798 resultados para Social and educational intervention


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This thesis explores adolescent pregnancy in San Jose, Costa Rica and examines a school-based pregnancy prevention intervention. The relationships between school, gender and risk of adolescent pregnancy are also analyzed, and recommendations are made for effective pregnancy prevention programming. The Purral region of Guadalupe on the outskirts of San Jose, Costa Rica, suffers a higher rate of adolescent pregnancy compared to the rest of the country. In response to this problem, the International Health Central American Institute (IHCAI) implemented a sexual health education program in two local secondary schools in 2006. Very little information about the program is available. It is known that the program was initially evaluated through assessments of the participants’ knowledge before and after the educational sessions. There was no evaluation of the youth attitudes or behaviors, adolescent pregnancies, or long-term impact. The author worked with IHCAI in San Jose, Costa Rica to perform an assessment of the longer term effects of this sexual health education program. They developed a questionnaire to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors surrounding sexual health of youth in the Purral community. Researchers at IHCAI later used this survey to collect data from adolescents who had participated in the educational intervention and those who had not. This thesis analyzes the data collected by IHCAI to assess the effectiveness of the - 2 - educational intervention and the influence of other factors on the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of adolescents in the Purral region. The thesis begins with an overview of adolescent pregnancy, Costa Rica and the Purral region, and a description of the education intervention implemented by IHCAI. The research goal, logic model, and methods are then described. The results are reported, and the thesis then concludes with discussion of the results as well as study limitations and recommendations for future research and intervention. This thesis will be used to guide IHCAI’s continuation and expansion of adolescent pregnancy prevention programming.


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This study aims at investigating the social and behavioral predictors of consistent condom use among female commercial sex workers (FCSWs) in Ghana. Street commercial sex workers were interviewed in Accra, Kumasi and Techiman. Whereas respondents had attained certain accurate knowledge about HIV transmission routes, misconceptions were still commonly reported. The level of condom education was very low (14%), however consistent condom use (all the time) with clients was relatively high (49.6%), 38.89% reported using condom sometimes and 11.56% reported never using condoms. ^ 277 of the respondent ants did not use condoms all the time. 163 of them reported not using condoms due to refusal by their clients, the remaining 64 respondents did not even request their clients to use condom due to cultural perception of power, lack of authority and the fear of loosing clients. ^ Significant predictive factors associated with consistency of condom use among FCSWs in a multivariate analysis were; age, level of education, religion, and number of customers. Some of the major obstacles to condom use by the FCSWs were refusal by clients, availability of free condoms, trying to communicate trust to their clients, and the lack of empowerment to negotiate safer sex with clients. Some of the respondents may have developed a false sense of safety by subjectively assessing whether their clients were well and do not look sick, but they were unaware that HIV carriers may show no obvious symptoms of illness at all. ^ In summary, this study points to an urgent need for reestablishing effective prevention intervention and some insights of what is required of such program in Ghana. ^


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Objective. To explore issues in current literature concerning possible social and economic ramifications of pharmacogenomic research. Design. Review of the literature. Data sources: Academic Search Premier, Blackwell Synergy, PUBMED and Social Sciences Citation Index. Review methods. Articles dealing with the social and economic ramifications of pharmacogenomic research were selected. The articles discussed at least one of 5 areas (race, privacy/confidentiality, ethics, insurance, and research and development). Some restrictions were placed on the articles chosen to narrow down the number of articles to a relevant, manageable amount. Results. Approximately 219 articles were selected for review; 159 were fully reviewed and found to be relevant to the issues; and 33 were cited. Conclusion. Insurance and research and development decisions are led by the free-market system with limited intervention from government. Race/ethnicity, privacy/confidentiality, and ethics continue to be debated with no clear answer. However, some compromise is regulated by government based upon current laws involving these issues. ^


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Diabetes Mellitus is not a disease, but a group of diseases. Common to all types of diabetes is high levels of blood glucose produced from a variety of causes. In 2006, the American Diabetes Association ranked diabetes as the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. The complications and consequences are serious and include nephropathy, retinopathy, neuropathy, heart disease, amputations, pregnancy complications, sexual dysfunction, biochemical imbalances, susceptibility and sensitivity to many other diseases and in some cases death. ^ The serious nature of diabetes mellitus and its complications has compelled researchers to devise new strategies to reach population segments at high risk. Various avenues of outreach have been attempted. This pilot program is not unique in using a health museum as a point of outreach. However health museums have not been a major source of interventions, either. Little information was available regarding health museum visitor demographics, visitation patterns, companion status and museum trust levels prior to this pilot intervention. This visitor information will improve planning for further interventions and studies. ^ This thesis also examined prevalence data in a temporal context, the populations at risk for diabetes, the collecting agencies, and other relevant collected data. The prevalence of diabetes has been rapidly increasing. The increase is partially explained by refinement of the definition of diabetes as the etiology has become better understood. Increasing obesity and sedentary lifestyles have contributed to the increase, as well as the burdensome increase on minority populations. ^ Treatment options are complex and have had limited effectiveness. This would lead one to conclude that prevention and early diagnosis are preferable. However, the general public has insufficient awareness and education regarding diabetes symptoms and the serious risks and complications the disease can cause. Reaching high risk, high prevalence, populations is challenging for any intervention. During its “free family Thursdays” The Health Museum (Houston, Texas) has attracted a variety of ethnic patrons; similar to the Houston and Harris County demographics. This research project explored the effectiveness of a pilot diabetes educational intervention in a health museum setting where people chose to visit. ^


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This study examines the reduction in hospital utilization of 393 public hospital patients who were referred to the hospital's alcoholism screening program for intervention. The 393 patients were the total patient population of the alcoholism screening program for the period of September through December, 1982. Medical records of these patients were investigated to assess the total number of hospital days six months before and six months after intervention. The findings support the hypothesis of decreased utilization. The total number of hospital days for 393 patients before intervention of the alcoholism program was 3,458, with a mean length of stay of 8.80 days. The total number of hospital days after intervention was 458 days, with a mean length of stay of 6.50 days. The average individual difference (decrease) was 7.63 days for one year. From a total of 393 patients counseled by the alcoholism program, 106 (27%) went to treatment for their alcoholism. Other aims were to examine the referral sources (physicians, nurses, social workers and the MAST); study the impact of familial history of alcoholism on referrals, and explore the MAST scores of patients successfully referred. Implications of the study are that it would benefit the public hospital, with their disproportionate numbers of alcoholics, to intervene in the behavioral patterns of alcoholism. Such intervention would be a factor in reducing the overall hospitalization of the alcoholic. ^


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This dissertation develops and tests through path analysis a theoretical model to explain how socioeconomic, socioenvironmental, and biologic risk factors simultaneously influence each other to further produce short-term, depressed growth in preschoolers. Three areas of risk factors were identified: child's proximal environment, maturational stage, and biological vulnerability. The theoretical model represented both the conceptual framework and the nature and direction of the hypotheses. Original research completed in 1978-80 and in 1982 provided the background data. It was analyzed first by nested-analysis of variance, followed by path analysis. The study provided evidence of mild iron deficiency and gastrointestinal symptomatology in the etiology of depressed, short-term weight gain. Also, there was evidence suggesting that family resources for material and social survival significantly contribute to the variability of short-term, age-adjusted growth velocity. These results challenge current views of unifocal intervention, whether for prevention or control. For policy formulations, though, the mechanisms underlying any set of interlaced relationships must be decoded. Theoretical formulations here proposed should be reassessed under a more extensive research design. It is suggested that studies should be undertaken where social changes are actually in progress; otherwise, nutritional epidemiology in developing countries operates somewhere between social reality and research concepts, with little grasp of its real potential. The study stresses that there is a connection between substantive theory, empirical observation, and policy issues. ^


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Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women occurs in all countries, all cultures and at every level of society; however, some populations may be at greater risk than others. The aim of this study was to explore IPV prevalence among Ecuadorian, Moroccan and Romanian immigrant women living in Spain and its possible association with their personal, family, social support and immigration status characteristics. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 1607 adult immigrant women residing in Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia (2011). Prevalence rates and adjusted odds ratios (AORs) were calculated, with current IPV being the outcome. Different women’s personal (demographic), family, social support and immigration status characteristics were considered as explicative and control variables. All analyses were separated by women’s country of origin. Results: Current IPV prevalence was 15.57% in Ecuadorians, 10.91% in Moroccans and 8.58% in Romanians. Some common IPV factors were found, such as being separated and/or divorced. In Romanians, IPV was also associated with lack of social support [AOR 5.96 (1.39–25.62)] and low religious involvement [AOR 2.17 (1.06–4.43)]. The likelihood of current IPV was lower among women without children or other dependants in this subgroup [AOR 0.29 (0.093–0.92)]. Conclusion: The IPV prevalence rates obtained for Moroccan, Romanian and Ecuadorian women residing in Spain were similar. Whereas the likelihood of IPV appeared to be relatively evenly distributed among Moroccan and Ecuadorian women, it was higher among Romanian women in socially vulnerable situations related to family responsibilities and the lack of support networks. The importance of intervention in the process of separation and divorce was common to all women.


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"Prepared with funding from the National Institute of Education, U.S. Department of Education under contract no. NIE 400-83-0023"--T.p. verso.


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Cover title.


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Bibliography: p. 38-41.


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The persistence of negative attitudes towards cancer pain and its treatment suggests there is scope for identifying more effective pain education strategies. This randomized controlled trial involving 189 ambulatory cancer patients evaluated an educational intervention that aimed to optimize patients' ability to manage pain. One week post-intervention, patients receiving the pain management intervention (PMI) had a significantly greater increase in self-reported pain knowledge, perceived control over pain, and number of pain treatments recommended. Intervention group patients also demonstrated a greater reduction in willingness to tolerate pain, concerns about addiction and side effects, being a "good" patient, and tolerance to pain relieving medication. The results suggest that targeted educational interventions that utilize individualized instructional techniques may alter cancer patient attitudes, which can potentially act as barriers to effective pain management. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose To evaluate the efficacy of a psychoeducational intervention in improving cancer-related fatigue. Patients and Methods This randomized controlled trial involved 109 women commencing adjuvant chemotherapy for stage I or II breast cancer in five chemotherapy treatment centers. Intervention group patients received an individualized fatigue education and support program delivered in the clinic and by phone over three 10- to 20-minute sessions 1 week apart. Instruments included a numeric rating scale assessing confidence with managing fatigue; 11-point numeric rating scales measuring fatigue at worst, average, and best; the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Fatigue and Piper Fatigue Scales; the Cancer Self-Efficacy Scale; the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire C30; and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. For each outcome, separate analyses of covariance of change scores between baseline (T1) and the three follow-up time points (T2, T3, and T4) were conducted, controlling for the variable's corresponding baseline value. Results Compared with the intervention group, mean difference scores between the baseline (T1) and immediate after the test (T2) assessments increased significantly more for the control group for worst and average fatigue, Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Fatigue, and Piper fatigue severity and interference measures. These differences were not observed between baseline and T3 and T4 assessments. No significant differences were identified for any pre- or post-test change scores for confidence with managing fatigue, cancer self-efficacy, anxiety, depression, or quality of life. Conclusion Preparatory education and support has the potential to assist women to cope with cancer-related fatigue in the short term. However, further research is needed to identify ways to improve the potency and sustainability of psychoeducational interventions for managing cancer-related fatigue.


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Background: Understanding and influencing the determinants of physical activity is an important public health challenge. We used prospective data to examine the influence of individual, social, and environmental factors on physical activity behaviour, using regular running as the behavioural model. Methods: Over 500 middle-aged women completed two consecutive questionnaires in 2000 and 2002. Logistic regression analyses were used to examine factors predicting adoption of and regression from regular leisure-time running during the follow-up. Results: Women who frequently used behavioural change skills were more likely to adopt regular running (OR=4.0, CI=1.7-9.5). There was an interaction between the enjoyment of running and family support: those who rated enjoyment of running high and reported high family support were less likely to adopt running (OR= 0.2, CI = 0.1-0.5). Women who reported infrequent use of motives were more likely (OR = 3.3, CI = 1.6-6.9) to regress from regular running. There was an interaction between perceived health and the neighbourhood environment: those who perceived themselves to be in poor health and had an unattractive neighbourhood were more likely (OR = 2.7, CI = 0.9-8.3) to regress from regular running. Conclusions: Behavioural skills and enjoyment may be of particular importance for the adoption of regular activity; social support and an aesthetically attractive neighbourhood are likely to have a key role in encouraging maintenance. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The project is working towards building an understanding of the personal interests and experiences of children with the aim of designing appropriate, usable and, most importantly, inspirational educational technology. kidprobe, an adaptation of the technology probe concept, has been used as a lightweight method of gaining contextual information about children's interactions with 'fun' technology. kidprobe has produced design inspiration which focuses primarily on the social and emotional connections children made. The use of kidprobe has generated some important ideas for improving the use of probes with children. It is an important first step in understanding how to effectively adapt probing techniques to inspire the design of technology for children.


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Background: Stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation (AF), most commonly with warfarin, requires maintenance of a narrow therapeutic target (INR 2.0 to 3.0) and is often poorly controlled in practice. Poor patient-understanding surrounding AF and its’ treatment may contribute to patient’s willingness to adhere to recommendations. Method: A theory-driven intervention, developed using patient interviews and focus groups, consisting of a one-off group session (1-6 patients) utilising an ‘expert-patient’ focussed DVD, educational booklet, self-monitoring diary and worksheet, was compared in a randomised controlled trial (ISRCTN93952605) against usual care, with patient postal follow-ups at 1, 2, 6, and 12-months. Ninety-seven warfarin-naïve AF patients were randomised to intervention (n=46, mean age (SD) 72.0 (8.2), 67.4% men), or usual care (n=51, mean age (SD) 73.7 (8.1), 62.7% men), stratified by age, sex, and recruitment centre. Primary endpoint was time within therapeutic range (TTR); secondary endpoints included knowledge, quality of life, anxiety/depression, beliefs about medication, and illness perceptions. Main findings: Intervention patients had significantly higher TTR than usual care at 6-months (76.2% vs. 71.3%; p=0.035); at 12-months these differences were not significant (76.0% vs. 70.0%; p=0.44). Knowledge increased significantly across time (F (3, 47) = 6.4; p<0.01), but there were no differences between groups (F (1, 47) = 3.3; p = 0.07). At 6-months, knowledge scores predicted TTR (r=0.245; p=0.04). Patients’ scores on subscales representing their perception of the general harm and overuse of medication, as well as the perceived necessity of their AF specific medications predicted TTR at 6- and 12-months. Conclusions: A theory-driven educational intervention significantly improves TTR in AF patients initiating warfarin during the first 6-months. Adverse clinical outcomes may potentially be reduced by improving patients’ understanding of the necessity of warfarin and reducing their perception of treatment harm. Improving education provision for AF patients is essential to ensure efficacious and safe treatment.