996 resultados para Test reproducibility
The semi-structured diagnostic interview for genetic studies (DIGS) was developed to assess major mood and psychotic disorders and their spectrum manifestations in genetic studies. Our research group developed a French version of the DIGS and tested its inter-rater and test-retest reliability in psychiatric patients. In this article, we present estimates of the reliability of substance use and antisocial personality disorders. High kappa coefficients for inter-rater reliability were found for drug and alcohol as well as antisocial personality diagnoses and slightly lower kappas for test-retest reliability. Combined with evidence of the reliability of major mood and psychotic disorders, these findings support the suitability of the DIGS for studies of familial aggregation and comorbidity of psychiatric disorders including substance use and antisocial personality disorders.
Endothelial cell release of nitric oxide (NO) is a defining characteristic of nondiseased arteries, and abnormal endothelial NO release is both a marker of early atherosclerosis and a predictor of its progression and future events. Healthy coronaries respond to endothelial-dependent stressors with vasodilatation and increased coronary blood flow (CBF), but those with endothelial dysfunction respond with paradoxical vasoconstriction and reduced CBF. Recently, coronary MRI and isometric handgrip exercise (IHE) were reported to noninvasively quantify coronary endothelial function (CEF). However, it is not known whether the coronary response to IHE is actually mediated by NO and/or whether it is reproducible over weeks. To determine the contribution of NO, we studied the coronary response to IHE before and during infusion of N(G)-monomethyl-l-arginine (l-NMMA, 0.3 mg·kg(-1)·min(-1)), a NO-synthase inhibitor, in healthy volunteers. For reproducibility, we performed two MRI-IHE studies ∼8 wk apart in healthy subjects and patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Changes from rest to IHE in coronary cross-sectional area (%CSA) and diastolic CBF (%CBF) were quantified. l-NMMA completely blocked normal coronary vasodilation during IHE [%CSA, 12.9 ± 2.5 (mean ± SE, placebo) vs. -0.3 ± 1.6% (l-NMMA); P < 0.001] and significantly blunted the increase in flow [%CBF, 47.7 ± 6.4 (placebo) vs. 10.6 ± 4.6% (l-NMMA); P < 0.001]. MRI-IHE measures obtained weeks apart strongly correlated for CSA (P < 0.0001) and CBF (P < 0.01). In conclusion, the normal human coronary vasoactive response to IHE is primarily mediated by NO. This noninvasive, reproducible MRI-IHE exam of NO-mediated CEF promises to be useful for studying CAD pathogenesis in low-risk populations and for evaluating translational strategies designed to alter CAD in patients.
Group A Rotavirus (RVA) is one of the most common causes of diarrhea in humans and several animal species. A SYBR-Green Real-Time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed to diagnose RVA from porcine fecal samples, targeting amplification of a 137-bp fragment of nonstructural protein 5 (NSP5) gene using mRNA of bovine NADH-desidrogenase-5 as exogenous internal control. Sixty-five samples were tested (25 tested positive for conventional PCR and genetic sequencing). The overall agreement (kappa) was 0.843, indicating 'very good' concordance between tests, presenting 100% of relative sensitivity (25+ Real Time PCR/25+ Conventional PCR) and 87.5% of relative sensitivity (35- Real Time PCR/40- Conventional PCR). The results also demonstrated high intra- and inter-assay reproducibility (coefficient of variation ≤1.42%); thus, this method proved to be a fast and sensitive approach for the diagnosis of RVA in pigs.
Heart rate variability (HRV) provides important information about cardiac autonomic modulation. Since it is a noninvasive and inexpensive method, HRV has been used to evaluate several parameters of cardiovascular health. However, the internal reproducibility of this method has been challenged in some studies. Our aim was to determine the intra-individual reproducibility of HRV parameters in short-term recordings obtained in supine and orthostatic positions. Electrocardiographic (ECG) recordings were obtained from 30 healthy subjects (20-49 years, 14 men) using a digital apparatus (sampling ratio = 250 Hz). ECG was recorded for 10 min in the supine position and for 10 min in the orthostatic position. The procedure was repeated 2-3 h later. Time and frequency domain analyses were performed. Frequency domain included low (LF, 0.04-0.15 Hz) and high frequency (HF, 0.15-0.4 Hz) bands. Power spectral analysis was performed by the autoregressive method and model order was set at 16. Intra-subject agreement was assessed by linear regression analysis, test of difference in variances and limits of agreement. Most HRV measures (pNN50, RMSSD, LF, HF, and LF/HF ratio) were reproducible independent of body position. Better correlation indexes (r > 0.6) were obtained in the orthostatic position. Bland-Altman plots revealed that most values were inside the agreement limits, indicating concordance between measures. Only SDNN and NNv in the supine position were not reproducible. Our results showed reproducibility of HRV parameters when recorded in the same individual with a short time between two exams. The increased sympathetic activity occurring in the orthostatic position probably facilitates reproducibility of the HRV indexes.
Introducción La mutación genética Val30Met de la proteína transtiretina (TTR) es causante de la polineuropatía amiloidótica familiar, comprometiendo en fases iniciales las fibras nerviosas pequeñas (mielinizadas Aδ y amielínicas tipo C), involucradas en funciones autonómicas, nocicepción, percepción térmica y sudoración. Los métodos neurofisiológicos convencionales, no logran detectar dichas anormalidades, retardando el inicio de tratamientos específicos para la enfermedad. Metodología El objetivo principal fue evaluar el test de cuantificación sensitiva (QST) como método de detección temprana de anormalidades de fibra pequeña, en individuos Val30Met, seguidos en el Hospital Universitario Santa María, Lisboa. Se clasificaron los pacientes en 3 grupos, según sintomatología y examen neurológico. Se analizaron los umbrales para percepción de frío, dolor con el calor y vibración en los grupos, en correlación con controles sanos. Resultados 18 registros de controles sanos y 33 de individuos con la mutación, divididos en asintomáticos (24,2%), sintomáticos con examen neurológico normal (42,4%) y sintomáticos con examen neurológico anormal (33,3%). No se encontraron diferencias entre los pacientes asintomáticos y los controles. Los umbrales para frío (p=0,042) y en el dolor intermedio con el calor (HP 5) (p=0,007) se encuentran elevados en individuos Val30Met sintomáticos con examen normal. En los pacientes sintomáticos con alteraciones al examen, también se presentaron alteraciones en el intervalo entre el inicio y el dolor intermedio con el calor (HP 5-0,5) (p=0,009). Discusión Los umbrales de frío y de percepción de dolor con el calor, permiten detectar anormalidades en personas con la mutación TTR Val30Met, sintomáticos, incluyendo aquellos sin cambios objetivos al examen neurológico.
El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una prueba de validez diagnostica del test neural 1 para el diagnóstico del Síndrome de Túnel del Carpo (STC) utilizando como prueba de referencia o de oro el test de conducción nerviosa. En este estudio participaron 115 sujetos, 230 manos con sospecha clínica de STC quienes fueron evaluados con el test de conducción nerviosa y el test neural 1. Se encontró una sensibilidad del 93.0% (IC 95%:88,21-96,79) y una especificidad del 6,67% (IC 95%:0,0-33,59), razón de verosimilitud positiva fue de 1,00 y razón de verosimilitud negativa de 1,05. Valor predictivo positivo de 86,9% y un valor predictivo negativo de 12,5%. Se concluye que el test neural 1 es una prueba clínica de alta sensibilidad y baja especificidad de gran utilidad para el monitoreo e identificación del STC. Es un procedimiento para el diagnóstico clínico de bajo costo que puede incluirse en los exámenes de rutina de los trabajadores como complemento a las pruebas clínicas sugeridas por las Gatiso para dar mayor precisión a la identificación temprana del STC. Se sugiere combinarla con otros test de mayor especificidad para ser aplicada en trabajadores en condiciones de riesgo o que presenten síntomas en miembros superiores y realizar otros estudios en donde participen sujetos sin diagnóstico clínico del STC.
Existen importantes pruebas de valoración que miden habilidades o competencias motoras en el niño; a pesar de ello Colombia carece de estudios que demuestren la validez y la confiabilidad de un test de medición que permita emitir un juicio valorativo relacionado con las competencias motoras infantiles, teniendo presente que la intervención debe basarse en la rigurosidad que exigen los procesos de valoración y evaluación del movimiento corporal. Objetivo. El presente estudio se centró en determinar las propiedades psicométricas del test de competencias motoras Bruininiks Oseretsky –BOT 2- segunda edición. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó una evaluación de pruebas diagnósticas con 24 niños aparentemente sanos de ambos géneros, entre 4 y 7 años, residentes en las ciudades de Chía y Bogotá. La evaluación fue realizada por 3 evaluadores expertos; el análisis para consistencia interna se realizó utilizando el Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach, el análisis de reproducibilidad se estableció a través del Coeficiente de Correlación Intraclase –CCI- y para el análisis de la validez concurrente se utilizó el Coeficiente de Correlación de Pearson, considerando un alfa=0.05. Resultados. Para la totalidad de las pruebas, se encontraron altos índices de confiabilidad y validez. Conclusiones. El BOT 2 es un instrumento válido y confiable, que puede ser utilizado para la evaluación e identificación del nivel de desarrollo en que se encuentran las competencias motoras en el niño.
Background: Advances in nutritional assessment are continuing to embrace developments in computer technology. The online Food4Me food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was created as an electronic system for the collection of nutrient intake data. To ensure its accuracy in assessing both nutrient and food group intake, further validation against data obtained using a reliable, but independent, instrument and assessment of its reproducibility are required. Objective: The aim was to assess the reproducibility and validity of the Food4Me FFQ against a 4-day weighed food record (WFR). Methods: Reproducibility of the Food4Me FFQ was assessed using test-retest methodology by asking participants to complete the FFQ on 2 occasions 4 weeks apart. To assess the validity of the Food4Me FFQ against the 4-day WFR, half the participants were also asked to complete a 4-day WFR 1 week after the first administration of the Food4Me FFQ. Level of agreement between nutrient and food group intakes estimated by the repeated Food4Me FFQ and the Food4Me FFQ and 4-day WFR were evaluated using Bland-Altman methodology and classification into quartiles of daily intake. Crude unadjusted correlation coefficients were also calculated for nutrient and food group intakes. Results: In total, 100 people participated in the assessment of reproducibility (mean age 32, SD 12 years), and 49 of these (mean age 27, SD 8 years) also took part in the assessment of validity. Crude unadjusted correlations for repeated Food4Me FFQ ranged from .65 (vitamin D) to .90 (alcohol). The mean cross-classification into “exact agreement plus adjacent” was 92% for both nutrient and food group intakes, and Bland-Altman plots showed good agreement for energy-adjusted macronutrient intakes. Agreement between the Food4Me FFQ and 4-day WFR varied, with crude unadjusted correlations ranging from .23 (vitamin D) to .65 (protein, % total energy) for nutrient intakes and .11 (soups, sauces and miscellaneous foods) to .73 (yogurts) for food group intake. The mean cross-classification into “exact agreement plus adjacent” was 80% and 78% for nutrient and food group intake, respectively. There were no significant differences between energy intakes estimated using the Food4Me FFQ and 4-day WFR, and Bland-Altman plots showed good agreement for both energy and energy-controlled nutrient intakes. Conclusions: The results demonstrate that the online Food4Me FFQ is reproducible for assessing nutrient and food group intake and has moderate agreement with the 4-day WFR for assessing energy and energy-adjusted nutrient intakes. The Food4Me FFQ is a suitable online tool for assessing dietary intake in healthy adults.
The aim of this in vitro study was to assess the influence of varying examiner's clinical experience on the reproducibility and accuracy of radiographic examination for occlusal caries detection. Standardized bitewing radiographs were obtained from 166 permanent molars. Radiographic examination was performed by final-year dental students from two universities (A, n=5; B, n=5) and by dentists with 5 to 7 years of experience who work in two different countries (C, n=5; D, n=5). All examinations were repeated after 1-week interval. The teeth were histologically prepared and assessed for caries extension. For intraexaminer reproducibility, the unweighted kappa values were: A (0.11-0.40), B (0.12-0.33), C (0.47-0.58), and D (0.42-0.71). Interexaminer reproducibility statistics were computed based on means +/- SD of unweighted kappa values: A (0.07 +/- 0.05), B (0.12 +/- 0.09), C (0.24 +/- 0.08), and D (0.33 +/- 0.10). Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were calculated at D(1) and D(3) thresholds and compared by performing McNemar test (p=0.05). D(1) sensitivity ranged between 0.29 and 0.75 and specificity between 0.24 and 0.85. D(3) specificity was moderate to high (between 0.62 and 0.95) for all groups, with statistically significant difference between the dentists groups (C and D). Sensitivity was low to moderate (between 0.21 and 0.57) with statistically significant difference for groups B and D. Accuracy was similar for all groups (0.55). Spearman's correlations were: A (0.12), B (0.24), C (0.30), and D (0.38). In conclusion, the reproducibility of radiographic examination was influenced by the examiner's clinical experience, training, and dental education as well as the accuracy in detecting occlusal caries.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a dip slide test for mutans streptococci in caries risk assessment, when the microbiological results were compared to well-defined clinical criteria (DCC) for caries risk, clinically measured through high and low caries activity. Eighty-one volunteers from the 6(th) to 8(th) grades from public schools of Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil, were evaluated for dental caries. All free smooth surfaces were evaluated to check whether or not there were white spots. Based on the subjects' caries experience, a calibrated clinician divided them into groups of high and low caries activity. The subjects were submitted to a salivary test (CARITEST SM (R)) from the same batch number. Kappa statistics (kappa) were applied to verify the reproducibility of the simplified test, checked through interexaminer agreement when the results were classified by independent and blind means. The microbiological results were validated according to expressions of sensitivity and specificity. A moderate agreement was verified as the results were classified according to 6 scores (kappa =0.55), and the agreement was substantial when the results were classified according to high and low microbiological count (kappa =0.78). The sensitivity and specificity values were 0.59 and 0.85, respectively, showing that the test was more specific than sensitive, and could thus better identify the low caries risk subjects.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The reproducibility of measurements of alveolar bone loss on radiographs may be a problem on epidemiologic studies, as they are based on comparisons of the diagnosis of various examiners. The aim of the present research paper was to assess the inter- and intra-examiner reproducibility of measurements of the interproximal alveolar bone loss on non-manipulated digital radiographs and after the application of image filters. Five Oral Radiologists measured the distance between the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) to the alveolar crest or to the deepest point of the bony defect on 12 interproximal digital radiographs of molars and bicuspids of a dry human skull. The digital manipulation and the linear measurements were obtained with the Trophy Windows software (Throphy®). For each image, six different versions were created: 1) non-manipulated; 2) bright-contrast adjustment; 3) negative; 4) negative with brightness-contrast adjustment; 5) pseudo-colored; 6) pseudo-colored with brightness-contrast adjustment. In order to prevent interpretation bias because of the repetition of measurements, the examiners measured the radiographs in a random sequence. The two-way ANOVA test at 5% level of significance to compare the means of readings of the same operator with each filter indicated p<0.05 for the majority of operators, while the comparison between the mean values of operators using the same filter indicated p>0.05 for all filters. Based on the results, we concluded that linear measurements of interproximal alveolar bone loss on digital radiographs are highly reproducible among examiners. Nevertheless, the application of image filters significantly influenced the degree of intra-examiner reproducibility. Some filters even reduced the reproducibility of intra-examiner readings.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This research aims to present a new method to get real attenuation of hearing protection devices, with good reproducibility and a small standard deviation, without relying on skills and cooperation individual. Thus the authors performed tests in 10 individuals without protection and after with two kinds of ear protections (ear plug and ear muffs), to get the threshold limit value in each of the 3 stages. For this, the research used an electrophysical exam, normally used in speech therapy, named ASSR (auditory steady-state response). The principle of this exam is put on individual’s head 3 electrodes, to capture electrical signs directly in auditory nerve. In summary, the authors presented the final results. The method proposed by ANSI (American National Standards Institute) indicated an attenuation of 27.6 dB for ear plugs, while the value found in this work was 16 dB; and for ear muffs, the ANSI method indicated 29.8 dB while the value found here was 28.5 dB.
Objective The present study aimed to examine the reproducibility of heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) values obtained during different incremental treadmill tests. Equipment and methods Twenty male, recreational, endurance-trained runners (10-km running pace: 10–15 km·h−1) performed, in a counterbalanced order, three continuous incremental exercise tests with different speed increments (0.5 km·h−1, 1 km·h−1 and 2 km·h−1). Thereafter, each participant performed the three tests again, maintaining the same order as before. The reproducibility of the HR and RPE values were analyzed for all protocols during submaximal intensities (8, 10, 12, and 14 km·h−1). In addition, it was examined the reproducibility of maximal HR (HRmax) and peak RPE (RPEpeak). Results The variability of both the HR and RPE values showed a tendency to decrease over the stages during the incremental test and was not or slightly influenced by the incremental test design. The HR at 14 km·h−1 and HRmax presented the highest reproducibility (CV < 2%). In contrast, the submaximal RPE values showed higher variability indices (i.e., CV > 5.0%). In conclusion, the HR values were highly reproducible during the stages of the incremental test, in contrast to the RPE values that presented limited reproducibility.