671 resultados para SUBFAMILY


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The subfamily Tetragonopterinae is composed by a large number of species distributed in South and Central America. This subfamily has many taxonomic and phylogenetic problems, being considered by several authors as an artificial group. With the objective to better understanding the relationships among the components of this fish group, cytogenetic studies were conduced on five species of Tetragonopterinae. Astyanax janeiroensis had 2n=50 chromosomes (6M+14SM+14ST+16A), Hyphessobrycon reticulatus had 2n=50 chromosomes (14M+20SM+16ST), Hollandichthys multifasciatus had 2n=50 chromosomes (10M+12SM+28ST), Ctenobrycon hauxwellianus had 2n=50 chromosomes (10M+6SM+34ST), and Phenacogaster cf. pectinatus had 2n=46 chromosomes (12M+2ST+32A). Only A. janeiroensis had multiple NORs, while all other species had simple NORs. Small heterochromatic blocks were observed in the chromosomes of all species in a pericentromeric position. A. janeiroensis also had some chromosomes with large heterochromatic blocks in a terminal position and a pair with an interstitial block. The karyotypic evolution of each genus is discussed.


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The venom glands of worker ants of the species Ectatomma quadridens morphologically resemble an elongated sac or reservoir ending in a narrower portion that has the function of releasing the secretion to the exterior. Two external secretory filaments are individually inserted into the proximal portion of the gland and end inside the convoluted gland. The venom gland of workers of E. quadridens is, therefore, morphologically subdivided into four distinct portions: a) sac-shaped reservoir measuring approximately 1mm in length; b) excretory duct, proximal portion of the reservoir that joins the gland to the sting apparatus; c) convoluted gland, final portion of the external secretory filaments located inside the reservoir; and d) two secretory filaments measuring about 2 mm in length; their free extremities end blindly and are individually inserted into the reservoir wall at the proximal region of the venom gland. The histological data showed that the filaments and the convoluted gland are composed of cubic cells of secretory function. The reservoir consists of a simple cubical epithelium externally surrounded by muscle fibers. A thick cuticle internally coats the epithelium of the reservoir. The application of histochemical tests allowed us to establish that the final secretion of the venom gland of Ectatomma quadridens is of glycoproteic nature. This secretion undergoes several modifications at the secretory filaments, at the convoluted gland, and in the reservoir before reaching the excretory duct, the point at which the secretion is released in its final composition, namely the venom. Based on the differences among various Ponerinae species we propose a hypothesis suggesting a probable evolutionary process that the venom glands of members of this subfamily might have undergone.


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In the present study, the karyotype of three species (nine populations) of the Callichthyinae subfamily were investigated with the objective of better understanding the pattern of relationship among the genera that compose the subfamily. Among the four populations of Callichthys callichthys studied, two showed 2n=56 chromosomes and two 2n=58 chromosomes. Up to eight additional microchromosomes were observed in the sample from Marilia. The three populations of Hoplosternum littorale displayed the same number of chromosomes, 2n=60, and karyotypic constitution, 6M+2SM+52A. The two populations of Megalechis personata showed 2n=62 chromosomes and similar karyotypic formulae, 8M+54A and 6M+2SM+54A. Terminal Ag-NORs were found in one chromosome pair of C. callichthys, H. littorale, and M. personata from Itiquira, and in two pairs in M. personata from Rio Branco. The populations of C. callichthys showed C-band positive segments in centromeric and pericentromeric position and the populations of H. littorale and M. personata exhibited C-band positive segments in centromeric and/or interstitial position. Contrarily to the extensive chromosome rearrangements verified in the Corydoradinae subfamily, in the Callichthyinae subfamily a small number of changes seems to have occurred in its karyotypic evolution.


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We describe two new pterodectine feather mites (Analgoidea: Proctophyllodidae) from Brazilian passerines (Passeriformes): Pterodectes amaurochalinus sp. n., from Turdus amaurochalinus Cabanis (Turdidae), and Dolichodectes neotropicus sp. n., collected from Elaenia chiriquensis Lawrence (Tyrannidae). A key to species of the genus Dolichodectes is presented. Copyright © 2006 Magnolia Press.


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•Relationships of Cheirodontinae based on a broad taxonomic sample.•Results reject the monophyly of Cheirodontinae as previously conceived.•Exclusion of Amazonspinther and Spintherobolus from the subfamily Cheirodontinae.•The removal of Leptagoniates pi of the genus Leptagoniates and inclusion in Cheirodontinae.•Division of Cheirodontinae in three newly defined monophyletic tribes. Characidae is the most species-rich family of freshwater fishes in the order Characiformes, with more than 1000 valid species that correspond to approximately 55% of the order. Few hypotheses about the composition and internal relationships within this family are available and most fail to reach an agreement. Among Characidae, Cheirodontinae is an emblematic group that includes 18 genera (1 fossil) and approximately 60 described species distributed throughout the Neotropical region. The taxonomic and systematic history of Cheirodontinae is complex, and only two hypotheses about the internal relationships in this subfamily have been reported to date. In the present study, we test the composition and relationships of fishes assigned to Cheirodontinae based on a broad taxonomic sample that also includes some characid incertae sedis taxa that were previously considered to be part of Cheirodontinae. We present phylogenetic analyses of a large molecular dataset of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Our results reject the monophyly of Cheirodontinae as previously conceived, as well as the tribes Cheirodontini and Compsurini, and the genera Cheirodon, Compsura, Leptagoniates, Macropsobrycon, Odontostilbe, and Serrapinnus. On the basis of these results we propose: (1) the exclusion of Amazonspinther and Spintherobolus from the subfamily Cheirodontinae since they are the sister-group of all remaining Characidae; (2) the removal of Macropsobrycon xinguensis of the genus Macropsobrycon; (3) the removal of Leptagoniates pi of the genus Leptagoniates; (4) the inclusion of Leptagoniates pi in the subfamily Cheirodontinae; (5) the removal of Cheirodon stenodon of the genus Cheirodon and its inclusion in the subfamily Cheirodontinae under a new genus name; (6) the need to revise the polyphyletic genera Compsura, Odontostilbe, and Serrapinnus; and (7) the division of Cheirodontinae in three newly defined monophyletic tribes: Cheirodontini, Compsurini, and Pseudocheirodontini. Our results suggest that our knowledge about the largest Neotropical fish family, Characidae, still is incipient. © 2013 Elsevier Inc..


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Aquaporins have important roles in various physiological processes in plants, including growth, development and adaptation to stress. In this study, a gene encoding a root-specific tonoplast intrinsic aquaporin (TIP) from Eucalyptus grandis (named EgTIP2) was investigated. The root-specific expression of EgTIP2 was validated over a panel of five eucalyptus organ/tissues. In eucalyptus roots, EgTIP2 expression was significantly induced by osmotic stress imposed by PEG treatment. Histochemical analysis of transgenic tobacco lines (Nicotiana tabacum SR1) harboring an EgTIP2 promoter:GUS reporter cassette revealed major GUS staining in the vasculature and in root tips. Consistent with its osmotic-stress inducible expression in eucalyptus, EgTIP2 promoter activity was up-regulated by mannitol treatment, but was down-regulated by abscisic acid. Taken together, these results suggest that EgTIP2 might be involved in eucalyptus response to drought. Additional searches in the eucalyptus genome revealed the presence of four additional putative TIP coding genes, which could be individually assigned to the classical TIP1-5 groups. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The Triatominae subfamily consists of 145 species distributed in 18 genera and grouped in six tribes. Currently, there are 86 karyotypes described in the literature, distributed in 11 genera. There are five chromosomal complements described for these bloodsucking insects, out more, 22 (20A+XY), 23 (20A+X1X2Y), 24 (20A+X1X2X3Y), 21 (18A+X1X2Y), 25 (22A+X1X2Y). Thus, we review all triatomine species with the number of chromosomes described in the literature. Through these data highlight the importance of further analysis cytogenetic with karyotype description in Triatominae subfamily, since it can help as an important tool cytotaxonomy and mainly allows the understanding of the evolution of this important group of insect vectors of Chagas disease.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP450s) represent a superfamily of haem-thiolate proteins. CYP450s are most abundant in the liver, a major site of drug metabolism, and play key roles in the metabolism of a variety of substrates, including drugs and environmental contaminants. Interaction of two or more different drugs with the same enzyme can account for adverse effects and failure of therapy. Human CYP3A4 metabolizes about 50% of all known drugs, but little is known about the orthologous CYP450s in horses. We report here the genomic organization of the equine CYP3A gene cluster as well as a comparative analysis with the human CYP3A gene cluster. The equine CYP450 genes of the 3A family are located on ECA 13 between 6.97-7.53 Mb, in a region syntenic to HSA 7 99.05-99.35 Mb. Seven potential, closely linked equine CYP3A genes were found, in contrast to only four genes in the human genome. RNA was isolated from an equine liver sample, and the approximately 1.5-kb coding sequence of six CYP3A genes could be amplified by RT-PCR. Sequencing of the RT-PCR products revealed numerous hitherto unknown single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these six CYP3A genes, and one 6-bp deletion compared to the reference sequence (EquCab2.0). The presence of the variants was confirmed in a sample of genomic DNA from the same horse. In conclusion, orthologous genes for the CYP3A family exist in horses, but their number differs from those of the human CYP3A gene family. CYP450 genes of the same family show high homology within and between mammalian species, but can be highly polymorphic.


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Gastro-intestinal nematodes in ruminants, especially Haemonchus contortus, are a global threat to sheep and cattle farming. The emergence of drug resistance, and even multi-drug resistance to the currently available classes of broad spectrum anthelmintics, further stresses the need for new drugs active against gastro-intestinal nematodes. A novel chemical class of synthetic anthelmintics, the Amino-Acetonitrile Derivatives (AADs), was recently discovered and the drug candidate AAD-1566 (monepantel) was chosen for further development. Studies with Caenorhabditis elegans suggested that the AADs act via nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) of the nematode-specific DEG-3 subfamily. Here we identify nAChR genes of the DEG-3 subfamily from H. contortus and investigate their role in AAD sensitivity. Using a novel in vitro selection procedure, mutant H. contortus populations of reduced sensitivity to AAD-1566 were obtained. Sequencing of full-length nAChR coding sequences from AAD-susceptible H. contortus and their AAD-1566-mutant progeny revealed 2 genes to be affected. In the gene monepantel-1 (Hco-mptl-1, formerly named Hc-acr-23H), a panel of mutations was observed exclusively in the AAD-mutant nematodes, including deletions at intron-exon boundaries that result in mis-spliced transcripts and premature stop codons. In the gene Hco-des-2H, the same 135 bp insertion in the 5' UTR created additional, out of frame start codons in 2 independent H. contortus AAD-mutants. Furthermore, the AAD mutants exhibited altered expression levels of the DEG-3 subfamily nAChR genes Hco-mptl-1, Hco-des-2H and Hco-deg-3H as quantified by real-time PCR. These results indicate that Hco-MPTL-1 and other nAChR subunits of the DEG-3 subfamily constitute a target for AAD action against H. contortus and that loss-of-function mutations in the corresponding genes may reduce the sensitivity to AADs.


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CYP4F subfamily comprises a group of enzymes that metabolize LTB4 to biologically less active metabolites. These inactive hydroxy products are incapable of chemotaxis and recruitment of inflammatory cells. This has led to a hypothesis that CYP4Fs may modulate inflammatory conditions serving as a signal of resolution. ^ We investigated the regulation of rat CYP4F gene expression under various inflammatory prompts including a bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treated model system, controlled traumatic brain injury (TBI) model as well as using direct cytokine challenges. CYP4Fs showed an isoform specific response to LPS. The pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α produced an overall inductive CYP4F response whereas IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine, suppressed CYP4F gene expression in primary hepatocytes. The molecular mechanism behind IL-6 mediated CYP4F induction was partially STAT3 dependent. ^ An alternate avenue of triggering the inflammatory cascade is TBI, which is known to cause several secondary effects leading to multiorgan dysfunction syndrome. The results from this study elicited that trauma to the brain can produce acute inflammatory changes in organs distant from the injury site. Local production of LTB4 after CNS injury caused mobilization of inflammatory cells such as neutrophils to the lung. In the resolution phase, CYP4F expression increased with time along with the associated activity causing a decline in LTB4 concentration. This marked a significant reduction in neutrophil recruitment to the lung which led to subsequent recovery and repair. In addition, we showed that CYP4Fs are localized primarily in pulmonary endothelium. We speculate that the temporally regulated LTB4 clearance in the endothelium may be a novel target for treatment of pulmonary inflammation following injury. ^ In humans, several CYP4F isoforms have been identified and shown to metabolize LTB4 and other endogenous eicosanoids. However, the specific activity of the recently cloned human CYP4F11 is unknown. In the final part of this thesis, CYP4F11 protein was expressed in yeast in parallel to CYP4F3A. To our surprise, CYP4F11 displayed a different substrate profile than CYP4F3A. CYP4F3A metabolized eicosanoids while CYP4F11 was a better catalyst for therapeutic drugs. Thus, besides their endogenous function in clearing inflammation, CYP4Fs also may play a part in drug metabolism. ^


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The human cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A) subfamily is responsible for most of the metabolism of therapeutic drugs; however, an adequate in vivo model has yet to be discovered. This study begins with an investigation of a controversial topic surrounding the human CYP3As--estrogen regulation. A novel approach to this topic was used by defining expression in the estrogen-responsive endometrium. This study shows that estrogen down-regulates CYP3A4 expression in the endometrium. On the other hand, analogous studies showed an increase in CYP3A expression as age increases in liver tissue. Following the discussion of estrogen regulation, is an investigation of the cross-species relationships among all of the CYP3As was completed. The study compares isoforms from piscines, avians, rodents, canines, ovines, bovines, and primates. Using the traditional phylogenetic analyses and employing a novel approach using exon and intron lengths, the results show that only another primate could be the best animal model for analysis of the regulation of the expression of the human CYP3As. This analysis also demonstrated that the chimpanzee seems to be the best available human model. Moreover, the study showed the presence and similarities of one additional isoform in the chimpanzee genome that is absent in humans. Based on these results, initial characterization of the chimpanzee CYP3A subfamily was begun. While the human genome contains four isoforms--CYP3A4, CYP3A5, CYP3A7, and CYP3A43--the chimpanzee genome has five, the four previously mentioned and CYP3A67. Both species express CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and CYP3A43, but humans express CYP3A7 while chimpanzees express CYP3A67. In humans, CYP3A4 is expressed at higher levels than the other isoforms, but some chimpanzee individuals express CYP3A67 at higher levels than CYP3A4. Such a difference is expected to alter significantly the total CYP3A metabolism. On the other hand, any study considering individual isoforms would still constitute a valid method of study for the human CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and CYP3A43 isoforms. ^