993 resultados para Supersymmetric Effective Theories


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Az itt bemutatott kutatás célja az volt, hogy azonosítsa és feltárja a szlovák vállalati környezetben követett és kívánatosnak tartott leadership dimenziókat és bemutassa azokat az implicit leadership elmélet alapján meghatározott magatartásokat, amelyek a sikeres leadershipet támogató magatartásokként jelennek meg (az implicit leadership elmélet szerint az egyének magatartásokhoz kapcsolódó hiedelmeik, meggyőződéseik és értékítéleteik alapján határozzák meg, kit tekintenek vezetőnek, illetve hogyan különböztetik meg a hatékony vezetést a nem hatékonytól). Ehhez a GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organization Behavior Effectiveness) kutatását használta fel a szerző empirikus alapként. A faktorelemzéssel előállított kutatási eredmények azt bizonyítják, hogy definiálhatók a nemzetközi mintán elkülöníthető implicit leadership elméletektől jól megkülönböztethető szlovák implicit leadership elméletek. Statisztikai próbáinak eredményei azt mutatják, hogy léteznek olyan leadership faktorok, melyek a szlovák és a magyar vállalati környezetben is megjelennek, illetve feltárhatók olyan implicit leadership elméletek, melyek megítélése ebben a régióban egységesnek tekinthető. _____ The aim of this research is to identify and explore the committed and desirable leadership dimensions in the Slovak organizational environment. This article presents those on the basis of implicit leadership theories identified behaviors which appear as successful leadership supported behaviors. To it the GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organization Behavior Effectiveness) research is used as the empirical basis by the author. Research results which were produced by factor analysis demonstrate that the Slovak implicit leadership theories can be identified because those can be clearly distinguished from implicit leadership theories available in the international sample.


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Market-based environmental regulation is becoming increasingly common within international and national frameworks. Environmental offset and trading regimes are part of the market-based instrument revolution. This paper proposes that environmental market mechanisms could be used to introduce an ethic of land holder responsibility. In order for market based regimes to attract sufficient levels of stakeholder engagement, participants within such scheme require an incentive to participate and furthermore need to feel a sense of security about investing in such processes. A sense of security is often associated with property based interests. This paper explores the property related issues connected with environmental offset and trading scheme initiatives. Relevant property-related considerations include land tenure considerations, public versus private management of land choices, characteristics and powers associated with property interests, theories defining property and the recognition of legal proprietal interests. The Biodiversity Banking Scheme in New South Wales is then examined as a case study followed by a critique on the role of environmental markets.


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This thesis examines the effectiveness of offences in the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) in the online environment. The application of social norm theories suggests that the offences will be ineffective in creating an effective deterrent to non-commercial copyright infringement.


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Dynamics is an essential core engineering subject and it is considered as one of the hardest subjects in the engineering discipline. Many students acknowledged that Dynamics is very hard to understand and comprehend the abstract concepts through traditional teaching methods with normal tutorials and assignments. In this study, we conducted an investigation on the application of visualization technique to help students learning the unit with the fundamental theory displayed in the physical space. The research was conducted based on the following five basic steps of Action Learning Cycle including: Identifying problem, Planning action, Implementing, Evaluating, and Reporting. Through our studies, we have concluded that visualization technique can definitely help students in learning and comprehending the abstract theories and concepts of Dynamics.


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In the context of the first-year university classroom, this paper develops Vygotsky’s claim that ‘the relations between the higher mental functions were at one time real relations between people’. By taking the main horizontal and hierarchical levels of classroom discourse and dialogue (student-student, student-teacher, teacher-teacher) and marrying these with the possibilities opened up by Laurillard’s conversational framework, we argue that the learning challenge of a ‘troublesome’ threshold concept might be met by a carefully designed sequence of teaching events and experiences for first year students, and we provide a number of strategies that exploit each level of these ‘hierarchies of discourse’. We suggest that an analytical approach to classroom design that embodies these levels of discourse in sequenced dialogic methods could be used by teachers as a strategy to interrogate and adjust teaching-in-practice especially in the first year of university study.


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We review here classical Bogomolnyi bounds, and their generalisation to supersymmetric quantum field theories by Witten and Olive. We also summarise some recent work by several people on whether such bounds are saturated in the quantised theory.


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Some recent developments with respect to the resolution of the gauge hierarchy problem in grand unified theories by supersymmetry are presented. A general argument is developed to show how global supersymmetry maintains the stability of the different mass-scales under perturbative effects.


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This masters thesis explores some of the most recent developments in noncommutative quantum field theory. This old theme, first suggested by Heisenberg in the late 1940s, has had a renaissance during the last decade due to the firmly held belief that space-time becomes noncommutative at small distances and also due to the discovery that string theory in a background field gives rise to noncommutative field theory as an effective low energy limit. This has led to interesting attempts to create a noncommutative standard model, a noncommutative minimal supersymmetric standard model, noncommutative gravity theories etc. This thesis reviews themes and problems like those of UV/IR mixing, charge quantization, how to deal with the non-commutative symmetries, how to solve the Seiberg-Witten map, its connection to fluid mechanics and the problem of constructing general coordinate transformations to obtain a theory of noncommutative gravity. An emphasis has been put on presenting both the group theoretical results and the string theoretical ones, so that a comparison of the two can be made.


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Einstein's general relativity is a classical theory of gravitation: it is a postulate on the coupling between the four-dimensional, continuos spacetime and the matter fields in the universe, and it yields their dynamical evolution. It is believed that general relativity must be replaced by a quantum theory of gravity at least at extremely high energies of the early universe and at regions of strong curvature of spacetime, cf. black holes. Various attempts to quantize gravity, including conceptually new models such as string theory, have suggested that modification to general relativity might show up even at lower energy scales. On the other hand, also the late time acceleration of the expansion of the universe, known as the dark energy problem, might originate from new gravitational physics. Thus, although there has been no direct experimental evidence contradicting general relativity so far - on the contrary, it has passed a variety of observational tests - it is a question worth asking, why should the effective theory of gravity be of the exact form of general relativity? If general relativity is modified, how do the predictions of the theory change? Furthermore, how far can we go with the changes before we are face with contradictions with the experiments? Along with the changes, could there be new phenomena, which we could measure to find hints of the form of the quantum theory of gravity? This thesis is on a class of modified gravity theories called f(R) models, and in particular on the effects of changing the theory of gravity on stellar solutions. It is discussed how experimental constraints from the measurements in the Solar System restrict the form of f(R) theories. Moreover, it is shown that models, which do not differ from general relativity at the weak field scale of the Solar System, can produce very different predictions for dense stars like neutron stars. Due to the nature of f(R) models, the role of independent connection of the spacetime is emphasized throughout the thesis.


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Arguments arising from quantum mechanics and gravitation theory as well as from string theory, indicate that the description of space-time as a continuous manifold is not adequate at very short distances. An important candidate for the description of space-time at such scales is provided by noncommutative space-time where the coordinates are promoted to noncommuting operators. Thus, the study of quantum field theory in noncommutative space-time provides an interesting interface where ordinary field theoretic tools can be used to study the properties of quantum spacetime. The three original publications in this thesis encompass various aspects in the still developing area of noncommutative quantum field theory, ranging from fundamental concepts to model building. One of the key features of noncommutative space-time is the apparent loss of Lorentz invariance that has been addressed in different ways in the literature. One recently developed approach is to eliminate the Lorentz violating effects by integrating over the parameter of noncommutativity. Fundamental properties of such theories are investigated in this thesis. Another issue addressed is model building, which is difficult in the noncommutative setting due to severe restrictions on the possible gauge symmetries imposed by the noncommutativity of the space-time. Possible ways to relieve these restrictions are investigated and applied and a noncommutative version of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model is presented. While putting the results obtained in the three original publications into their proper context, the introductory part of this thesis aims to provide an overview of the present situation in the field.


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An anomalous multiflavor chiral theory, with the gauge group SU(N), is studied using non-Abelian bosonization. The theory can be made gauge invariant by introducing Wess-Zumino fields and it is particularly simple if the Jackiw-Rajaraman parameter equals 2. In the strong-coupling limit, the low-energy effective theory only contains light unconfined fermions which interact weakly.