925 resultados para STRESS-RESPONSE


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Following previously published observations that a conditioned response (CR) was lost more quickly by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exhibiting a high responsiveness to stressors than by low responding individuals this study was designed to investigate the effects of exogenous cortisol on the retention of a CR in unselected rainbow trout. Fish held in isolation were conditioned over a 10-day period by pairing an innocuous signal (conditioned stimulus, CS: a water jet played on the surface of the tank water) with a mild stressor (unconditioned stimulus, US: 30 min of confinement). This resulted in a brief elevation of plasma cortisol levels (the CR) when the fish was exposed to the CS only. The effect of exogenous cortisol on the retention of the CR was evaluated by comparing the performance of fish that received cortisol-containing slow-release intraperitoneal implants, with fish receiving vehicle-only implants. Retention of the CR was assessed at intervals up to 35 days after conditioning ceased. The CR was considered to be evident when 30 min following presentation of the CS, mean plasma cortisol levels were significantly higher in conditioned than untrained fish. on day 1 both cortisol-implanted and vehicle-implanted conditioned fish exhibited a CR. However, from day 5 onwards the CR was observed only in the vehicle-implanted and conditioned group. This finding indicates that administration of cortisol accelerated the extinction of the CR in the cortisol-implanted fish, suggesting that elevated plasma cortisol levels can impair memory processes in rainbow trout. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mitochondrial inner membrane uncoupling proteins (UCP) catalyze a proton conductance that dissipates the proton electrochemical gradient established by the respiratory chain, thus affecting the yield of ATP synthesis. UCPs are involved in mitochondrial energy flow regulation and have been implicated in oxidative stress tolerance. Based on the global gene expression profiling datasets available for Arabidopsis thaliana, in this review we discuss the regulation of UCP gene expression during development and in response to stress, and provide interesting insights on the possible existence of epigenetic regulation of UCP expression.


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Este artigo traz os primeiros resultados sobre a resposta ao estresse em jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) expostos a diferentes cores de luz. O jundiá é uma espécie para produção no sul da América do Sul - sendo assim apta a cultivo em qualquer região de clima temperado e subtropical. Com o objetivo de desenvolver um manejo de luz para o jundiá durante sua manutenção em tanques internos e de entender a relação entre as cores de luz e o bem-estar da espécie, alevinos foram exposto por 10 dias à luz branca, azul e verde. No 10° dia de exposição às diferentes cores de luz, um estressor agudo foi imposto. Uma hora após a aplicação do estressor, os peixes foram amostrados e a resposta ao estresse medida por meio da determinação da concentração sérica de cortisol. Nossos resultados mostraram que a luz verde parece ser a pior alternativa para iluminar instalações internas ou de transporte de jundiás. Os resultados também sugerem que a cor da luz afeta a resposta ao estresse dos jundiás, conhecimento que pode ser útil no manejo da espécie.


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We investigated the effects of environmental light colors (blue, yellow and white) on the stress responses (measured by changes in ventilatory frequency - VF) of Nile tilapia to confinement. After 7 days of light treatment, the VF was similar for fish in each color. On the 8th day, fish were confined for 15. min. After release, the post-confinement VF was measured six times (first period: 0, 2 and 4. min; second period: 6, 8 and 10. min). Irrespective of the light color treatment, confinement increased the VF to higher levels during the first post-confinement period than during the second one. When color was analyzed, irrespective of time, fish under white light increased their VF post-confinement, and blue light prevented this effect. We conclude that blue light is the preferred color for Nile tilapia in terms of reducing stress. This finding is in contrast to previous choice test studies that indicated that yellow is their preferred color. © 2012 Elsevier GmbH.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Abstract Background The importance of the lung parenchyma in the pathophysiology of asthma has previously been demonstrated. Considering that nitric oxide synthases (NOS) and arginases compete for the same substrate, it is worthwhile to elucidate the effects of complex NOS-arginase dysfunction in the pathophysiology of asthma, particularly, related to distal lung tissue. We evaluated the effects of arginase and iNOS inhibition on distal lung mechanics and oxidative stress pathway activation in a model of chronic pulmonary allergic inflammation in guinea pigs. Methods Guinea pigs were exposed to repeated ovalbumin inhalations (twice a week for 4 weeks). The animals received 1400 W (an iNOS-specific inhibitor) for 4 days beginning at the last inhalation. Afterwards, the animals were anesthetized and exsanguinated; then, a slice of the distal lung was evaluated by oscillatory mechanics, and an arginase inhibitor (nor-NOHA) or vehicle was infused in a Krebs solution bath. Tissue resistance (Rt) and elastance (Et) were assessed before and after ovalbumin challenge (0.1%), and lung strips were submitted to histopathological studies. Results Ovalbumin-exposed animals presented an increase in the maximal Rt and Et responses after antigen challenge (p<0.001), in the number of iNOS positive cells (p<0.001) and in the expression of arginase 2, 8-isoprostane and NF-kB (p<0.001) in distal lung tissue. The 1400 W administration reduced all these responses (p<0.001) in alveolar septa. Ovalbumin-exposed animals that received nor-NOHA had a reduction of Rt, Et after antigen challenge, iNOS positive cells and 8-isoprostane and NF-kB (p<0.001) in lung tissue. The activity of arginase 2 was reduced only in the groups treated with nor-NOHA (p <0.05). There was a reduction of 8-isoprostane expression in OVA-NOR-W compared to OVA-NOR (p<0.001). Conclusions In this experimental model, increased arginase content and iNOS-positive cells were associated with the constriction of distal lung parenchyma. This functional alteration may be due to a high expression of 8-isoprostane, which had a procontractile effect. The mechanism involved in this response is likely related to the modulation of NF-kB expression, which contributed to the activation of the arginase and iNOS pathways. The association of both inhibitors potentiated the reduction of 8-isoprostane expression in this animal model.


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Fluoxetine (FLX) is commonly used to treat anxiety and depressive disorders in pregnant women. Since FLX crosses the placenta and is excreted in milk, maternal treatment with this antidepressant may expose the fetus and neonate to increased levels of serotonin (5-HT). Long-term behavioral abnormalities have been reported in rodents exposed to higher levels of 5-HT during neurodevelopment. In this study we evaluated if maternal exposure to FLX during pregnancy and lactation would result in behavioral and/or stress response disruption in adolescent and adult rats. Our results indicate that exposure to FLX influenced restraint stress-induced Fos expression in the amygdala in a gender and age-specific manner. In male animals, a decreased expression was observed in the basolateral amygdala at adolescence and adulthood; whereas at adulthood, a decrease was also observed in the medial amygdala. A lack of FLX exposure effect was observed in females and also in the paraventricular nucleus of both genders. Regarding the behavioral evaluation, FLX exposure did not induce anhedonia in the sucrose preference test but decreased the latency to feed of both male and female adolescent rats evaluated in the novelty-suppressed feeding test. In conclusion, FLX exposure during pregnancy and lactation decreases acute amygdalar stress response to a psychological stressor in males (adolescents and adults) as well as influences the behavior of adolescents (males and females) in a model that evaluates anxiety and/or depressive-like behavior. Even though FLX seems to be a developmental neurotoxicant, the translation of these findings to human safe assessment remains to be determined since it is recognized that not treating a pregnant or lactating woman may also impact negatively the development of the descendants.


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The studies reviewed in this article certainly do not constitute the entire body of research conducted by Wylie Vale's group and his collaborators, they might constitute turning points in CRF research. In addition, the studies reviewed here show that, over the course of 31 years (from 1981 to 2012), Wylie tirelessly pursued the answers to fundamental questions regarding CRF. He was a man whose drive never seemed to falter


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Staphylococcus aureus alpha-hemolysin was the first bacterial toxin recognized to form pores in the plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells. It is secreted as a water-soluble monomer that upon contact with target membranes forms an amphiphatic heptameric beta-barrel which perforates the bilayer. As a consequence, red cells undergo colloidosmotic lyses, while some nucleated cells may succumb to necrosis or programmed cell death. However, most cells are capable of repairing a limited number of membrane lesions, and then respond with productive transcriptional activation of NF-kB. In the present study, by using microarray and semiquantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), data from a previously performed serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) were extended and verified, revealing that immediate early genes (IEGs) such as c-fos, c-jun and egr-1 are strongly induced at 2-8 h after transient toxin treatment. Activating protein 1 (AP-1: c-Fos, c-Jun) binding activity was increased accordingly. As IEGs are activated by growth factors, these findings led to the discovery that -toxin promotes cell cycle progression of perforated cells in an EGFR-dependent fashion. Although the amount of c-fos mRNA rose rapidly after toxin treatment, c-Fos protein expression was observed only after a lag of about 3 h. Since translation consumes much ATP, which transiently drops after transient membrane perforation, the suspicion arised that membrane-perforation caused global, but temporary downregulation of translation. In fact, eIF2α became heavily phosphorylated minutes after cells had been confronted with the toxin, resulting in shutdown of protein synthesis before cellular ATP levels reached the nadir. GCN2 emerged as a candidate eIF2α kinase, since its expression rapidly increased in toxin-treated cells. Two hours after toxin treatment, GADD34 transcripts, encoding a protein that targets the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) to the endoplasmic reticulum, were overexpressed. This was followed by dephosphorylation of eIF2α and resumption of protein synthesis. Addition of tautomycetin, a specific inhibitor of PP1, led to marked hyperphosphorylation of eIF2α and significantly reduced the drop of ATP-levels in toxin-treated cells. A novel link between two major stress-induced signalling pathways emerged when it was found that both translational arrest and restart were under the control of stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK) p38. The data provide an explanation for the indispensible role of p38 for defence against the archetypal threat of membrane perforation by agents that produce small transmembrane-pores.


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In modern farm systems the economic interests make reducing the risks related to transport practice an important goal. An increasing attention is directed to the welfare of animals in transit, also considering the new existing facilities. In recent years the results coming from the study of animal farm behaviour were used as tool to assess the welfare. In this thesis were analyzed behavioural patterns, jointly with blood variables, to evaluate the stress response of piglets and young bulls during transport. Since the animal behaviour could be different between individuals and these differences can affect animal responses to aversive situations, the individual behavioural characteristics were taken in account. Regarding young bulls, selected to genetic evaluation, the individual behaviour was investigated before, during and after transport, while for piglets was adopted a tested methodology classification and behavioural tests to observe their coping characteristics. The aim of this thesis was to analyse the behavioural and physiological response of young bulls and piglets to transport practice and to investigate if coping characteristics may affect how piglets cope with aversive situations. The thesis is composed by four experimental studies. The first one aims to identify the best existent methodology classification of piglets coping style between those that were credited in literature. The second one investigated the differences in response to novel situations of piglets with different coping styles. The last studies evaluated the stress response of piglets and young bulls to road transportation. The results obtained show that transport did not affect the behaviour and homeostasis of young animals which respond in a different way from adults. However the understanding of individual behavioural characteristic and the use of behavioural patterns, in addition to blood analyses, need to be more investigated in order to be useful tools to assess the animal response in aversive situation.


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Among abiotic stresses, high salinity stress is the most severe environmental stress. High salinity exerts its negative impact mainly by disrupting the ionic and osmotic equilibrium of the cell. In saline soils, high levels of sodium ions lead to plant growth inhibition and even death. Salt tolerance in plants is a multifarious phenomenon involving a variety of changes at molecular, organelle, cellular, tissue as well as whole plant level. In addition, salt tolerant plants show a range of adaptations not only in morphological or structural features but also in metabolic and physiological processes that enable them to survive under extreme saline environments. The main objectives of my dissertation were understanding the main physiological and biomolecular features of plant responses to salinity in different genotypes of horticultural crops that are belonging to different families Solanaceae (tomato) and Cucurbitaceae (melon) and Brassicaceae (cabbage and radish). Several aspects of crop responses to salinity have been addressed with the final aim of combining elements of functional stress response in plants by using several ways for the assessment of plant stress perception that ranging from destructive measurements (eg. leaf area, relative growth rate, leaf area index, and total plant fresh and dry weight), to physiological determinations (eg. stomatal conductance, leaf gas exchanges, water use efficiency, and leaf water relation), to the determination of metabolite accumulation in plant tissue (eg. Proline and protein) as well as evaluation the role of enzymatic antioxidant capacity assay in scavenging reactive oxygen species that have been generated under salinized condition, and finally assessing the gene induction and up-down regulation upon salinization (eg. SOS pathway).


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This PhD thesis is focused on cold atmospheric plasma treatments (GP) for microbial inactivation in food applications. In fact GP represents a promising emerging technology alternative to the traditional methods for the decontamination of foods. The objectives of this work were to evaluate: - the effects of GP treatments on microbial inactivation in model systems and in real foods; - the stress response in L. monocytogenes following exposure to different GP treatments. As far as the first aspect, inactivation curves were obtained for some target pathogens, i.e. Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli, by exposing microbial cells to GP generated with two different DBD equipments and processing conditions (exposure time, material of the electrodes). Concerning food applications, the effects of different GP treatments on the inactivation of natural microflora and Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Enteritidis and Escherichia coli on the surface of Fuji apples, soya sprouts and black pepper were evaluated. In particular the efficacy of the exposure to gas plasma was assessed immediately after treatments and during storage. Moreover, also possible changes in quality parameters such as colour, pH, Aw, moisture content, oxidation, polyphenol-oxidase activity, antioxidant activity were investigated. Since the lack of knowledge of cell targets of GP may limit its application, the possible mechanism of action of GP was studied against 2 strains of Listeria monocytogenes by evaluating modifications in the fatty acids of the cytoplasmic membrane (through GC/MS analysis) and metabolites detected by SPME-GC/MS and 1H-NMR analyses. Moreover, changes induced by different treatments on the expression of selected genes related to general stress response, virulence or to the metabolism were detected with Reverse Transcription-qPCR. In collaboration with the Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA, USA) also proteomic profiles following gas plasma exposure were analysed through Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology (MudPIT) to evaluate possible changes in metabolic processes.


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The betaine/GABA transporter BGT1 is one of the most important osmolyte transporters in the kidney. BGT1 is a member of the neurotransmitter sodium symporter (NSS) family, facilitates Na+/Cl--coupled betaine uptake to cope with hyperosmotic stress. Betaine transport in kidney cells is upregulated under hypertonic conditions by a yet unknown mechanism when increasing amounts of intracellular BGT1 are inserted into the plasma membrane. Re-establishing isotonicity results in ensuing depletion of BGT1 from the membrane. BGT1 phosphorylation on serines and threonines might be a regulation mechanism. In the present study, four potential PKC phosphorylation sites were mutated to alanines and the responses to PKC activators, phorbol 12-myristate acetate (PMA) and dioctanoyl-sn-glycerol (DOG) were determined. GABA-sensitive currents were diminished after 30 min preincubation with these PKC activators. Staurosporine blocked the response to DOG. Three mutants evoked normal GABA-sensitive currents but currents in oocytes expressing the mutant T40A were greatly diminished. [3H]GABA uptake was also determined in HEK-293 cells expressing EGFP-tagged BGT1 with the same mutations. Three mutants showed normal upregulation of GABA uptake after hypertonic stress, and downregulation by PMA was normal compared to EGFP-BGT1. In contrast, GABA uptake by the T40A mutant showed no response to hypertonicity or PMA. Confocal microscopy of the EGFP-BGT1 mutants expressed in MDCK cells, grown on glass or filters, revealed that T40A was present in the cytoplasm after 24 h hypertonic stress while the other mutants and EGFP-BGT1 were predominantely present in the plasma membrane. All four mutants co-migrated with EGFP-BGT1 on Western blots suggesting they are full-length proteins. In conclusion, T235, S428, and S564 are not involved in downregulation of BGT1 due to phosphorylation by PKC. However, T40 near the N-terminus may be part of a hot spot important for normal trafficking or insertion of BGT1 into the plasma membrane. Additionally, a link between substrate transport regulation, insertion of BGT1 into the plasma membrane and N-glycosylation in the extracellular loop 2 (EL2) could be revealed. The functional importance of two predicted N-glycosylation sites, which are conserved in EL2 within the NSS family were investigated for trafficking, transport and regulated plasma membrane insertion by immunogold-labelling, electron microscopy, mutagenesis, two-electrode voltage clamp measurements in Xenopus laevis oocytes and uptake of radioactive-labelled substrate into MDCK cells. Trafficking and plasma membrane insertion of BGT1 was clearly promoted by proper N-glycosylation in both, oocytes and MDCK cells. De-glycosylation with PNGase F or tunicamycin led to a decrease in substrate affinity and transport rate. Mutagenesis studies revealed that in BGT1 N183 is the major N-glycosylation site responsible for full protein activity. Replacement of N183 with aspartate resulted in a mutant, which was not able to bind N-glycans suggesting that N171 is a non-glycosylated site in BGT1. N183D exhibited close to WT transport properties in oocytes. Surprisingly, in MDCK cells plasma membrane insertion of the N183D mutant was no longer regulated by osmotic stress indicating unambiguously that association with N-glycans at this position is linked to osmotic stress-induced transport regulation in BGT1. The molecular transport mechanism of BGT1 remains largely unknown in the absence of a crystal structure. Therefore investigating the structure-function relationship of BGT1 by a combination of structural biology (2D and 3D crystallization) and membrane protein biochemistry (cell culture, substrate transport by radioactive labeled GABA uptake into cells and proteoliposomes) was the aim of this work. While the functional assays are well established, structure determination of eukaryotic membrane transporters is still a challenge. Therefore, a suitable heterologous expression system could be defined, starting with cloning and overexpression of an optimized gene. The achieved expression levels in P. pastoris were high enough to proceed with isolation of BGT1. Furthermore, purification protocols could be established and resulted in pure protein, which could even be reconstituted in an active form. The quality and homogeneity of the protein allowed already 2D and 3D crystallization, in which initial crystals could be obtained. Interestingly, the striking structural similarity of BGT1 to the bacterial betaine transporter BetP, which became a paradigm for osmoregulated betaine transport, provided information on substrate coordination in BGT1. The structure of a BetP mutant that showed activity for GABA was solved to 3.2Å in complex with GABA in an inward facing open state. This structure shed some light into the molecular transport mechanisms in BGT1 and might help in future to design conformationally locked BGT1 to enforce the on-going structure determination.


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Intracellular copper routing in Enterococcus hirae is accomplished by the CopZ copper chaperone. Under copper stress, CopZ donates Cu(+) to the CopY repressor, thereby releasing its bound zinc and abolishing repressor-DNA interaction. This in turn induces the expression of the cop operon, which encodes CopY and CopZ, in addition to two copper ATPases, CopA and CopB. To gain further insight into the function of CopZ, the yeast two-hybrid system was used to screen for proteins interacting with the copper chaperone. This led to the identification of Gls24, a member of a family of stress response proteins. Gls24 is part of an operon containing eight genes. The operon was induced by a range of stress conditions, but most notably by copper. Gls24 was overexpressed and purified, and was shown by surface plasmon resonance analysis to also interact with CopZ in vitro. Circular dichroism measurements revealed that Gls24 is partially unstructured. The current findings establish a novel link between Gls24 and copper homeostasis.