968 resultados para Shakespeare Illustration Archive Oppel-Hammerschmidt
One of the main problems that public institutions face in the management of protected areas, such as the European Natura 2000 network, is determining how to design and implement sustainable management plans that account for the wide range of marketed and non-marketed benefits they provide to society. This paper presents an application of a stated preference valuation approach aimed at evaluating the social preferences of the population of the Basque Country, Spain, for the key attributes of a regional Natura 2000 network site. According to our results, individuals’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) is higher for attributes associated with non-use values (native tree species and biodiversity conservation) than for attributes associated with use values (agricultural development and commercial forestry). The paper concludes that management policies related to Natura 2000 network sites should account for both for the importance of non-use values and the heterogeneity of the population's preferences in order to minimize potential land use conflicts.
Essa dissertação visa estudar a formação do que veio a ser conhecido como o mito Shakespeariano e sua relação com a produção literária contemporânea, exemplificada pelo romance Wise Children, da romancista inglesa Angela Carter. Tal objetivo pretende ser alcançado por meio uma revisão teórica de elementos relacionados à concepção de mito desenvolvida pelo filósofo francês Roland Barthes, tais quais a concepção tradicional de mito, o Estruturalismo, o Pós-estruturalismo, a crítica ideológica marxista e os Estudos Culturais. Um estudo dos processos históricos que deram origem ao e ajudaram a propagar o mito Shakespeariano também é levado a cabo nessa dissertação: a apropriação da figura e da obra de William Shakespeare feita pelos pré-românticos e pelos românticos em geral; a associação da figura de Shakespeare com a identidade nacional do Império Britânico; o advento da industria Shakespeariana e o papel das adaptações das peças de Shakespeare na propagação do mito Shakespeariano
Editoras Rosa Rabadán; Trinidad Guzmán; Marisa Fernández.
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo apontar os recursos criativos, usados por Shakespeare e Camões, para a construção de cenas, que têem como finalidade provocar o riso nos expectadores. Escolhemos três comédias de Shakespeare (Noite de Reis, A comédia dos erros, Sonho de uma noite de verão) para fazer uma leitura comparativa com as três comédias escritas por Camões (Filodemo, El Rei Seleuco e Anfitrião). Constatamos que, apesar da existência de uma variedade de procedimentos técnicos para a produção do riso, os autores recorreram aos mesmos recursos criativos: naufrágios, personagens com identidades trocadas, gêmeos que são confundidos e encenação de uma peça dentro de outra peça. Esses recursos são ferramentas com a função de criar um anteparo diante do horror da morte, o que constitui um processo de defesa do homem diante do seu inexorável destino. Nesse sentido, a comédia é uma das vias pela qual o homem ri da morte
This thesis will examine the interaction between the user and the digital archive. The aim of the study is to support an in-depth examination of the interaction process, with a view to making recommendations and tools, for system designers and archival professionals, to promote digital archive domain development. Following a comprehensive literature review process, an urgent requirement for models was identified. The Model of Contextual Interaction presented in this thesis, aims to provide a conceptual model through which the interaction process, between the user and the digital archive, can be examined. Using the five-phased research development framework, the study will present a structured account of its methods, using a multi-method methodology to ensuring robust data collection and analysis. The findings of the study are presented across the Model of Contextual Interaction, and provide a basis on which recommendations and tools for system designers have been made. The thesis concludes with a summary of key findings, and a reflective account of how the findings and the Model of Contextual Interaction have impacted digital provision within the archive domain and how the model could be applied to other domains.
The recent history and current trends in the collection and archiving of forest information and models is reviewed. The question is posed as to whether the community of forest modellers ought to take some action in setting up a Forest Model Archive (FMA) as a means of conserving and sharing the heritage of forest models that have been developed over several decades. The paper discusses the various alternatives of what an FMA could be, and should be. It then goes on to formulate a conceptual model as the basis for the construction of a FMA. Finally the question of software architecture is considered. Again there are a number of possible solutions. We discuss the alternatives, some in considerable detail, but leave the final decisions on these issues to the forest modelling community. This paper has spawned the “Greenwich Initiative” on the FMA. An internet discussion group on the topic will be started and launched by the “Trafalar Group”, which will span both IUFRO 4.1 and 4.11, and further discussion is planned to take place at the Forest Modelling Conference in Portugal, June 2002.
The miniaturization and dissemination of audiovisual media into small, mobile assemblages of cameras, screens and microphones has brought "database cinema" (Manovich) into pockets and handbags. In turn, this micro-portability of video production calls for a reconsideration of database cinema, not as an aesthetic but rather as a media ecology that makes certain experiences and forms of interaction possible. In this context the clip and the fragment become a social currency (showing, trading online, etc.), and the enjoyment of a moment or "occasion" becomes an opportunity for recording, extending, preserving and displaying. If we are now the documentarists of our lives (as so many mobile phone adverts imply), it follows that we are also our own archivists as well. From the folksonomies of Flickr and YouTube to the slick "media centres" of Sony, Apple and Microsoft, the audiovisual home archive is a prized territory of struggle among platforms and brands. The database is emerging as the dominant (screen) medium of popular creativity and distribution – but it also brings the categories of "home" and "person" closer to that of the archive.
The creation of my hypermedia work Index of Love, which narrates a love story as an archive of moments, images and objects recollected, also articulated for me the potential of the book as electronic text. The book has always existed as both narrative and archive. Tables of contents and indexes allow the book to function simultaneously as linear narrative and non-linear, searchable database. The book therefore has more in common with the so-called 'new media' of the 21st century than it does with the dominant 20th century media of film, video and audiotape, whose logic and mode of distribution are resolutely linear. My thesis is that the non-linear logic of new media brings to the fore an aspect of the book - the index - whose potential for the production of narrative is only just beginning to be explored. When a reader/user accesses an electronic work, such as a website, via its menu, they simultaneously experience it as narrative and archive. The narrative journey taken is created through the menu choices made. Within the electronic book, therefore, the index (or menu) has the potential to function as more than just an analytical or navigational tool. It has the potential to become a creative, structuring device. This opens up new possibilities for the book, particularly as, in its paper based form, the book indexes factual work, but not fiction. In the electronic book, however, the index offers as rich a potential for fictional narratives as it does for factual volumes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]