957 resultados para Self-reports


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Tausta Vaikka nuorisorikollisuus on kriminologisen tutkimuksen perinteinen kohde, on edelleen tarvetta pitkittäistutkimuksille, joissa on laaja, koko väestöä edustava otos. Kriminaalipolitiikan alalla puolestaan rikosten sovittelu ja muut restoratiivisen oikeuden muodot ovat nousseet Suomessakin haastamaan perinteiset rikoskontrollin paradigmat, rangaistuksen ja hoidon. Tutkimuskysymykset Tutkimuksen pääkysymyksenä oli, mitkä lapsuudessa (8 v.) ja nuoruudessa (18 v.) mitatut psykososiaaliset tekijät ovat yhteydessä nuorisorikollisuuden (16-20 v.) määrään ja lajiin. Lisäksi yhtenä kysymyksenä oli, miten varusmiespalvelun aikaiset psykiatriset diagnoosit liittyvät nuorisorikollisuuteen. Lisäksi tutkimme nuorisorikollisuuden esiintyvyyttä ja palvelujen käyttöä, ja vertailimme eri informanttien (tutkimushenkilöt itse, vanhemmat ja opettajat) vastausten ennusvoimaa lasten tulevan rikollisuuden suhteen. Rikosten sovittelun osalta kysymyksenä oli, miten suomalainen sovittelukäytäntö vastaa restoratiivisen oikeuden teoriaa ja miten sovittelua pitäisi kehittää. Aineisto ja metodit Pitkittäistutkimuksemme aineistona oli valtakunnallisesti edustava satunnaisotos, joka vastasi 10% vuonna 1981 Suomessa syntyneistä suomenkielisistä pojista. Ensimmäinen tiedonkeruu tapahtui 1989, kun pojat olivat 8-vuotiaita. Tietoa kerättiin lomakekyselyin pojilta itseltään sekä heidän vanhemmiltaan ja opettajiltaan. Tietoja saatiin 2946 pojasta. Lasten lomakkeena oli Children’s Depression Inventory, vanhemman lomakkeena Rutter A2 ja opettajan lomakkeena Rutter B2. Toinen tiedonkeruu järjestettiin, kun pojat osallistuivat kutsuntoihin 1999. Tietoja saatiin 2330 pojasta. Lomakkeena oli Young Adult Self-Report . Puolustusvoimien rekisteristä saatiin tiedot poikien kutsunnoissa ja palvelusaikana (vuosina 1999-04) saamista psykiatrisista diagnooseista, jotka luokiteltiin kuuteen luokkaan: antisosiaalinen persoonallisuushäiriö, päihdehäiriöt, psykoottiset häiriöt, ahdistuneisuushäiriöt, masennustilat ja sopeutumishäiriöt. Tieto mahdollisesta diagnoosista saatiin 2712 pojasta. Rikollisuus operationalisoitiin poliisin ns. RIKI-rekisteriin vuosina 1998-2001 rekisteröityjen tekojen avulla, kun pojat olivat pääasiassa 16-20-vuotiaita. Rikosten määrän mukaan pojat jaettiin neljään ryhmään: ei rikoksia, 1-2 rikosta (satunnainen rikollisuus), 3-5 rikosta (uusintarikollisuus) ja yli 5 rikosta (aktiivinen uusintarikollisuus). Rikoslajeista muodostettiin viisi kategoriaa: huume-, väkivalta-, omaisuus-, liikenne- ja rattijuopumusrikollisuus. Analyysivaiheessa rekisteridatasta poistettiin liikennerikkomukset. Kaikkiaan tiedot mahdollisista poliisikontakteista saatiin 2866 pojasta. Sovitteludata koostui 16 sovittelujutun havainnoinnista Turussa vuosina 2001- 2003. Tulokset Kaikkiaan 23% pojista oli rekisteröity rikoksesta (poissulkien liikennerikkomukset) nelivuotisen tutkimusperiodin aikana 16-20-vuotiaana. Satunnaisia rikoksentekijöitä oli 15%, uusijoita 4% ja moninkertaisia uusijoita 4%. Rikokset kasautuivat moninkertaisille uusijoille: tämä 4%:n ryhmä teki 72% kaikista rikoksista . Omaisuus- ja liikennerikollisia oli eniten (kumpiakin 11%), ja huumerikollisia vähiten (4%). Kaikki rikoslajit korreloivat keskenään tilastollisesti merkitsevästi. Nuorisorikollisuuden itsenäisiä ennustekijöitä lapsuudessa olivat rikkinäinen perherakenne, vanhempien alhainen koulutustaso, lapsen käytösongelmat ja hyperaktiivisuus. Kun verrattiin eri informantteja (lapset itse ja heidän vanhempansa ja opettajansa), etenkin opettajien vastaukset ennustivat lasten tulevaa rikollisuutta. Nuoruudessa rikollisuuden itsenäisiä korrelaatteja olivat pienellä paikkakunnalla asuminen, vanhempien ero, seurustelu, itse ilmoitettu antisosiaalisuus ja säännöllinen tupakointi ja humalajuominen. Ennus- ja taustatekijöille oli tyypillistä se, että ne olivat lineaarisessa yhteydessä rikosten määrään (ongelmat ja rikosten määrä lisääntyivät käsi kädessä) ja että ne liittyivät useaan rikoslajiin yhtä aikaa. Huumerikollisuudella oli kuitenkin vähemmän itsenäisiä ennus- ja taustatekijöitä kuin muilla rikoslajeilla. Joka kymmenes poika kärsi psykiatrisista häiriöistä. Tämä ryhmä teki noin puolet kaikista rikoksista, ja lähes joka toinen poika, jolla oli psykiatrinen häiriö, oli rekisteröity rikoksista. Rikolliseen käytökseen liittyivät etenkin antisosiaalinen persoonallisuushäiriö ja päihdehäiriöt. Masennustilat olivat kuitenkin ainoa diagnoosiryhmä, joka ei ollut yhteydessä rikollisuuteen. Myös psykiatristen häiriöiden esiintyvyys kasvoi lineaarisesti rikosten määrän kanssa; aktiivisista uusintarikollisista yli puolella (59%) oli psykiatrinen diagnoosi. Rikollisuuden lisäksi erilaiset psykososiaaliset ongelmat kasautuivat pienelle vähemmistölle. Aktiivisten uusijoiden ryhmään olivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä lähes kaikki ongelmat mitä tutkimme. Kuitenkin tästä ryhmästä vain alle 3% oli käyttänyt mielenterveyspalveluja viimeisen vuoden aikana. Rikossovittelun havainnointitutkimuksen perusteella sovittelussa monet perusasiat ovat kunnossa, ja toiminta on mielekästä niin asianosaisten kuin yhteiskunnankin kannalta. Useimmiten osapuolet kohtasivat ja saivat aikaan sopimuksen, johon he vaikuttivat tyytyväisiltä. Rikoksentekijät olivat motivoituneita korvaamaan aiheuttamansa vahingot. Osapuolet saivat kertoa tarinansa omin sanoin, heitä kuunneltiin ja he ymmärsivät mitä sovittelussa puhutaan ja sovitaan. Sovittelun kuluessa jännitys väheni ja asiat saatiin loppuunkäsiteltyä. Asianosaiset saivat vaikuttaa prosessiin ja sopimukseen, ja uhrin oikeudet olivat sovittelussa keskeisellä sijalla. Restoratiivisen teorian perusteella sovittelussa havaittiin myös kehittämisen varaa: Etenkin nuoria rikoksentekijöitä oli hankala saada osallistumaan tosissaan, ja aikuiset helposti hallitsivat keskustelua. Etukäteistapaamisia ja tukihenkilöitä ei juuri hyödynnetty. Sovitteluja hallitsi puhe sopimuksesta ja rahasta. Työkorvauksia ei käytetty eikä rehabilitaatiota käsitelty. Sekä sovitteluun pääsy että sovittelumenettely riippuivat yksittäisistä henkilöistä. Johtopäätökset Rikosten tekeminen nuoruudessa on melko yleistä ja monimuotoista. Rikokset ja psykososiaaliset ongelmat kasautuvat pienelle ryhmälle ja kulkevat käsi kädessä. Myös psykiatriset häiriöt ovat lineaarisessa yhteydessä rikosten määrään. Rikosriskiä voidaan ennustaa jo lapsuudessa, ja etenkin opettajat ovat tarkkanäköisiä lasten ongelmien suhteen. Eri rikoslajeilla on varsin samanlaisia taustatekijöitä. Aktiiviset rikoksentekijät vastaavat suuresta osasta kokonaisrikollisuutta, tarvitsevat eniten apua, mutta eivät kuitenkaan hakeudu psykososiaalisten palvelujen piiriin. Rikosten sovittelu tarjoaa keinon puuttua ongelmiin varhaisessa vaiheessa ilman leimaamista. Sovittelun kehitystehtävät liittyvät etenkin dialogiin, valmisteluihin, tukihenkilöihin, työkorvauksiin, palveluunohjaukseen ja sovittelun sovellusalaan. Sovittelua ja muita restoratiivisia menettelyjä on kehitettävä ja laajennettava esimerkiksi niin, että niitä voitaisiin käyttää palveluunohjauksen välineenä.


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Earlier management studies have found a relationship between managerial qualities and subordinate impacts, but the effect of managers‘ social competence on leader perceptions has not been solidly established. To fill the related research gap, the present work embarks on a quantitative empirical effort to identify predictors of successful leadership. In particular, this study investigates relationships between perceived leader behavior and three selfreport instruments used to measure managerial capability: 1) the WOPI Work Personality Inventory, 2) Raven‘s general intelligence scale, and 3) the Emotive Communication Scale (ECS). This work complements previous research by resorting to both self-reports and other-reports: the results acquired from the managerial sample are compared to subordinate perceptions as measured through the ECS other-report and the WOPI360 multi-source appraisal. The quantitative research is comprised of a sample of 8o superiors and 354 subordinates operating in eight Finnish organizations. The strongest predictive value emerged from the ECS self- and other-reports and certain personality dimensions. In contrast, supervisors‘ logical intelligence did not correlate with leadership perceived as socially competent by subordinates. 16 of the superiors rated as most socially competent by their subordinates were selected for case analysis. Their qualitative narratives evidence the role of life history and post-traumatic growth in developing managerial skills. The results contribute to leadership theory in four ways. First, the ECS self-report devised for this research offers a reliable scale for predicting socially competent leader ability. Second, the work identifies dimensions of personality and emotive skills that can be considered predictors of managerial ability and benefited from in leader recruitment and career planning. Third, the Emotive Communication Model delineated on the basis of the empirical data allows for a systematic design and planning of communication and leadership education. Fourth, this workfurthers understanding of personal growth strategies and the role of life history in leader development and training. Finally, this research advances educational leadership by conceptualizing and operationalizing effective managerial communications. The Emotive Communication Model devised directs the pedagogic attention in engineering to assertion, emotional availability and inspiration skills. The proposed methodology addresses classroom management strategies drawing from problem-based learning, student empowerment, collaborative learning, and so-called socially competent teachership founded on teacher immediacy and perceived caring, all constituting strategies moving away from student compliance and teacher modelling. The ultimate educational objective embraces the development of individual engineers and organizational leaders that not only possess traditional analytical and technical expertise and substantive knowledge but are intelligent also creatively, practically, and socially.


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The purpose of this Finnish epidemiological nationwide cross-sectional study was to evaluate the Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL) of young people that have survived childhood cancer at least four years after cancer diagnosis. The study aims were (1) to increase knowledge and understanding about the relationship between childhood cancer and its treatment and HRQL of childhood cancer survivors and (2) to identify survivors who need and could benefit from ongoing long-term follow-up, as well as (3) to identify what kind of aftercare the childhood cancer survivors will possibly need. HRQL and fatigue of currently still young survivors of extracranial childhood malignancies were evaluated with self-reports and parent proxy reports. HRQL was measured with age-appropriate generic instruments: PedsQL™, SF-36, 15D, 16D and 17D. Fatigue for children and adolescents aged below 18 years was measured with the PedsQL™ Multidimensional Fatigue Scale Finnish version. PedsQL™ parent-proxy and the PedsQL™ Multidimensional Fatigue Scale Parentproxy instruments were used to assess the perception of the parents on HRQL and fatigue of their children and adolescents. Postal-survey questionnaires were mailed to 852 childhood cancer survivors aged 11-27 years and their randomly selected gender-, age and living-place matched controls, as well as under 18-year-old children´s parents. A total of 474 survivors, 595 controls, 209 survivor’s parent and 253 control’s parent replied. The mean age of survivors at the time of the study was 18.4 years. The mean length of survival was 12.3 years, and the mean age at diagnosis 5.5 years. The most of the Finnish childhood cancer survivors evaluated that their HRQL as good. Survivors rated their HRQL equal or higher than their controls. The only dimension where the survivors scored poorer than the controls was the 15D mobility dimension. Survivors of childhood cancer did not suffer from significant fatigue. There were subgroups of childhood cancer survivors who had poorer level of HRQL, and suffered from fatigue more than the reference group. The demographic factors that associated with poorer HRQL were female gender, greater weight, living alone, need of remedial education, an additional non-cancer diagnosis, survivors with siblings, and self-reported unhappiness. Disease-related factors that associated with poorer HRQL were higher age at the time of diagnosis, the diagnosis of Wilms tumor, neuroblastoma, or osteosarcoma, and treatment with stem cell transplantation. The factors associated with more fatigue in survivors were male gender, older age at evaluation, the need of remedial education at school, lower overall average grade in the latest school marks report, length of survival more than 10 years, lower HRQL-scores, and a sarcoma diagnosis. However, all the used demographic and disease related factors explained only about one third of the variation in the HRQL scores. In open questions, the survivors were most worried about their physical health, but were also worried about their mental health, cancer inheritance, late-effects, and fertility and relapse issues. It seems that there are subgroups of survivors who need and could benefit from ongoing long-term follow-up. In the future, the survivors of childhood cancer need more information about their physical and mental health, as well as on their cancer inheritance, possible late-effects including fertility issues, and on the risk of relapse.


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PURPOSE:To evaluate factors associated with hypertension in Brazilian women of 50 years of age or more.METHODS:A cross-sectional population based study using self-reports. A total of 622 women were included. The association between sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral factors and the woman's age at the onset of hypertension was evaluated. Data were analyzed according to cumulative continuation rates without hypertension, using the life-table method and considering annual intervals. Next, a Cox multiple regression analysis model was adjusted to analyze the occurrence rates of hypertension according to various predictor variables. Significance level was pre-established at 5% (95% confidence level) and the sampling plan (primary sampling unit) was taken into consideration.RESULTS:Median age at onset of hypertension was 64.3 years. Cumulative continuation rate without hypertension at 90 years was 20%. Higher body mass index (BMI) at 20–30 years of age was associated with a higher cumulative occurrence rate of hypertension over time (coefficient=0.078; p<0.001). Being white was associated with a lower cumulative occurrence rate of hypertension over time (coefficient= -0.439; p=0.003), while smoking >15 cigarettes/day was associated with a higher rate over time (coefficient=0.485; p=0.004).CONCLUSION:The results of the present study highlight the importance of weight control in young adulthood and of avoiding smoking in preventing hypertension in women aged ≥50 years.


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Bullying can be viewed as goal-oriented behavior in the strive for dominance and prestige in the peer group (Salmivalli, 2010). To ensure the effectiveness of their power demonstrations, bullies often choose targets from among their vulnerable peers (Salmivalli, 2010; Veenstra et al., 2007). A large number of studies have also shown that victimization has severe consequences for the victims’ psychosocial adjustment (Reijntjes, Kamphuis, Prinzie, & Telch, 2010; Ttofi, Farrington, Lösel, & Loeber, 2011). In this thesis I investigate – based on three empirical studies – whether similar dynamics on the risk factors and consequences apply to same- and other-sex victimization. In the empirical studies, we used the data from the randomized control trial of the KiVa antibullying program for the elementary school grades 4–6 (2007–2008), and for the middle school grades 7–9 (2008–2009). We measured same- and other-sex victimization, and victims’ defending relationships by dyadic questions: “By which classmates are you victimized?” and “By which classmates are you supported, comforted, or defended?” In addition, we used self-reports and peer reports to measure adjustment and social status. The findings imply that other-sex victimization may be challenging for antibullying work. First, although targets of bullying seemed to be selected from among vulnerable peers for the most part, perceived popularity increased the risks of other-sex victimization. Popularity of these victims may falsely lead to an impression that the victims are doing well. Second, the consequences considering victims’ later psychosocial adjustment were alarming concerning girls bullied by boys. Thus, despite the fact that the targets may be perceived as popular, other-sex victimization can have even more severe consequences than same-sex victimization. Third, we found that defending relationships were mostly same-sex relationships, and consequently, we may ask whether defending is effective against other-sex bullies. Finally, the KiVa antibullying program was less effective against other-sex victimization in the adolescent sample. The findings altogether emphasize the importance of taking into account the sex composition of the bully-victim dyad, both considering future research on bullying and in the antibullying work with children and adolescents.


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The purpose of this study was to examine whether certain temperament characteristics (fearfulness, surgency, frustration, and effortful control) moderate the association between authoritative parenting dimensions (psychological autonomy granting, acceptance-involvement, and monitoring knowledge) or friends' antisocial behaviour, and self-reported antisocial behaviour among adolescents. Questionnaires on adolescent temperament and authoritative parenting were completed by 484 mothers and their adolescent children (54.8% female). In addition, the adolescents responded to measures regarding friends' antisocial behavior and their own antisocial behaviour. Adolescent participants ranged between 13 and 17 years of age (M = 14.96 years, SD = 1.39) and lived in a region of southern Ontario. As predicted, the results indicated that effortful control moderated the association between parental monitoring knowledge and adolescent antisocial behaviour. Also, as predicted, effortful control moderated the relation between friends' antisocial behaviour and adolescents' self-reports of antisocial behaviour although the relation was sex-specific to girls. Unexpected results included a significant monitoring knowledge by frustration by sex interaction, and a significant friends' antisocial behaviour by age interaction. In general, the findings were consistent with the expectation that the relation of parenting and peer factors to antisocial behaviour would depend on adolescents' temperamental predispositions. However, effortful control, which contributes to individual differences in self-regulation abilities, served this moderating role to a greater extent than the measures of temperamental reactivity, including fearfulness, surgency and frustration-proneness. Implications of these results are discussed with reference to parenting or classroom-based interventions that may be especially helpful for adolescents with poor self-regulation abilities.


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Studies that have used mostly self-reported height have found that men with a same-sex orientation and women with an other-sex orientation are shorter, on average, than men with an other-sex orientation and women with a same-sex orientation, respectively. This thesis examined whether an objective height difference exists or whether a psychosocial account (e.g., distortion of self-reports) may explain these putative height differences. Also, this thesis examined whether certain individual differences (e.g, gender roles and socially desirable responding) predict height distortion. Eight hundred and thirteen participants, recruited at Brock University, the Niagara Community and through surrounding LGBT events, completed self-reported height, measures of gender roles and socially desirable responding, and had their height measured. Using hierarchical linear regressions, it was found that Same-Sex/Both-Sex Oriented men were shorter, on average, than predominantly Other-Sex Oriented men; however, there was no difference in objective height between Same-Sex/Both-Sex Oriented women and predominantly Other-Sex Oriented women. These findings contribute to existing biological theories of men's sexual orientation development and do not contribute to biological theories of women's sexual orientation development. Height distortion was not related to sexual orientation and only marginally related to sex. Predictors of height distortion were Impression Management, in both men and women, and Unmitigated Agency, in men. These findings highlight the complexity of sexual orientation development in men and women. These findings also highlight the role of certain psychosocial factors in how people perceive their bodies and/or how they want their bodies to be perceived by others.


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Evidence exists for subtypes of bullying, but there is a lack of studies simultaneously investigating the factors that influence each subtype. The purpose of my thesis was to investigate how individual and environmental factors independently and interactively predict physical, verbal, social, racial, and sexual bullying using an evolutionary ecological framework. Adolescents (N = 225, M = 14.05, SD = 1.54) completed self-reports on demographics, HEXACO personality, Rothbart’s temperament, parenting, friendship quality, school connectedness, and socio-economic status. Subtypes were predicted by low Honesty-Humility in addition to other personality and demographic factors with the exception of physical bullying, which was predicted by environmental factors. Results suggest adolescents adaptively and selectively use bullying to exploit victims and obtain resources, although the subtype used may depend on individual factors bullies possess within Bronfenbrenner’s microsystem, instead of the meso- and exo- systems. Anti-bullying efforts should target these factors and reinforce alternative strategies to obtain resources.


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Cette thèse avait pour objectif général d’approfondir nos connaissances sur les rêves dysphoriques (mauvais rêves et cauchemars), selon deux axes. Premièrement, nous avons voulu éclaircir les implications méthodologiques reliées aux différentes mesures de la fréquence de rappel de rêves (articles 1 et 2). Deuxièmement, nous avons voulu étudier un aspect encore peu exploré des rêves dysphoriques : leur contenu (article 3). Dans la première étude, nous avons comparé systématiquement différentes méthodes rétrospectives et prospectives utilisées pour mesurer la fréquence des cauchemars et des mauvais rêves chez 411 participants. En plus de reproduire les résultats d’études antérieures selon lesquelles les mesure rétrospectives sous-estiment la fréquence des rêves dysphoriques, nous avons démontré que ces fréquences n’étaient pas affectées de manière différentielle par le format de la mesure prospective (journaux de rêves narratifs ou à choix de réponse). Dans la deuxième étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à la fréquence de rappel onirique en général (i.e. de tous les rêves) auprès d'un échantillon de 358 participants pour approfondir les résultats relatifs à la comparaison entre les deux types de journaux de rêves obtenus dans la première étude. Nos résultats soulignent que la fréquence de rappel obtenue par un journal à choix de réponse est plus élevée que celle obtenue d’un journal narratif, et que le présumé effet d’augmentation de rappel attribué aux mesures prospectives est limité dans le temps. Ces résultats suggèrent que des facteurs motivationnels sont impliqués dans la tenue d’un journal de rêves, et que dans le cas des journaux narratifs, ces facteurs outrepasseraient les facteurs attentionnels favorisant le rappel onirique. Dans la troisième étude, nous avons comparé le contenu de 253 cauchemars et 431 mauvais rêves obtenus prospectivement auprès de 331 participants, offrant ainsi l’une des descriptions de ce type des plus détaillées à ce jour. Nos résultats démontrent que cauchemars et mauvais rêves partagent de nombreuses caractéristiques mais se différencient en plusieurs points : le contenu des cauchemars est davantage caractérisé par des menaces physiques, et celui des mauvais rêves par des menaces psychologiques. De plus, les cauchemars ont plus souvent la peur comme émotion principale, ont une intensité émotionnelle plus forte, se terminent plus souvent de façon négative et sont plus bizarres que les mauvais rêves. Ces différences de contenu entre mauvais rêves et cauchemars suggèrent que ces deux types de rêves sont des manifestations d’un même phénomène variant en termes d’intensité, et que cette intensité est multidimensionnelle. Les résultats de l’étude 3 sont discutés en lien avec différentes théories sur l’étiologie et la fonction des rêves.


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Introducción: La escala LLANTO para dolor es una escala que hasta la fecha ha sido solo validada en población infantil española, actualmente no se conocen datos en población colombiana. Se pretende validar la escala de dolor LLANTO en pacientes neonatos y menores de 5 años, a través de su aplicación en pacientes atendidos en una de tres instituciones, además comparándola con las escalas FLACC y PIPP dependiendo de edad del paciente. Metodología: Se incluyeron niños con cualquier tipo de dolor, clasificándolos en dos grupos por edad: 1) neonatos y 2) niños entre 1 mes y 5 años de edad, que asistieron a la Fundación Cardioinfantil, Clínica Infantil Colsubsidio o al Hospital Universitario Mayor. Las escalas fueron aplicadas por dos residentes de pediatría y una enfermera especializada en el cuidado de población infantil. Para la prueba piloto se diseñó un cuestionario determinar dificultades en la aplicación de la escala LLANTO. Una vez corregidos los problemas identificados se procederá a la validación de la escala. Resultados: Se presentan los datos de la prueba piloto. Se incluyeron 8 neonatos y 8 niños entre 1 mes y 5 años, esta muestra fue obtenida en un periodo de un mes, con la encuesta se evaluó la aceptación y entendimiento de la escala LLANTO por parte de los evaluadores. La prueba piloto mostró resultados favorables en el 100% de los encuestados. Discusión: Se considera que la escala LLANTO no requiere cambios para continuar con su validación.


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A computer game was used to study psychophysiological reactions to emotion-relevant events. Two dimensions proposed by Scherer (1984a, 1984b) in his appraisal theory, the intrinsic pleasantness and goal conduciveness of game events, were studied in a factorial design. The relative level at which a player performed at the moment of an event was also taken into account. A total of 33 participants played the game while cardiac activity, skin conductance, skin temperature, and muscle activity as well as emotion self-reports were assessed. The self-reports indicate that game events altered levels of pride, joy, anger, and surprise. Goal conduciveness had little effect on muscle activity but was associated with significant autonomic effects, including changes to interbeat interval, pulse transit time, skin conductance, and finger temperature. The manipulation of intrinsic pleasantness had little impact on physiological responses. The results show the utility of attempting to manipulate emotion-constituent appraisals and measure their peripheral physiological signatures.


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Rationale: Liking, cravings and addiction for chocolate ("chocoholism") are often explained through the presence of pharmacologically active compounds. However, mere "presence" does not guarantee psycho-activity. Objectives: Two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies measured the effects on cognitive performance and mood of the amounts of cocoa powder and methylxanthines found in a 50 g bar of dark chocolate. Methods: In study 1, participants (n=20) completed a test battery once before and twice after treatment administration. Treatments included 11.6 g cocoa powder and a caffeine and theobromine combination (19 and 250 mg, respectively). Study 2 (n=22) comprised three post-treatment test batteries and investigated the effects of "milk" and "dark" chocolate levels of these methylxanthines. The test battery consisted of a long duration simple reaction time task, a rapid visual information processing task, and a mood questionnaire. Results: Identical improvements on the mood construct "energetic arousal" and cognitive function were found for cocoa powder and the caffeine+theobromine combination versus placebo. In chocolate, both "milk chocolate" and "dark chocolate" methylxanthine doses improved cognitive function compared with "white chocolate". The effects of white chocolate did not differ significantly from those of water. Conclusion: A normal portion of chocolate exhibits psychopharmacological activity. The identical profile of effects exerted by cocoa powder and its methylxanthine constituents shows this activity to be confined to the combination of caffeine and theobromine. Methylxanthines may contribute to the popularity of chocolate; however, other attributes are probably much more important in determining chocolate's special appeal and in explaining related self-reports of chocolate cravings and "chocoholism".


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Background: The high prevalence of physical inactivity worldwide calls for innovative and more effective ways to promote physical activity (PA). There are limited objective data on the effectiveness of Web-based personalized feedback on increasing PA in adults. Objective: It is hypothesized that providing personalized advice based on PA measured objectively alongside diet, phenotype, or genotype information would lead to larger and more sustained changes in PA, compared with nonpersonalized advice. Methods: A total of 1607 adults in seven European countries were randomized to either a control group (nonpersonalized advice, Level 0, L0) or to one of three personalized groups receiving personalized advice via the Internet based on current PA plus diet (Level 1, L1), PA plus diet and phenotype (Level 2, L2), or PA plus diet, phenotype, and genotype (Level 3, L3). PA was measured for 6 months using triaxial accelerometers, and self-reported using the Baecke questionnaire. Outcomes were objective and self-reported PA after 3 and 6 months. Results: While 1270 participants (85.81% of 1480 actual starters) completed the 6-month trial, 1233 (83.31%) self-reported PA at both baseline and month 6, but only 730 (49.32%) had sufficient objective PA data at both time points. For the total cohort after 6 months, a greater improvement in self-reported total PA (P=.02) and PA during leisure (nonsport) (P=.03) was observed in personalized groups compared with the control group. For individuals advised to increase PA, we also observed greater improvements in those two self-reported indices (P=.006 and P=.008, respectively) with increased personalization of the advice (L2 and L3 vs L1). However, there were no significant differences in accelerometer results between personalized and control groups, and no significant effect of adding phenotypic or genotypic information to the tailored feedback at month 3 or 6. After 6 months, there were small but significant improvements in the objectively measured physical activity level (P<.05), moderate PA (P<.01), and sedentary time (P<.001) for individuals advised to increase PA, but these changes were similar across all groups. Conclusions: Different levels of personalization produced similar small changes in objective PA. We found no evidence that personalized advice is more effective than conventional “one size fits all” guidelines to promote changes in PA in our Web-based intervention when PA was measured objectively. Based on self-reports, PA increased to a greater extent with more personalized advice. Thus, it is crucial to measure PA objectively in any PA intervention study.


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Objective Underreporting of energy intake is prevalent in food surveys, but there is controversy about which dietary assessment method provides greater underreporting rates. Our objective is to compare validity of self-reported energy intake obtained by three dietary assessment methods with total energy expenditure (TEE) obtained by doubly labeled water (DLW) among Brazilian women. Design We used a cross-sectional study. Subjects/setting Sixty-five females aged 18 to 57 years (28 normal-weight, 10 over-weight, and 27 obese) were recruited from two universities to participate. Main outcome measures TEE determined by DLW, energy intake estimated by three 24-hour recalls, 3-day food record, and a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Statistical analyses performed Regression and analysis of variance with repeated measures compared TEE and energy intake values, and energy intake-to-TEE ratios and energy intake-TEE values between dietary assessment methods. Bland and Altman plots were provided for each method. chi(2) test compared proportion of underreporters between the methods. Results Mean TEE was 2,622 kcal (standard deviation [SD] =490 kcal), while mean energy intake was 2,078 kcal (SD=430 kcal) for the diet recalls; 2,044 kcal (SD=479 kcal) for the food record and 1,984 kcal (SD=832 kcal) for the FFQ (all energy intake values significantly differed from TEE; P<0.0001). Bland and Altman plots indicated great dispersion, negative mean differences between measurements, and wide limits of agreement. Obese subjects underreported more than normal-weight subjects in the diet recalls and in the food records, but not in the FFQ. Years of education, income and ethnicity were associated with reporting accuracy. Conclusions The FFQ produced greater under- and overestimation of energy intake. Underreporting of energy intake is a serious and prevalent error in dietary self-reports provided by Brazilian women, as has been described in studies conducted in developed countries.


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The human being has a fundamental role in issues concerning scarcity of energy resources as well as in the success of technologies which favor the use of renewable sources, such as wind energy. But what does wind energy mean for people? What are the psychological meanings concerning this term? Aiming to answer these questions, the general objective of this dissertation was to identify and to analyze the knowledge about wind energy taking into account a network of psychological meanings. One hundred and ninety one (191) university students from Natal-RN participated in the study, being male the majority (53%); aged between 17 and 51 years old (M=23.3 years; SD=5.7). Participants responded to self reports using the Natural Semantic Networks (NSW) technique, as well as to several sociodemographic questions. The results showed a consistent, positive and useful general semantic network. In this semantic network, knowledge about wind energy was represented by words that correspond to the appeal of (pro) environmental stance (e.g., clean and nature), that evinced both the technological aspect (e.g., force) and the economic aspect (e.g., economy). Results from different groups were also analyzed. The first set of groups (non-environemental and environmental) was divided considering the course (e.g., ecology and economy). The second set of groups(non-caretaker and caretaker) was divided based on the practice of environmental care expressed. Subtle differences were observed in the semantic networks of caretakers, who emphasized environment, an attribute not mentioned by non-caretakes. This indicates a construction of knowledge that is influenced by the presence or absence of the environmental commitment. Such findings may be useful in the construction of instruments for surveys and in the development of public and educational policies. Additionally, they may assist the media towards a more objective performance concerning wind energy