994 resultados para Subcellular-distribution
ZusammenfassungMorbus Alzheimer ist eine progressive, neurodegenerative Erkrankung, die weltweit die häufigste Form der Demenz darstellt und im mittleren bis späten Lebensabschnitt auftritt. Die neuropathologischen Merkmale beinhalten das Auftreten von extrazellulären Ablagerungen aus fibrillogenem Aß42 Peptiden in senilen Plaques und intraneuronalen Akkumulationen von hyperphosphoryliertem Tau in sogenannten neurofibrillären Bündeln. Obwohl die meisten Alzheimer Fälle sporadisch und Alters-assoziiert auftreten, gibt es eine autosomal dominant vererbte Form (FAD; Familial Alzheimer Disease), die schon in einem frühen Lebensabschnitt (ab 28 Jahren) ausbrechen kann. Diese aggressive Alzheimer Form wird durch Mutationen im Amyloid-Precursor-Protein-Gen (APP) oder den Presenilin-Genen (PS-1 und PS-2) ausgelöst. Die Presenilin (PS) Proteine sind entscheidend an der Entstehung von Aß beteiligt. So erhöhen FAD-assoziierte Mutationen in PS-1 und PS-2 die Bildung von Aß42. Außerdem verhindern sowohl homozygote PS-1 Null-Mutationen (PS-1-/-) in transgenen Mäusen, als auch dominant negative PS-1 Mutationen in Kulturzellen die Ab Bildung. Diese Belege sprechen für die zur Zeit favorisierte Amyloid Hypothese, in der die toxische Wirkung des Aß-Peptides in der Entstehung der Alzheimer Erkrankung eine zentrale Rolle einnimmt. Die y-Sekretase ist eine Protease, deren Aktivität für die Entstehung von Ab aus dem Vorläuferprotein APP essentiell ist. Damit bildet sie einen möglichen Ansatzpunkt, um grundlegend in den Prozeß der Ab Bildung einzugreifen. Die y-Sekretase ist allerdings noch nicht identifiziert oder kloniert. Es gibt Hinweise, daß die Preseniline y-Sekretase Aktivität besitzen könnten. Diese Theorie ist bis heute jedoch nicht eindeutig belegt. In dieser Arbeit sollten die molekularen Mechanismen der Ab Entstehung und insbesondere die Beteiligung der Preseniline an diesem Prozeß untersucht werden. Dazu wurde zunächst die subzelluläre Verteilung der endogenen Preseniline analysiert. Es konnte erstmalig ein Unterschied in der subzellulären Verteilung zwischen PS-1 und PS-2 festgestellt werden. PS-1 war vorwiegend im ER lokalisiert, wogegen PS-2 stark im Golgi-Apparat angereichert war. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde nach möglichen Interaktionen der Preseniline mit C-terminalen APP Fragmenten gesucht, die die Substrate der y-Sekretase darstellen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Preseniline mit einem 21 kDa großen C-terminalen APP Fragment interagieren. Dabei band die Mutante-Form der Preseniline mehr C-terminales APP Fragment als die Wildtyp-Form. Weiterhin wurde ein zellfreies System zur indirekten Bestimmung der y-Sekretase Aktivität etabliert. Mit Hilfe dieses Systems wird es möglich, Inhibitoren der y-Sekretase zu identifizieren. Die Spezifität des zellfreien Testsystems konnte dadurch deutlich gemacht werden, daß das PS-1, das schon in Zellkultur als essentielle Proteinkomponente zur Entstehung von Aß beschrieben wurde, auch in diesem zellfreien y-Sekretase System notwendig war. Allgemeine Proteaseinhibitoren, die alle bekannten Proteasemechanismen abdeckten, zeigten keinen Einfluß auf die de novo Bildung von Aß. Es konnte festgestellt werden, daß neben der y-Sekretase als Aß produzierende Protease auch Aß abbauende Proteasen vorlagen. Das pH-Optimum der y-Sekretase wurde im neutralen Bereich festgestellt. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, daß die y-Sekretase eine transmembrane oder zumindest membranassoziierte Protease ist, die keine cytosolischen Komponenten benötigt.
α-Synuclein wird durch Mutationen sowie der Ausbildung von Proteinaggregaten namens Lewy-Körperchen mit der Entstehung der altersassoziierten Parkinson-Krankheit in Verbindung gebracht. Sowohl familiäre als auch sporadische Fälle sind durch erhöhte α-Synuclein-Spiegel gekennzeichnet. In familiären Fällen wurden Multiplikationen des α-Synuclein-Gens als Ursache für die erhöhte Expression aufgedeckt. In sporadischen Fällen stellt die Alterung den entscheidenden Risikofaktor für die Entstehung der Krankheit dar. Daher wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Regulation von α-Synuclein während der zellulären Alterung in humanen Fibroblasten untersucht. In seneszenten Zellen konnte ein Anstieg der α-Synuclein-Expression nachgewiesen werden, der jedoch die Löslichkeit des Proteins nicht veränderte. Damit scheint die zelluläre Alterung per se nicht für die Aggregation des Proteins, wie sie in Form von Lewy-Körperchen bei z. B. Patienten der Parkinson-Krankheit beobachtet wird, verantwortlich zu sein. Möglicherweise ist die Hochregulation von α-Synuclein eine Folge der Akkumulation von DNA-Schäden in den seneszenten Zellen. Diese Korrelation konnte in jungen Zellen nach dem Einsatz verschiedener DNA-schädigender Agenzien bestätigt werden. Die Untersuchung des Regulationsmechanismus ergab, dass die erhöhte Expression von α-Synuclein in Folge von DNA-Schäden über den ERK1/2-MAPK-Signalweg vermittelt wird. In seneszenten Zellen konnte ebenfalls ein Einfluss dieses Signalweges auf die Expression von α-Synuclein beobachtet werden, allerdings scheint dieser nicht alleinig für die Hochregulation verantwortlich zu sein. Des Weiteren ergab die Betrachtung des γH2A.X-Spiegels nach Induktion von DNA-Schäden, dass α-Synuclein möglicherweise eine protektive Funktion besitzt, da dessen Überexpression zu einer verringerten und die Herunterregulation zu einer vermehrten DNA-Schädigung führte. Die Analyse der subzellulären Lokalisation von α-Synuclein ergab außerdem, dass es in jungen Zellen nach der Induktion von DNA-Schäden zu einer Translokation des Proteins in den Zellkern kommt. Diese Translokation war in seneszenten Zellen verringert. Dies lässt vermuten, dass α-Synuclein in jungen Zellen nach DNA-Schädigung durch den ERK1/2-MAPK-Signalweg hochreguliert wird und durch die Translokation in den Zellkern möglicherweise die Transkription von protektiven Genen beeinflusst oder an DNA-Reparatur-Prozessen beteiligt ist. In seneszenten Zellen ist das Protein zwar deutlich stärker exprimiert, der Transport in den Zellkern jedoch verringert, wodurch die protektive Wirkung im Zellkern herabgesetzt wäre.
Die vorliegende kumulative Arbeit umfasst Analysen zur Aufklärung der molekularen Grundlagen des humanen Usher-Syndroms (USH), der häufigsten Ursache kombinierter vererblicher Taub-Blindheit. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, neue Erkenntnisse zur Funktion der USH-Proteine und den von ihnen organisierten Protein-Netzwerken in der Photorezeptorzelle zu erhalten. Dadurch sollten weitere Einsichten in die molekularen Ursachen des retinalen Phänotyps von USH gewonnen werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Analysen wurden in einem Übersichtsartikel (I) und zwei Originalarbeiten (II, III) zusammengestellt.rn Im Übersichtsartikel (I) wurden die vorliegenden Hinweise zusammengefasst, die USH auf Grundlage der molekularen Verbindungen ebenfalls als Ciliopathien definiert. Zudem wird die Bedeutung des periciliären USH-Proteinnetzwerkes für das sensorische Cilium (Außensegment) der Photorezeptorzelle herausgestellt. rn In Publikation II wurde der Aufbau des USH1-USH2-Proteinnetzwerkes als Teil des periciliären Komplexes analysiert, der beim cargo handover von vesikulärer Fracht vom Innensegment- auf den ciliären Transport für die Photorezeptorzelle essentiell ist. Experimentell wurde Ush2a als neuer SANS-Interaktionspartner validiert. Des Weiteren wurde ein ternärer Komplex aus den USH-Proteinen SANS, Ush2a und Whirlin identifiziert, dessen Zusammensetzung durch die phosphorylierungsabhängige Interaktion zwischen SANS und Ush2a reguliert werden könnte. Dieser ternäre Komplex kann sowohl der Integrität der Zielmembran dienen als auch am Transfer von Molekülen ins Außensegment beteiligt sein.rn In Publikation III wurde das MAGUK-Protein Magi2 als neuer Interaktionspartner von SANS identifiziert und die Interaktion durch komplementäre Interaktionsassays validiert. Dabei wurde ein internes PDZ-Binde-Motiv in der SAM-Domäne von SANS identifiziert, das die Interaktion zur PDZ5-Domäne von Magi2 phosphorylierungsabhängig vermittelt. Dadurch wurde bestätigt, dass SANS durch post-translationale Modifizierung reguliert wird. Weiterführende Experimente zur Funktion des Magi2-SANS-Komplexes zeigen, dass Magi2 an Prozess der Rezeptor-vermittelten Endocytose beteiligt ist. Die Phosphorylierung von SANS durch die Kinase CK2 spielt bei der Endocytose ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle. Der Phosphorylierungsstatus von SANS moduliert die Interaktion zu Magi2 und reguliert dadurch negativ den Prozess der Endocytose. In RNAi-Studien wurde die durch Magi2-vermittelte Endocytose darüber hinaus mit dem Prozess der Ciliogenese verknüpft. Die Analyse der subzellulären Verteilung der Interaktionspartner lokalisieren Magi2 im periciliären Komplex und assoziieren das periciliäre USH-Proteinnetzwerk dadurch mit dem Prozess der Endocytose in der ciliary pocket. Der SANS-Magi2-Komplex sollte demnach für Aufbau und Funktion des sensorischen Ciliums der Photorezeptorzelle eine wichtige Rolle spielen.rn Die Gesamtheit an Informationen, die aus den Publikationen dieser Dissertation und aus den Kooperationsprojekten (*) resultieren, haben die Kenntnisse zur zellulären Funktion der USH-Proteine und ihrer Interaktionspartner und damit über die pathogenen Mechanismen von USH erweitert. Dies bildet die Basis, um fundierte Therapiestrategien zu entwickeln.
Somatostatin analogues, which are used to treat neuroendocrine tumors, target the high levels of somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (SSTR1; alias sst2) expressed in these cancers. However, some tumors are resistant to somatostatin analogues, and it is unknown whether the defect lies in sst2 activation or downstream signaling events. Because sst2 phosphorylation occurs rapidly after receptor activation, we examined whether sst2 is phosphorylated in neuroendocrine tumors. The sst2 receptor phosphorylation was evaluated by IHC and Western blot analysis with the new Ra-1124 antibody specific for the sst2 receptor phosphorylated at Ser341/343 in receptor-positive neuroendocrine tumors obtained from 10 octreotide-treated and 7 octreotide-naïve patients. The specificity, time course, and subcellular localization of sst2 receptor phosphorylation were examined in human embryo kinase-sst2 cell cultures by immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. All seven octreotide-naïve tumors displayed exclusively nonphosphorylated cell surface sst2 expression. In contrast, 9 of the 10 octreotide-treated tumors contained phosphorylated sst2 that was predominantly internalized. Western blot analysis confirmed the IHC data. Octreotide treatment of human embryo kinase-sst2 cells in culture demonstrated that phosphorylated sst2 was localized at the plasma membrane after 10 seconds of stimulation and was subsequently internalized into endocytic vesicles. These data show, for the first time to our knowledge, that phosphorylated sst2 is present in most gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors from patients treated with octreotide but that a striking variability exists in the subcellular distribution of phosphorylated receptors among such tumors.
Zyxin is a versatile component of focal adhesions in eukaryotic cells. Here we describe a novel binding partner of zyxin, which we have named LIM-nebulette. LIM-nebulette is an alternative splice variant of the sarcomeric protein nebulette, which, in contrast to nebulette, is expressed in non-muscle cells. It displays a modular structure with an N-terminal LIM domain, three nebulin-like repeats, and a C-terminal SH3 domain and shows high similarity to another cytoskeletal protein, Lasp-1 (LIM and SH3 protein-1). Co-precipitation studies and results obtained with the two-hybrid system demonstrate that LIM-nebulette and Lasp-1 interact specifically with zyxin. Moreover, the SH3 domain from LIM-nebulette is both necessary and sufficient for zyxin binding. The SH3 domains from Lasp-1 and nebulin can also interact with zyxin, but the SH3 domains from more distantly related proteins such as vinexin and sorting nexin 9 do not. On the other hand, the binding site in zyxin is situated at the extreme N terminus as shown by site-directed mutagenesis. LIM-nebulette and Lasp-1 use the same linear binding motif. This motif shows some similarity to a class II binding site but does not contain the classical PXXP sequence. LIM-nebulette reveals a subcellular distribution at focal adhesions similar to Lasp-1. Thus, LIM-nebulette, Lasp-1, and zyxin may play an important role in the organization of focal adhesions.
The mammalian target of rapamycin (MTOR) assembles into two distinct complexes: mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) is predominantly cytoplasmic and highly responsive to rapamycin, whereas mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2) is both cytoplasmic and nuclear, and relatively resistant to rapamycin. mTORC1 and mTORC2 phosphorylatively regulate their respective downstream effectors p70S6K/4EBP1, and Akt. The resulting activated mTOR pathways stimulate protein synthesis, cellular proliferation, and cell survival. Moreover, phospholipase D (PLD) and its product, phosphatidic acid (PA) have been implicated as one of the upstream activators of mTOR signaling. In this study, we investigated the activation status as well as the subcellular distribution of mTOR, and its upstream regulators and downstream effectors in endometrial carcinomas (ECa) and non-neoplastic endometrial control tissue. Our data show that the mTORC2 activity is selectively elevated in endometrial cancers as evidenced by a predominant nuclear localization of the activated form of mTOR (p-mTOR at Ser2448) in malignant epithelium, accompanied by overexpression of nuclear p-Akt (Ser473), as well as overexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A isoform, the latter a resultant of target gene activation by mTORC2 signaling via hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-2alpha. In addition, expression of PLD1, one of the two major isoforms of PLD in human, is increased in tumor epithelium. In summary, we demonstrate that the PLD1/PA-mTORC2 signal pathway is overactivated in endometrial carcinomas. This suggests that the rapamycin-insensitive mTORC2 pathway plays a major role in endometrial tumorigenesis and that therapies designed to target the phospholipase D pathway and components of the mTORC2 pathway should be efficacious against ECa.
Numerous proteins in intracellular signaling pathways are known to be covalently modified by long chain fatty acids. The objective of this project was to identify potentially novel components of the protein kinase C signaling pathway by virtue of their fatty acylation. A 64 kDa palmitoylated protein (p64) was identified that became deacylated following stimulation of quiescent cells with serum, FGF, or PDBu, suggesting that stimulus-dependent deacylation might alter interactions between p64 and other membrane/cytoskeletal components. A myristoylated protein of 68 kDa observed during these studies was identified as the "80K" PKC substrate. This protein was acylated cotranslationally with myristate through an amide linkage. The majority of the 80K protein was tightly associated with the plasma membrane, with approximately 20% in the cytosol. Although phosphorylation of the membrane-bound and soluble forms of the protein was increased 6-fold in response to PDBu, no changes in the subcellular distribution or myristoylation of the protein were observed. A cDNA encoding the murine form of this protein was cloned, and its deduced amino acid sequence revealed the presence of an N-terminal myristoylation consensus and five potential sites for phosphorylation by PKC. A mutant in which the N-terminal glycine residue was changed to alanine was no longer a substrate for NMT and consequently lost its membrane-binding potential. However, its ability to be phosphorylated in response to purified growth factors and phorbol esters was unimpaired. These results indicate that the myristoylated N-terminus of the 80K protein is required for its association with the plasma membrane, and that the cytoplasmic form of the protein can be phosphorylated independently of the membrane-bound form. Mutants of PKC were constructed in which the regulatory domain was removed and replaced by the N-terminus of the 80K or Al proteins. Unexpectedly, both the myristoylated and nonmyristoylated fusion proteins were tightly associated with the nuclear envelope. Further deletion analyses mapped nuclear targeting signals to the hinge region and a portion of the catalytic domain of PKC, explaining the ability of PKC to be translocated to the nucleus in response to certain stimuli. ^
$\beta$1,4-Galactosyltransferase (GalTase) is unusual among the glycosyltransferases in that it is found in two subcellular compartments where it performs different functions. In the trans-Golgi complex, GalTase participates in oligosaccharide biosynthesis as do other glycosyltransferases. GalTase is also found on the cell surface, where it associates with the cytoskeleton and functions as a receptor for extracellular oligosaccharide ligands. Although we know much regarding GalTase function on the cell surface, little is known about the mechanisms underlying its transport to the plasma membrane. Cloning of the GalTase gene revealed that there are two GalTase proteins (i.e., long and short) with different size cytoplasmic tails. This raises the possibility that differences in the cytoplasmic domain of GalTase may influence its subcellular distribution. The object of this study was to examine this hypothesis directly through the use of molecular, immunological, and biochemical approaches.^ To examine whether the two GalTase proteins are targeted to different subcellular compartments, F9 embryonal carcinoma cells were transfected with either long or short GalTase cDNAs and intracellular and cell surface enzyme levels measured. Cell surface GalTase activity was enriched in cells overexpressing the long, but not the form of short GalTase. Furthermore, a dominant negative mutation in cell surface GalTase was created by transfecting cells with GalTase cDNAs encoding a truncated version of long GalTase devoid of the extracellular catalytic domain. Overexpressing the complete cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains of long GalTase led to a loss of GalTase-dependent cellular adhesion by specifically displacing surface GalTase from its cytoskeletal associations. In contrast, overexpressing the analogous truncated protein of short GalTase had no effect on cell adhesion. Finally, chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter proteins were used to determine directly whether the cytoplasmic domains of long and short GalTase were responsible for differential subcellular distribution. The cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains of long GalTase led to CAT expression on the ceil surface and its association with the detergent-insoluble cytoskeleton; the analogous fusion protein containing short GalTase was restricted to the Golgi compartment. These results suggest that the cytoplasmic domain unique to long GalTase is responsible for targeting a portion of this protein to the cell surface and associating it with the cytoskeleton, enabling it to function as a cell adhesion molecule. ^
Prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS) is a key enzyme in biosynthesis of prostaglandins, thromboxane, and prostacyclin. It has two activities, cyclooxygenase and peroxidase. "PGHS" means PGHS-1. A current hypothesis considers the cyclooxygenase reaction to be a free radical chain reaction, initiated by interaction of the synthase peroxidase with hydroperoxides leading to the production of a tyrosyl free radical. According to this hypothesis, tyrosyl residue(s) may play a key role in the cyclooxygenase reaction. Tetranitromethane (TNM) can relatively selectively nitrate tyrosines at pH 8.0. The effect of TNM on both cyclooxygenase activity and peroxidase activity has been examined: reaction of the synthase holoenzyme with TNM at pH 8.0 led to inactivation of both activities, with the cyclooxygenase activity being lost rapidly and completely, while the peroxidase activity was lost more slowly. Indomethacin, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, can protect the synthase from the inactivation of TNM. Amino acid analyses indicated that a loss of tyrosine and formation of nitrotyrosine residues occurred during reaction with TNM, and that TNM-reacted holoenzyme with $<$10% residual cyclooxygenase activity had about 2.0 nitrotyrosine/subunit.^ PGH synthase is known to be an endoplasmic reticulum membrane-associated protein. Antibodies directed at particular PGHS peptide segments and indirect immunofluorescence have been used to characterize the membrane topology of crucial portions of PGHS. PGHS was expressed in COS-1 cells transfected with the appropriate cDNA. Stably-transfected human endothelial cells were also used for the topology study. The cells were treated with streptolysin-O, which selectively permeabilizes the plasma membrane, or with saponin to achieve general membrane disruption, before incubation with the antipeptide antibodies. Bound antipeptide antibody was stained by FITC-labelled secondary antibody and visualized by fluorescence microscopy. With the antipeptide antibodies against residues 51-66, 156-170 or 377-390, there was a significant reticular and perinuclear pattern of staining in cells permeabilized with saponin but not in cells permeabilized with SLO alone. Antibodies directed against the endogenous C-terminal peptide or against residues 271-284 produced staining in cells permeabilized with saponin, and also in a lower, but significant fraction of cells permeabilized with SLO. Similar results were obtained when COS-1 cells expressing recombinant PGHS with a viral reporter peptide inserted at the C-terminus were stained with antibody against the reporter epitope.^ The PGHS C-terminal sequence is similar to that of the consensus KDEL ER retention signal. The potential function of the PGHS C-terminus segment in ER retention was examined by mutating this segment and analyzing the subcellular distribution of the mutants expressed in COS-1 cells. None of the mutants had an altered subcellular distribution, although some had greatly diminished the enzyme activities. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
Heterosynaptic plasticity has received considerable attention as a means to induce and maintain cell-wide, as opposed to synapse-specific, learning-related modifications. Modulatory neurotransmitters are thought to provide the attentional and motivational state for memory formation. However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms mediating the effects of most of these modulators on synaptic plasticity and learning remain unclear. A well established system for the study of heterosynaptic plasticity is the Aplysia sensorimotor synapse, which is subject regulation by at least two neuromodulators, serotonin (5-HT) and FMRFa. ^ 5-HT engages multiple second messenger cascades to induce short- and long-term facilitation (STF and LTF, respectively) of synaptic transmission. One mechanism proposed to be involved in STF is mobilization of synaptic vesicles from a storage pool to a releasable pool. To investigate this hypothesis, we examined the involvement of the protein synapsin, a central element in the regulation of the storage pool of vesicles in nerve terminals, in STF. 5-HT induced phosphorylation of synapsin and modified its subcellular distribution via PKA and p42/44 MAPK. Electrophysiological experiments and computer simulations suggested that synapsin can support heterosynaptic plasticity by regulating vesicle mobilization. ^ FMRFa induce short- and long-term synaptic depression in Aplysia . Long-term depression (LTD) correlates with morphological changes, the mechanisms of which remain elusive. LTD is also transcription- and translation-dependent, but little is known about the genes expressed and their regulation. We investigated the role of protein degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome system and the regulation of one of its components, ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase (ap-uch), in LTD. LTD was sensitive to inhibition of the proteasome and was associated with upregulation of ap-uch mRNA and protein. This upregulation appeared to be mediated by the transcription factor CREB2, which is generally regarded as a transcription repressor. These results suggest that proteasome-mediated protein degradation is engaged in LTD and that CREB2 may act as a transcription activator under certain conditions. ^ These and additional studies on the interaction of the 5-HT and FMRFa-activated pathways suggest that different neuromodulators, by activating several and sometimes overlapping signaling cascades, can exercise bidirectional control on synaptic gain and information processing.^
We designed and synthesized a novel daunorubicin (DNR) analogue that effectively circumvents P-glycoprotein (P-gp)-mediated drug resistance. The fully protected carbohydrate intermediate 1,2-dibromoacosamine was prepared from acosamine and effectively coupled to daunomycinone in high yield. Deprotection under alkaline conditions yielded 2$\sp\prime$-bromo-4$\sp\prime$-epidaunorubicin (WP401). The in vitro cytotoxicity and cellular and molecular pharmacology of WP401 were compared with those of DNR in a panel of wild-type cell lines (KB-3-1, P388S, and HL60S) and their multidrug-resistant (MDR) counterparts (KB-V1, P388/DOX, and HL60/DOX). Fluorescent spectrophotometry, flow cytometry, and confocal laser scanning microscopy were used to measure intracellular accumulation, retention, and subcellular distribution of these agents. All MDR cell lines exhibited reduced DNR uptake that was restored, upon incubation with either verapamil (VER) or cyclosporin A (CSA), to the level found in sensitive cell lines. In contrast, the uptake of WP401 was essentially the same in the absence or presence of VER or CSA in all tested cell lines. The in vitro cytotoxicity of WP401 was similar to that of DNR in the sensitive cell lines but significantly higher in resistant cell lines (resistance index (RI) of 2-6 for WP401 vs 75-85 for DNR). To ascertain whether drug-mediated cytotoxicity and retention were accompanied by DNA strand breaks, DNA single- and double-strand breaks were assessed by alkaline elution. High levels of such breaks were obtained using 0.1-2 $\mu$g/mL of WP401 in both sensitive and resistant cells. In contrast, DNR caused strand breaks only in sensitive cells and not much in resistant cells. We also compared drug-induced DNA fragmentation similar to that induced by DNR. However, in P-gp-positive cells, WP401 induced 2- to 5-fold more DNA fragmentation than DNR. This increased DNA strand breakage by WP401 was correlated with its increased uptake and cytotoxicity in these cell lines. Overall these results indicate that WP401 is more cytotoxic than DNR in MDR cells and that this phenomenon might be related to the reduced basicity of the amino group and increased lipophilicity of WP401. ^
The molecular and functional characterization of a 125-kDa Ca2+-extractable protein of the Triton X-100–insoluble fraction of Dictyostelium cells identified a new type of a gelsolin-related molecule. In addition to its five gelsolin segments, this gelsolin-related protein of 125 kDa (GRP125) reveals a number of unique domains, two of which are predicted to form coiled-coil regions. Another distinct attribute of GRP125 concerns the lack of sequence elements known to be essential for characteristic activities of gelsolin-like proteins, i.e. the severing, capping, or nucleation of actin filaments. The subcellular distribution of GRP125 to vesicular compartments suggests an activity of GRP125 different from actin-binding, gelsolin-related proteins. GRP125 expression is tightly regulated and peaks at the transition to the multicellular pseudoplasmodial stage of Dictyostelium development. GRP125 was found indispensable for slug phototaxis, because slugs fail to correctly readjust their orientation in the absence of GRP125. Analysis of the GRP125-deficient mutant showed that GRP125 is required for coupling photodetection to the locomotory machinery of slugs. We propose that GRP125 is essential in the natural environment for the propagation of Dictyostelium spores. We also present evidence for further representatives of the GRP125 type in Dictyostelium, as well as in heterologous cells from lower to higher eukaryotes.
The trans-Golgi network (TGN) plays a pivotal role in directing proteins in the secretory pathway to the appropriate cellular destination. VAMP4, a recently discovered member of the vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP) family of trafficking proteins, has been suggested to play a role in mediating TGN trafficking. To better understand the function of VAMP4, we examined its precise subcellular distribution. Indirect immunofluorescence and electron microscopy revealed that the majority of VAMP4 localized to tubular and vesicular membranes of the TGN, which were in part coated with clathrin. In these compartments, VAMP4 was found to colocalize with the putative TGN-trafficking protein syntaxin 6. Additional labeling was also present on clathrin-coated and noncoated vesicles, on endosomes and the medial and trans side of the Golgi complex, as well as on immature secretory granules in PC12 cells. Immunoprecipitation of VAMP4 from rat brain detergent extracts revealed that VAMP4 exists in a complex containing syntaxin 6. Converging lines of evidence implicate a role for VAMP4 in TGN-to-endosome transport.
A genetic hierarchy of interactions, involving myogenic regulatory factors of the MyoD and myocyte enhancer-binding 2 (MEF2) families, serves to elaborate and maintain the differentiated muscle phenotype through transcriptional regulation of muscle-specific target genes. Much work suggests that members of the cysteine-rich protein (CRP) family of LIM domain proteins also play a role in muscle differentiation; however, the specific functions of CRPs in this process remain undefined. Previously, we characterized two members of the Drosophila CRP family, the muscle LIM proteins Mlp60A and Mlp84B, which show restricted expression in differentiating muscle lineages. To extend our analysis of Drosophila Mlps, we characterized the expression of Mlps in mutant backgrounds that disrupt specific aspects of muscle development. We show a genetic requirement for the transcription factor dMEF2 in regulating Mlp expression and an ability of dMEF2 to bind, in vitro, to consensus MEF2 sites derived from those present in Mlp genomic sequences. These data suggest that the Mlp genes may be direct targets of dMEF2 within the genetic hierarchy controlling muscle differentiation. Mutations that disrupt myoblast fusion fail to affect Mlp expression. In later stages of myogenic differentiation, which are dedicated primarily to assembly of the contractile apparatus, we analyzed the subcellular distribution of Mlp84B in detail. Immunofluorescent studies revealed the localization of Mlp84B to muscle attachment sites and the periphery of Z-bands of striated muscle. Analysis of mutations that affect expression of integrins and α-actinin, key components of these structures, also failed to perturb Mlp84B distribution. In conclusion, we have used molecular epistasis analysis to position Mlp function downstream of events involving mesoderm specification and patterning and concomitant with terminal muscle differentiation. Furthermore, our results are consistent with a structural role for Mlps as components of muscle cytoarchitecture.
Amphiphysin (Amph) is a src homology 3 domain-containing protein that has been implicated in synaptic vesicle endocytosis as a result of its interaction with dynamin. In a screen for novel members of the amphiphysin family, we identified Amph2, an isoform 49% identical to the previously characterized Amph1 protein. The subcellular distribution of this isoform parallels Amph1, both being enriched in nerve terminals. Like Amph1, a role in endocytosis at the nerve terminal is supported by the rapid dephosphorylation of Amph2 on depolarization. Importantly, the two isoforms can be coimmunoprecipitated from the brain as an equimolar complex, suggesting that the two isoforms act in concert. As determined by cross-linking of brain extracts, the Amph1–Amph2 complex is a 220- to 250-kDa heterodimer. COS cells transfected with either Amph1 or Amph2 show greatly reduced transferrin uptake, but coexpression of the two proteins rescues this defect, supporting a role for the heterodimer in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Although the src homology 3 domains of both isoforms interact with dynamin, the heterodimer can associate with multiple dynamin molecules in vitro and activates dynamin’s GTPase activity. We propose that it is an amphiphysin heterodimer that drives the recruitment of dynamin to clathrin-coated pits in endocytosing nerve terminals.