982 resultados para Sound Production


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The inflammatory response to pulpal injury or infection has major clinical significance. Neurogenic inflammation describes the local release of neuropeptides, notably substance P (SP), from afferent neurones, and may play a role in the pathogenesis of pulpal disease. The fibroblast is the most numerous cell type in the dental pulp and recent work has suggested that it is involved in the inflammatory response. Objectives: The aims of the study were to determine whether pulp fibroblasts could produce SP, and to investigate the expression of the SP receptor, NK-1, by these cells. Methods: Primary pulp fibroblast cell populations were isolated by enzymatic digestion from non-carious teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons. Whole pulp tissue was obtained from freshly extracted sound (n=35) and carious (n=39) teeth. Expression of SP and NK-1 mRNA was determined by RT-PCR. The effects of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) on SP and NK-1 expression were also determined. The presence of NK-1 on fibroblast cell membranes was established by western blotting. The effects of the cytokines on each parameter were analysed by ANOVA. Radioimmunoassay (RIA) was carried out to quantify SP expression by pulp fibroblasts and in whole pulp tissue. Results: SP was expressed by pulpal fibroblasts both at the mRNA level and the protein level. In addition, NK-1 was detected in fibroblast cultures at the mRNA level and appeared as a double band on western blots of membrane extracts. IL-1β and TGF-β1 significantly stimulated the expression of SP and NK-1. SP levels were significantly greater (p<0.05) in carious compared to sound teeth. Conclusion: Pulp fibroblasts are capable of synthesising and secreting SP, as well as expressing the SP receptor, NK-1. These findings suggest that pulp fibroblasts play a role in neurogenic inflammation in pulpal disease. (Supported by the European Society of Endodontology.)


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Os biocombustíveis têm estado na linha da frente das políticas energéticas mundiais visto que as suas vantagens conseguem colmatar as incertezas e resolver alguns dos problemas associados aos combustíveis fósseis. O biodiesel tem provado ser um combustível muito fiável, alternativo ao petrodiesel. É uma mistura de ésteres alquílicos produzidos a partir de óleos vegetais e gorduras animais através de uma reacção de transesterificação. Como combustível, o biodiesel é economicamente viável, socialmente responsável, tecnicamente compatível e ambientalmente amigável. O principal desafio associado ao seu desenvolvimento tem a ver com a escolha de matéria-prima para a sua produção. Nos países do terceiro mundo, óleos alimentares são mais importantes para alimentar pessoas do que fazer funcionar carros. Esta tese tem como objectivos produzir/processar biodiesel a partir de recursos endógenos de Timor-Leste e medir/prever as propriedades termodinâmicas do biodiesel, a partir das dos esteres alquílicos. A síntese do biodiesel a partir dos óleos de Aleurites moluccana, Jatropha curcas e borras de café foram aqui estudados. As propriedades termodinâmicas como densidade, viscosidade, tensão superficial, volatilidade e velocidade do som também foram medidas e estimadas usando modelos preditivos disponíveis na literatura, incluindo as equações de estado CPA e soft-SAFT. Timor-Leste é um país muito rico em recursos naturais, mas a maioria da população ainda vive na pobreza e na privação de acesso a serviços básicos e condições de vida decentes. A exploração de petróleo e gás no mar de Timor tem sido controlado pelo Fundo Petrolífero. O país ainda carece de electricidade e combustíveis que são cruciais para materializar as políticas de redução da pobreza. Como solução, o governo timorense criou recentemente o Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento a 20 anos cujas prioridades incluem trazer o desenvolvimento do petróleo do mar para a costa sul de Timor-Leste e desenvolver as energias renováveis. É neste último contexto que o biodiesel se insere. O seu desenvolvimento no país poderá ser uma solução para o fornecimento de electricidade, a criação de empregos e sobretudo o combate contra a pobreza e a privação. Para ser usado como combustível, no entanto, o biodiesel deve possuir propriedades termodinâmicas coerentes com as especificadas nas normas da ASTM D6751 (nos Estados Unidos) ou EN 14214 (na Europa) para garantir uma adequada ignição, atomização e combustão do biodiesel no motor.


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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Geography has long been a predominantly visual discipline, but recent work in geography has sought to explore the multisensory, embodied, emotional and affective dimensions of people’s relations with places. One way to engage this type of exploration is through the use of sound walks: walks along a specified route accompanied by a soundtrack (on headphones or stationary speakers) that conveys information, enacts a story, produces an ambience or atmosphere, or illuminates certain aspects of the environment through which the listener is walking. This thesis aims to show how geographers can benefit from using sound walks as thinking tools, representational tools and teaching tools. Drawing on my own experiences producing sound walks, I first examine the ways that sound walk production processes help generate productive geographical thinking for those producing sound walks (Chapter Two). The various stages of producing a sound walk require different skill sets, pose different challenges, and require different sorts of environmental awareness, and therefore present novel opportunities for developing geographical insights about specific places or spatial relations. Second, I focus on four experientially-oriented aspects of sound walks – using multiple senses, walking, contingency, and moments of interaction – to argue that sound walks can be useful representational tools for geographers, whether those creating sound walks subscribe to a representational or non-representational theory of knowledge (Chapter Three). The value of sound walks as representational tools is in the experience of ‘doing’ them. That is, audiences discover for themselves through interaction what is being represented, rather than having it delivered to them. The experiential elements of ‘doing’ sound walks recommend them as potentially helpful representational tools for geographers. Third, by examining the work of a small sample of fourth year “Advanced Geography of Music” students, I develop the argument that sound walks can be effective tools for teaching students and for creating circumstances for students to learn independently (Chapter Four). Sound walks have potential to be effective pedagogical tools because they are commensurate with several key pedagogical schools of thought that emphasise the importance of requiring students to engage actively with their environment using a combination of senses. The thesis demonstrates that sound walks are a worthwhile resource for geographers to use theoretically, representationally and pedagogically in their work. The next step is for geographers to put them into practice and realize this potential.


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Le paysage sonore est une forme de perception de notre environnement qui nous permet d’identifier les composantes sonores de notre quotidien. Ce projet de recherche porte sur une thématique particulière, les sons produits par les végétaux et leurs rôles dans les ambiances sonores paysagères. C’est la perspective que nous avons explorée in situ, en comparant les différentes espèces végétales; cette collection d’informations nous permet de proposer une typologie d’ambiances sonores des végétaux. Dans la première partie, des notions rattachées au « monde sonore » telles que l’objet sonore, le paysage sonore et les effets sonores justifient d’établir, dans la méthodologie, une grille d’analyse comportant différentes échelles d’écoute. Une lecture multidisciplinaire propose, d’une part, de réunir de l’information sur le son et les végétaux, la morphologie de ces derniers, l’aménagement au site, les conditions climatiques et, d’autre part, de retrouver ce qui a trait au son dans l’histoire des jardins, dont les jardins sensoriels, thérapeutiques, technologiques, et des sentiers d’interprétation sonore, sous l’angle du son comme projet. De plus, une liste de végétaux recevant les chants et cris de la faune vient introduire la notion de biodiversité sonore. Une enquête sociale de terrain, par la méthode des parcours commentés, et une enquête « experte » ont été réalisées au Jardin botanique de Montréal. Ces deux enquêtes nous ont permis de constituer une grille d’analyse croisée comprenant plusieurs échelles d’écoute : textures, actions sonores, effets sonores... De là, des générateurs d’ambiance (morphologie, organisation, climat) ont été relevés pour déterminer les aspects de récurrences et de différenciations d’un type d’ambiance sonore à l’autre. Des associations se sont formées en fonction de onze types de végétaux, chacun comprenant plusieurs sous-catégories. Celles-ci proposent des ambiances sonores spécifiques, des échelles d’écoute à considérer pour chaque type d’ambiance et l’énumération d’espèces à utiliser. Cette recherche ouvre la voie à un autre type de lecture sonore, par thématique d’ambiance (les sons du végétal dans notre cas), afin d’offrir de nouveaux outils de conception pour les professionnels, en profonde relation avec les perceptions sonores d’usagers sur le terrain et l’agencement spécifique d’un site.


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The regional population growth in West Africa, and especially its urban centers, will bring about new and critical challenges for urban development policy, especially in terms of ensuring food security and providing employment for the growing population. (Peri-) urban livestock and vegetable production systems, which can contribute significantly to these endeavours, are limited by various constraints, amongst them limited access to expensive production factors and their (in)efficient use. To achieve sustainable production systems with low consumer health risks, that can meet the urban increased demand, this doctoral thesis determined nutrient use efficiencies in representative (peri-) urban livestock production systems in three West African cities, and investigated potential health risks for consumers ensuing from there. The field study, which was conducted during July 2007 to December 2009, undertook a comparative analysis of (peri-) urban livestock production strategies across 210 livestock keeping households (HH) in the three West African cities of Kano/Nigeria (84 HH), Bobo Dioulasso/Burkina Faso (63 HH) and Sikasso/Mali (63 HH). These livestock enterprises were belonging to the following three farm types: commercial gardening plus field crops and livestock (cGCL; 88 HH), commercial livestock plus subsistence field cropping (cLsC; 109 HH) and commercial gardening plus semi-commercial livestock (cGscL; 13 HH) which had been classified in a preceding study; they represented the diversity of (peri-) urban livestock production systems in West Africa. In the study on the efficiency of ruminant livestock production, lactating cowsand sheep herd units were differentiated based on whether feed supplements were offered to the animals at the homestead (Go: grazing only; Gsf: mainly grazing plus some supplement feeding). Inflows and outflows of nutrients were quantified in these herds during 18 months, and the effects of seasonal variations in nutrient availability on animals’ productivity and reproductive performance was determined in Sikasso. To assess the safety of animal products and vegetables, contamination sources of irrigated lettuce and milk with microbiological contaminants, and of tomato and cabbage with pesticide residues in (peri-) urban agriculture systems of Bobo Dioulasso and Sikasso were characterized at three occasions in 2009. Samples of irrigation water, organic fertilizer and ix lettuce were collected in 6 gardens, and samples of cabbage and tomato in 12 gardens; raw and curdled milk were sampled in 6 dairy herds. Information on health risks for consumers of such foodstuffs was obtained from 11 health centers in Sikasso. In (peri-) urban livestock production systems, sheep and goats dominated (P<0.001) in Kano compared to Bobo Dioulasso and Sikasso, while cattle and poultry were more frequent (P<0.001) in Bobo Dioulasso and Sikasso than in Kano. Across cities, ruminant feeding relied on grazing and homestead supplementation with fresh grasses, crop residues, cereal brans and cotton seed cake; cereal grains and brans were the major ingredients of poultry feeds. There was little association of gardens and livestock; likewise field cropping and livestock were rarely integrated. No relation existed between the education of the HH head and the adoption of improved management practices (P>0.05), but the proportion of HH heads with a long-term experience in (peri-) urban agriculture was higher in Kano and in Bobo Dioulasso than in Sikasso (P<0.001). Cattle and sheep fetched highest market prices in Kano; unit prices for goats and chicken were highest in Sikasso. Animal inflow, outflow and dairy herd growth rates were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the Gsf than in the Go cattle herds. Maize bran and cottonseed expeller were the main feeds offered to Gsf cows as dry-season supplement, while Gsf sheep received maize bran, fresh grasses and cowpea pods. The short periodic transhumance of Go dairy cows help them maintaining their live weight, whereas Gsf cows lost weight during the dry season despite supplement feeding at a rate of 1506 g dry matter per cow and day, resulting in low productivity and reproductive performance. The daily live weight gains of calves and lambs, respectively, were low and not significantly different between the Go and the Gsf system. However, the average live weight gains of lambs were significantly higher in the dry season (P<0.05) than in the rainy season because of the high pressure of gastrointestinal parasites and of Trypanosoma sp. In consequence, 47% of the sheep leaving the Go and Gsf herds died due to diseases during the study period. Thermo-tolerant coliforms and Escherichia coli contamination levels of irrigation water significantly exceeded WHO recommendations for the unrestricted irrigation of vegetables consumed raw. Microbial contamination levels of lettuce at the farm gate and the market place in Bobo Dioulasso and at the farm gate in Sikasso were higher than at the market place in Sikasso (P<0.05). Pesticide residues were detected in only one cabbage and one tomato sample and were below the maximum residue limit for consumption. Counts of thermo-tolerant coliforms and Escherichia coli were higher in curdled than in raw milk (P<0.05). From 2006 to x 2009, cases of diarrhea/vomiting and typhoid fever had increased by 11% and 48%, respectively, in Sikasso. For ensuring economically successful and ecologically viable (peri-) urban livestock husbandry and food safety of (peri-) urban foodstuffs of animal and plant origin, the dissemination and adoption of improved feeding practices, livestock healthcare and dung management are key. In addition, measures fostering the safety of animal products and vegetables including the appropriate use of wastewater in (peri-) urban agriculture, restriction to approve vegetable pesticides and the respect of their latency periods, and passing and enforcement of safety laws is required. Finally, the incorporation of environmentally sound (peri-) urban agriculture in urban planning by policy makers, public and private extension agencies and the urban farmers themselves is of utmost importance. To enable an efficient (peri-) urban livestock production in the future, research should concentrate on cost-effective feeding systems that allow meeting the animals’ requirement for production and reproduction. Thereby focus should be laid on the use of crop-residues and leguminous forages. The improvement of the milk production potential through crossbreeding of local cattle breeds with exotic breeds known for their high milk yield might be an accompanying option, but it needs careful supervision to prevent the loss of the local trypanotolerant purebreds.


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SOUND IMPULSE es un modelo de promoción musical creado para fortalecer la gestión de las agrupaciones de ska y reggae en Bogotá, que trabajará con base en asesorías, de acuerdo a las necesidades específicas detectadas en cada una y que giran en torno a tres procesos específicos, participación, financiación y circulación, para favorecer su visibilidad, promoción y reconocimiento en la escena distrital, nacional e internacional.


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An electromagnetic articulograph (EMA) system was used to provide a participant with congenital hearing loss visual biofeedback information on speech production. Five normally hearing listeners reported a change in their perception of the speech sound /æ/ in the various conditions of the study.


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'The Prophetic Sound: a day and night of noise cabaret' is the first event hosted by Agency of Noise. This all day event brought together artists and academics whose subject of focus is noise (in creative practice). Artists from across the UK were invited to consider a future post-digital era in which everything with a microchip has malfunctioned, as a thought exercise and starting point for response through sound. In response to Jacques Attali’s claim that music is prophecy, The Prophetic Sound asks us to consider if noise can communicate in an unbridled, unfiltered, way that is somehow not culturally coded -before it becomes sound that is recognised, refined, manipulated and exploited for musical or other cultured purpose. Featuring students from Reading, Brighton, LCC and Goldsmiths alongside more established artists and academics from across the UK, this event brings into focus locations where pattern, timbre, pitch, organisation and sequencing of sounds become distinguishable from noise and asks us to consider, through diversion within such locations, new origins for future communication systems. The Prophetic Sound included talks, films, presentations and performances from: Ryo Ikeshiro / Inigo Wilkins / Neal Spowage / Dane Sutherland / Poulomi Desai / Benedict Drew / AAS / Polly Fibre / Steven Dickie As part of The Prophetic Sound, POLLYFIBRE (Ellison, C.) performed LIVE RECORDING with Amplified Scissors. This industrial activity by POLLYFIBRE short-circuits the complicated chain that is music production. The distinctive roles of consumer, producer, composer, and performer collapse in a series of live ‘cuts’ where vinyl discs are produced with amplified scissors. Production happens through action and action becomes production. A limited edition of 9 flexi discs were produced and available for special collectors at the event.


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Includes bibliography


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OBJECTIVES The objectives of the present study were to investigate temporal/spectral sound-feature processing in preschool children (4 to 7 years old) with peripheral hearing loss compared with age-matched controls. The results verified the presence of statistical learning, which was diminished in children with hearing impairments (HIs), and elucidated possible perceptual mediators of speech production. DESIGN Perception and production of the syllables /ba/, /da/, /ta/, and /na/ were recorded in 13 children with normal hearing and 13 children with HI. Perception was assessed physiologically through event-related potentials (ERPs) recorded by EEG in a multifeature mismatch negativity paradigm and behaviorally through a discrimination task. Temporal and spectral features of the ERPs during speech perception were analyzed, and speech production was quantitatively evaluated using speech motor maximum performance tasks. RESULTS Proximal to stimulus onset, children with HI displayed a difference in map topography, indicating diminished statistical learning. In later ERP components, children with HI exhibited reduced amplitudes in the N2 and early parts of the late disciminative negativity components specifically, which are associated with temporal and spectral control mechanisms. Abnormalities of speech perception were only subtly reflected in speech production, as the lone difference found in speech production studies was a mild delay in regulating speech intensity. CONCLUSIONS In addition to previously reported deficits of sound-feature discriminations, the present study results reflect diminished statistical learning in children with HI, which plays an early and important, but so far neglected, role in phonological processing. Furthermore, the lack of corresponding behavioral abnormalities in speech production implies that impaired perceptual capacities do not necessarily translate into productive deficits.


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Best Management Practices or BMPs refer to operating techniques and good housekeeping principals for reducing and preventing environmental problems. The overall philosophy behind BMPs is to conduct everyday activities in a more environmentally sound manner. By using BMPs, a facility can help protect the environment, save money, and improve community well-being all at the same time.


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Production processes and work organization in the cultural industries have been little discussed. For this reason, the study focuses on the production phases and the division of labor in technical and artistic branches in Argentine soap operas. There are six branches: production, direction, photography, art, sound and edition. We explain the branches, the workers involved and their function and activities. This research is based on a communicational perspective, the Political Economy of Communication and recovers contributions of the Sociology of Labour. From this combination, we attempt to provide elements of analysis to understand the functioning and organisation of daily television series. In the same way, we examine the creative work, the types of work redundant or random, the division of labour and the economies of time. The methodological approach is qualitative. In this way, the examination is based on the production of interviews with key actors of the sector and the documentary and bibliographical survey so as to systematize the data for the research.


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Reassembled, Slightly Askew is an autobiographical, immersive audio-based artwork based on Shannon Sickels’ experience of falling critically ill with a rare brain infection and her journey of rehabilitation with an acquired brain injury. Audience members experience Reassembled individually, listening to the audio via headphones while lying on a bed. The piece makes use of binaural microphone technology and spatial sound design techniques, causing listeners to feel they are inside Shannon’s head, viscerally experiencing her descent into coma, brain surgeries, early days in the hospital, and re-integration into the world with a hidden disability. It is a new kind of storytelling, never done before about this topic, that places the listener safely in the first-person perspective with the aim of increasing empathy and understanding. Reassembled… was made through a 5-year collaboration with an interdisciplinary team of artists led by Shannon Sickels (writer & performer), Paul Stapleton (composer & sound designer), Anna Newell (director), Hanna Slattne (dramaturgy), Stevie Prickett (choreography), and Shannon’s consultant neurosurgeon and head injury nurse. It’s development and production has been made possible with the support of a Wellcome Trust Arts Award, the Arts Council NI, Sonic Arts Research Centre, Belfast's Metropolitan Arts Centre, and grants from the Arts & Disability Award Ireland scheme. In its 2015 premiere year, Reassembled had 99 shows across Northern Ireland, including at the Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival (the MAC, Belfast) and BOUNCE Arts & Disability Forum Festival (Lyric Theatre, Belfast). It was awarded 5 stars in the Stage, a Hospital Club h100 Theatre & Performance Award, and been shared at medical conferences and trainings across the UK. It continues to be presented in diverse artistic and educational contexts, including as part of A Nation’s Theatre Festival in 2016 at Battersea Arts Centre in London where it was given 4 star reviews in the Guardian, Time Out London and the Evening Standard. "A real-life ordeal, captured by a daring, disorientating artistic collaboration, which works brilliantly on so many levels…It should be available on prescription.” — The Stage ★★★★★ www.reassembled.co.uk Audio clips and documentary footage available here: http://www.paulstapleton.net/portfolio/reassembled-slightly-askew