303 resultados para Surround
Spermiogenesis in the proteocephalidean cestode Barsonella lafoni de Chambrier et al., 2009 shows typical characteristics of the type I spermiogenesis. These include the formation of distal cytoplasmic protrusions forming the differentiation zones, lined by cortical microtubules and containing two centrioles. An electron-dense material is present in the apical region of the differentiation zone during the early stages of spermiogenesis. Each centriole is associated to a striated rootlet, being separated by an intercentriolar body. Two free and unequal flagella originate from the centrioles and develop on the lateral sides of the differentiation zone. A median cytoplasmic process is formed between the flagella. Later these flagella rotate, become parallel to the median cytoplasmic process and finally fuse proximodistally with the latter. It is interesting to note that both flagellar growth and rotation are asynchronous. Later, the nucleus enlarges and penetrates into the spermatid body. Finally, the ring of arching membranes is strangled and the young spermatozoon is detached from the residual cytoplasm. The mature spermatozoon presents two axonemes of the 9 +"1" trepaxonematan pattern, crested body, parallel nucleus and cortical microtubules, and glycogen granules. Thus, it corresponds to the type II spermatozoon, described in almost all Proteocephalidea. The anterior extremity of the gamete is characterized by the presence of an apical cone surrounded by the lateral projections of the crested body. An arc formed by some thick and parallel cortical microtubules appears at the level of the centriole. They surround the centriole and later the first axoneme. This arc of electron-dense microtubules disorganizes when the second axoneme appears, and then two parallel rows of thin cortical microtubules are observed. The posterior extremity of the male gamete exhibits some cortical microtubules. This type of posterior extremity has never been described in proteocephalidean cestodes. The ultrastructural features of the spermatozoon/spermiogenesis of the Proteocephalidea species are analyzed and compared.
Spermiogenesis in the proteocephalidean cestode Barsonella lafoni de Chambrier et al., 2009 shows typical characteristics of the type I spermiogenesis. These include the formation of distal cytoplasmic protrusions forming the differentiation zones, lined by cortical microtubules and containing two centrioles. An electron-dense material is present in the apical region of the differentiation zone during the early stages of spermiogenesis. Each centriole is associated to a striated rootlet, being separated by an intercentriolar body. Two free and unequal flagella originate from the centrioles and develop on the lateral sides of the differentiation zone. A median cytoplasmic process is formed between the flagella. Later these flagella rotate, become parallel to the median cytoplasmic process and finally fuse proximodistally with the latter. It is interesting to note that both flagellar growth and rotation are asynchronous. Later, the nucleus enlarges and penetrates into the spermatid body. Finally, the ring of arching membranes is strangled and the young spermatozoon is detached from the residual cytoplasm. The mature spermatozoon presents two axonemes of the 9 +"1" trepaxonematan pattern, crested body, parallel nucleus and cortical microtubules, and glycogen granules. Thus, it corresponds to the type II spermatozoon, described in almost all Proteocephalidea. The anterior extremity of the gamete is characterized by the presence of an apical cone surrounded by the lateral projections of the crested body. An arc formed by some thick and parallel cortical microtubules appears at the level of the centriole. They surround the centriole and later the first axoneme. This arc of electron-dense microtubules disorganizes when the second axoneme appears, and then two parallel rows of thin cortical microtubules are observed. The posterior extremity of the male gamete exhibits some cortical microtubules. This type of posterior extremity has never been described in proteocephalidean cestodes. The ultrastructural features of the spermatozoon/spermiogenesis of the Proteocephalidea species are analyzed and compared.
Se presenta en primer lugar un estudio de las esculturas procedentes del ager Tarraconensis que incluye también los nuevos descubrimientos. Se da a conocer un conjunto recuperado recientemente en la villa de Els Ametllers (Tossa de Mar, Gerona). En cuanto a la plástica del entorno de Tarraco, se ha podido constatar que existen dos grupos claramente diferenciados. Uno de ellos está constituido por hallazgos poco numerosos o aislados, las piezas son de dimensiones menores que el natural y, salvo algunas excepciones, de factura modesta y de temática relacionada con el entorno dionisiaco. El otro, que se corresponde con el importante conjunto de estatuas procedente de la villa de Els Munts, se caracteriza por las grandes dimensiones y por la buena calidad estilística de algunas de ellas, así como por la variedad de los tipos escultóricos representados. El conjunto de la villa de Els Ametllers da testimonio de su riqueza con una decoración escultórica más que notable en el siglo i d. de C. realizada en mármoles de gran calidad. En general, las esculturas de las villae de la zona del noreste hispánico nos dejan constancia del alto nivel social y del poder económico de los dueños de las mansiones y al mismo tiempo nos indican el lujo del que se querían y podían rodear las clases privilegiadas.
Tutkin opinnäytteessäni tilaäänen dramaturgiaa teatteriäänisuunnittelussa. Työn punaisena lankana kulkee kysymys, voiko Jumalaa, vapautta tai onnellisuutta tuoda uskottavana kokemuksena teatterin katsojalle tilaäänen keinoin? Ääntä koskeva kirjallisuus keskittyy yleensä äänen mitattaviin tai teknisiin ominaisuuksiin, joten päätin keskittyä omassa työssäni puhtaasti tilaäänen dramaturgiseen hahmotukseen. Koska tiläänen dramaturgiasta ei juurikaan kirjallisuutta löydy, pohjautuu kirjallinen työni pitkälti omaan työelämän kautta saamaani kokemusperäiseen tietoon nk. hiljaiseen tietoon. Tässä työssä esitetty äänisuunnittelijan työnkuva on tehty teatteriin, jonka keskustassa on ihmisen läsnäolon kautta tapahtuva kerronta. Työ on suunnattu ohjaajille ja äänisuunittelijoille, joilla on jo kokemusta teatterikerronnasta. Käsittelen äänen dramaturgiaa hyvin rajatusta näkökulmasta, jolloin työn todellinen anti syntyy vasta sen peilautuessa lukijan omiin pohdintoihin tilankäytöstä, ihmisen läsnäolosta sekä äänisuunnittelusta. Työn alussa käsitellään aikaa kokemisen keskeisenä ulottuvuutena, hiljaisuuden vaikutusta kokijan minään, sekä ihmisen olemusta tilassa. Pohdin tilan merkitystä koettuna avaruutena, sivuuttaen tilan paikkana. Tämän jälkeen tutkin tilankäytön vaikutusta ihmisen mielihyvän rakenteisiin katsojan näkökulmasta, jonka jälkeen päästään varsinaiseen ääntä koskevaan osioon, tilaäänen koreografiaan. Tässä luvussa esitän mallin luoda mielenkiintoista ja jännitteistä tilaääntä, asettamalla ääni vastakkaiseksi elementiksi suhteessa hiljaisuuteen, jolloin hiljaisuus muuttuu merkittäväksi osaksi esityksen tilankäyttöä ja äänikerrontaa. Teoreettisesta lähtökohdastaan huolimatta työ tähtää puhtaasti emotionaalisesti koettavaan äänisuunnitteluun, jonka keskiössä on esiintyjän läsnäolon syventäminen tilaäänen keinoin.
This study provides a preliminary overview of the wide range of policy concerns relating to surrogacy as a practice at national, European and global level. It undertakes an extensive examination of national legal approaches to surrogacy. It also analyses existing European Union law and the law of the European Convention of Human Rights to determine what obligations and possibilities surround national and transnational surrogacy. The study concludes that it is impossible to indicate a particular legal trend across the EU, however all Member States appear to agree on the need for a child to have clearly defined legal parents and civil status.
L’estudi que es presenta a continuació té l’objectiu d’analitzar el desenvolupament curricular del bloc de continguts d’activitats al medi natural de l’assignatura d’Educació Física de la ciutat de Vic i de les poblacions situades en un radi de 10 kilòmetres. Per tal de dur-ho a terme, primerament s’ha realitzat un procés d’aproximació a les activitats al medi natural en l’educació, aprofundint en les característiques d’aquestes activitats en els centres, en la poca pràctica i els factors de limitació que tenen. A partir d’aquí, s’ha fet l’estudi amb una mostra formada de 29 professors d’Educació Física dels diferents cursos de la ESO. Per tal de realitzar la recerca i l’anàlisi, s’ha emprat una metodologia quantitativa de caràcter explicatiu, transversal i quasi experimental, i s’ha utilitzat l’instrument corresponent al qüestionari. Aquest, ha estat elaborat prenent com a referència el de l’estudi de Peñarrubia et al.(2011). Els resultats que s’han obtingut demostren que el bloc d’activitats al medi natural és el menys treballat per part del professors d’Educació Física, que un 14% del professorat no les treballa i dels que si ho fan un 68% les realitzen només una vegada a l’any. També destacar que aquests continguts no es treballen en el 33% dels cursos de la zona estudiada. Pel què fa els continguts més treballats destaquen l’orientació seguit del senderisme. Referent als factors de limitació destaquen la responsabilitat civil del professor i l’horari de classe com els més condicionants. Pel què fa a les activitats, l’escalada esdevé l’activitat on els factors de limitació influeixen més mentre que en l’orientació i el senderisme tenen poca importància. D’aquesta manera es pot veure una estreta relació entre els factors de limitació d’aquestes activitats i la poca pràctica d’aquestes en els centres educatius estudiats.
In the present case (77 years-old woman), the diagnosis on an extramucosal lesion by endosonography was leiomyoma or schwanoma. Radiological exam of the upper digestive tract with barium and abdominal computed tomography confirmed the site of the lesion at the level of the lesser curvature. The operative technique followed the steps of the laparoscopic partial gastric resection (wedge resection) for gastric mesenchymal tumours, described elsewhere. The Endo-GIA stapler was introduced through the 12mm port in the right upper quadrant. Proper positioning of the stapler over the lesser curvature and a satisfactory margin of tissue around the mass were attained. Nine sequential firings of the Endo-GIA 30 were needed to completely surround the mass. Histopathological diagnosis was a spindle-cell tumour measuring 3cm in diameter. Mitotic index was measured at almost null. The neoplastic cells were strongly reactive for vimentine and CD34 and negative for the immunohistochemical markers S-100 protein, muscle actin, desmin and Ag linked to VIII factor. There was a slight reaction with keratin (+/+++). The XIIIA factor reaction revealed less than 5% of dendritic elements. These data favour a vascular cell origin better than smooth muscle cell origin. In conclusion it was a gastric hemangiopericytoma. Follow-up showed no recurrence at seven years.
Storage substances such as starch grains, proteins and lipids were studied during the male gametogenesis and in the mature pollen grain of Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil. (Aquifoliaceae). There are two cycles of amylogenesis and amylolyse. The first cycle lasts until the vacuolated stage when the starch is hydrolyzed and amorphous proteins are stored inside the single vacuole. The next cycle begins after mitosis with the formation of the vegetative and generative cells. At this point, the young vegetative cell stores many starch grains that are bigger than in the first cycle. During the maturation of the male gametophyte, the starch is hydrolyzed and it is absent in the mature pollen grain. Small lipid droplets surround the young generative cell after the mitosis of the androspore and are dispersed in the vegetative cytoplasm during its maturity. The relationship between the pollen storage substances and the ontogeny of the layers in the sporoderm, formation of the generative cell, and the male germ unit were discussed.
Tässä kandidaatintyössä luodaan kattava katsaus erilaisiin PC-laiteissa toimiviin usean näytön käyttöönottomenetelmiin, joita on olemassa useita ominaisuuksiltaan ja käyttötarkoituksiltaan erilaisia. Työssä perehdytään Windowsin usean näytön tuen historiaan ja sen kehitykseen eri Windows versioiden välillä tuen alkuajoista 1990-luvulta nykyaikaan aina viimeisimpiin Windows käyttöjärjestelmiin asti. Lopuksi tarkastellaan vielä pelien usean näytön tukea ja kuinka hyödyntää useaa näyttöä sellaisissa peleissä, jotka eivät sitä sisäänrakennetusti tue.
Spermatogenesis is a unique process compared to cell differentiation in somatic tissues. Germ cells undergo a considerable number of metabolic and morphological changes during their differentiation: they initially proliferate by mitosis to increase in number; at some point they scramble their genetic material by meiosis, to create new genetic combinations that are the basis for evolution through natural selection and, finally, they change their shape and produce specialized structures characteristic of the mature sperm. Germ cells display an astonishingly broad transcription of their genome compared to differentiated somatic cells. Moreover, the different RNAs need to be specifically regulated in space and time for sperm production to occur appropriately. Different proteins localized in specific subcellular compartments, along with regulatory small RNAs, have an essential role in the proper execution of the different steps of spermatogenesis. These ribonucleoprotein granules interact with cytoplasmic vesicles and organelles to accomplish their role during sperm development. In this study, we characterized the most prominent ribonucleoprotein granule found in germ cells, the Chromatoid body (CB). For the first time we investigated the interaction of the CB with the cytoplasmic vesicles that surround it. These studies directed us to the description of Retromer proteins in germ cells and their involvement with the CB and the acrosome formation. Moreover, we discovered the interplay between the CB and the lysosome system in haploid round spermatids, and identified FYCO1, a new protein central to this interaction. Our results suggest that the vesicular transport system participates in the CB-mediated RNA regulation during sperm development.
This work aims at presenting the challenges that inflation targeting central banks may face since uncertainties represent a harmful element for the effectiveness of monetary policy, and since financial instabilities may disturb the transmission mechanisms - in particular, the expectation channel - and thus the economic stability. Financial stability must not be considered as a simple goal of monetary policy, but a precondition for central banks operate their policies and reach the goals of inflation and output stability. The work identifies different sources of uncertainties that surround central banks' decisions; and approaches the role that inflation targeting central banks should play according to some basic principles that can serve as useful guides for central banks to help them achieve successful outcomes in their conduct of monetary policy.
Under EU competition law, parent companies may be held jointly and severally liable for the competition law infringements committed by their subsidiaries. The possibility of holding parent companies liable demonstrates a significant exception from the idea of separate legal entities. However, it is not the only deviation developed under EU competition law. In cases, where the legal entity responsible for the anti-competitive conduct has changed its form, liability can be attributed to the new operator, in particular, to its successor. The principles of legal certainty and legitimate expectations are issues that surround the doctrines of parental and successor liability. The aim of this thesis is to present a comprehensive comparative analysis of the parental and successor liability doctrines and to clarify the conditions under which it is possible to attribute liability for the infringements of EU competition law. The main purpose is therefore to demonstrate the problems related to the allocation of liability and to discuss whether these liability principles, established to assure the effective enforcement of the EU competition rules, are good solutions. The research methods used in this thesis are the legal dogmatic approach and the comparative law approach. The former enables the possibility of using the case law and legislation as a framework in which the difficulties concerning the application of parental and successor liability can be discussed while the latter ensures the comparison of the characteristics and judgments. The doctrines of parental and successor liability are both well established, but the application practice has caused several difficulties. These problems derive from, inter alia, the broadness and disjointed developed of the doctrines. There has been much recent case law dealing with these issues and having the potential to open up a considerable risk and to allocate strict liability for parent and successor companies.
The Clemente Course in the Humanities is an anti-poverty intervention for adults who self-identity as "poor" and humanities instructors. The course was created in 1995 by journalist Earl Shorris, who based the curriculum on a Socratic method of pedagogy and the "great books" canon of Robert Hutchins. It began as a community-based initiative in urban US settings, but since 1997 Mayan, Yup'ik and Cherokee iterations have been created, as well as on-campus bridge courses for non-traditional students to explore college-level education in Canada and the USA. The course potentially conflicts with critical pedagogy because the critical theories of Paulo Freire and contemporary cultural studies reject traditional notions of both the canon and teaching. However, a comparison between Shorris' and bell hooks' theories of oppression reveals significant similarities between his "surround of force" and her "capitalist imperialist white supremacist patriarchy," with implications for liberal studies and critical pedagogy.
Within the field of early childhood education, the ideologies of child development and its parent discipline, developmental psychology, dominate both theory and practice. In recent years, educators have attempted to reconceptualise early childhood education by adopting more progressive approaches to teaching and learning. The aim of this present research study was to critically examine the experiences of early childhood educators who have adopted a Reggioinspired approach to educating young children. To explore their experiences, an institutional ethnography was employed involving seven educators from a large child care organization in Hamilton, Ontario. In line with the intent ofthis study, qualitative data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews, participant-observations and textual analyses to explore the presence of developmental-psychological ideologies within early childhood education and Reggio-inspired practice. The present study also examined the challenges faced by educators who have adopted a Reggio-inspired approach. The results of this study indicate that ideologies associated with the developmental-psychological paradigm dominate the practice of early childhood educators and that the conflicting ideologies that surround Reggio educators may play a role in some of the challenges educators experience. The findings of this study thus demonstrate a need to adopt alternative approaches toward understanding both children and childhood, in both early childhood educational theory and practice.
Cette recherche s’intéresse au concept de la GRH à la carte et à son influence sur l’intention de départ des salariés. Pour ce faire, nous avons dû définir les différentes composantes qui entourent notre concept principal, nous faisons référence aux espaces de choix relatifs à l’organisation et à l’aménagement du temps de travail, aux espaces de choix relatifs à la rémunération, à la formation, etc. Dans leur description, ces pratiques qu’on trouve au coeur du concept de la GRH à la carte nous permettent de prendre conscience que la gestion des ressources humaines connaît une nouvelle facette. Celle-ci s’explique principalement par le souci des entreprises d’aujourd’hui de se rapprocher des attentes de leurs salariés, en leur offrant un certain nombre d’espaces de choix dans leur emploi. Les gestionnaires des ressources humaines parlent alors de personnalisation des pratiques des RH, ce qui exige une certaine flexibilité de la part des organisations. Ainsi, l’élaboration de notre étude nous a permis de présenter un modèle théorique dont l’objectif est de tester l’influence de la flexibilité des différents espaces de choix de la GRH à la carte sur l’intention de départ souvent manifestée par les salariés. Les résultats obtenus à l’aide de l’analyse multivariée appliquée à des données d’une institution bancaire haïtienne mettent en évidence l’impact significatif de certaines pratiques et le rôle médiateur du sentiment d’autodétermination dans la décision des salariés. Mots clés : Intention de départ volontaire, flexibilité des pratiques de la GRH à la carte, sentiment d’auto-détermination