967 resultados para Semantic ofimages
In this paper we present a description of the role of definitional verbal patterns for the extraction of semantic relations. Several studies show that semantic relations can be extracted from analytic definitions contained in machine-readable dictionaries (MRDs). In addition, definitions found in specialised texts are a good starting point to search for different types of definitions where other semantic relations occur. The extraction of definitional knowledge from specialised corpora represents another interesting approach for the extraction of semantic relations. Here, we present a descriptive analysis of definitional verbal patterns in Spanish and the first steps towards the development of a system for the automatic extraction of definitional knowledge.
In this paper a method for extracting semantic informationfrom online music discussion forums is proposed. The semantic relations are inferred from the co-occurrence of musical concepts in forum posts, using network analysis. The method starts by defining a dictionary of common music terms in an art music tradition. Then, it creates a complex network representation of the online forum by matchingsuch dictionary against the forum posts. Once the complex network is built we can study different network measures, including node relevance, node co-occurrence andterm relations via semantically connecting words. Moreover, we can detect communities of concepts inside the forum posts. The rationale is that some music terms are more related to each other than to other terms. All in all, this methodology allows us to obtain meaningful and relevantinformation from forum discussions.
Acquiring lexical information is a complex problem, typically approached by relying on a number of contexts to contribute information for classification. One of the first issues to address in this domain is the determination of such contexts. The work presented here proposes the use of automatically obtained FORMAL role descriptors as features used to draw nouns from the same lexical semantic class together in an unsupervised clustering task. We have dealt with three lexical semantic classes (HUMAN, LOCATION and EVENT) in English. The results obtained show that it is possible to discriminate between elements from different lexical semantic classes using only FORMAL role information, hence validating our initial hypothesis. Also, iterating our method accurately accounts for fine-grained distinctions within lexical classes, namely distinctions involving ambiguous expressions. Moreover, a filtering and bootstrapping strategy employed in extracting FORMAL role descriptors proved to minimize effects of sparse data and noise in our task.
The work we present here addresses cue-based noun classification in English and Spanish. Its main objective is to automatically acquire lexical semantic information by classifying nouns into previously known noun lexical classes. This is achieved by using particular aspects of linguistic contexts as cues that identify a specific lexical class. Here we concentrate on the task of identifying such cues and the theoretical background that allows for an assessment of the complexity of the task. The results show that, despite of the a-priori complexity of the task, cue-based classification is a useful tool in the automatic acquisition of lexical semantic classes.
This work briefly analyses the difficulties to adopt the Semantic Web, and in particular proposes systems to know the present level of migration to the different technologies that make up the Semantic Web. It focuses on the presentation and description of two tools, DigiDocSpider and DigiDocMetaEdit, designed with the aim of verifYing, evaluating, and promoting its implementation.
In the past, research in ontology learning from text has mainly focused on entity recognition, taxonomy induction and relation extraction. In this work we approach a challenging research issue: detecting semantic frames from texts and using them to encode web ontologies. We exploit a new generation Natural Language Processing technology for frame detection, and we enrich the frames acquired so far with argument restrictions provided by a super-sense tagger and domain specializations. The results are encoded according to a Linguistic MetaModel, which allows a complete translation of lexical resources and data acquired from text, enabling custom transformations of the enriched frames into modular ontology components.
Abstract Consideration of consumers’ demand for food quality entails several aspects. Quality itself is a complex and dynamic concept, and constantly evolving technical progress may cause changes in consumers’ judgment of quality. To improve our understanding of the factors influencing the demand for quality, food quality must be defined and measured from the consumer’s perspective (Cardello, 1995). The present analysis addresses the issue of food quality, focusing on pork—the food that respondents were concerned about. To gain insight into consumers’ demand, we analyzed their perception and evaluation and focused on their cognitive structures concerning pork quality. In order to more fully account for consumers’ concerns about the origin of pork, in 2004 we conducted a consumer survey of private households. The qualitative approach of concept mapping was used to uncover the cognitive structures. Network analysis was applied to interpret the results. In order to make recommendations to enterprises, we needed to know what kind of demand emerges from the given food quality schema. By establishing the importance and relative positions of the attributes, we find that the country of origin and butcher may be the two factors that have the biggest influence on consumers’ decisions about the purchase of pork.
Repetition of environmental sounds, like their visual counterparts, can facilitate behavior and modulate neural responses, exemplifying plasticity in how auditory objects are represented or accessed. It remains controversial whether such repetition priming/suppression involves solely plasticity based on acoustic features and/or also access to semantic features. To evaluate contributions of physical and semantic features in eliciting repetition-induced plasticity, the present functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study repeated either identical or different exemplars of the initially presented object; reasoning that identical exemplars share both physical and semantic features, whereas different exemplars share only semantic features. Participants performed a living/man-made categorization task while being scanned at 3T. Repeated stimuli of both types significantly facilitated reaction times versus initial presentations, demonstrating perceptual and semantic repetition priming. There was also repetition suppression of fMRI activity within overlapping temporal, premotor, and prefrontal regions of the auditory "what" pathway. Importantly, the magnitude of suppression effects was equivalent for both physically identical and semantically related exemplars. That the degree of repetition suppression was irrespective of whether or not both perceptual and semantic information was repeated is suggestive of a degree of acoustically independent semantic analysis in how object representations are maintained and retrieved.
In this paper we propose a novel unsupervised approach to learning domain-specific ontologies from large open-domain text collections. The method is based on the joint exploitation of Semantic Domains and Super Sense Tagging for Information Retrieval tasks. Our approach is able to retrieve domain specific terms and concepts while associating them with a set of high level ontological types, named supersenses, providing flat ontologies characterized by very high accuracy and pertinence to the domain.
Discriminating complex sounds relies on multiple stages of differential brain activity. The specific roles of these stages and their links to perception were the focus of the present study. We presented 250ms duration sounds of living and man-made objects while recording 160-channel electroencephalography (EEG). Subjects categorized each sound as that of a living, man-made or unknown item. We tested whether/when the brain discriminates between sound categories even when not transpiring behaviorally. We applied a single-trial classifier that identified voltage topographies and latencies at which brain responses are most discriminative. For sounds that the subjects could not categorize, we could successfully decode the semantic category based on differences in voltage topographies during the 116-174ms post-stimulus period. Sounds that were correctly categorized as that of a living or man-made item by the same subjects exhibited two periods of differences in voltage topographies at the single-trial level. Subjects exhibited differential activity before the sound ended (starting at 112ms) and on a separate period at ~270ms post-stimulus onset. Because each of these periods could be used to reliably decode semantic categories, we interpreted the first as being related to an implicit tuning for sound representations and the second as being linked to perceptual decision-making processes. Collectively, our results show that the brain discriminates environmental sounds during early stages and independently of behavioral proficiency and that explicit sound categorization requires a subsequent processing stage.
Enjeu et contexte de la recherche La dégénérescence lobaire fronto-temporale (DLFT) est une pathologie neurodégénérative aussi fréquente que la maladie d'Alzheimer parmi les adultes de moins de 65 ans. Elle recouvre une constellation de syndromes neuropsychiatriques et moteurs dont les caractéristiques cliniques et anatomo-pathologiques se recoupent partiellement. La plupart des cas de démence sémantique ne présentent pas de troubles moteurs et révèlent à l'autopsie des lésions ubiquitine-positives. Son association à un syndrome cortico-basal et à une tauopathie 4R est donc très inhabituelle. Le cas que nous présentons est le premier à disposer d'une description clinique complète, tant sur le plan cognitif que moteur, et d'une analyse génétique et histopathologique. Résumé de l'article Il s'agit d'un homme de 57 ans, sans antécédents familiaux, présentant une démence sémantique accompagnée de symptômes inhabituels dans ce contexte, tels qu'une dysfonction exécutive et en mémoire épisodique, une désorientation spatiale et une dyscalculie. Le déclin physique et cognitif fut rapidement progressif. Une année et demie plus tard, il développait en effet des symptômes moteurs compatibles initialement avec un syndrome de Richardson, puis avec un syndrome cortico-basal. Son décès survint à l'âge de 60 ans des suites d'une pneumonie sur broncho-aspiration. L'autopsie cérébrale mit en évidence une perte neuronale et de nombreuses lésions tau-4R-positives dans les lobes frontaux, pariétaux et temporaux, les ganglions de la base et le tronc cérébral. Aucune mutation pathologique n'a été décelée dans le gène MAPT (microtubule-associated protein tau). L'ensemble de ces éléments sont discutés dans le cadre des connaissances actuelles sur la DLFT. Conclusions et perspectives Ce cas illustre le recoupement important des différents syndromes de la DLFT, parfois appelée le « complexe de Pick ». De plus, la démence sémantique pourrait s'avérer cliniquement moins homogène que prévu. Les définitions actuelles de la démence sémantique omettent la description des symptômes cognitifs extra-sémantiques malgré l'accumulation de preuves de leur existence. La faible prévalence de la démence sémantique, ainsi que des différences dans les examens neuropsychologiques, peuvent expliquer en partie la raison de cette omission. La variabilité histopathologique de chaque phénotype de DLFT peut également induire des différences dans leur expression clinique. Dans un domaine aussi mouvant que la DLFT, la co- occurrence ou la succession de plusieurs syndromes cliniques est en outre probablement la règle plutôt que l'exception.
En el presente artículo se ha desarrollado un sistema capaz de categorizar de forma automática la base de datos de imágenes que sirven de punto de partida para la ideación y diseño en la producción artística del escultor M. Planas. La metodología utilizada está basada en características locales. Para la construcción de un vocabulario visual se sigue un procedimiento análogo al que se utiliza en el análisis automático de textos (modelo 'Bag-of-Words'-BOW) y en el ámbito de las imágenes nos referiremos a representaciones 'Bag-of-Visual Terms' (BOV). En este enfoque se analizan las imágenes como un conjunto de regiones, describiendo solamente su apariencia e ignorando su estructura espacial. Para superar los inconvenientes de polisemia y sinonimia que lleva asociados esta metodología, se utiliza el análisis probabilístico de aspectos latentes (PLSA) que detecta aspectos subyacentes en las imágenes, patrones formales. Los resultados obtenidos son prometedores y, además de la utilidad intrínseca de la categorización automática de imágenes, este método puede proporcionar al artista un punto de vista auxiliar muy interesante.