940 resultados para Sermons, American--17th century


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La Corte madrileña de los Austrias, al igual que el resto de las monarquías europeas del siglo XVII, generó una variada gama de fiestas públicas y privadas, como por ejemplo teatro musical, mascaradas y procesiones callejeras en las que desfilaban carros alegóricos con danzantes y músicos. Estos espectáculos no eran un mero entretenimiento sino que estaban destinados a resaltar las virtudes del monarca y a hacer conscientes a los espectadores del lugar que les cabía ocupar en esa sociedad recurriendo para ello a un complejo discurso simbólico. Las Cortes virreinales de América trasladaron a sus territorios estas prácticas que valían, fundamentalmente, para hacer presente la figura del rey y mantener viva la lealtad a la corona. Analizamos dos ejemplos de fiesta, una mascarada celebrada en Pausa (Perú) y un intermedio dramáticomusical en Sucre, que nos revelan la forma de pensamiento, las conductas y la organización de la sociedad cortesana virreinal.


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O propósito desta dissertação é estudar as representações femininas nas letras luso-brasileiras do século XVII, sempre levando em conta os pressupostos teóricos formulados pela crítica brasileira atual. Pretende-se examinar as práticas letradas seiscentistas pelo prisma dos critérios retórico-poéticos vigentes na época, em que se destacam a importância dos elementos visuais. O estudo tem como base o contraponto das figuras de Eva e Maria, formando o grande paradigma da dualidade feminina nas letras coloniais; tal construção da imagem da mulher como tentadora e salvadora foi um longo processo desde as letras dos tempos antigos, se intensificando no período medieval até chegar no século XVII. Desse modo, focalizamos as poesias de Gregório de Matos e alguns sermões do padre Antonio Vieira, dialogando com questões históricas, sociais e artísticas no momento de produção das obras para tentar reduzir os riscos de anacronismo, sempre presentes quando abordamos períodos tão distanciados no tempo. Analisamos variadas configurações femininas nas poesias líricas e satíricas de Gregório de Matos; já nos sermões de Vieira, percebemos que o contraponto entre as concepções mariana e eviana fica mais evidente. Mostramos como as figuras femininas examinadas se aproximavam de Eva ou de Maria, levando em conta o contexto sócio-econômico das mesmas. Notamos que o modelo ideal de mulher encarnando na figura de Maria, difundido pela Igreja com o objetivo de alcançar todas as mulheres, não correspondia à realidade das mesmas no sistema colonial e não se adequava as suas necessidades. Examinamos igualmente como tal construção feminina perfeita e submissa circulava nos manuais de boa conduta em que a família patriarcal se encaixava, atendendo às exigências dos modelos propagados pela Igreja Católica na época. Apesar de todos os esforços da Igreja Católica e do homem para domesticar a mulher, tão temida e admirada pelos mesmos, muitas mulheres fugiram aos padrões sociais e foram estigmatizadas, rotuladas, discriminadas, mas acima de tudo foram mulheres que ficaram registradas nas páginas da Inquisição, na história e principalmente, nas letras luso-brasileiras do século XVII, escritas por homens, como o poeta Gregório de Matos e o padre Antonio Vieira


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In celebration of the 250th anniversary of the birth of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Archaeology in Annapolis was invited to excavate the Carroll House and garden on 107 Duke of Gloucester Street in Annapolis, Maryland. The site, named the St. Mary's Site (18AP45) for the Catholic church on the property, is currently owned by the Redemptorists, a Roman Catholic congregation of priests and brothers who have occupied the site since 1852. Prior to the Redemptorists' tenure, the site was owned by the Carroll family from 1701-1852 and is perhaps best known as the home of Charles Carroll of Carrollton (1737-1832), signer of the Declaration of Independence. Excavations at the site were conducted during four consecutive summer seasons from 1987-1990. The investigation focused on three research questions. The first line of inquiry were questions surrounding the dating, architectural configuration, and artifact deposits of the "frame house," a structure adjoining the west wall of the brick Carroll House via a "passage" and later a three story addition. The frame house was partially demolished in the mid-nineteenth century but the construction was thought to pre-date the brick portion of the house. The second research question was spurred by documentary research which indicated that the property might have been the location of Proctor's Tavern, a late 17th-century tavern which served as the meeting place of the Maryland Provincial Assembly. Archaeological testing hoped to determine its location and, if found, investigate Annapolis' early Euro-American occupation. The third research question focused on the landscape of the site as it was shaped by its occupants over the past three hundred years. The research questions included investigating the stratigraphy, geometry, and architectural and planting features of Charles Carroll of Carrollton's terraced garden built during the 1770s, and investigating the changes to the landscape made by the Redemptorists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. While no structural evidence associated with Proctor’s Tavern was uncovered during limited excavations along Spa Creek, the historic shore of Spa Creek was identified, buried beneath deep fill deposits laid down during construction of the Carroll Garden. Features and deposits associated with this period likely remain intact in a waterlogged environment along the southeastern sea wall at the St. Mary’s Site. Evidence of extensive earth moving by Carroll is present in the garden and was identified during excavation and coring. This strongly suggests that the garden landscape visible at the St. Mary’s Site is the intact Carroll Garden, which survives beneath contemporary and late nineteenth century strata. The extant surviving garden should be considered highly sensitive to ground-disturbing activities, and is also highly significant considering demonstrable associations with the Carroll family. Other garden-related features were also discovered, including planting holes, and a brick pavilion or parapet located along Spa Creek to the south of the site. The Duke of Gloucester Street wall was shown to be associated with the Carroll occupation of the site. Finally, intensive archaeological research was directed at the vicinity of a frame house constructed and occupied by the Carrolls to the east of the existing brick house, which was replaced by the Redemptorists in the nineteenth century with a greenhouse. These superimposed buildings were documented in detail and remain highly significant features at the St. Mary’s Site.


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En este artículo se focaliza el recurso de la alegoría como método exegético en la composición de los sermones panegíricos de Juan Espinosa Medrano (Perú, siglo XVII). Se traza el recorrido de la alegoría (y las humanidades en general) en relación –siempre tensa– con el cristianismo a lo largo de su historia; y se llega a la Contrarreforma y el uso exacerbado del método en la predicación barroca; particularmente en la oratoria sagrada de Espinosa Medrano, quien abarca elementos diversos y extraídos de distintas fuentes (filosofía natural, mitología clásica, tradición emblemática, relatos bíblicos), a los que hace funcionar como signos de otra verdad mayor, la sagrada. Si bien las preceptivas sagradas impulsaban una predicación más llana y simple, la profusión de alegorías mitológicas, que el autor resemantiza según su interés de guiar la interpretación, pueden explicarse por varias circunstancias, motivos de estudio en este trabajo.


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Acidity peaks in Greenland ice cores have been used as critical reference horizons for synchronizing ice core records, aiding the construction of a single Greenland Ice Core Chronology (GICC05) for the Holocene. Guided by GICC05, we examined sub-sections of three Greenland cores in the search for tephra from specific eruptions that might facilitate the linkage of ice core records, the dating of prehistoric tephras and the understanding of the eruptions. Here we report the identification of 14 horizons with tephra particles, including 11 that have not previously been reported from the North Atlantic region and that have the potential to be valuable isochrons. The positions of tephras whose major element data are consistent with ash from the Katmai AD 1912 and Öraefajökull AD 1362 eruptions confirm the annually resolved ice core chronology for the last 700 years. We provide a more refined date for the so-called “AD860B” tephra, a widespread isochron found across NW Europe, and present new evidence relating to the 17th century BC Thera/Aniakchak debate that shows N. American eruptions likely contributed to the acid signals at this time. Our results emphasize the variable spatial and temporal distributions of volcanic products in Greenland ice that call for a more cautious approach in the attribution of acid signals to specific eruptive events.


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Durante los siglos XVII y XVIII se presentaron varias querellas ante el Tribunal de Justicia Criminal del Nuevo Reino de Granada, en las que se denunciaba que había personas que ejercían los oficios médicos sin tener títulos que los acreditaran como facultativos en las artes curativas. Por ese entonces, se creía que quienes utilizaban yerbas y conjuros como métodos terapéuticos, por lo general mujeres, debían ser juzgadas como yerbateras-envenenadoras, porque no pretendían curar sino matar a quien consumiera sus preparados. El texto establece que los procesos criminales por envenenamiento constituyen un prisma en el que convergen diferentes problemáticas del periodo colonial neogranadino, relacionadas con la salud, los oficios médicos, las enfermedades, las creencias mágico-religiosas, el ideal de mujer en la época, la delincuencia, y las dinámicas de las instituciones españolas, entre otras. De esta manera, se estudió cómo fue la relación entre los aspectos jurídicos, las leyes criminales (dictadas por la Corona) y las conductas “desviadas” (relacionadas con el crimen por envenenamiento) de los habitantes del Nuevo Reino de Granada, entre los siglos XVII y XVIII. Para ello se revistaron desde diferentes perspectivas, varios temas del mundo colonial neogranadino, relacionados con los rumores, la comidilla, los chismes y la importancia de la comunicación hablada en el virreinato; el problema de la honra, como una de las virtudes más sobresalientes de la época y las creencias de la cultura popular con relación al envenenamiento y los diferentes métodos curativos.


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El artículo explora los orígenes de la representación de la Trinidad y su declive en Europa, durante el siglo XVI, luego de la Contrarreforma. Prohibida en Europa por considerársele herética y confusa para los fines pedagógicos de la iconográfía católica, el tema trinitario floreció en América durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVII en variadas formas y adaptaciones. La prohibición se derivaba del hecho de que esta iconografía podía generar significados idolátricos al relacionar la representación del Espíritu Santo con manifestaciones religiosas animistas. El análisis se basa en un amplio corpus de imágenes recopiladas en varios contextos latinoamericanos y, finalmente, identifica la persistencia de esta representación en el arte moderno mexicano.


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El artículo analiza la realización entre las imágenes y la oratoria sagrada durante el siglo XVII en Quito. Examina, de un lado, cómo los sermones hacían uso de un canon oficial cristiano para definir y legitimar los cultos religiosos locales, y, de otro lado, las disposicions urbanas de las imágenes milagrosas de la Virgen María, estratégicamente ubicadas en santuarios, constituyendo el paisaje local de una cartografía sagrada. Estos elementos contribuyeron a forjar una visión edificante de la urbe, presentada como una Nueva Jerusalén escogida por Dios. Este gesto aparece ligado con la consolidación de la identidad criolla y el fortalecimiento de un incipiente patriotismo local.


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The critical and most obvious component of lobbying is the interaction an entity has with government. The executive, parliament and bureaucracy are the key players in the field. On the opposing side, to extend a sporting analogy, are the lobbyists – who are identified or labelled, singularly or plurally, by a variety of names: pressure groups, policy consultants, tariff consultants, public relations consultants, interest groups, special interest groups, industrial and professional associations, government relations managers, public affairs managers and Lloyd’s qualified term, the ‘political lobbyist’ .
All these nomenclatures require further explanation – some are used interchangeably, others are now an historical term only, some fall from the common language only to reappear at a later date. Of all, the oldest and most widely recognised is lobbyist and lobbying. Lloyd (1989) states that the term ‘lobby agent’ was first used in Westminster in the mid-17th century. In the United States Schriftgiesser (1951) writes that the famous American journalist H L Mencken, the Sage of Baltimore, traced the first use of the word lobby, as we currently understand it, to Washington DC in 1829. At that time the term lobby-agent was in use but it was shortened, by journalists, to lobbyist by 1832.
It has been suggested that the concept of lobbying – of seeking influence among the powerful – is as old as government e itself. Lloyd (1989) cites examples of lobbying from the Old and New testaments – the most famous pressure group being those who petitioned Pontius Pilate to crucify Jesus Christ!
In the US the activities of lobbying were recognised before the term was coined when, according to Schriftgeisser (1951), ‘a little gang of painted –up merchants (who) pushed British tea into the salt water of Boston harbor’ (p4).
So the pedigree of lobbying activities is long and colourful. As the western form of parliamentary democracy has evolved and expanded among nations it seems that lobbying has been ever present on this journey. It is by its activities, its parts, that we can define and recognise lobbying most clearly and view the changes.


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This work aims to analyze the relationship among culture, education and rhetoric on the sermons of the Priest Antonio Vieira (1608-1697). It discusses the presence of oratory on the Western teaching since its Greek origins until the formation of the Ratio Studiorum in 17th-century. Brazilian society is defined as baroque and the rhetoric arises as element essential in the elaboration of the social imaginary speeches and, occupying as an essencial element in the elaboration of discursese and social imaginaries, occupying the centre of controversies, about questions like reason and the faith, ethics and the politics, the nature of the Indian and African peoples, even over the own construction of the modern subject. In this context the vieira´s preaching discharges the functions of kerigma (preaching), didachê (education) and politics (action). The research consisted in a finicky reading over five of these sermons that were returned in the presence of different audiences. The pulpit was the cathedra where Vieira used his sermons as a manner of social mobilization that aimed not only teaching a determined knowledge of reality, but altering cruel situations like Indian and poor people slavery in his epoch. Education by Vieira consist in a tension between utopian hopes and urgencies of practice. The rhetorical tradition affirms the interdependence of technical ethics and politics aspects. To know is not enough is necessary to convince and to move, realizating passage from theorical to practical liverly. It presupposes still the preoccupation with the solidity of argumentation and of reasoning, a wide cultural formation, the requirement of a civic ethics and, mainly, the adequacy between content and the specifics of audience


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The aims of this dissertation is to study formation of the Dutch view seeing the colonial scenery in screens by Frans Post, as well as, to perceive a colonial world constitution through landscape paintings by him with his natural and human representation. The artist was the first to portray South American views, after he landed in Pernambuco with retinue of Dutch governor of colony, John Maurice, Prince of Nassau-Siegen. Post, by his 24 years old, was designated to represent for Dutch people their colony. The text reflects on visual construction of natural and human aspects in landscapes by Dutchman and how that aspects were included in colonizer imaginary about the strange world of America. European (Dutch) look about their conquered possessions in the New World was charged with exoticism and imagination. In order to understand that view, it`s paramount to study imaginary pictures reared by Frans Post, on his return to the Netherlands, and notions of landscape and exotic, wild and unspoiled nature which the Dutch people had when they thought about the Dutch colony in America. Our principal (visual) sources of research are six paintings: Vista da Sé de Olinda (1662), Vista das ruínas de Olinda (undated), Engenho (undated), Engenho (1660), Vista da cidade Maurícia e do Recife (1653), e Paisagem com rio e tamanduá (1649), all these canvases were painted when Frans Post returned to Europe. We seek to work through a methodology that focuses on investigation of primary visual and textual material, because these textual and pictorial representations reflect the 17th-century colonial view of colonial history themes of the - here called - Dutch America