947 resultados para Sala de Prensa Online


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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The world we have been living in has adopted competition as the way for surviving in it, especially due to the capitalism and consumer habits. In this research speaking English is considered one of these differentiations, i.e., distinguishing individuals a unique people. In addition, it is expected that by using this language, among other things, people could have access to: education, a better job and a higher quality of life. However, the process of learning a foreign language is very complex caused by many features that are involved in it, e.g. the impossibility to dissociate language, culture and society. Moreover, it was contemplated if from this language learning, it would be possible to build social and ideological relations as well as personal identities. The most applicable conclusion of this research is the requisite of making students aware of the process for an effective foreign language learning. As a consequence, the context and social, cultural, and ideological characteristics that are part of the mother tongue society must be taken into consideration in the same way as the foreign language society.


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En esta investigación, se ha analizado la gastronomía en la prensa española del siglo XIX a través del catálogo online de la Biblioteca Nacional. Los resultados, casi todos inéditos, revelan la importante presencia de la gastronomía en noticias, artículos y reportajes, y su desarrollo a partir de 1860, pero sobre todo en las dos últimas décadas de la centuria. Igualmente, ha sido posible plantear una categorización, así como esbozar parte de su historia y evolución en España.


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Traditionally, big media corporations have contributed to hiding the women’s movement itself, as well as its main claims and topics of discussion (Marx, Myra y Hess, 1995; Rhode, 1995; Mendes, 2011). This has led the feminist movement to develop its own media generally print publications, usually, with a very specialized character and reduced audience. This is similar to what has occurred with quality main stream media, asthese publications have had to adapt themselves to a new communicatiion context, because of the financial crisis and  technological evolution. Feminist media has found in the Internet an excellent opportunity to access citizens and communicate their messages. , In view of this scene of change and renovation,  this article offers the results of a qualitative analysis focused on the experiences of four feminist online media sites edited in Spain: Pikaramagazine.com, Proyecto-kahlo.com, Mujeresenred.net and Laindependent.cat. Besides exploring the characteristics and content of these sites, the article pays attention to the virality of their contents spread through Facebook and Twitter. The onclusion estimates their social impact, insofar as they symbolize the specialization, diversification and dialogue promoted by the Web.


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El trabajo releva la presencia de las universidades argentinas en la prensa de alcance nacional. Sistematizaremos la mención de ellas en la versión digital de los diarios para observar frecuencia de aparición y contenidos que se asocian. Partimos de la hipótesis de que los medios hegemónicos sólo registran los eventos de universidades del “interior del país” cuando se vinculan con hechos curiosos o violentos. Interesa indagar en qué casos particulares la referencia a dichas universidades se vincula con la producción y difusión académica del conocimiento científico, entre otras. Constituimos el corpus con fragmentos de textos periodísticos que permiten examinar estructuras gramaticales para develar las representaciones que la prensa naturaliza a través de esas formas. Seguimos consideraciones teórico-metodológicas de la Lingüística Crítica sobre el nivel sintáctico: cuando aparece una distorsión en la estructura superficial existe una manipulación ideológica del sentido. Incluimos parte de la teoría de las transformaciones: en el relato de un acontecimiento, cualquier alteración del esquema causa-consecuencia construye una ideología por la cual percibimos los hechos de otra manera. Asimismo, para establecer correlaciones semánticas en lo discursivo, analizaremos los términos en función de tipos de significado y valor eufórico/disfórico de la base léxica. Por otra parte, desde la Teoría de la Enunciación, distinguiremos palabras objetivas y subjetivas: los hechos enunciativos están constituidos por las huellas lingüísticas de la presencia del locutor en su enunciado, denominadas subjetivemas. Además de los pronombres, rasgos espaciales y temporales como marcas enunciativas, seleccionaremos unidades léxicas como sustantivos, adjetivos, verbos y adverbios. La existencia de los subjetivemas se fundamenta en que toda unidad léxica implica una interpretación del mundo, esto es, una ideología en el sentido que asumimos en nuestro trabajo desde el Análisis Crítico del Discurso. Como complemento de las perspectivas interpretativas mencionadas, realizaremos la cuantificación previa de referencias mediante el Análisis de Contenido como apoyo metodológico. A tal fin, el estudio prevé la utilización de una herramienta tecnológica diseñada ad hoc, para el conteo de frecuencia, relevamiento de contextos lingüísticos de aparición y asociaciones léxicas en la frase, como sistematización previa al trabajo cualitativo de valoración de estructuras léxico-semánticas y morfo-sintácticas. The research reflects the presence of Argentine universities in nationwide media. We will systematize their mention on online version of La Nación and Clarín newspapers to observe their frequency of appearance and the contents they are related to. With the hypothesis that hegemonic media only register events in universities from inside the country when they are related to curious or violent events, we will investigate in which particular cases the reference to such universities is related to the production and academic diffusion of scientific knowledge. We built up the corpus with fragments from articles which allow us to examine the deep grammatical structures to reveal the representation press naturalizes through these forms. We follow theoretical-methodological considerations of Critical Linguistics (CL) about the syntactical level: when a distortion in the superficial structure appears, there exists an ideological manipulation of meaning. Also, to establish semantic correlations on the discursive field, we will analyze terms as regards types of meaning and euphoric/disphoric value of lexical basis. From the Theory of Enunciation, we will distinguish between objective and subjective words (“subjectivemes”): lexical unit implies an interpretation of the world, that is, an ideology in the way we assume in our work from Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). As a complement to CL and CDA, we will carry out a previous quantification using a technological tool designed ad hoc.


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A informação que aparece sistematizada neste capítulo tem como finalidade o estudo da gestão da sala de aula pelos professores, apresentando perspetivas teóricas e investigações empíricas que permitam a sua compreensão e promoção, à luz de contributos situados, sobretudo, no âmbito da Psicologia da Educação. Depois de uma primeira parte a incidir na teoria, apresenta-se uma segunda parte dedicada à investigação e uma terceira parte de aplicação prática. Na primeira parte, as competências de gestão da sala de aula são consideradas na sua multi-dimensionalidade, gestão de conteúdos, gestão de comportamentos e gestão de conflitos. Competências comunicacionais na gestão da sala de aula são descritas no âmbito do Modelo Comunicacional Eclético (MCE), dado que este modelo fornece conceitos, procedimentos e estratégias que, pela sua abrangência e facilidade de aplicação, agilizam a compreensão dos processos que caraterizam as interações na sala de aula. Competências de organização dos espaços e dos tempos aparecem também contempladas, no âmbito da teorização apresentada. Na segunda parte, descreve-se um conjunto de investigações acerca da gestão da sala de aula, diferenciadas em estudos de caraterização e de avaliação, estudos sobre a gestão da sala de aula como variável independente, e estudos sobre a gestão da sala de aula como variável dependente. Na terceira parte, incluem-se propostas de atividades mais práticas e, ainda, sugestões de leitura de aprofundamento do tema gestão da sala de aula, bem como indicações de recursos online.


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The decisions and approaches taken by the teachers in the classroom are guided by their beliefs of what it means to teach and learn which are built along their history as a student and teacher. However, only the experiences lived by the teachers do not guarantee their professional development (CELCE-MURCIA, 2001). The teacher’s engagement in a process of reflection on their beliefs and pedagogical practices, which leads to the construction and reconstruction of meaning about their actions and the classroom is essential to their development, in order to become an agent of reflection. Considering the importance of reflection in teacher education, in this article, we emphasize the potential of virtual discussion forums to foster the sharing and the reflection of beliefs and practices of postgraduate students (language teachers) about the language teaching and learning process through interactive situations. By means of guidance and online and offline reflection, the students were able to share experiences on teaching and learning, as well as discuss their beliefs and the beliefs of their colleagues. The results of this study point out that understanding and interpreting the teachers’ beliefs can be a path to the transformation of their teaching practice through reflective practice. They also emphasize that the use of virtual discussion forums as a pedagogical tool can contribute in this direction.