951 resultados para Switch, the (poem)


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A challenge in designing a RF MEMS switch is the determination of its parameters to satisfy the application requirements. Often this is done through a set of comprehensive time consuming simulations. This paper employs neural networks and develops a supervised learner that is capable of determining S11 parameter for a RF MEMS shunt switch. The inputs are the length its L and the height of its gap. The outputs are S11s for eight different frequency points from 0 to V band. The developed learner helps prevent repetitive simulations when designing the specified switch. Simulation results are presented.


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This paper presents a wide band RF MEMS capacitive switch. The LC resonant frequency is reduced from mm wave to X band frequencies at down-state by using a meander type membrane, with the frequency band is being increased by adding two short high impedance lines at both ends of coplanar waveguide (CPW). Moreover, this acts as T-match circuit in up-state position and improves the matching. Simulation results demonstrate that the capacitance ratio reduces from 50 to 21.4, S21 and S11 are less than −10dB for the entire frequency band at down-state and up-state. Also, a comprehensive and complete electric model of the switch is proposed and simulation results agree well with the characteristics of the physical structure of the MEMS switch. Vpull-in and Vpull-out of this switch are 8.1V and 0.3V, respectively.


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Lamotrigine has emerged with a distinct place in the pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder, with the potential to treat and prevent bipolar depression, which is the dominant and arguably most disabling and under-treated phase of the illness. This review examines the published clinical trials of lamotrigine in bipolar treatment. While the data supports its tolerability and safety, the strongest evidence for its efficacy lies in the prevention of bipolar depression, with weaker evidence for the treatment of acute bipolar depression, refractory unipolar and bipolar depression, and rapid cycling bipolar disorder. The total number of published well designed trials is small, even the maintenance evidence is derived from two studies. However, this relative inadequacy compares favorably with the alternative treatment options for bipolar depression, which are marked by poor efficacy or risk of polarity switch. The designation of lamotrigine as first-line treatment for bipolar depression prophylaxis should be done in cognizance of this context, and it would seem prudent to await greater evidence of efficacy before designating lamotrigine as first-line treatment for other bipolar indications. Further randomized controlled trials are required to consolidate the available findings and to explore the boundaries of lamotrigine's efficacy, which may encompass the soft spectral disorders.


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The research focused on the design, fabrication and measurement of a low actuation voltage micro electro mechanical high frequency switch. The fabricated micro switch offers outstanding radio frequency parameters for a very large frequency band, with actuation voltage and switching time less than 20 volts and 3 micro seconds, respectively.


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A Fortran computer program is given for the computation of the adjusted average time to signal, or AATS, for adaptive (X) over bar charts with one, two, or all three design parameters variable: the sample size, n, the sampling interval, h, and the factor k used in determining the width of the action limits. The program calculates the threshold limit to switch the adaptive design parameters and also provides the in-control average time to signal, or ATS.


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A Fortran computer program is given for the computation of the adjusted average time to signal, or AATS, for adaptive X̄ charts with one, two, or all three design parameters variable: the sample size, n, the sampling interval, h, and the factor k used in determining the width of the action limits. The program calculates the threshold limit to switch the adaptive design parameters and also provides the in-control average time to signal, or ATS.


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Chronic liver inflammation during viral hepatitis is a major health problem worldwide. The role of proinflammatory cytokines, like IL-12, in breaking hepatic immune tolerance, and inducing acute liver inflammation and virus clearance is not clear. Nor is clear its role in uncontrolled severe inflammatory response, leading to fulminant hepatitis and hepatic failure. This work, focused in the study of the role of endogenous produced IL-12 in inducing hepatic inflammatory responses, demonstrates: In vitro, using adenovirus coding for IL-12, that hepatocytes stimulate CD4+ T cells in a tolerogenic manner, and that endogenous IL-12 is able to switch the immune response into Th1; and in vivo, that endogenous IL-12 induces hepatocyte damage and virus elimination in mice infected with adenovirus. In addition, and in order to study in vivo the relevance of IL-12 in acute inflammation, conditional IL-12 transgenic mice expressing IL-12 in the liver after cre-recombinase mediated induction were generated. For this purpose, an IL-12 fusion protein was created, which demonstrated high levels of bioactivity. Induction of IL-12 expression during embryonic development was achieved by crossbreeding with Act-Cre transgenic mice; induction of IL-12 expression in adult mice was achieved by a plasmid coding for the cre-recombinase. This study demonstrates that after induction, IL-12 is expressed in the liver of the transgenic mice. It also demonstrates that hepatic expression of IL-12 induces splenomegaly and liver inflammation, characterized by large infiltrations in portal tracts and veins, associated with hepatic damage, necrosis areas and lethality. Furthermore, constitutive hepatic IL-12 expression does not lead to abortion, but to total lethality, short after delivery. In conclusion, in this study, a transgenic mouse model has been generated, in which the expression of active IL-12 in the liver can be induced at any time; this model will be very helpful for studying hepatic pathologies. This study has also demonstrated that hepatic produced IL-12 is able of breaking liver tolerance inducing inflammation, virus elimination, severe hepatocyte damage, and lethality. These findings suggest IL-12 as a key cytokine in acute liver inflammation and fulminant hepatic failure. 5.1 Future studies Once the importance of IL-12 in inducing hepatic inflammation and virus elimination was demonstrated in this study, understanding the mechanisms of the IL-12 induced liver damage, and more important, how to avoid it will be the main focus in the future. It is very important to achieve hepatic inflammation for a more effective and faster viral elimination, but avoiding the toxicity of IL-12, which leads to massive liver injury and lethality is obviously necessary to allow IL-12 as therapy. For that purpose, future studies will be mainly base on three different points: 1. The determination of different cell populations present in the hepatic infiltration, which of them are responsible for liver injury, and as well their state of activation. 2. The measure of other pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, which can play a role in IL-12-induced liver inflammation and hepatocyte damage. For these purposes, specific blocking antibodies (anti TNF-alpha, anti IL-12, anti IFN-g) will be used. The study with different transgenic mice: TNF-alpha Receptor knockout, TGF-b, will also help in determining the role of those cytokines during IL-12-induced liver damage and lethality. 3. The establishing of liver pathology models (viral infection, tumours, auto-antigens) in mice. Induction of IL-12 at any time of the pathology development will help in clarifying the role of IL-12 in those models. Finally, the transgenic mice expressing IL-23 in the liver will be generated.


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When I first started my thesis, I intended for my finished project to be a compilation of poems that aims to reflect and reveal several repeating themes of our society's collective unconscious, such as the relationship between the physical and spiritual aspects of being and the representation of women's lives, organized religion,adolescence, and mental illness. I proposed writing a chapbook of poetry that reflects an exploration of, and sensitivity to, the human unconscious mind, fears, and desires. Consulting other works of surreal, lyric, and confessional poetry, I sought to personallydevelop as both a poet and a psychology student. I made a conscious effort to avoid trying to attach a specific 'meaning' to each poem. I understand that, in poetry, the reader is never entirely aware of exactly what the poet is trying to convey. All the reader knows is what he or she sees in a given poem and how he or she responds to that poem. However, through working on my thesis I discovered that, while meaning may not be intentional in the drafting process, developing what the poem meant to me was central to the process of revision. Furthermore, I realized that I unconsciously returned to specific themes across various poems, something that was not apparent to me until I re-read my entire collection ...


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Este artículo se consagra a una comparación entre el temprano poema de Shakespeare, The Rape of Lvcrece, y sus dos principales fuentes latinas, Ab Vrbe Condita, de Tito Livio y los Fasti, de Ovidio. Anticipándose a la penetración del dramaturgo en sus personajes trágicos, Shakespeare da una aguda descripción de las psicomaquias de Tarquino y de Lucrecia. En el caso del primero, al revelar la lucha interior a propósito de la ética y las consecuencias de sus acciones. En el caso de la segunda, cuando Lucrecia analiza el horror de su vergüenza y los modos de purificarse. En ambos casos Shakespeare opera dramáticamente con sus fuentes, suprimiendo algunos detalles y enriqueciendo significativamente su narración. Existe una complicación adicional en cuanto precede al poema un Argumento que sigue de cerca la historia de Tito Livio. Sin embargo, paradójicamente, el poema se desvía de su mismo argumento en algunos puntos fundamentales


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Un rasgo inusual de la estrategia didáctica de Hesíodo en Trabajos y Días es la inclusión de su hermano Perses, como destinatario. Si existe o no una base histórica para la disputa financiera entre hermanos, tal como aparece representada en el poema, resulta menos interesante que la posición que tal situación (posiblemente ficcional) transmite. Por la figura del consejero, Hesíodo sostiene, naturalmente, una actitud diferente hacia un hermano, que la que quisiera si su aconsejado fuera un hijo, un futuro rey, o un estudiante -roles que son más típicos en las tradiciones didácticas de la literatura universal. Este artículo explora las tensiones, resonancias míticas y ambigüedades inherentes a la elección de la figura del hermano como recipiendario del consejo y concluye que esta particular configuración didáctica provee una más abierta-conclusiva y aceptable entrada a través de la cual cualquier audiencia puede interactuar con la tradición de sabiduría atesorada en el verso hesiódico.


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Un rasgo inusual de la estrategia didáctica de Hesíodo en Trabajos y Días es la inclusión de su hermano Perses, como destinatario. Si existe o no una base histórica para la disputa financiera entre hermanos, tal como aparece representada en el poema, resulta menos interesante que la posición que tal situación (posiblemente ficcional) transmite. Por la figura del consejero, Hesíodo sostiene, naturalmente, una actitud diferente hacia un hermano, que la que quisiera si su aconsejado fuera un hijo, un futuro rey, o un estudiante -roles que son más típicos en las tradiciones didácticas de la literatura universal. Este artículo explora las tensiones, resonancias míticas y ambigüedades inherentes a la elección de la figura del hermano como recipiendario del consejo y concluye que esta particular configuración didáctica provee una más abierta-conclusiva y aceptable entrada a través de la cual cualquier audiencia puede interactuar con la tradición de sabiduría atesorada en el verso hesiódico.


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Este artículo se consagra a una comparación entre el temprano poema de Shakespeare, The Rape of Lvcrece, y sus dos principales fuentes latinas, Ab Vrbe Condita, de Tito Livio y los Fasti, de Ovidio. Anticipándose a la penetración del dramaturgo en sus personajes trágicos, Shakespeare da una aguda descripción de las psicomaquias de Tarquino y de Lucrecia. En el caso del primero, al revelar la lucha interior a propósito de la ética y las consecuencias de sus acciones. En el caso de la segunda, cuando Lucrecia analiza el horror de su vergüenza y los modos de purificarse. En ambos casos Shakespeare opera dramáticamente con sus fuentes, suprimiendo algunos detalles y enriqueciendo significativamente su narración. Existe una complicación adicional en cuanto precede al poema un Argumento que sigue de cerca la historia de Tito Livio. Sin embargo, paradójicamente, el poema se desvía de su mismo argumento en algunos puntos fundamentales


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Un rasgo inusual de la estrategia didáctica de Hesíodo en Trabajos y Días es la inclusión de su hermano Perses, como destinatario. Si existe o no una base histórica para la disputa financiera entre hermanos, tal como aparece representada en el poema, resulta menos interesante que la posición que tal situación (posiblemente ficcional) transmite. Por la figura del consejero, Hesíodo sostiene, naturalmente, una actitud diferente hacia un hermano, que la que quisiera si su aconsejado fuera un hijo, un futuro rey, o un estudiante -roles que son más típicos en las tradiciones didácticas de la literatura universal. Este artículo explora las tensiones, resonancias míticas y ambigüedades inherentes a la elección de la figura del hermano como recipiendario del consejo y concluye que esta particular configuración didáctica provee una más abierta-conclusiva y aceptable entrada a través de la cual cualquier audiencia puede interactuar con la tradición de sabiduría atesorada en el verso hesiódico.


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Este artículo se consagra a una comparación entre el temprano poema de Shakespeare, The Rape of Lvcrece, y sus dos principales fuentes latinas, Ab Vrbe Condita, de Tito Livio y los Fasti, de Ovidio. Anticipándose a la penetración del dramaturgo en sus personajes trágicos, Shakespeare da una aguda descripción de las psicomaquias de Tarquino y de Lucrecia. En el caso del primero, al revelar la lucha interior a propósito de la ética y las consecuencias de sus acciones. En el caso de la segunda, cuando Lucrecia analiza el horror de su vergüenza y los modos de purificarse. En ambos casos Shakespeare opera dramáticamente con sus fuentes, suprimiendo algunos detalles y enriqueciendo significativamente su narración. Existe una complicación adicional en cuanto precede al poema un Argumento que sigue de cerca la historia de Tito Livio. Sin embargo, paradójicamente, el poema se desvía de su mismo argumento en algunos puntos fundamentales


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We propose a scheme for coupling laser light into graphene plasmons with the help of electrically generated surface acoustic waves. The surface acoustic wave forms a diffraction grating which allows us to excite the long lived phononlike branch of the hybridized graphene plasmon-phonon dispersion with infrared laser light. Our approach avoids patterning the graphene sheet, does not rely on complicated optical near-field techniques, and allows us to electrically switch the coupling between far-field radiation and propagating graphene plasmons.