803 resultados para Theory Development


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The intent in this study was to investigate in what ways teachers· beliefs about education and teaching are expressed in the specific teaching behaviours they employ, and whether teaching behaviours, as perceived by their students, are correlated with students· critical thinking and self-directed learning. To this end the relationships studied were: among faCUlty members· philosophy of teaching, locus of control orientation, psychological type, and observed teaching behaviour; and among students· psychological type, perceptions of teaching behaviour, self-directed learning readiness, and critical thinking. The overall purpose of the study was to investigate whether the implicit goals of higher education, critical thinking and self-direction, were actually accounted for in the university classroom. The research was set within the context of path-goal theory, adapted from the leadership literature. Within this framework, Mezirow·s work on transformative learning, including the influences of Habermas· writings, was integrated to develop a theoretical perspective upon which to base the research methodology. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were incorporated. Four faCUlty and a total of 142 students participated in the study. Philosophy of teaching was described through faCUlty interviews and completion of a repertory grid. Faculty completed a descriptive locus of control scale, and a psychological type test. Observations of their teaching behaviour were conducted. Students completed a Teaching Behaviour Assessment Scale, the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale, a psychological type test, and the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal. A small sample of students were interviewed. Follow-up discussions with faculty were used to validate the interview, observation, teaching behaviour, and repertory grid data. Results indicated that some discrepancies existed between faculty's espoused philosophy of teaching and their observed teaching behaviour. Instructors' teaching behaviour, however, was a function of their personal theory of practice. Relationships were found between perceived teaching behaviour and students· self-directed learning and critical thinking, but these varied across situations, as would be predicted from path-goal theory. Psychological type of students and instructor also accounted for some of the variability in the relationships studied. Student psychological type could be shown as a partial predictor of self-directed learning readiness. The results were discussed in terms of theory development and implications for further research and practice.


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A cardiovascular disease risk factor reduction program was implemented in the Niagara region. To gain an understanding of this program from the participants ' perspective, 10 participants of the program were interviewed to document their perceptions of what they learned in the program, their perceptions of their behaviour change and their perceptions of factors that facilitated or impeded any behaviour change. The learning style inventory and PET test were also given to the participants to further understand their perceptions. Findings unique to this study highlighted aspects of the andragogical model, self-directed learning theory, learning style preference and psychological type that were prominent in the participants' comments and perspectives. Implications for practice, theory development and further research are suggested.


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The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand the client and occupational therapist experiences of a mental health group. A secondary aim was to explore the extent to which this group seemed to have reflected a client-centred approach. The topic emerged from personal and professional issues related to the therapist as teacher and to inconsistencies in practice with the profession's client-centred philosophy. This philosophy, the study's frame of reference, was established in terms of themes related to the client-therapist relationship and to client values. Typical practice was illustrated through an extensive literature review. Structured didacticexperiential methods aiming toward skill development were predominant. The interpretive sciences and, to a lesser extent, the critical sciences directed the methodology. An ongoing support group at a community mental health clinic was selected as the focus of the study; the occupational therapist leader and three members became the key participants. A series of conversational interviews, the . core method of data collection, was supplemented by observation, document review, further interviews, and fieldnotes. Transcriptions of conversations were returned to participants for verification and for further reflection. Analysis primarily consisted of coding and organizing data according to emerging themes. The participants' experiences of group, presented as narrative stories within a group session vignette, were also returned to participants. There was a common understanding of the group's structure and the importance of having "air time" within the group; however, differences in perceptions of such things as the importance of the group in members' lives were noted. All members valued the therapeutic aspects of group, the role of group as weekly activity and, to a lesser extent, the learning that came from group. The researcher's perspective provided a critique of the group experience from a client-centred perspective. Some areas of consistency with client-centred practice were noted (e.g., therapist attitudes); however the group seemed to function far from a client-centred ideal. Members held little authority in a relationship dominated by the leaders, and leader agendas rather than member values controlled the session. Possible reasons for this discrepancy ranging from past health care encounters through to co-leader discord emerged. The actual and potential significance of this study was discussed according to many areas of implications: to OT practice, especially client-centred group practice, to theory development, to further areas of research and methodology considerations, to people involved in the group and to my personal growth and development.


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Dans les services de première ligne des Centres de santé et de services sociaux (CSSS) au Québec, les infirmières sont des acteurs clés des programmes destinés à des populations vulnérables. Ces programmes créent des opportunités pour les infirmières de développer une pratique à l’interface du CSSS et des ressources de la communauté afin d’agir pour réduire la vulnérabilité sociale. Des infirmières commencent d’ailleurs à se mobiliser au-delà de leurs frontières disciplinaires, organisationnelles et sectorielles pour s’engager dans l’environnement de personnes vulnérables, ce que nous désignons ici comme pratique infirmière d’interface. Aucune étude n’a toutefois été repérée en regard de cette pratique infirmière en émergence. Fondée sur une perspective constructiviste et systémique, de même qu’une analyse des conceptions de théoriciennes infirmières sur la pratique, notre recherche doctorale avait pour but de modéliser la pratique infirmière d’interface en contexte de vulnérabilité sociale. Elle a également constitué un cas à partir duquel contribuer aux savoirs théoriques sur le concept de pratique en sciences infirmières. Une étude qualitative exploratoire a été entreprise dans trois CSSS d’une région urbaine. Des entretiens semi-dirigés ont été réalisés avec quinze infirmières. La pratique d’interface de deux infirmières a ensuite fait l’objet d’une année d’observation directe et participante, ce qui a permis de procéder à des entretiens informels avec des gestionnaires ainsi que des membres des équipes interprofessionnelles et communautaires. Une analyse de documents programmatiques et gouvernementaux a complété notre description du contexte de la pratique d’interface. Une analyse thématique amorcée en cours de collecte de données ainsi que la méthode de modélisation systémique de Le Moigne ont permis de soutenir la démarche interprétative et de rendre compte des résultats. Quatre thèmes inter-reliés qualifient la pratique infirmière d’interface. Le premier met en évidence une finalité d’autonomie qui se traduit comme exigence de conformité sociale à l’endroit des personnes vulnérables. Le second porte sur des processus d’engagement relationnels des infirmières pour créer des liens et mettre en relation la clientèle et les acteurs du milieu. Le troisième thème est celui de l’action stratégique de l’infirmière. Enfin, le quatrième fait état d’un espace contradictoire à l’intérieur duquel se déroule la pratique d’interface, lequel comporte un processus de (re)configuration identitaire pour les infirmières. Une réflexion approfondie sur nos résultats, appuyée sur des savoirs disciplinaires en sciences infirmières et en sciences sociales, souligne des dimensions essentielles à considérer pour poursuivre le développement du concept de pratique en sciences infirmières. Spécifiquement, notre thèse permet de réfléchir les concepts centraux de soin et d’environnement en sciences infirmières, en plus d’expliciter le caractère fondamental de deux autres composantes à intégrer dans nos conceptions disciplinaires de la pratique, soit les savoirs et les projets. Cette thèse démontre la pertinence de contribuer à la création d’un « réseau de savoirs » avec d’autres disciplines pour soutenir notre capacité de théoriser la pratique et de renforcer l’intervention en contexte de vulnérabilité sociale.


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En este estudio de caso pretende dar respuesta a que factores vitalizan la cooperación Española en Mozambique a través del análisis de programas como el VITA, dirigidos específicamente al desarrollo y mejoramiento de la salud en el continente Africano. Este estudio de caso se centra en el investigación de los discursos de desarrollo que se fundamentan en las políticas internacionales de cooperación , basadas en la existencia de una enfermedad como el VIH que ha puesto en manifiesto la interacción entre la esfera biológica y social , social e individual entre el fenómeno existencial y cultural, lo que fundamenta su importancia y estudio. Se ha escogido esta herramienta de investigación social, en este estudio de caso, para abordar la forma en que funciona y opera la AECID en Mozambique a través de los programas con enfoque de género encaminados al problema del VIH. Se pretende dar a conocer el desarrollo en materia de la cooperación internacional de una organización tan importante como la AECID, cuyos proyectos gozan de una gran credibilidad en cuanto a la ejecución de sus acciones y que en general dichos proyectos se adecuan a las necesidades de la población, a los objetivos de desarrollo nacionales y a las prioridades de la cooperación española.


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Desde la noción universal sobre la empresa como un sistema de interacción con un entorno determinado para alcanzar un objetivo, de manera planificada y en función de satisfacer las demandas de un mercado mediante la actividad económica, su viabilidad, sostenibilidad y crecimiento dependerán, por supuesto, de una serie de estrategias adecuadas no solo para tales fines, sino también para enfrentar diversidad de agentes endógenos y exógenos que puedan afectar el normal desempeño de su gestión. Estamos hablando de la importancia de la resiliencia organizacional y del Capital Psicológico. En un escenario tan impredecible como el de la economía mundial, donde la constante son los cambios en su comportamiento —unos propios de su dinámica e interdependencia, naturales de fenómenos como la globalización, y otros derivados de eventos disruptivos— hoy más que nunca es necesario implementar el modelo de la empresa resiliente, que es aquella entidad capaz de adaptarse y recuperarse frente a una perturbación. Al mismo tiempo, más allá de su tamaño, naturaleza u objeto social, es indispensable reconocer básicamente que toda organización está constituida por personas, lo cual implica la trascendencia que para su funcionamiento tiene el factor humano-dependiente, y por lo tanto se crea la necesidad de promover el Capital Psicológico y la resiliencia a nivel de las organizaciones a través de una cultura empresarial.


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Multicultural leadership is a topic a great interest in nowadays globalized work environment. Colombia emerges as an attractive marketplace with appealing business opportunities, especially for German enterprises. After presenting Colombia’s current political, social and economic situation, the thesis elaborates the complex subject of cultural differences while focusing on the peculiarities of German and Colombian national cultures. The resulting implications for a team’s collaboration and leader effectiveness are theoretically supported with reference to the landmark studies of Hofstede and GLOBE. By utilizing semi-structured interview techniques, a qualitative research enriches the previous findings and gives an all-encompassing insight in German-Colombian teamwork. The investigation identifies distinctive behavioral patterns and relations, which imply challenges and factors of success for multicultural team leaders. Finally, a categorical analysis examines the influence of cultural traits on team performance and evaluates the effectiveness of the applied leadership style.


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Hoy en día las organizaciones buscan ser más sustentables a través de la implementación de prácticas verdes en cadena de suministro; en este documento se busca analizar y desarrollar diferentes métodos, propuestas y estrategias para la incorporación de estas prácticas a lo largo de la cadena de suministro. Esta investigación se llevara a cabo por medio del estudio de la “guía de trazabilidad: un acercamiento practico hacia el avance sustentable en las cadenas de suministro globales” además de la norma ISO PC 20400.3, obteniendo como resultado una propuesta de integración entre las compras verdes y la trazabilidad en la cadena de suministro. Todo esto con el objetivo de establecer los requerimientos mínimos que debe tener una empresa, así como los pasos a seguir para la ejecución exitosa de un programa de compras verdes.


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Human resource management (HRM) plays a pivotal role in attracting and retaining talents. However, there is growing recognition in international HRM literature that the adoption of the widely accepted US/Harvard-inspired HRM model ignores the influences of cultural contexts on HRM practices in different countries. This notion has not been empirically investigated in the construction industry. Based on survey responses from 604 construction professionals from Australia and Hong Kong, this study examines whether: (i) national cultural differences influence individuals’ preference for types of remuneration and job autonomy, (ii) actual organizational HRM practices reflect such preferences and (iii) gaps between individuals’ preferences and actual organizational HRM practices affect job satisfaction. Results showed significant difference in HRM preferences between Australian and Hong Kong respondents and these are reflected in the distinct types of HRM practices adopted by construction firms in the two countries. Findings further indicated that the gap between individuals’ preferences and actual organizational HRM practices is associated with job satisfaction. The results support existing mainstream research and highlight the deficiency of the acultural treatment of HRM that is still apparent in construction management literature. An uncritical literature in the area not only hinders theory development but also potentially undermines the ability of construction firms to attract, recruit, and retain scarce talents.


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The study of intuition is an emerging area of research in psychology, social sciences, and business studies. It is increasingly of interest to the study of management, for example in decision-making as a counterpoint to structured approaches. Recently work has been undertaken to conceptualize a construct for the intuitive nature of technology. However to-date there is no common under-standing of the term intuition in information systems (IS) research. This paper extends the study of intuition in IS research by using exploratory research to cate-gorize the use of the word “intuition” and related terms in papers published in two prominent IS journals over a ten year period. The entire text of MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research was reviewed for the years 1999 through 2008 using searchable PDF versions of these publications. As far as could be deter-mined, this is the first application of this approach in the analysis of the text of IS academic journals. The use of the word “intuition” and related terms was catego-rized using coding consistent with Grounded Theory. The focus of this research was on the first two stages of Grounded Theory analysis - the development of codes and constructs. Saturation of coding was not reached: an extended review of these publications would be required to enable theory development. Over 400 incidents of the use of “intuition”, and related terms were found in the articles reviewed. The most prominent use of the term of “intuition” was coded as “Intui-tion as Authority” in which intuition was used to validate a research objective or finding; representing approximately 37 per cent of codes assigned. The second most common coding occurred in research articles with mathematical analysis, representing about 19 per cent of the codes assigned, for example where a ma-thematical formulation or result was “intuitive”. The possibly most impactful use of the term “intuition” was “Intuition as Outcome”, representing approximately 7 per cent of all coding, which characterized research results as adding to the intui-tive understanding of a research topic or phenomena. This research contributes to a greater theoretical understanding of intuition enabling insight into the use of intuition, and the eventual development of a theory on the use of intuition in academic IS research publications. It also provides potential benefits to practi-tioners by providing insight into and validation of the use of intuition in IS man-agement. Research directions include the creation of reflective and/or formative constructs for intuition in information systems research.


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Retrieving a subset of items can cause the forgetting of other items, a phenomenon referred to as retrieval-induced forgetting. According to some theorists, retrieval-induced forgetting is the consequence of an inhibitory mechanism that acts to reduce the accessibility of non-target items that interfere with the retrieval of target items. Other theorists argue that inhibition is unnecessary to account for retrieval-induced forgetting, contending instead that the phenomenon can be best explained by non-inhibitory mechanisms, such as strength-based competition or blocking. The current paper provides the first major meta-analysis of retrieval-induced forgetting, conducted with the primary purpose of quantitatively evaluating the multitude of findings that have been used to contrast these two theoretical viewpoints. The results largely supported inhibition accounts, but also provided some challenging evidence, with the nature of the results often varying as a function of how retrieval-induced forgetting was assessed. Implications for further research and theory development are discussed.


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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This doctoral thesis unfolds into a collection of three distinct articles that share an interest in supply firms, or “peripheral firms”. The three studies offer a novel theoretical perspective that I call the peripheral view of manufacturing networks. Building on the relational view literature, this new perspective identifies the supplier-based theoretical standpoint to analyze and explain the antecedents of relational rents in manufacturing networks. The first article, the namesake of the dissertation, is a theoretical contribution that explains the foundations of the “peripheral view of manufacturing networks”. The second article “Framing The Strategic Peripheries: A Novel Typology of Suppliers” is an empirical study with the aim to offer an interpretation of peripheries’ characteristics and dynamics. The third article, “What is Behind Absorptive Capacity? Dispelling the Opacity of R&D” presents an example of general theory development by using data from peripheral firms.


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This article explores societal culture as an antecedent of public service motivation. Culture can be a major factor in developing an institution-based theory of public service motivation. In the field of organization theory, culture is considered a fundamental factor for explaining organization behavior. But our review of the literature reveals that culture has not been fully integrated into public service motivation theory or carefully investigated in this research stream. This study starts to fill this gap in the literature by using institutionalism and social-identity theory to predict how the sub-national Germanic and Latin cultures of Switzerland, which are measured through the mother tongues of public employees and the regional locations of public offices, affect their levels of public service motivation. Our analysis centers on two large data sets of federal and municipal employees, and produces evidence that culture has a consistent impact on public service motivation. The results show that Swiss German public employees have a significantly higher level of public service motivation on the whole, while Swiss French public employees have a significantly lower level overall. Implications for theory development and future research are discussed.