988 resultados para Texture image


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This paper suggests an approach for finding an appropriate combination of various parameters for extracting texture features (e.g. choice of spectral band for extracting texture feature, size of the moving window, quantization level of the image, and choice of texture feature etc.) to be used in the classification process. Gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) method has been used for extracting texture from remotely sensed satellite image. Results of the classification of an Indian urban environment using spatial property (texture), derived from spectral and multi-resolution wavelet decomposed images have also been reported. A multivariate data analysis technique called ‘conjoint analysis’ has been used in the study to analyze the relative importance of these parameters. Results indicate that the choice of texture feature and window size have higher relative importance in the classification process than quantization level or the choice of image band for extracting texture feature. In case of texture features derived using wavelet decomposed image, the parameter ‘decomposition level’ has almost equal relative importance as the size of moving window and the decomposition of images up to level one is sufficient and there is no need to go for further decomposition. It was also observed that the classification incorporating texture features improves the overall classification accuracy in a statistically significant manner in comparison to pure spectral classification.


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The use of appropriate features to characterize an output class or object is critical for all classification problems. This paper evaluates the capability of several spectral and texture features for object-based vegetation classification at the species level using airborne high resolution multispectral imagery. Image-objects as the basic classification unit were generated through image segmentation. Statistical moments extracted from original spectral bands and vegetation index image are used as feature descriptors for image objects (i.e. tree crowns). Several state-of-art texture descriptors such as Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM), Local Binary Patterns (LBP) and its extensions are also extracted for comparison purpose. Support Vector Machine (SVM) is employed for classification in the object-feature space. The experimental results showed that incorporating spectral vegetation indices can improve the classification accuracy and obtained better results than in original spectral bands, and using moments of Ratio Vegetation Index obtained the highest average classification accuracy in our experiment. The experiments also indicate that the spectral moment features also outperform or can at least compare with the state-of-art texture descriptors in terms of classification accuracy.


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A good object representation or object descriptor is one of the key issues in object based image analysis. To effectively fuse color and texture as a unified descriptor at object level, this paper presents a novel method for feature fusion. Color histogram and the uniform local binary patterns are extracted from arbitrary-shaped image-objects, and kernel principal component analysis (kernel PCA) is employed to find nonlinear relationships of the extracted color and texture features. The maximum likelihood approach is used to estimate the intrinsic dimensionality, which is then used as a criterion for automatic selection of optimal feature set from the fused feature. The proposed method is evaluated using SVM as the benchmark classifier and is applied to object-based vegetation species classification using high spatial resolution aerial imagery. Experimental results demonstrate that great improvement can be achieved by using proposed feature fusion method.


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Vector field visualisation is one of the classic sub-fields of scientific data visualisation. The need for effective visualisation of flow data arises in many scientific domains ranging from medical sciences to aerodynamics. Though there has been much research on the topic, the question of how to communicate flow information effectively in real, practical situations is still largely an unsolved problem. This is particularly true for complex 3D flows. In this presentation we give a brief introduction and background to vector field visualisation and comment on the effectiveness of the most common solutions. We will then give some examples of current development on texture-based techniques, and given practical examples of their use in CFD research and hydrodynamic applications.


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The use of appropriate features to represent an output class or object is critical for all classification problems. In this paper, we propose a biologically inspired object descriptor to represent the spectral-texture patterns of image-objects. The proposed feature descriptor is generated from the pulse spectral frequencies (PSF) of a pulse coupled neural network (PCNN), which is invariant to rotation, translation and small scale changes. The proposed method is first evaluated in a rotation and scale invariant texture classification using USC-SIPI texture database. It is further evaluated in an application of vegetation species classification in power line corridor monitoring using airborne multi-spectral aerial imagery. The results from the two experiments demonstrate that the PSF feature is effective to represent spectral-texture patterns of objects and it shows better results than classic color histogram and texture features.


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Facial expression recognition (FER) algorithms mainly focus on classification into a small discrete set of emotions or representation of emotions using facial action units (AUs). Dimensional representation of emotions as continuous values in an arousal-valence space is relatively less investigated. It is not fully known whether fusion of geometric and texture features will result in better dimensional representation of spontaneous emotions. Moreover, the performance of many previously proposed approaches to dimensional representation has not been evaluated thoroughly on publicly available databases. To address these limitations, this paper presents an evaluation framework for dimensional representation of spontaneous facial expressions using texture and geometric features. SIFT, Gabor and LBP features are extracted around facial fiducial points and fused with FAP distance features. The CFS algorithm is adopted for discriminative texture feature selection. Experimental results evaluated on the publicly accessible NVIE database demonstrate that fusion of texture and geometry does not lead to a much better performance than using texture alone, but does result in a significant performance improvement over geometry alone. LBP features perform the best when fused with geometric features. Distributions of arousal and valence for different emotions obtained via the feature extraction process are compared with those obtained from subjective ground truth values assigned by viewers. Predicted valence is found to have a more similar distribution to ground truth than arousal in terms of covariance or Bhattacharya distance, but it shows a greater distance between the means.


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Unusual event detection in crowded scenes remains challenging because of the diversity of events and noise. In this paper, we present a novel approach for unusual event detection via sparse reconstruction of dynamic textures over an overcomplete basis set, with the dynamic texture described by local binary patterns from three orthogonal planes (LBPTOP). The overcomplete basis set is learnt from the training data where only the normal items observed. In the detection process, given a new observation, we compute the sparse coefficients using the Dantzig Selector algorithm which was proposed in the literature of compressed sensing. Then the reconstruction errors are computed, based on which we detect the abnormal items. Our application can be used to detect both local and global abnormal events. We evaluate our algorithm on UCSD Abnormality Datasets for local anomaly detection, which is shown to outperform current state-of-the-art approaches, and we also get promising results for rapid escape detection using the PETS2009 dataset.


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Complex flow datasets are often difficult to represent in detail using traditional vector visualisation techniques such as arrow plots and streamlines. This is particularly true when the flow regime changes in time. Texture-based techniques, which are based on the advection of dense textures, are novel techniques for visualising such flows (i.e., complex dynamics and time-dependent). In this paper, we review two popular texture-based techniques and their application to flow datasets sourced from real research projects. The texture-based techniques investigated were Line Integral Convolution (LIC), and Image-Based Flow Visualisation (IBFV). We evaluated these techniques and in this paper report on their visualisation effectiveness (when compared with traditional techniques), their ease of implementation, and their computational overhead.


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Detailed representations of complex flow datasets are often difficult to generate using traditional vector visualisation techniques such as arrow plots and streamlines. This is particularly true when the flow regime changes in time. Texture-based techniques, which are based on the advection of dense textures, are novel techniques for visualising such flows. We review two popular texture based techniques and their application to flow datasets sourced from active research projects. The techniques investigated were Line integral convolution (LIC) [1], and Image based flow visualisation (IBFV) [18]. We evaluated these and report on their effectiveness from a visualisation perspective. We also report on their ease of implementation and computational overheads.


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We applied a texture-based flow visualisation technique to a numerical hydrodynamic model of the Pumicestone Passage in southeast Queensland, Australia. The quality of the visualisations using our flow visualisation tool, are compared with animations generated using more traditional drogue release plot and velocity contour and vector techniques. The texture-based method is found to be far more effective in visualising advective flow within the model domain. In some instances, it also makes it easier for the researcher to identify specific hydrodynamic features within the complex flow regimes of this shallow tidal barrier estuary as compared with the direct and geometric based methods.


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The rapid growth of visual information on Web has led to immense interest in multimedia information retrieval (MIR). While advancement in MIR systems has achieved some success in specific domains, particularly the content-based approaches, general Web users still struggle to find the images they want. Despite the success in content-based object recognition or concept extraction, the major problem in current Web image searching remains in the querying process. Since most online users only express their needs in semantic terms or objects, systems that utilize visual features (e.g., color or texture) to search images create a semantic gap which hinders general users from fully expressing their needs. In addition, query-by-example (QBE) retrieval imposes extra obstacles for exploratory search because users may not always have the representative image at hand or in mind when starting a search (i.e. the page zero problem). As a result, the majority of current online image search engines (e.g., Google, Yahoo, and Flickr) still primarily use textual queries to search. The problem with query-based retrieval systems is that they only capture users’ information need in terms of formal queries;; the implicit and abstract parts of users’ information needs are inevitably overlooked. Hence, users often struggle to formulate queries that best represent their needs, and some compromises have to be made. Studies of Web search logs suggest that multimedia searches are more difficult than textual Web searches, and Web image searching is the most difficult compared to video or audio searches. Hence, online users need to put in more effort when searching multimedia contents, especially for image searches. Most interactions in Web image searching occur during query reformulation. While log analysis provides intriguing views on how the majority of users search, their search needs or motivations are ultimately neglected. User studies on image searching have attempted to understand users’ search contexts in terms of users’ background (e.g., knowledge, profession, motivation for search and task types) and the search outcomes (e.g., use of retrieved images, search performance). However, these studies typically focused on particular domains with a selective group of professional users. General users’ Web image searching contexts and behaviors are little understood although they represent the majority of online image searching activities nowadays. We argue that only by understanding Web image users’ contexts can the current Web search engines further improve their usefulness and provide more efficient searches. In order to understand users’ search contexts, a user study was conducted based on university students’ Web image searching in News, Travel, and commercial Product domains. The three search domains were deliberately chosen to reflect image users’ interests in people, time, event, location, and objects. We investigated participants’ Web image searching behavior, with the focus on query reformulation and search strategies. Participants’ search contexts such as their search background, motivation for search, and search outcomes were gathered by questionnaires. The searching activity was recorded with participants’ think aloud data for analyzing significant search patterns. The relationships between participants’ search contexts and corresponding search strategies were discovered by Grounded Theory approach. Our key findings include the following aspects: - Effects of users' interactive intents on query reformulation patterns and search strategies - Effects of task domain on task specificity and task difficulty, as well as on some specific searching behaviors - Effects of searching experience on result expansion strategies A contextual image searching model was constructed based on these findings. The model helped us understand Web image searching from user perspective, and introduced a context-aware searching paradigm for current retrieval systems. A query recommendation tool was also developed to demonstrate how users’ query reformulation contexts can potentially contribute to more efficient searching.


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Purpose Videokeratoscopy images can be used for the non-invasive assessment of the tear film. In this work the applicability of an image processing technique, textural-analysis, for the assessment of the tear film in Placido disc images has been investigated. Methods In the presence of tear film thinning/break-up, the reflected pattern from the videokeratoscope is disturbed in the region of tear film disruption. Thus, the Placido pattern carries information about the stability of the underlying tear film. By characterizing the pattern regularity, the tear film quality can be inferred. In this paper, a textural features approach is used to process the Placido images. This method provides a set of texture features from which an estimate of the tear film quality can be obtained. The method is tested for the detection of dry eye in a retrospective dataset from 34 subjects (22-normal and 12-dry eye), with measurements taken under suppressed blinking conditions. Results To assess the capability of each texture-feature to discriminate dry eye from normal subjects, the receiver operating curve (ROC) was calculated and the area under the curve (AUC), specificity and sensitivity extracted. For the different features examined, the AUC value ranged from 0.77 to 0.82, while the sensitivity typically showed values above 0.9 and the specificity showed values around 0.6. Overall, the estimated ROCs indicate that the proposed technique provides good discrimination performance. Conclusions Texture analysis of videokeratoscopy images is applicable to study tear film anomalies in dry eye subjects. The proposed technique appears to have demonstrated its clinical relevance and utility.


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Real-time image analysis and classification onboard robotic marine vehicles, such as AUVs, is a key step in the realisation of adaptive mission planning for large-scale habitat mapping in previously unexplored environments. This paper describes a novel technique to train, process, and classify images collected onboard an AUV used in relatively shallow waters with poor visibility and non-uniform lighting. The approach utilises Förstner feature detectors and Laws texture energy masks for image characterisation, and a bag of words approach for feature recognition. To improve classification performance we propose a usefulness gain to learn the importance of each histogram component for each class. Experimental results illustrate the performance of the system in characterisation of a variety of marine habitats and its ability to operate onboard an AUV's main processor suitable for real-time mission planning.


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This paper describes a texture recognition based method for segmenting kelp from images collected in highly dynamic shallow water environments by an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). A particular challenge is image quality that is affected by uncontrolled lighting, reduced visibility, significantly varying perspective due to platform egomotion, and kelp sway from wave action. The kelp segmentation approach uses the Mahalanobis distance as a way to classify Haralick texture features from sub-regions within an image. The results illustrate the applicability of the method to classify kelp allowing construction of probability maps of kelp masses across a sequence of images.