942 resultados para Sewall, Jonathan Mitchell--1748-1808


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Sheep in western Queensland have been predominantly reared for wool. When wool prices became depressed interest in the sheep meat industry, increased. For north west Queensland producers, opportunities may exist to participate in live sheep and meat export to Asia. A simulation model was developed to determine whether this sheep producing area has the capability to provide sufficient numbers of sheep under variable climatic conditions while sustaining the land resources. Maximum capacity for sustainability of resources (as described by stock numbers) was derived from an in-depth study of the agricultural and pastoral potential of Queensland. Decades of sheep production and climatic data spanning differing seasonal conditions were collated for analysis. A ruminant biology model adapted from Grazplan was used to simulate pregnancy rate. Empirical equations predict mortalities, marking rates, and weight characteristics of sheep of various ages from simple climatic measures, stocking rate and reproductive status. The initial age structure of flocks was determined by running the model for several years with historical climatic conditions. Drought management strategies such as selling a proportion of wethers progressively down to two-tooth and oldest ewes were incorporated. Management decisions such as time of joining, age at which ewes were cast-for-age, wether turn-off age and turning-off rate of lambs vary with geographical area and can be specified at run time. The model is run for sequences of climatic conditions generated stochastically from distributions based on historical climatic data correlated in some instances. The model highlights the difficulties of sustaining a consistent supply of sheep under variable climatic conditions.


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In western Queensland, severe drought conditions began in late 2001 and did not generally ease until the 2008/09 summer. Despite the ability of Mitchell grass plants to become dormant during drought, a large proportion of plants appeared to be dead rather than drought-dormant by the end of the 2002/03 summer. Tillers and remaining leaves were blackened and unpalatable to livestock. The term Mitchell grass dieback was coined by producers and other observers to describe what had occurred, although most were confident that the grass would recover with the breaking of the drought. Mitchell grass plants generally failed to respond to widespread average summer rains in early 2004 (> 250 mm). Observation suggested that moisture had penetrated to a soil depth of about 60 cm and a response from plants was expected. When there was no general response, research into the reasons for this was initiated (NBP.348 'Mitchell grass death in Queensland: extent, economic impact and potential for recovery'; 2005-07). This included an investigation of discrete areas of pasture that had responded to the 2003-04 summer rain. Further declines in condition of Mitchell grasslands occurred between winter 2005 and winter 2006 and, by 2006, field surveys indicated that 53% of this pasture community was in poor (C) condition, primarily due to dieback. Measurements at some sites suggested practices such as wet season spelling and burning can pre-condition Mitchell grass pasture for greater resistance to drought-induced dieback. However, the casual mechanisms and the effective timing and frequency of these practices remained unclear.


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Managing large variations in herbage production, resulting from highly variable seasonal rainfall, provides a major challenge for the sustainable management of Astrebla (Mitchell grass) grasslands in Australia. A grazing study with sheep was conducted between 1984 and 2010 on an Astrebla grassland in northern Queensland to describe the effects of a range of levels of utilisation of the herbage at the end of the summer growing season (April–May in northern Australia) on the sustainability of these grasslands. In unreplicated paddocks, sheep numbers were adjusted annually to achieve 0, 10, 20, 30, 50 and 80% utilisation of the herbage mass at the end of the summer over the ensuing 12 months. Higher levels of utilisation reduced both total and Astrebla spp. herbage mass because of the effects of higher utilisation on Astrebla spp. and this effect was accentuated by drought. The tussock density of Astrebla spp. varied widely among years but with few treatment differences until 2005 when density was reduced at the 50% level of utilisation. A major change in density resulted from a large recruitment of Astrebla spp. in 1989 that influenced its density for the remainder of the study. Basal area of the tussocks fluctuated among years, with increases due to rainfall and decreases during droughts. Seasonal rainfall was more influential than level of utilisation in changes to the basal area of perennial grasses. Drought resulted in the death of Astrebla spp. tussocks and this effect was accentuated at higher levels of utilisation. A series of three grazing exclosures were used to examine the recovery of the density and basal area of Astrebla spp. after it had been reduced by 80% utilisation over the preceding 9 years. This recovery study indicated that, although grazing exclusion was useful in the recovery of Astrebla spp., above-average rainfall was the major factor driving increases in the basal area of perennial grasses. Spring values of the Southern Oscillation Index and associated rainfall probabilities were considered to have potential for understanding the dynamics of Astrebla spp. It was concluded that Astrebla grassland remained sustainable after 26 years when grazed at up to 30% utilisation, while, at 50% utilisation, they became unsustainable after 20 years. Results from this study emphasised the need to maintain the population of Astrebla spp. tussocks.


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The occurrence of interstitial species in Astrebla grasslands in Australia are influenced by grazing and seasonal rainfall but the interactions of these two influences are complex. This paper describes three studies aimed at determining and explaining the changes in plant species richness and abundance of the interstitial species in a long-term sheep utilisation experiment in an Astrebla grassland in northern Queensland. In the first study, increasing utilisation increased the frequency of Dactyloctenium radulans (Button grass) and Brachyachne convergens (Downs couch) and reduced that of Streptoglossa adscendens (Mint bush). In the second study, seasonal rainfall variation between 1984 and 2009 resulted in large annual differences in the size of the seed banks of many species, but increasing utilisation consistently reduced the seed bank of species such as Astrebla spp. and S. adscendens and increased that of species such as B. convergens, D. radulans, Amaranthus mitchellii (Boggabri) and Boerhavia sp. (Tar vine). In the third study, the highest species richness occurred at the lightest utilisation because of the presence of a range of palatable forbs, especially legumes. Species richness was reduced as utilisation increased. Species richness in the grazing exclosure was low and similar to that at the heaviest utilisation where there was a reduction in the presence of palatable forb species. The pattern of highest species richness at the lightest grazing treatment was maintained across three sampling times, even with different amounts of seasonal rainfall, but there was a large yearly variation in both the density and frequency of many species. It was concluded that the maintenance of highest species richness at the lightest utilisation was not aligned with other data from this grazing experiment which indicated that the maximum sustainable wool production occurred at moderate utilisation.


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Correspondence, diaries, acount books, pamphlets, and other personal and professional materials pertaining to Jacob da Silva Solis and his descendents.


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Contains business correspondence, accounts and documents relating to Jacob Franks of New York, his two sons, Moses and David, a nephew, Isaac, and a John Franks of Halifax, possibly a member of the family.


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Tämän tutkielman tehtävänä on ollut selvittää onko ihmisellä vapaata tahtoa Jonathan Edwardsin mukaan. Lähteenäni minulla on ollut Edwardsin Freedom of the Will -teos sekä Miscellaneous- sarjasta Concerning the Divine Degrees -kirjoitus. Metodina minulla on ollut systemaattinen analyysi. Edwardsin taustana oli puritanismi. Esimerkiksi sakramenteilla ei ollut puritanismin piirissä samaa ratkaisevaa merkitystä uskon synnyttäjänä ja ylläpitäjänä kuin perinteisissä kristillisissä kirkoissa oli ollut. Puritanistien keskeinen armonväline oli saarna. Saarnalla pyrittiin vaikuttamaan ihmisen tahtoon antamalla rationaalisia perusteita Raamatun pelastustapahtumasta. Tämä on nähtävissä myös Jonathan Edwardsin teologiassa. Deismi ja valistus vaikuttivat myös Edwardsin aikaiseen ajatteluun voimakkaasti. Edwardsin Berkeleytä muistuttava idealismi kuitenkin takasi sen, että Jumala ei irronnut maailmasta vaan oli kaikessa koko ajan läsnä. Erityisesti Locke Newtonin luonnontieteiden filosofina vaikutti Edwardsin filosofiseen ajatteluun tahdon vapaus -kysymyksen osalta. Edwards pyrki Locken ja Newtonin avulla puolustamaan perinteistä kalvinistista kristillisyyttä. Tämän kilpailijaksi puritanismin piirissä oli tullut ajan henkeen sopiva järkiperäinen arminiolaisuus, joka edusti myös anti-revivalismia. Tähän arminiolaisuuteen liittyi perinteisistä kristillisistä opeista luopuminen. Tämä arminiolaisuus oli kehittynyt antropologisempaan suuntaan Remonstranssin ajoista korostaen ihmisen vapaita tahdon akteja. Näin ihminen pystyi päättämään uskoiko hän vai ei. Edwardsille usko ja pelastuminen perustuivat Jumalan valintaan, jossa kolmiyhteinen Jumala otti ihmisen yhteyteensä. Tämä kääntymys ilmeni kommuuniona ja uniona Kristuksen kanssa. Edwardsin ajattelua tahdon vapauden osalta avaa kompatibilismi. Kompatibilismin mukaan ennaltamäärääminen ei ole ristiriidassa vapaan tahdon kanssa, vaan päinvastoin sen lähtökohta ja perusta. Kääntymissä olemme eri näkökulmista täysin passivisia ja täysin aktiivisia. Kompatibilismin myötä Edwardsin kirjoitusten pohjalta pystytään johtamaan ennalta määrätty uskonratkaisu. Myöhemmin Edwardsin seuraajat New Lights harppasivat ironisesti arminiolaiseen suuntaan korostaen juuri uskonratkaisua. Vaikka Jumalalla on sanan varsinaisessa merkityksessä vapaa tahto, niin silti Hän toimii välttämättä pyhästi. Samoin Jeesus Kristus on linkkinä ihmisten välttämättömälle, mutta vastuulliselle toiminnalle. Jeesuksen valinta on kaikkien pyhien valinnan perusta. Ne, jotka Jumala hylkää helvettiin saavat oikeudenmukaisen rangaistuksen, koska Jumala rankaisee heissä itsessään olevaa pahaa. Se, miksi Jumala valitsee toiset ja hylkää toiset, kuuluu Jumalan salattuun tahtoon. Jumalan ilmoitetun tahdon mukaan Hän tahtoo kaikkien pelastuvan. Arminiolaiset hylkäävät ennaltamääräämisen, mutta hyväksyvät ennalta tietämisen. Edwardsille nämä ovat sama asia. Edwardsin mukaan välttämättömyys ei ole ristiriidassa vapauden kanssa. Luonnollisella ja moraalisella välttämättömyydellä on yhteys. Arkikielessä moraalista välttämättömyyttä ei oleteta. Koko tahdon vapaus -kysymys on pitkälti kielellinen. Arkikielessä ja filosofisessa kielessä on ero. Tahto ei ole agentti, joka voi valita itsenäisesti. Vapaus on ihmisen, ei tahdon ominaisuus. Siksi kysymys tahdon vapaudesta tulisi esittää onko ihminen vapaa. Edwards ja arminiolaiset ymmärtävät vapauden eri tavoin. Edwardsin mukaan tahdolla on oltava alku, eikä tahto voi koskaan arminiolaisten tavoin neutraali. Arminiolaiset hylkäävät perisyntiopin klassisessa merkityksessä, mistä seuraa erilainen lähtökohta. Sellaisena kuin arminiolaiset esittävät vapaan tahdon, meillä ei sitä Edwardsin mukaan ole. Vaikka kaikki tapahtuu Edwardsin mukaan välttämättä, niin silti olemme vastuullisia moraalisia agentteja.


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Resumen: Este trabajo aborda el concepto de Nación y otros relacionados con la noción de soberanía en el lenguaje político hispanoamericano para el período 1808-1814. Se analizan algunos trabajos que dan cuenta de los diversos significados asociados a este concepto en los procesos revolucionarios americano y español. Las distintas concepciones sostenidas por los actores sociales del período señalado se vinculan luego en perspectiva con su posible derivación como proyección de la Nación en la cultura constituyente de Cádiz.


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Growth of giant salvinia ( Salvinia molesta Mitchell) under different pH regimes was examined at the Lewisville Aquatic Ecosystem Research Facility (LAERF) in Lewisville, Texas.(PDF has 5 pages.)


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Salvinia molesta D. S. Mitchell (Salviniaceae), variously called giant salvinia, water fern or African payal, is a vegetatively reproducing, perennial, free-floating, aquatic weed, native to southeastern Brazil (Waterhouse and Norris 1987). It (hereafter called salvinia) is a very serious weed in most regions outside its native range (Harley and Mitchell 1981) including India. The purpose of this paper is to report on two fungal pathogens that were found to be the cause of a sudden decline in salvinia in Bangalore.(PDF has 4 pages.)


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v. 1. ano de 1808 a 1811. 1836 -- v. 2. ano de 1812 a 1818 -- v. 3. ano de 1819 a 1822. 1837 -- v. 4 ano de 1823 a 1824. 1838 -- v. 5. ano a 1826. 1838 -- v. 6. ano de 1827 a 1828. 1841 -- v. 7. ano de 1829 a 1831 e índice. 1844.


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Parte 1 - Cartas de Lei, Alvarás, Decretos e Cartas Régias


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We analyzed the relationships between the larval and juvenile abundances of selected estuarine-dependent fishes that spawn during the winter in continental shelf waters of the U.S. Atlantic coast. Six species were included in the analysis based on their ecological and economic importance and relative abundance in available surveys: spot Leiostomus xanthurus, pinfish Lagodon rhomboides, southern flounder Paralichthys lethostigma, summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus, Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus, and Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus. Cross-correlation analysis was used to examine the relationships between the larval and juvenile abundances within species. Tests of synchrony across species were used to find similarities in recruitment dynamics for species with similar winter shelf-spawning life-history strategies. Positive correlations were found between the larval and juvenile abundances for three of the six selected species (spot, pinfish, and southern flounder). These three species have similar geographic ranges that primarily lie south of Cape Hatteras. There were no significant correlations between the larval and juvenile abundances for the other three species (summer flounder, Atlantic croaker, and Atlantic menhaden); we suggest several factors that could account for the lack of a relationship. Synchrony was found among the three southern species within both the larval and juvenile abundance time series. These results provide support for using larval ingress measures as indices of abundance for these and other species with similar geographic ranges and winter shelf-spawning life-history strategies.


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A transmigração da Corte portuguesa para a América no ano de 1808 implicou na transferência de boa parte do aparato administrativo existente em Lisboa, de modo a permitir que o príncipe regente, D. João, pudesse governar o Império, a partir do Rio de Janeiro. Esta tese de doutorado analisa um dos órgãos então estabelecidos: a Secretaria de Estado dos Negócios do Brasil. Partindo-se do princípio de que a dominação se estabelece pela administração, pretendeu-se, pelo estudo dessa instituição, atentar para determinados aspectos que envolveram a instalação dos órgãos de poder no continente americano. Nesse sentido, duas questões nortearam a estruturação e o desenvolvimento dos capítulos deste trabalho. Em um nível mais recortado, atentou-se para um exame sobre as principais caraterísticas da estrutura administrativa dessa instituição, percebendo quem eram os seus oficiais, os cargos ocupados e os seus respectivos ordenados, de modo a compreender as especificidades, o perfil do seu corpo burocrático; bem como a importância desse grupo de funcionários na configuração de um estilo administrativo na nova Corte. No tocante a um âmbito mais amplo, inseriu-se a Secretaria de Estado dos Negócios do Brasil no quadro que a relaciona a outros órgãos de poder então existentes. A partir deste aspecto, tentou-se apreender o eixo da política do príncipe regente para o Brasil. O exame dos tópicos de ação político-administrativa dessa instituição permitiu demonstrar o sentido da administração joanina, durante os quatro primeiros anos de permanência no Rio de Janeiro.


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The growth of the primary and the tertiary forms of the water fern Salvinia molesta was studied during 60 days in 0.06 m2 glass containers containing fresh water. The growth of this plant as a function of time is exponential. The two forms have growth rates statistically identical. The main daily growth rate, expressed in number of leaves, is equal to 6.40% per day for primary forms and 5.90% per day for tertiary form, with doubling time of 10.78 + 1.08 days and 11.64 + 0.15 days.