147 resultados para Takagi-sugeno
Este trabalho investiga uma estratégia de controle fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno aplicada ao controle de velocidade do motor de indução. A estratégia implementa uma interpolação ponderada entre um conjunto de controladores locais previamente projetados. Ao ocorrer variações nas condições operacionais do motor de indução, os ganhos da lei de controle são ajustados automaticamente, de modo a manter satisfatório o desempenho do sistema de controle. Para o projeto do controlador fuzzy a representação em espaço de estados da planta foi considerada sob a forma de um sistema aumentado, incluindo-se uma nova variável de estado que, nesse caso, foi selecionada como sendo a integral do erro de velocidade. Tal formulação permitiu o projeto de controladores locais com a estrutura PI, através de realimentação completa de estados, com posicionamento de pólos. Como variáveis de operação para o chaveamento fuzzy dos controladores locais, foram selecionados as variáveis velocidade angular do rotor e a componente da corrente de estator responsável pelo torque elétrico do motor. Em seguida, a estabilidade do controlador fuzzy Takagi- Sugeno projetado foi comprovada através do critério de Lyapunov, para isso o problema de estabilidade foi escrito na forma de LMIs. O desempenho do controlador fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno foi avaliado através de estudos de simulação, e seus resultados comparados ao desempenho de um controlador PI convencional, para a regulação da velocidade do rotor. Os resultados obtidos nas simulações mostram que o emprego da estratégia proposta torna o sistema mais robusto a variações paramétricas no sistema de acionamento.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
El objetivo de la presentación es dar a conocer los últimos trabajos del Grupo de Investigación sobre últimos trabajos del Grupo de Investigación sobre Control Borroso. • Obtención de modelos precisos de sistemas no lineales basados en sistemas borrosos – Mamdani – Takagi-Sugeno – Linealización • Generalización del método propuesto por T-S • Identificación iterativa basada en el Filtro de Kalman • Sistemas de control basados en el modelo TS obtenido – LQR
In this paper, a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) based variable structure control (VSC) is presented. The main objective is to obtain an improved performance of highly non-linear unstable systems. New functions for chattering reduction and error convergence without sacrificing invariant properties are proposed. The main feature of the proposed method is that the switching function is added as an additional fuzzy variable and will be introduced in the premise part of the fuzzy rules; together with the state variables. In this work, a tuning of the well known weighting parameters approach is proposed to optimize local and global approximation and modelling capability of the Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model to improve the choice of the performance index and minimize it. The main problem encountered is that the T-S identification method can not be applied when the membership functions are overlapped by pairs. This in turn restricts the application of the T-S method because this type of membership function has been widely used in control applications. The approach developed here can be considered as a generalized version of the T-S method. An inverted pendulum mounted on a cart is chosen to evaluate the robustness, effectiveness, accuracy and remarkable performance of the proposed estimation approach in comparison with the original T-S model. Simulation results indicate the potential, simplicity and generality of the estimation method and the robustness of the chattering reduction algorithm. In this paper, we prove that the proposed estimation algorithm converge the very fast, thereby making it very practical to use. The application of the proposed FLC-VSC shows that both alleviation of chattering and robust performance are achieved.
Automatic signature verification is a well-established and an active area of research with numerous applications such as bank check verification, ATM access, etc. This paper proposes a novel approach to the problem of automatic off-line signature verification and forgery detection. The proposed approach is based on fuzzy modeling that employs the Takagi-Sugeno (TS) model. Signature verification and forgery detection are carried out using angle features extracted from box approach. Each feature corresponds to a fuzzy set. The features are fuzzified by an exponential membership function involved in the TS model, which is modified to include structural parameters. The structural parameters are devised to take account of possible variations due to handwriting styles and to reflect moods. The membership functions constitute weights in the TS model. The optimization of the output of the TS model with respect to the structural parameters yields the solution for the parameters. We have also derived two TS models by considering a rule for each input feature in the first formulation (Multiple rules) and by considering a single rule for all input features in the second formulation. In this work, we have found that TS model with multiple rules is better than TS model with single rule for detecting three types of forgeries; random, skilled and unskilled from a large database of sample signatures in addition to verifying genuine signatures. We have also devised three approaches, viz., an innovative approach and two intuitive approaches using the TS model with multiple rules for improved performance. (C) 2004 Pattern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we present a new scheme for off-line recognition of multi-font numerals using the Takagi-Sugeno (TS) model. In this scheme, the binary image of a character is partitioned into a fixed number of sub-images called boxes. The features consist of normalized vector distances (gamma) from each box. Each feature extracted from different fonts gives rise to a fuzzy set. However, when we have a small number of fonts as in the case of multi-font numerals, the choice of a proper fuzzification function is crucial. Hence, we have devised a new fuzzification function involving parameters, which take account of the variations in the fuzzy sets. The new fuzzification function is employed in the TS model for the recognition of multi-font numerals.
El artículo aborda la identificación de parámetros borrosos mediante técnicas de optimización de enjambre de partículas (PSO) y su aplicación al control de un sistema de suspensión activa. En particular, se adopta un controlador de tipo Takagi-Sugeno de orden cero con partición diifusa estándar de sus antecedentes. A diferencia de trabajos previos, donde el aprendizaje se limitaba a los parámetros de escala del control, el método propuesto permite la optimización de los conjuntos borrosos de los antecedentes. La metodología propuesta se ha experimentado con éxito sobre un sistema físico de un cuarto de vehículo.
This paper introduces a new neurofuzzy model construction and parameter estimation algorithm from observed finite data sets, based on a Takagi and Sugeno (T-S) inference mechanism and a new extended Gram-Schmidt orthogonal decomposition algorithm, for the modeling of a priori unknown dynamical systems in the form of a set of fuzzy rules. The first contribution of the paper is the introduction of a one to one mapping between a fuzzy rule-base and a model matrix feature subspace using the T-S inference mechanism. This link enables the numerical properties associated with a rule-based matrix subspace, the relationships amongst these matrix subspaces, and the correlation between the output vector and a rule-base matrix subspace, to be investigated and extracted as rule-based knowledge to enhance model transparency. The matrix subspace spanned by a fuzzy rule is initially derived as the input regression matrix multiplied by a weighting matrix that consists of the corresponding fuzzy membership functions over the training data set. Model transparency is explored by the derivation of an equivalence between an A-optimality experimental design criterion of the weighting matrix and the average model output sensitivity to the fuzzy rule, so that rule-bases can be effectively measured by their identifiability via the A-optimality experimental design criterion. The A-optimality experimental design criterion of the weighting matrices of fuzzy rules is used to construct an initial model rule-base. An extended Gram-Schmidt algorithm is then developed to estimate the parameter vector for each rule. This new algorithm decomposes the model rule-bases via an orthogonal subspace decomposition approach, so as to enhance model transparency with the capability of interpreting the derived rule-base energy level. This new approach is computationally simpler than the conventional Gram-Schmidt algorithm for resolving high dimensional regression problems, whereby it is computationally desirable to decompose complex models into a few submodels rather than a single model with large number of input variables and the associated curse of dimensionality problem. Numerical examples are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed new algorithm.
Relaxed conditions for stability of nonlinear continuous-time systems given by fuzzy models axe presented. A theoretical analysis shows that the proposed method provides better or at least the same results of the methods presented in the literature. Digital simulations exemplify this fact. This result is also used for fuzzy regulators design. The nonlinear systems are represented by fuzzy models proposed by Takagi and Sugeno. The stability analysis and the design of controllers axe described by LMIs (Linear Matrix Inequalities), that can be solved efficiently using convex programming techniques.
Relaxed conditions for stability of nonlinear, continuous and discrete-time systems given by fuzzy models are presented. A theoretical analysis shows that the proposed methods provide better or at least the same results of the methods presented in the literature. Numerical results exemplify this fact. These results are also used for fuzzy regulators and observers designs. The nonlinear systems are represented by fuzzy models proposed by Takagi and Sugeno. The stability analysis and the design of controllers are described by linear matrix inequalities, that can be solved efficiently using convex programming techniques. The specification of the decay rate, constrains on control input and output are also discussed.
Relaxed conditions for the stability study of nonlinear, continuous and discrete-time systems given by fuzzy models are presented. A theoretical analysis shows that the proposed method provides better or at least the same results of the methods presented in the literature. Digital simulations exemplify this fact. These results are also used for the fuzzy regulators design. The nonlinear systems are represented by the fuzzy models proposed by Takagi and Sugeno. The stability analysis and the design of controllers are described by LMIs (Linear Matrix Inequalities), that can be solved efficiently by convex programming techniques. The specification of the decay rate, constraints on control input and output are also described by LMIs. Finally, the proposed design method is applied in the control of an inverted pendulum.
A complex iridium oxide β-Li_{2}IrO_{3} crystallizes in a hyperhoneycomb structure, a three-dimensional analogue of honeycomb lattice, and is found to be a spin-orbital Mott insulator with J_{eff}=1/2 moment. Ir ions are connected to the three neighboring Ir ions via Ir-O_{2}-Ir bonding planes, which very likely gives rise to bond-dependent ferromagnetic interactions between the J_{eff}=1/2 moments, an essential ingredient of Kitaev model with a spin liquid ground state. Dominant ferromagnetic interaction between J_{eff}=1/2 moments is indeed confirmed by the temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility χ(T) which shows a positive Curie-Weiss temperature θ_{CW}∼+40 K. A magnetic ordering with a very small entropy change, likely associated with a noncollinear arrangement of J_{eff}=1/2 moments, is observed at T_{c}=38 K. With the application of magnetic field to the ordered state, a large moment of more than 0.35 μ_{B}/Ir is induced above 3 T, a substantially polarized J_{eff}=1/2 state. We argue that the close proximity to ferromagnetism and the presence of large fluctuations evidence that the ground state of hyperhoneycomb β-Li_{2}IrO_{3} is located in close proximity of a Kitaev spin liquid.
The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has measured the invariant differential cross section for production of K(S)(0), omega, eta', and phi mesons in p + p collisions at root s 200 GeV. Measurements of omega and phi production in different decay channels give consistent results. New results for the omega are in agreement with previously published data and extend the measured p(T) coverage. The spectral shapes of all hadron transverse momentum distributions measured by PHENIX are well described by a Tsallis distribution functional form with only two parameters, n and T, determining the high-p(T) and characterizing the low-p(T) regions of the spectra, respectively. The values of these parameters are very similar for all analyzed meson spectra, but with a lower parameter T extracted for protons. The integrated invariant cross sections calculated from the fitted distributions are found to be consistent with existing measurements and with statistical model predictions.
The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has performed systematic measurements of phi meson production in the K(+)K(-) decay channel at midrapidity in p + p, d + Au, Cu + Cu, and Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. Results are presented on the phi invariant yield and the nuclear modification factor R(AA) for Au + Au and Cu + Cu, and R(dA) for d + Au collisions, studied as a function of transverse momentum (1 < p(T) < 7 GeV/c) and centrality. In central and midcentral Au + Au collisions, the R(AA) of phi exhibits a suppression relative to expectations from binary scaled p + p results. The amount of suppression is smaller than that of the pi(0) and the. in the intermediate p(T) range (2-5 GeV/c), whereas, at higher p(T), the phi, pi(0), and. show similar suppression. The baryon (proton and antiproton) excess observed in central Au + Au collisions at intermediate p(T) is not observed for the phi meson despite the similar masses of the proton and the phi. This suggests that the excess is linked to the number of valence quarks in the hadron rather than its mass. The difference gradually disappears with decreasing centrality, and, for peripheral collisions, the R(AA) values for both particle species are consistent with binary scaling. Cu + Cu collisions show the same yield and suppression as Au + Au collisions for the same number of N(part). The R(dA) of phi shows no evidence for cold nuclear effects within uncertainties.