Vietnam between 1998 and 2010 using two methods, discrepancies between legitimate domestic cigarette sales and domestic tobacco consumption estimated from surveys, and trade discrepancies as recorded by Vietnam and trade partners. The results indicate that Vietnam likely experienced net smuggling in during the period studied. With the inclusion of adjustments for survey respondent under-reporting, inward illicit trade likely occurred in three of the four years for which surveys were available. Discrepancies in trade records indicate that the value of smuggled cigarettes into Vietnam ranges from $100 million to $300 million between 2000 and 2010 and that these cigarettes primarily originate in Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao, Malaysia, and Australia. Notable differences in trends over time exist between the two methods, but by comparison, the industry estimates consistently place the magnitude of illicit trade at the upper bounds of what this study shows. The unavailability of annual, survey-based estimates of consumption may obscure the true, annual trend over time. Second, as surveys changed over time, estimates relying on them may be inconsistent with one another. Finally, these two methods measure different components of illicit trade, specifically consumption of illicit cigarettes regardless of origin and smuggling of cigarettes into a particular market. However, absent a gold standard, comparisons of different approaches to illicit trade measurement serve efforts to refine and improve measurement approaches and estimates.


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BACKGROUND: Illicit cigarettes comprise more than 11% of tobacco consumption and 17% of consumption in low- and middle-income countries. Illicit cigarettes, defined as those that evade taxes, lower consumer prices, threaten national tobacco control efforts, and reduce excise tax collection. METHODS: This paper measures the magnitude of illicit cigarette consumption within Indonesia using two methods: the discrepancies between legal cigarette sales and domestic consumption estimated from surveys, and discrepancies between imports recorded by Indonesia and exports recorded by trade partners. Smuggling plays a minor role in the availability of illicit cigarettes because Indonesians predominantly consume kreteks, which are primarily manufactured in Indonesia. RESULTS: Looking at the period from 1995 to 2013, illicit cigarettes first emerged in 2004. When no respondent under-reporting is assumed, illicit consumption makes up 17% of the domestic market in 2004, 9% in 2007, 11% in 2011, and 8% in 2013. Discrepancies in the trade data indicate that Indonesia was a recipient of smuggled cigarettes for each year between 1995 and 2012. The value of this illicit trade ranges from less than $1 million to nearly $50 million annually. Singapore, China, and Vietnam together accounted for nearly two-thirds of trade discrepancies over the period. Tax losses due to illicit consumption amount to between Rp 4.1 and 9.3 trillion rupiah, 4% to 13% of tobacco excise revenue, in 2011 and 2013. CONCLUSIONS: Due to the predominance of kretek consumption in Indonesia and Indonesia's status as the predominant producer of kreteks, illicit domestic production is likely the most important source for illicit cigarettes, and initiatives targeted to combat this illicit production carry the promise of the greatest potential impact.


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RATIONALE: Cigarette smoke exposure is associated with an increased risk of the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS); however, the mechanisms underlying this relationship remain largely unknown.

OBJECTIVE: To assess pathways of lung injury and inflammation in smokers and non-smokers with and without lipopolysaccharide (LPS) inhalation using established biomarkers.

METHODS: We measured plasma and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) biomarkers of inflammation and lung injury in smokers and non-smokers in two distinct cohorts of healthy volunteers, one unstimulated (n=20) and one undergoing 50 μg LPS inhalation (n=30).

MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: After LPS inhalation, cigarette smokers had increased alveolar-capillary membrane permeability as measured by BAL total protein, compared with non-smokers (median 274 vs 208 μg/mL, p=0.04). Smokers had exaggerated inflammation compared with non-smokers, with increased BAL interleukin-1β (p=0.002), neutrophils (p=0.02), plasma interleukin-8 (p=0.003), and plasma matrix metalloproteinase-8 (p=0.006). Alveolar epithelial injury after LPS was more severe in smokers than non-smokers, with increased plasma (p=0.04) and decreased BAL (p=0.02) surfactant protein D. Finally, smokers had decreased BAL vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) (p<0.0001) with increased soluble VEGF receptor-1 (p=0.0001).

CONCLUSIONS: Cigarette smoke exposure may predispose to ARDS through an abnormal response to a 'second hit,' with increased alveolar-capillary membrane permeability, exaggerated inflammation, increased epithelial injury and endothelial dysfunction. LPS inhalation may serve as a useful experimental model for evaluation of the acute pulmonary effects of existing and new tobacco products.


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Todos os anos, milhares de pessoas morrem vítimas de doenças causadas pelo consumo de produtos derivados do tabaco, este é considerado a principal causa de morte evitável. O tabaco também colabora com as seis das oito principais causas de mortes entre fumantes e não fumantes a nível mundial. Algumas medidas governamentais como as campanhas publicitárias antitabagistas, buscam alertar, conscientizar e mudar o pensamento e o interesse coletivo neste tipo de produto e consequentemente, diminuir a taxa de consumo. Avaliar se as crenças, pensamentos e atitudes dos brasileiros são influenciados por este tipo de publicidade e se o comportamento relacionado a não fumar ou deixar de fumar é uma consequência da persuasão das mensagens antitabagistas, ajudam a conhecer o real impacto destas campanhas e sua eficácia. Através dos métodos de investigação quantitativo e qualitativo e das análises extensiva e semiótica, a pesquisa inquiriu 272 indivíduos brasileiros à respeito das advertências sanitárias e das campanhas publicitárias antitabagistas, classificando-os como não fumantes, ex-fumantes e fumantes, identificando os elementos visuais e textuais que compõem a narrativa publicitária de 5 anúncios antitabagistas. Após a análise, a pesquisa concluiu que as campanhas publicitárias coordenadas pelo INCA – Instituto Nacional de Câncer, denominadas campanhas antitabagistas, são eficazes para alertar e conscientizar os indivíduos sobre os males causados pelo consumo do cigarro mas ineficazes para influenciar suas atitudes e comportamentos. Embora estas consigam persuadir à crença nas mensagens, fazendo com que os indivíduos as vejam como verdadeira, isto não é suficiente para que a intenção de deixar de fumar torne-se um ato prático. Todos os anúncios possuem o mesmo formato e a maioria utilizou o mesmo percurso visual, equilíbrio, enquadramento, luz, ângulo e função do personagem. Todos possuem textos com funções identificadora, ancoragem e apoio e a narrativa conota o cigarro como algo negativo, prejudicial, mortífero e destruidor.


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L’épidémie de tabagisme est responsable de la mort de millions de personnes et malgré cela, la consommation mondiale de produits du tabac ne cesse d’augmenter. La majorité des fumeurs vivent aujourd’hui dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire, et les maladies non-transmissibles liées au tabac représentent un important fardeau pour ces systèmes de santé. L’Amérique du Sud n’y échappe pas et un fait très préoccupant est certainement la prévalence élevée chez les adolescents de cette région. La présente étude visait à évaluer l’effet du prix des cigarettes et de l’exposition à la publicité en faveur du tabac sur le tabagisme des adolescents d’Amérique du Sud, et ce à partir des données du Global Youth Tobacco Survey. Les niveaux d’exposition à la publicité et les prix auto-déclarés ont été utilisés pour modéliser ces relations, et les comportements tabagiques étudiés étaient l’expérimentation, la participation et la consommation. L’échantillon total comprenait 134 073 répondants provenant de 12 pays. Les résultats de l’étude ont montré que l’exposition à la publicité en faveur du tabac avait un effet positif sur le tabagisme des adolescents, mais contrairement au consensus établi dans la littérature, la relation négative entre le prix des cigarettes et le tabagisme n’a pas été observée de façon convaincante. Des lacunes inhérentes à la base de données utilisée pourraient expliquer ces résultats inattendus, et certains éléments méthodologiques du sondage sont remis en question.