844 resultados para Tax revenues


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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In present article, we present reflections on the process of closing public schools in the countryside in Brazil. Through bibliographical survey, as well as documental research, we carried out a retrospective analysis of the historical moment in which the implementation of policies of mass education directed to people living in rural areas occurs. We have also sought to raise socio-political-economic aspects of the moment in which the process of closing these schools is intensified. The results obtained suggest possible implications of this closure policy, in addition to indicating some of the challenges posed to the public policy of education in the country; for example, the Brazilian federal context and the budget limitations imposed to subnational governments with regard to the funding of school education, particularly in relation to small municipalities and/or municipalities with low tax revenues. This situation quite often occurs because these municipalities present reduced budgets, depending largely on transfers of financial resources from other spheres of the Government, either federal or state, the so-called intergovernmental budgetary transfers; namely, the Municipalities Participation Fund. Such issues demand the resumption of debates about the federative pact, in particular with regard to fiscal federalism, given that the financial capacity of each subnational government is crucial to the implementation of educational policies.


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The tourism spending like other activities has direct and secondary effects on the economy, and presents complex interaction with other activities deserving a special treatment for measuring its contribution to the global result of production and consumption. In this paper, it is used the Money Generation Model to measure the global economic impact of tourism sales in Ouro Preto, this method is not so limited by the data and it is able to produce good approximations to reality. It was not possible to adopt the WTO methodology due to data limitation. The results revealed the real importance of tourism for Ouro Preto, representing up to 10.4% of GDP in 2002, up to 21.8% of tax revenues in 2004, and approximately 11% of the region’s population in 2002 was related to tourism sales. Some actions can be outlined from these results in order to illustrate the current economic reality of the tourism in Ouro Preto. It is also possible to improve the tourist planning accomplished by the local City Hall in a coherent way with the economic results generated by the tourism.


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[ES] En los años 1840-1865, el abordaje gubernamental del consumo de bebidas embriagantes transitó desde una perspectiva en que predominaba la visión de la moral pública, escandalizada por los excesos en la embriaguez, hacia otra en la que se impuso la necesidad de maximizar los ingresos fiscales derivados de la fabricación y venta de aguardiente y chicha. Este giro tiene como telón de fondo el tránsito del monopolio estatal de ambas bebidas al ámbito privado y la defensa que los pueblos de indios hicieron de su consumo, en un momento de transición social y económica hacia el Estado agroexportador cafetalero.


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Le ragioni della delocalizzazione sono molteplici e di differente natura. Si delocalizza, in primo luogo, per ragioni di stampo economico, finanziario eccetera, ma questa spinta naturale alla delocalizzazione è controbilanciata, sul piano strettamente tributario, dall’esigenza di preservare il gettito e da quella di controllare la genuinità della delocalizzazione medesima. E’ dunque sul rapporto tra “spinte delocalizzative” dell’impresa, da un lato, ed esigenze “conservative” del gettito pubblico, dall’altro, che si intende incentrare il presente lavoro. Ciò alla luce del fatto che gli strumenti messi in campo dallo Stato al fine di contrastare la delocalizzazione (più o meno) artificiosa delle attività economiche devono fare i conti con i principi comunitari introdotti con il Trattato di Roma e tratteggiati negli anni dalla giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia. In quest’ottica, la disciplina delle CFC costituisce un ottimo punto di partenza per guardare ai fenomeni di produzione transnazionale della ricchezza e agli schemi di ordine normativo preposti alla tassazione di codesta ricchezza. Ed infatti, le norme sulle CFC non fanno altro che omogeneizzare un sistema che, altrimenti, sarebbe lasciato alla libera iniziativa degli uffici fiscali. Tale “normalizzazione”, peraltro, giustifica le esigenze di apertura che sono incanalate nella disciplina degli interpelli disapplicativi. Con specifico riferimento alla normativa CFC, assumono particolare rilievo la libertà di stabilimento ed il principio di proporzionalità anche nella prospettiva del divieto di abuso del diritto. L’analisi dunque verterà sulla normativa CFC italiana con l’intento di comprendere se codesta normativa, nelle sue diverse sfaccettature, possa determinare situazioni di contrasto con i principi comunitari. Ciò anche alla luce delle recenti modifiche introdotte dal legislatore con il d.l. 78/2009 in un quadro normativo sempre più orientato a combattere le delocalizzazioni meramente fittizie.


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Tax planners often choose debt over equity financing. As this has led to increased corporate debt financing, many countries have introduced thin capitalization rules to secure their tax revenues. In a general capital structure model we analyze if thin capitalization rules affect dividend and financing decisions, and whether they can partially explain why corporations receive both debt and equity capital. We model the Belgian, German and Italian rules as examples. We find that the so-called Miller equilibrium and definite financing effects depend significantly on the underlying tax system. Further, our results are useful for the treasury to decide what thin capitalization type to implement.


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Regional and rural development policies in Europe increasingly emphasize entrepreneurship to mobilize the endogenous economic potential of rural territories. This study develops a concept to quantify entrepreneurship as place-dependent local potential to examine its impact on the local economic performance of rural territories in Switzerland. The short-to-medium-term impact of entrepreneurship on the economic performance of 1706 rural municipalities in Switzerland is assessed by applying three spatial random effects models. Results suggest a generally positive relationship between entrepreneurship and local development: rural municipalities with higher entrepreneurial potential generally show higher business tax revenues per capita and a lower share of social welfare cases among the population, although the impact on local employment is less clear. The explanatory power of entrepreneurship in all three models, however, was only moderate. This finding suggests that political expectations of fostering entrepreneurship to boost endogenous rural development in the short-to-medium term should be damped.


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In Switzerland, there are 26 systems of cantonal decentralisation because regulating municipal autonomy is an exclusively cantonal competency. Existing measures of local autonomy/cantonal decentralisation are confined to measuring the real or perceived distribution of functions. Alternatively, they weigh expenditures (Dafflon 1992) or tax revenues (Dlabac and Schaub forthcoming) of municipalities against those of the canton. Complementing these indices, this paper additionally measures the politics dimension of cantonal decentralisation. Seven aspects are measured: intra-cantonal regionalism, cumuldesmandats (double tenure of cantonal MP and mayoral office), territorial quotas for legislative and executive elections, direct local representation and lobbying, party decentralisation, the number and size of constituencies, and direct democracy (communal referendum and initiative). This results in a ranking of all 26 cantons as regards the politics of local autonomy within their political systems. The measure will help scholars to test assumptions held for decentralisation in general, be it as a dependent (explaining decentralisation) or as an independent variable (decentralisation—so what?), within but also beyond the Swiss context.


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In this paper we consider the case for assigning tax revenues to Scotland, by which we mean that taxes levied on Scottish tax bases should be returned to the Scottish budget. The budget, however, would continue to be supplemented by transfers from the Westminster budget. This arrangement differs from the current situation whereby public spending is largely financed by a bloc grant from Westminster. Our suggestion falls short of full fiscal federalism for Scotland . meaning that Scotland had control over choice of tax base and of tax rates, and fiscal transfers from Westminster would be minimal. We use propositions drawn from the theory of fiscal federalism to argue for a smaller vertical imbalance between taxes retained in Scotland and public spending in Scotland. A closer matching of spending with taxes would better signal to beneficiaries the true costs of public spending in terms of taxes raised. It would also create more complete incentives for politicians to provide public goods and services in quantities and at qualities that voters are actually willing to pay for. Under the current bloc grant system, the marginal tax cost of spending does not enter into political agents. calculations as spending is out of a fixed total budget. Moreover, the Scottish electorate is hindered in signaling its desire for local public goods and services since the size of the total budget is determined by a rigid formula set by Westminster. At the present time we reject proposals for full fiscal federalism because in sharply reducing vertical imbalance in the Scottish budget, it is likely to worsen horizontal balance between Scotland and the other UK regions. Horizontal balance occurs where similarly situated regions enjoy the same per capita level of public goods and services at the same per capita tax cost. The complete removal of the bloc grant under full fiscal federalism would remove the mechanism that currently promotes horizontal equity in the UK. Variability in own-source tax revenues creates other problems with full fiscal federalism. Taxes derived from North Sea oil would constitute a large proportion of Scottish taxes, but these are known to be volatile in the face of variable oil prices and the pound-dollar exchange rate. At the present time variability in oil tax revenue is absorbed by Westminster. Scotland is insulated through the bloc grant. This risk sharing mechanism would be lost with full fiscal federalism. It is true that Scotland could turn to financial markets to tide itself over oil tax revenue downturns, but as a much smaller and less diversified financial entity than the UK as a whole it would probably have to borrow on less favorable terms than can Westminster. Scotland would have to bear this extra cost itself. Also, with full fiscal federalism it is difficult to see how the Scottish budget could be used as a macroeconomic stabilizer. At present, tax revenue downturns in Scotland - together with the steady bloc grant - are absorbed through an increase in vertical imbalance. This acts as an automatic stabilizer for the Scottish economy. No such mechanism would exist under full fiscal federalism. The borrowing alternative would still exist but on the less favorable terms - as with borrowing to finance oil tax shortfalls.


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Este trabalho versa sobre a utilização do orçamento público como instrumento de intervenção no domínio econômico, demonstrando, em síntese, de que forma o Estado utiliza, ou ao menos deveria utilizar, o orçamento público como instrumento de planejamento de suas ações e de intervenção na atividade desempenhada pela iniciativa privada. Tem-se por objetivo contribuir para a compreensão jurídica de diversas questões atinentes à elaboração e execução da peça orçamentária federal, aos reflexos causados na economia e na atividade desempenhada pela iniciativa privada, especialmente no que toca à realização das receitas e despesas públicas, à elaboração das leis orçamentárias Plano Plurianual (PPA), Lei Orçamentária Anual (LOA) e Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias (LDO) e, também, aos interesses, às paixões e ideologias envolvidas em todo o processo financeiro. Para tanto, inicialmente, estuda o papel do Estado, distinguindo os campos de atuação privada e aquele reservado à Administração Pública, os modos de intervenção e aqueles aplicados à hipótese analisada, para, em seguida, proceder à análise da peça orçamentária, sua concepção atual e relevância para a iniciativa privada, o que possibilita, então, tratar de questões que envolvam as receitas públicas, em específico as tributárias e as despesas públicas. Por fim, trata do crédito público e, com isso, procura evidenciar de que forma, sob a ótica do orçamento público e nos limites legais de atuação do Estado, as previsões constantes do orçamento podem funcionar como instrumento de promoção, incentivo e estímulo, ou, em sentido contrário, limitar, frear ou desestimular o crescimento econômico e a atividade desenvolvida pela iniciativa privada.


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Bio-fuels such as ethanol provide an extraordinary opportunity to address our dependency on foreign oil. This case study examines the economic and environmental impacts associated with constructing and operating a dry mill ethanol manufacturing facility in a Southwest Georgia town and surrounding communities. The case study found that the plant had little impact on air quality, water quality, and habitat fragmentation. However, economic results showed the plant produced $1.5 million in tax revenues, and 86 jobs. Ethanol producers and communities must consider both the economic and environmental impacts on a local community when searching or attracting a bio-fuels plant. Likewise, communities should be aware of these challenges when attracting ethanol production plants.


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Online gambling is a fast growing service activity in the world - its economic significance is clearly shown by the high level of innovation by gambling operators all over the world, as well as by the increasing amount of tax revenues generated in those States that allow this activity. Nevertheless, states face many difficulties in controlling and regulating online gambling, given the specific nature of the Internet, and the never-ending quest by gamblers for new gaming websites that offer superior odds, a wider gaming variety, and greater bets combination. In this working paper, Dr Salvatore Casabona examines the legality of online gambling in the context of the European Union (EU), and discusses the Union's regulatory approach to online gambling, the lack of harmonisation and the issue of member state sovereignty at the crossroad of European Law on online gambling, and the potential for a new regulatory paradigm to emerge.